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My little man keeps taking off his diaper if I don't put some shorts on him. It's hot here (heat index like 112) so I like to let him be free in the house. Is this just a phase all kids go through? He thinks it's hilarious, but I'm worried he's going to pee all over our stuff as we pack.
Grace- I laughed so hard! oh I forget those things when there is 5 years between babies! but yeah its a phase and most kids go through it....my mom had pics of me at that age running around buck naked. hows the packing going?

zoey-how is your packing and moving going? I remember we moved when Joshua was like 6 weeks old out of my parents and into our first real place. it was crazy but great!

Janelle-hows it going bestie?

erin-nice to hear all is moving along well!

afm-OMG had a migraine from HELL yesterday! of course we are suppose to be getting bad weather here to the pressure is bad. I took so much meds yesterday and was barely functional. I took the last 2 norcos I had from surgery, decongestants, tynol and two of my migraine pills imatrex all before I left for work at 5pm. and my head stil hurt!!! when I got home I took more tynol and finally felt some relief. work up today and more sinus pressure so trying to keep on top of that.

got today off so gonna try and get some stuff done around the house.
Funny Grace!! Let it all hang out and air out, Ethan!! Good opportunity to potty train since it's already out lol. I'm totally kidding. Ashlie asked if she could start trying to potty train Tyler next month when she starts another kid she watches who's 2. I said no way. He'll only be 16 months! That's way too young in my opinion...
Haha Grace I think all kids are little nudists by nature. ;) Maybe some lightweight shorts or something wouldn't really make it that much hotter? Does he pull em straight down or does he undo where it fastens? If they're sposies maybe put masking tape over the tabs? Idk!

Krissy, hope you feel good today and have a productive but relaxing day off!

I agree with Misty that's a little too young to potty train. ;) I've heard with boys that you don't want to potty train until 24 mos for physical maturity reasons. If they hold it, the "plumbing" can get backed up and cause problems. For girls 18 mos. I have NO idea how accurate this info is though.
Thank you HisGrace i managed to get one thank you to my friends usa cousin but i will remember you if there's a next time. Thank.you so much :kiss:

Not nearly packed we hardly have time too oh welo. My friend is going to have to help me tomorrow :wacko:
Potty training...oh the joys lol! Boys on average are about 36months before fully potty trained. Joshua was 33 months.....ava was 20 months and Jamie was 30 months....

erin feelng better but mister blake is not wanting to nap today so far I went to te store got some bills paid but that's it
Two days no post.....hmm...

well mr. blake is now 8 weeks old! I cant believe it!!!!

for the most part he is such a good baby! he does have his days where he don't want to sleep much but then sleeps like a rock star at night. pretty much have a good feeding schedule at night he sleeps like 4 hours or so at first then wakes then its about two more 3 hour stretches. he never eats for more than like 5 minutes at a time and goes right back to sleep so I can live with that...

here are some pics I took today....his shirt says dude your girlfriend keeps checking me out lol and its a 3-6month!


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its always my day off that no one is around.....I work 3p-3a tomorrow and sunday. I have an amazing scheduler so she put me on all the days josh has off. going to do that the next month and see how it goes. not bad I would work 5 days one week and 2 the next longest stretch of working will be 3 days with a few 12hr shifts in there. so excited for the extra money got school shopping coming up and josh and jamies bday in sept. I was thinking of taking them to Michigan Adventures its an amusement park only 2 hrs away and it priced ok....like$25 for adults and gets you into a water park to. got to talk to josh.

got to get a new mattress to ours is so uncomfy we have been sleeping on the couch.

other than that just taking it day by day...
My toots had his 15 month wellness appt yesterday. He's still a midget lol. He's still in the 18th percentile for height.... he's only 30 1/2 inches tall. He's in the 44th percentile for weight at 22 lbs 7oz. Soooo he's still a little guy. She said he's a genius little guy tho with all the body parts he knows and the animal sounds he knows. All the nurses were just dying laughing when he tells you what an elephant says. He's a goof. Only 2 shots this time then back in 3 months! Poor guy had a stomach bug then strep then shots and to top it off is cutting at least 3 teeth right now, 2 being molars!

How's the packing going, Grace? Hope you're not working too hard! Or being peed on!! Haha Did you ever answer me what baby's heart rate is running?

Erin, how's the prego? Getting bigger and bigger? lol Two girls at my work announced their pregnancies weeks apart from each other and ends up they're due 1 day apart from each other. Funny.

Going to a surprise 40th birthday party for a guy I worked with at my last job and the part time job I had too.

