A home for EVERYONE!

Zoey - Sorry it's so hot. I would gladly switch with you so I can get out of this 35 degree C heat with 98% humidity. I don't know how I'm going to get through August. That's normally our hottest month of the year.
I hate moving but I'd LOVE a new house!!
same here mnj :haha:

i am slowly buliding up a cloth nappy stash i cant wait until she fits in them
Ugh I think I am still alive! I am actually liking going to work for only a few hours and blake seems to be doing just fine with either grandma or daddy taking care of him. he is such a serious little man so he is getting close to smiling on purpose but he does it all the time in his sleep....the kids still love him to pieces so happy no jealousy there no among the three of them is another issue lol....

my dad is doing ok on the chemo....he is pretty tired and did have two days of vomiting. but my mom is trying to make things easier on him she bought him a new weedwacker that is a walk behind so he can keep doing yard work he loves to do and got him a new tablet he can take to treatments and to play on when he is stuck in bed.

Zoey-good luck on the move! this summer so far has not been too bad here I have say but I also have central air.....I grew up with out it and since I have been on my own always have had it and I would never go with out again lol.

grace-oh my on the move! but yay on getting quick offers! I sooo cant wait till we find a new place closer to our jobs save on gas and we want one where we can get the dog we want....

misty-hope tyler is feeling better! there is some really nasty bronchitis super contagious crap going around at work right now and I am refusing to care for anyone with it bc I don't want to bring anything home to blake.

other than that I got to work 245-11p today....
Krissy - That's great that your dad can still do something he loves. I've heard chemo can sometimes take a lot out of a person. Hope he does well with rest of his treatments.
Hey ladies,

Been busy here. Apologize for my absentness. Hehe

Planning for my son's first birthday. Where did the time go?

Hope everyone is well. I will do some catch up reading now.
Hey ladies!!

Well, Yesterday was the big day! My best friend had her wedding!! It was so much fun. So laid back.

And today was an ever bigger day. I CUT 24" OF HAIR FROM MY HEAD!!!
YEP!! That's two 24" pig tails of virginal hair, that I donated to locks of love.


Here's the purple, in some better lighting, so you can see my hair is lighter. There is more purple underneath and throughout that shows through better in the sun. I was kinda "irritated" in this picture because Dan doesn't know how to take pictures... Hand him a wrench or a hammer and he can fix something, hand him a camera or a cell phone and it's a deer in headlights.



Another BIIIIIIIIIGGG thing to report to you ladies that I am pretty proud of. I would just like to give myself a big pat on the back. Since having Sara, and BUSTING my ass off, having run my treadmill into the ground which lead to a small nervous breakdown, but quickly turned around with the help of my best friend with her giving me her elliptical and with the love and support of my friend and family and since weaning Sara mainly and really busting my ass off. I have lost all my prepregnancy weight from Sara, I have lost all my pregnancy weight that I was carrying around from when I got pregnant with Samuel AND I managed to lose the stupid weight that I gained when I was put on prednisone when I had pneumonia years ago. I am finally back down to what I've pretty much weighted 16-21 which is a normal healthy weight and I did it all with exercise. I'm really excited or I guess I should say anxious to see if any of this is going to change my cholesterol levels next February. My plan is to continue excising not for weight loss, but just to stay healthy and to help with my cholesterol levels. Fingers crossed, I really don't want to start any sort of medication for that crap, but if it's hereditary, I might not have a choice. Thanks a lot, Mom. :dohh:
Janelle.. Absolutely love your new hair do :)

Congratulations on the weight loss.

Question: My baby is having a hard time with solids - basically do not like anything. Give him some puree or puree like (i.e. Yogurt) he eats it. He has to get used to solids. Is he just not ready or? I have been trying solids with him for over a month.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks ladies!

Aspe, does he like cereal and oatmeal? Or is he just spitting everything out? Gagging? It might be a texture thing that he needs to get used to if he's gagging. Best advice I could give is to make your own food for awhile and really puree it then puree it less and less over time so the taste never changes for him, but the texture gets slightly different for him to get use to. Or put a few pieces of solids on his tray and let him feed himself. Like OVER cooked pasta pieces, boiled potatoes, steamed carrots, broccoli... Just make sure you cut them up small or mush them some, you want REALLY soft. Hope this helps some. :)
Sometimes he gag. Sometimes he just keeps it in his mouth for awhile. He was on puree until last month. I may have to try pureeing again but still leaving some chunks. I will prob have to puree things on a daily basis instead of doing large bulld and freezing. Thanks

He does like baby cereal.
Grace, how exciting you're getting so close! And that's fantastic news that you were able to sell the house quickly. That's great that you can work it out so that you're not under the gun find a house or rushed to get it all in order. Lots of exciting things on the horizon for you. I'm with Misy, I'd love a new house, but I HATE moving. It's too soon for us anyway...we've only been here 4 years. We were rushed moving in and now I think it's like we're still moving in.

