A Little About Me A Little About You

About me

Name: Jenny

Age: 18

Location: Ontario, Canada

Occupation: SAHM

Short Personal Description: I'm a eighteen year old girl just trying to do everything right the first time with my family, I had my eldest daughter at 13 which was a tragic experience but it hasnt made me ever think anything less of her. I have a 5 year old daughter Kaileen, 4 year old daughter Emily, 2 year old son Austin and pregnant with #4. Been married for two years and all my children's father.


Hobbies: Spending time with family and friends

Color: Black and Pink

Food: Anything easy

Hang-out: On my livingroom floor

Music: Country

Books: Not a big reader

Movies: Comedy mostly

TV Shows: When I can watch tv, Law and order and Law and order SVU, Judging Amy and House

Authors: Not sure?

Cartoon Character: Tweety

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Africa

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My husband

Greatest Ambition: Go to college and raise a good healthy family

Biggest Achievement: not sure yet

Grandest Wish: To let my children experience life the best way possible

What You Can't Live Without : My family

About Me:
Name: Chelsea
Age: 16
Location: Taranaki, New Zealand
Occupation: Student
Short Personal Description: Well I've just turned 16 ten days ago. I am not expecting. I will be waiting until I have left school before I try :-) Erm I joined this website in hoping to be of some help to girls my age who are expecting and just want someone to talk to. Sure, I don't know what it's like to be pregnant, but one of my good friends is expecting and we have a good time talking about what is to come. Feel free to PM me if you wish to talk!

Hobbies: Exercise, animal rights (I'm vegetarian), cooking, genealogy.
Color: I love bright colours like yellow, orange and green. Also earthy colours.
Food: Home-cooked food!
Hang-out: I don't really have one.
Music: Mostly rock and country. But I listen to a variety of music.
Books: Harry Potter, oh Harry Potter :witch: lol
Movies: Harry Potter Series, Sweeney Todd, The Corpse Bride.
TV Shows: Almost all British Comedy.
Authors: J.K. Rowling, Beatrix Potter and John Marsden.
Cartoon Character: Bugs Bunny woo hoo!

Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: The United Kingdom and Ireland :happydance:
Most Influential Person in Your Life: Can't really tell yeh to be honest.
Greatest Ambition: To travel around the world and settle in Scotland lol.
Biggest Achievement: Achieved NCEA Level 1 Maths & English :-) though I didn't actually get the 80 credits I needed.
Grandest Wish: I don't know.
What You Can't Live Without : Peace & quiet of the countryside, animals and my parents.
About Me:
Name: Heather
Age: 29
Location: Wales, UK
Short Personal Description: I found this site on google and have been having a good look around for a while before I finally joined up today.
Hobbies: Going for walks, working on my forums.
Color: Purples and blues, Also earthy colours.
Food: Sunday Roast
Hang-out: I don't really have one.
Music: I can listen to almost anything.
Movies: All sorts.
TV Shows: Lost and Heroes.
Authors: JSteven King, Dean Koontz.
Cartoon Character:

Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy
Most Influential Person in Your Life: Don't have one.
Greatest Ambition: To just be happy forever after.
Biggest Achievement: Passing my driving test 2 years ago
Grandest Wish: I don't know.
What You Can't Live Without : My children and my partner
Name: Dakota

Age: 16

Location:Central Ohio

Occupation: High school student

Short Personal Description: Single mother of 11 month old daughter currently 8 months pregnant due april 1st. Trying to graduate high school and will seek work after delivery.

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, writing, reading, playing with my daughter (my son will be here soon!), traveling, shopping, eatting out

Color: Black, pink, orange

Food: Italian, chinese

Hang-out: with my friends at the house I dont get out much

Music: R&B, rap, punk rock lots to be honest!

Books: dont remember the last book I read I usually only get a chance to read magazine articles.

Movies: Benny & Joon, The color purple & quite a Disney fan!

TV Shows: Girlfriends, Maury, ER


Cartoon Character: Strawberry shortcake, hello kitty

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy or Ireland

Most Influential Person in Your Life: Daughter, Son and my mother!!!

Greatest Ambition: To be a registered nurse, be the best mother I can be and live in a beautiful home happily with my family!

Biggest Achievement: Being a good mother and not giving up on myself.

Grandest Wish: To live my life the best and be involoved with my kids!

What You Can't Live Without: My kids!:crib::baby::amartass::dishes:
A Little About Me

Name: GemLou

Age: 23

Location: Derby

Occupation: Copy Controller

Short Personal Description: I'm currently working full time and 8 weeks pregnant, my fella's due to move up here around Christmas time :)


Hobbies: Classic Cars, Going Cinema, Enjoying quiet time

Color: Yellow

Food: Thai

Hang-out: Bebo / Facebook

Music: Dance / Punk/ Rock

Books: A guide to pregnancy which your best friend will tell you but your doctor won't

Movies: Pirates of the caribbean, Finding Nemo, Alvin and the chipmunks, transformers

TV Shows: Eastenders, Hollyoaks

Authors: Freya North

Cartoon Character: Tom & Jerry

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Disney World / Paris

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Parents

Greatest Ambition: To be happy in life

Biggest Achievement:

Grandest Wish: Fate to let me be happy!

