A home for EVERYONE!

Well, you also get them when you're pregnant. ;) Hope you get some time to pee on a stick.
ok guys I am so behind!! DH and I are both sick, I've got a huge project at work, and oh yeah I'm prego so I get to feeling pukey and fainty pretty easily! Being sick, its actually easy to forget I'm prego though bc symptoms get all mixed together!

Gotta get back to work stuff... jsut wanted to let you know I'm alive!
That sucks, Libby! Hope u guys feel better soon...
Misty i forgot to tell you happy Plum day yesterday sorry!!!!

Lizzy hope you get to feeling better soon!!!!

Janelle how did your night go? mine not so great lol

Aspe-did you pee on that damn stick yet? lol




Shefali-Hi! how you feeling?

Hi everyone else!

AFM- Well my knee is worse!!! now there are times when i am walking where it gives out/locks in place and i cant step again cuz it hurts so damn bad. then if i move it back and forth i eventually hear a pop and then it feels better to the point i can walk. but then i keep getting numbness and tingling down my leg from my knee to my foot and a constant burning feeling around my knee....called dr office they cant get me in today but they are suppose to be calling me back. if i dont hear anything by the time they go on lunch i will be calling right after they are done with lunch. i love my dr office but man are they stupid some times in the office!!!!
Oh yeah my night last night i was going to tell you about Janelle- well what is about thes scarriest thing that can happen while trying to go to sleep-a bat flying around your head thats what!!! josh saw it first then we both hid under the blanket. my parents house is from 1890 so it is pretty easy for bats to squeez in the walls and find a way in here...grr stupid bats but i had seen one in the house in 7 yrs damn it lol. anyways we were both chicken so i ended up yelling for my mom, ok so right now it is a good thing she is next door lol...anyways she comes in and turns the light on and we cant find the damn thing. figured it went out the way it came in....NOPE it just some how squeezd through the wall to my moms room lol...so then my dad chased the damn thing around till he caught it and threw it out side. stupid things!!!!

after that it was hard to sleep! oh and josh starts orrientation tomorrow! yay! so hopefully that means he will start really working on thursday...we need money bad!!!!! right now i have enough to pay our car insurance and nothing else..good thing i live with my mom and so they are helping us out a lot! then to top it off i pretty much cant get a job till i know for sure what is going on with my knee. honestly i think i will have to have surgery on it. it has gotten pretty bad over the last week. so i know i couldnt pass a physical for work bc i dont have a full range of motion for the job and honestly it would hurt too much!

oh and weather. yesterdday was a Sunny and high above 70 yay!!!! today it is rainy so far but highs will be above 70 again. but then Janelle is sending the damn snow my way should be here this weekend ((((((shakes fist at janelle))))) keep the cold shit lol!!!
Ugh.... I hate not having my favorite shows on Netflix. I love watching my shows in order not just random episodes. Unfortunately my favorite actress on one of the shows has left the show but I did find out why I like her so much! she is exactly 20 years older than me!

We got my prescriptions last night but only because I bugged Dh into it. Here's to swallowing huge horse pills every day for the next 3 months!
Oh Krissy I hope the job works out for your DH! And the bats! Oh my!!! Sounds exciting! But I guess also a pain in the butt!! HA!

Nicole, what happens in 3 months? Won't you take prenatals whole time? Or getting another kind?

AFM - major headway at work so now I can take my time, yay!
Oh what a beautiful morning!! Oh what a beautiful day!! I've got a wonderful feeeeeeeeling, everything's going my way...

Morning ladies!

Well, I got got up at the butt crack of dawn, took a shower.. and am patiently waiting for my tile guy to call. I don't think he is going to call. Maybe tomorrow. BETTER BE TOMORROW!

Libby, It's so good to hear from you! Sorry you're both sick. That's never good. You take care of yourself and get better!

Misty, where is my update? How was your appointment?

Krissy, I'm sending all the snow your way!! ((maniacal laugh)) There is no snow here yet. GRRRRR It's all in the mountains and over the pass. Stupid mountain is in the way!
I just about died reading your bat fiasco. I would have been laughing so hard. We have bats here, but they hide under the bridges by the river. Not in our walls. But think of this... If it can get to your mom's room through the wall... you know a moan or groan can squeeze through there too, so you're better off just waiting for the upstairs to getcher freak on. ;)

Aspe, ...patiently waiting...
Nicole, I missed you. Sorry. What show is it that you watch? Happy you got your prescription. What is the horse pills? your prenatal or the anti nausea?
Mornin Janelle! You are in GOOD spirits!!