Misty that blows my mind that the nurse once told you that it's fine for him to pee once in 24 hours! Is the little guy continuing to feel and act better??

Zoey I love your avatar photo...so precious. Great that you're building up your cloth diaper stash bit by bit. I thought about cloth diapering this time, but then I see the laundry crawling the walls as it is, and I know I wouldn't be able to keep up. Any particular type that you've been getting? Some of them are so cute.

Krissy glad you're enjoying work, though it does sound a bit tiring. That's so great that the kids are so in love with their new baby brother! Glad your dad is doing okay on the chemo. That's awesome about the new weedwhacker and the tablet.

Janelle, glad the wedding was fun! And wowowowww on the hair! I cut off a ponytail for locks of love when I was in college, then never mailed it off (my salon didn't do it). :dohh: I'm a horrible person. :( I think it's still at my mom's house somewhere, so I could probably do it still since it doesn't quite go bad. I didn't realize how much hair you had before to be able to cut off that much and still have that much hair left! I LOVE the style and the color! How does it feel? So light!?!?!?! Also congrats on the weight loss. It's hard to imagine a 16 yo weight being ideal/healthy for an adult woman, but I'll take your word for it! I hope that's all it takes for your cholesterol to be at a healthy level and you can stay away from the meds! But I guess worst case scenario, it's good that the meds exist.

Aspe, can't believe your DS is going to be 1! What kind of ideas do you have in mind for his birthday? I think at 9-10 mos I wouldn't fret the solid thing too much. Continue to offer him little bits. It's possible though that he'll start showing more interest in what you're eating at meal times, and then he'll take off with it a little better. Would he do kind of a "chunkier" almost-puree? (Ok nevermind, I see the posts that have come up since I last looked at this thread ;)) But yeah, sounds like you have a good plan, but I don't think it's anything to worry over at this point.
Erin, I donated my hair once before, but I think it was only 14" or something like that. This was the most I've ever donated. It does feel a lot lighter, but my neck is really sore today. As for the weight thing, I'm not too worried about it. I had a follow up with my doctor on Tuesday for my migraines and he's really proud of me. Said to keep up the good work. Keep in mind you're a lot smaller than I am, so I'm assuming that you were slightly smaller at age 16, but as for me, I've always been the same weight from age 16-21, I don't know if I was considered chunky at 16 or what, but according to my height and BMI or what ever that ridiculous scale is, I could lose a lot more weight and still be considered in the normal range, but I would definitely look sickly. I could also gain weight and be in the normal range. Right now, I'm happy in the middle. I'm confident. I feel a lot healthier, and I like being able to fit into my favorite jeans. :)
Erin - Where's your update? Happy V-Day! How's the baby doing? Are feeling lots more movement now?
Janelle, yeah, I guess thinking back, I was kind of a late bloomer so for me 16 I was juuuust starting to phase out of the lanky stage. If I consider my friends and also the whole age range you gave, that does make sense. I didn't mean any critique, just meant I bet you looked good before the weight loss too. ;) So sorry your neck has been sore today. :( I would have thought the opposite. Do think there's any chance your headaches will get better (because of the hair)? My headaches got better when I cut a lot of hair, but I'm not sure I ever had more than a couple true migraines in my lifetime. Just "bad headaches." So I'm sure it's different.

Erin - Where's your update? Happy V-Day! How's the baby doing? Are feeling lots more movement now?
OHHHH rightright. My last post I was in a rush to get ready for my OB appointment. I had my 24 week appointment today. SO yep today's v-day! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Everything was perfect. Blood pressure was good, Dr was happy with weight gain, fundus height was right on the money, heartbeat sounded good. I'm happy. :cloud9: Can't believe next time is glucola, then appts every 2 weeks after that. He asked if I'd had any more bleeding, and I told him I have had a TINY bit. But knowing where it's coming from, there hasn't been anything to concern me. Plus she's an active little girl, so that is a lot of reassurance too. :)
Crazy weather going on here. We've just been issued a tornado warning. Lmao! Really??? News says its near our house, I don't see anything outside.. I think our weather man is smoking crack. Yesterday there was a dust storm and severe thunderstorm warnings. I was waiting for it to rain mud. It was the craziest storm I've ever experienced in my life. It was pooring rain, but the sky was red, like we were on mars. So, if you don't hear from me...I'm on vacation in Oz. ;)
there is a cloth nappy i want that is limited edition, they have sold out in the uk :cry:

could someone in the usa order it and ship it for me and i will of course pay for everything. i really want one! :(

i know it is a huge ask. but its worth a go asking anyone i know in canada or the usa :kiss:

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