What You Can't Live Without: My Bloke :cloud9:
A Little About Me

Name: Carrie

Age: 32

Location: NJ

Occupation: Technical Manager

Short Personal Description: I work in NYC for WebMD and I met my DH less than a year ago. We met, got engaged, bought a house and got married all within 3 months of meeting. Now we are taking the next wonderful step of having a baby together. I have three wonderful step children 11,9 and 2.


Hobbies: Reading, Singing, Dancing, Crosswords

Color: Blue

Food: Sushi but obviously that is out now so I suppose it is italian

Hang-out: hmmmmmm

Music: Dance, Rock, R&B

Books: Kiterunner

Movies: Grease

TV Shows: House, Desperate housewives, grey's anatomy, bones

Authors: James Patterson

Cartoon Character: Spongebob

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: France

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Parents and my DH

Greatest Ambition: To be a mom!

Biggest Achievement: Meeting my soulmate

Grandest Wish: To live a long happy life with my DH and a child

What You Can't Live Without: My DH and my family
A Little About Me

Name: Lee Ann

Age: 38

Location: Jacksonville, FL

Occupation: District Sales manager, Pharmaceuticals

Short Personal Description: I currently work for Daiichi Sankyo, A pharmaceutical company in the US and I have been in the industry for 12 years. I just recently got married last June after dating my DH long distance from London. I met him on a singels cruise...yes they do work:happydance:

Hobbies: Yoga, shopping, travel, scrabble & suduko

Color: Brown, green and wine


Hang-out: Panera Bread

Music: Jazz, Pop...and yes some country

Books: Jean Auel's earth children series and I love Harry Potter...yes I am a nerd!!

Movies: Serendipity , When Harry Met Sally,

TV Shows:American Idol, House, the Dog whisperer

Authors: John Case, Jean Auel

Cartoon Character: Speedy Gonzalez

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Bora Bora

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my sisters

Greatest Ambition: To be work hard enough early on to be able to spend and enjoy all of the time possible with my family

Biggest Achievement: Finding a DH...hard to explain

Grandest Wish: to be in love forever

What You Can't Live Without: my cat...Pumpie
Name: Chel-C

Age: i feel about 40

Location: North

Occupation: within NHS

Short Personal Description: I work full time and my partner is SAHD to our other son who is 15 months. We are due b/g twins in July and excited.


Hobbies: spending time with my family. going to cinema, swimming

Color: Green

Food: organic

Hang-out: i spend time online whilst i am at work or at home i spend it with my family

Music: dont really listen to music anymore

Books: i like books by jeffrey archer or studying medical books

Movies: i recently watched Alvin and the chipmunks with my partner, but my favourite is rom com ie must love dogs or no reservations

TV Shows: i dont like much tv

Authors: Dr Phillip McKendra or Arthur Suiss

Cartoon Character: snoopy if he counts

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Kenya

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Son, i wouldnt be where i am without him

G$reatest Ambition: To gain my medical qualification and to have all 3 children grow up to be proud of

Biggest Achievement: Passing my F2 exam with only 2 marks dropped

Grandest Wish: to have both babies be born on time and be perfect

What You Can't Live Without: My family
A Little About Me

Name: Daisy

Age: 35

Location: Staffordshire Moorlands

Occupation: Teacher Secondary School

Short Personal Description: I am only staying in my current job until after my maternity unless things improve! Met my other half 4.5 years ago and we are very happy together. We have moved a lot so don't have family or friends nearby which is sometimes hard/lonely.

Hobbies: Playing on Internet, Nintendo DS - Brain Training, PS3- Singstar and Buzz, swimming and Yoga, shopping, travel, suduko

Color: blue has always been my favourite but now love pink as well

Food: curry (vegetarian)

Hang-out: pub quiz

Music: All sorts pop, R 'n' B, music from the shows

Books: Chick Lit eg Marian Keyes and biographies

Movies: Sliding Doors, The Notebook, Grease, Flashdance

TV Shows: Spooks, Hotel Babylon, Casualty, Holby City

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Peru - walk the Inca Trails

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mum

Greatest Ambition: To be a wife and mother

Biggest Achievement: buying a house by myself

Grandest Wish: to be a happy, healthy family

What You Can't Live Without: Mascara - I look awful
A Little About Me

Name: Molly

Age: 19

Location: Milton Keynes Bucks

Occupation:unemployed-signed off due to deppresion

Short Personal Description: im a very creative and loving person who has just been through too much, i lost a baby at 29weeks in feb last year followed by a miscarrage in sept which left me unable to work+leave the house...although i have support from my doctors and am working on it.
i have a lovely partner who is ten years older than me and works in it. i want to be a tattooist.