I am glad it is almost lunch time here... gotta go grab a few items from the grocery store, so may also grab subway! Ok, so a friend wouldn't eat Subway while prego because she said they don't heat the deli meat long enough to kill possible listeria?? Sigh! I lived on Subway last pregnancy! Better than burgers, right?? Grr. Course, I've also heard no hot dogs and I had TWO on Saturday...
afternoon girls :)! how is everyone?

done all the housework today & quite proud of myself i have to admit :haha:
also i'm trying to stop smoking :) and not had one at all today and its 4.15pm here :):happydance: & only had 2 yesterday :).
one of my cats is constipated though :(! such a shame so need to take her to the vet soon!
Libby, LOL I've heard the same. I'm kinda glad I'm a vegetarian this pregnancy so I don't have to worry about that at all. I also don't like cheese so I don't have to worry about which ones are safe and which aren't.

I think if you get your sub toasted that would be enough?? Get a veggie sub! Mmmm... I want subway! Dammit Libby, you're a bad influence! When you had Thai, I had Dan pick up thai food on his way home from work for dinner.
Nicola, I know how hard it is to quit smoking. I was a smoker for years. Then we had a pregnancy scare and I really thought I was pregnant, but I wasn't. So I quit smoking right then and there and we started to try and that's how I got Samuel. ;) You can do it!! The first 3 days are the hardest, then it's all down hill from there. Best thing that worked for me was a journal! When ever I usually smoked like on breaks or after meals, I would write in a journal instead to keep my mind busy, then before you know it the craving was gone. I'm rooting you on! You can do it!!!
thanks janelle! i know i can do it, but you know when you just need a cigarette to make you feel better? or if me and OH have a argument i just walk away and have a smoke.. that will be the hardest part i think:(!! the journal thing sounds a great idea! i will try that hun thank you! how is things with you today?
Nicola, I know that feeling. The journal helps with that as well. When you write stuff down, even if it doesn't make sense, it redirects your mind and thinking. Do you like tea? I would always make a cup of tea if I was frazzled. The hardest thing for me was to not smoke when I drank coffee. So, I cut out coffee all together. I do miss it at times, the coffee.. not the smoking, but when I drink coffee it makes me feel terrible.

I'm doing well today. waiting for the snow that is taking it's time to show. Weather guy says it's clearing out today, but another storm is moving in tonight. Blah.. sounds like a crock to me! It's snowing everywhere but my house! ...also waiting for the tile guy.
i don't like tea! & i rarely have a coffee, but first thing i think about is a cigarette when i do. you want snow :o? i hate the snow, i like having a little bit but when its to much and we can't get anywhere thats when i hate it :(!
Oh, I loooooooove tea. Dan and i used to have snuggle time every night when we put Samuel to bed, we would drink tea, snuggle and talk about our day. We need to start that up again!

As for snow, it seems like when I was younger we would have crazy storms where you would get snowed in and they would shut the town down. But that hasn't happened in forever. Lets just say, my son is two and he still has yet to play in the snow! I've got all these snow suits and coats that my best friend got him from Patagonia and they are all collecting dust because we have no snow. LOL it's annoying.
we used to get snow maybe once every couple of years, but for the last 3/4 its has gotten quite bad, about 2 years ago everybody was snowed in. hope its not like that again! can't bear that. that must be sooo annoying having all the snow suits and not getting to use them! i love snowsuits, they are so cute! i take it, it gets really cold where you are?
It can, but it's never gotta below zero or anything. I wold imagine it gets colder where Krissy lives. She is further North.
O hman being a vegetarian would solve that problem lol! Ye my friend said toasting the sub doesn't get it hot enough to kill listeria apparently. Grr. And omg I LOVE cheese. But I am used to skipping it for the most part to cut calories, so not as big a deal. Not getting Subway though after all... my mom and stepdad are meeting me for Vietnamese... we get spring rolls and this amazing soup... you can get veg but I get meat with noodle and bean sprouts etc and a TON of fresh herbs to put in.. that stuff would be pricey in the store! I still want Subway... craving bread I guess... but this will be good because I'm trying to not go hog wild with the eating, trying to eat how I normally eat until second tri at least!

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