Hope everybody is having a good weekend! Need more kid pictures posted! Everybody's been slacking!
Krissy - Blake is such a cutie!!!

Misty - 44 percentile for weight isn't skinny. Tyler's creeping on up there. I haven't packed a thing since we got the offer. My mom is coming up to help so I've been holding off so she'll have something to do. I missed your question on the heart rate. It's been ranging from 140s to 150s.
Grace, glad mom is coming to help! That's what Tyler's heart rate ran so it'll be interesting to see if it's a boy according to that rate. Was that Ethan's too? Have you started house hunting? I LOVE looking at houses!
Misty - Yep his was always in the 140s. I'm convinced it's a boy and as we go house shopping I just keep picturing two boys running around. We just put in an offer on a house today so I hope we get it. I like it but I'm not willing to negotiate much on the price.
Grace-thanks and good luck on the house!

omg I just got done with my second 12hr shift in a row and I am beat! I got to get some sleep bc blake and ava both have well child check tomorrow at 1020...ugh....andi only got 4hrs of sleep yesterday....but got next two days off so that's good.
Grace that was fast! Have you heard back on your offer? Are you staying in the same city? Just different part of town?
Misty - We haven't heard back. We gave them 2 business days to respond though. I'm thinking they are going to counter, but I'm stubborn so we can just keep looking if they counter for too much. We are looking in a different suburb, but they are all around the same city. The place we are moving is consistently ranked as one of the best cities in Texas and I've seen it as a best city in America a few times too. Good schools so now I won't have to worry about paying for private school unless we really want it.

ETA: We got the house!!!
so been thinking bc the last few years money has been really tight so couldn't do much for the boys bdays....so this year we are taking the kids to CedarPOint! they have whats called halloweekends and it is awesome and fun and the kids love roller coasters so plan is my parents go with and we will go on Joshuas bday Sept 20th. spend the day with the kids then ship them and my parent off to the hotel for the night and josh and I stay and live it up. park is open 11am-midnight....so excited!!!
so after talking to blake ped yesterday at his well child we have come into agreement that he needs to go on a sentive formula bc he has acid reflux so bad. she said I can still do a few feeding a day with breast milk for the antibodies but the majority of his feedings need to be with the formula. his reflux is so bad he spits up in his sleep and they said it is so bad bc his muscle are weak from being a premie. other than that hs heart murmur is still there so need to see the cardiologist next month hopefully not too bad surgery is not totally out of the picture. other than that he is healthy 11# 12oz now and 23in. he smiles and "talks" to us Avarie also had her well child and is 48# 44in. she is right were she should be for a 6yr old...

I am still exhausted I think it has something to do with the weather. I work tomorrow and Thursday 3-11p fri and sat off then work 4 days.

my boobs hurt from limited feedings so thining I need to start pumping more....

its the hubby's bday so cupcakes and ice cream tonight
Blake is already doing so much better! I hate how he has acid reflux so bad......

got work today and tomorrow. only working 3-11p so not too bad. josh made a comment to me why I don't get a better job but I love my job. yeah I have days where I am overwhelmed and what not. but I get paid really well and I love taking care of my old people. so many of them don't have family members and frieds who don't visit and I get ot be that person who makes them feel loved and wanted and make them smile. I am their family and I love the fact I make a difference. I always thought of becoming a full nurse but now seeing how they spend 90% of their time pushing pills and doing paper work that's not me I love the interaction. I have so many families who thank me for caring for their loved ones and I get so close to them....I feel like I make a difference and that is what is important to me. if I became a nurse I would have like a $5 or so pay increase but the headache is not worth it to me.

the more I think about the more I know for now I am doing what is right for me.
Ok so total freak out! yesterday while I was at work josh had a low blood sugar.....bad! I had taught Joshua if daddy is sweating a lot and cant talk he has a low blood and needs to eat something or drink juice. Joshua said he tried to find the juice but couldn't....we were out in the fridge it was in the cupboard, and I guess josh finally came to enough to get up and eat some strawberries.....poor Joshua was so scared and crying....dumbass me forgot to teach him how to call anyone on joshs phone. so the first thing I did last night after he told me all this was teach him how to unlock the phone and find grandma and grandpas number in the phone. today I am going to program my work number in the phone....I need to get a phone that gets better signal and works at my work so I can have him call me. maybe I will see if joshs work there today...I am so scared to leave the kids now...what if this happens when its just josh and the baby....its happening a lot more lately I don't know whats going on.....

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