Hobbies: reading, drawing, painting looking after my kitty cats and rat, the internet, horse riding (when i get out)

Color: deep purple

Food: home made anything- no packet foods in my house everythings fresh!

Hang-out: online or via text message- although i do have the odd ann summers party;-)

Music: dance, metal, r+b, ska

Books:too many to mention

Movies:knocked up, flushed away, who will love my children, philidelphia, green mile, a scanner darkly, and lots and lots more

TV Shows: Eastenders, crappy u.s chat shows on sky, real life programmes, hollyoaks!! um....un... i cant think of any more... oh this morning i <3 fern britton i think she is really lovely.

Authors: kelly armstrong anne rice john grisham lots and lots again!

Cartoon Character: sponge bob square pants

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: holland/u.s.a

Most Influential Person in Your Life: my mummy sharon (sort of step mum)

Greatest Ambition: to have my own family, do an art+design degree and becoming a tattooist

Biggest Achievement: surviving

Grandest Wish:to have a family and for nice people to have nice lifes like they deserve

What You Can't Live Without: My phone, i have only just got back online at home! my lovely partner
About Me:
Name: kelle
Age: 24
Location: uk
Hobbies: Gym, seeing my friends, dancing
Color: yellow
Food: chinese
Music: r&b
Books: p.s. i love you
Movies: romantic comedys
TV Shows: friends

Digging Deeper:
Country You Wish To Visit The Most: New York
Most Influential Person in Your Life: ???
Greatest Ambition: To just be happy forever after.

Grandest Wish: to have a big happy family
What You Can't Live Without : my partner, family and friends

About me:

Occupation:college stident at Williams(studying psychology and child care)
Short description:I am half way through my freshman year,I live in my own apartment,optimistic,fun,kind and a bit romantic girl.I love to travel,I've been to many european and asian countries.My pregnancy was unplanned,but I'll try to be the best mom I can be,I'm financially secure and I have to talk to my guidance counselor what to do with school,I still plan on finishing college..

Hobies:friends,used to practice synchronized swimming
Music:not sure,current favourite singer is Kate Voguele
Books:Lola Rose
Movies:White Oleander(and the book)
TV show:I don't have any

Important people:my sister,friends and my little unborn baby
Country I want to visit:Nepal
Favourite city:my own williamstown and London
My wish for the future:to be happy and a good mom to a healthy baby

Name: Katey
Age: 26
Location: Nebraska
Occupation: Accountant
Hobbies: Powerlifting
Color: Blue
Food: Chinese
Music: Little of everything
Books: Have several I am about 5 pages into right now! Don't have a favorite
Movies: Too many to pick.
TV Show: Law & Order: SVU
Important people:Everyone in my family and all of my friends
Country I want to visit: one other than this one!
A Little About Me

Name: Kayla

Age: 24

Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Occupation: Stay at home mom

Short Personal Description: I'm currently a stay at home mom, but i have a diploma in nursing

Hobbies: Internet, scrapbooking, music and shopping

Color: Pink

Food: Perogies, and Taco's

Hang-out: at home, or at friends houses

Music: R&B, soca, dancehall, raggae, top 40

Books: umm I like the Chicken soup for the soul series

Movies: I don't have a fave right now :(

TV Shows: House, Good eats, and How it's made


Cartoon Character: ummm....Mickey mouse

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Trinidad

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mom and sister

Greatest Ambition: Just to be overall happy with everything

Biggest Achievement: Graduating nursing school, and having babies

Grandest Wish: Fate to let me be happy!

What You Can't Live Without: My PC!

I have just registered so this is my first post. I haven't really had much experience of forums or posting comments but hopefully I am doing OK!

My name is Samantha

I am 33

I live in Berkshire, UK

At the moment I am a stay at home mum

I have retrained as a computer software technician/programmer (not really a female profession!) before that I was a Customer Service Advisor

I have 2 children, Aaron who is 7 and Matthew who is 9 months

I am currently 11 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby

My favourite movies include Knocked Up, Shawshank Redemption, the Saw movies, House of Flying Daggers, Curse of the Golden Flower

Favourites books are The Loop by Nicholas Evans and eveything by PJ Tracy

I don't really have any favourites music I am pretty open minded

My favourite tv shows at the moment include Lost (of course!) and Torchwood

I don't really have time for many hobbies but I guess my favourite would be photography and I love spending time with my family

I would love to be able to say what my future plans are but every time I try it never works out the way I hope so I just let things happen!
About me

Name: Kaylie

Age: 21 in 2 months

Location: Dorchester , Dorset

Occupation: Stay at home mum

Short Personal Description: I have a 2 year old daughter which i had in australia when i went out there to live 2 years ago, never worked out due to visas being to completed for my OH so have returned to UK to start saving and try and get back out there!
Currently pregnant with my second due 6th May a day after my 21st! :baby:


Hobbies: The internet, shopping , going out places.

Color: Pink, black and green.

Food: Jacket potatoes :happydance:

Hang-out: In town

Music: All sorts i like a bit of everything

Books: True stories

Movies: Horrors

TV Shows: Hollyoaks and soaps :blush:

Authors: cant think of any lol

Cartoon Character: Shrek, as i watch this everyday! :wacko:

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Love my home country Australia wouldnt want to be anywhere else!

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My mum

Greatest Ambition: Bringing up my children

Biggest Achievement: Getting my daughter to sleep by just putting her into bed with no tantrums nothing! :headspin:

Grandest Wish: Never have to worry about money

What You Can't Live Without : Computer, sweets and shopping!

A pic of me: im on the right, dont have any photos of me i can find hehe :dohh:


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A Little About Me

Name: Chrissy

Age: 35

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Occupation: Avon Lady

Short Personal Description: Married mum of 2 - a beautiful 16 year old daughter :pink:and a charming 8 month old son:crib: - more to come God willing.

Hobbies: Pen pals world wide, reading, movies

Color: yellow and green

Food: donairs

Hang-out: online, in my hot tub

Music: Christian, Easy listening, Screamo (NOT)

Books: Jane Eyre, Blaze, Handmaid's Tale, Outlander Series...and more

Movies: Juno, Across the Universe, Wizard of Oz, Shrk 1, 2 & 3

TV Shows:How to Look Good Naked, Style By Jury, 10 Years Younger, CSI, Secret Diaries of a Call Girl

Authors: wow - I am an avid reader - Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, Alice Munroe, Greg Isles, Pauline Gedge...I could go on forever.

Cartoon Character: Betty Boop

Digging Deeper:

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Italy

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My son - his smile brightens even my darkest moods

Greatest Ambition: To be rich - stinking filthy rich

Biggest Achievement: Finding Mr. Right and knowing it!

Grandest Wish: See "Greatest Ambition"

What You Can't Live Without: coffee
A Little About Me

Name: Rebekah

Age: 24

Location: Perth

Occupation: Office manager

Short Personal Description: I work full time, my husband is in the process of starting up his own business. I have two gorgeous puppies. Live in a beautiful home. Diagnosed with PCOS last year, maintaining a very positive outlook. It has been tough trying to deal with it all - but I am happy with where i am at the moment. : )

Hobbies: Dinners with hubby and friends, cooking, dancing, listening to music, card making/arts and crafts, running.

Color: Red

Food: Chocolate without a doubt.
Hang-out: Anywhere from the couch in front of the tv to out and about socialising.

Music: Kaskade, Michael Jackson, Rhianna, Ne-Yo, Fleetwood Mac, Dixie Chics.

Books: 'This much I know is true' by Wally Lamb.

Movies: 'Three men and a little lady'.

TV Shows: Entertainment Tonight, Girls of the Playboy Mansion, Dr 90210, Will & Grace.

Authors: Wally Lamb.

Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo.

Digging Deeper: Huh?

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Canada

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My darling husband and my mum. That's two.. I know!
Greatest Ambition: My greatest ambition is to do the best I can. Always.

Biggest Achievement: Healing/Getting over anorexia.

Grandest Wish: A little baby in my arms with my hubby.

What You Can't Live Without: My family and friends.
A Little About Me

Name: Brandy

Age: 28

Location: Kansas City, MO

Occupation: I work with high school students with disablities


Color: Pink

Food: Cheesecake

Hang-out: Any of our friends houses

Music: All kinds- it depends on the day and my mood

Books: Not one in particular

TV Shows: Prison Break, Ghost Whisperer, Numbers

Authors: Stephen King and Dean Koontz

Cartoon Character: Stewie

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Vietnam

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My DH

Greatest Ambition: Live life to the fullest!

What You Can't Live Without: My DH and my friends
A Little About Me

Name: Jo

Age: 28

Location: Stone, Staffordshire, UK

Occupation: Controlroom Supervisor


Color: Black

Food: Chips

Hang-out: Anywhere where friends and family are

Music: Dont 'hate' anything..love Jimmy Eat World, Incubus, No Doubt

Books: Marley & Me, The Watchers, LOTR and the list goes on :)

TV Shows: CSI, Ghost Whisperer, ER

Authors: Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Tolkien..anyone good

Cartoon Character: Stewie

Digging Deeper

Country You Wish To Visit The Most: Africa

Most Influential Person in Your Life: My Mum

Greatest Ambition: To be content in my own skin.

What You Can't Live Without: My Family

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