A little update on me, re lactating and a pat of the back ha ha *updated*

No problem, they certainly changed all the formulas a lot in recent years, and scientifically there is no basis for most of these ingredients. If you're not allergic; and are veggie then soya is a great alternative protein source but I'm mystified as to the benefits of putting it in a formula when formula companies claim 'old' formulas had too much protein in; and most of the ones with soy in are not vegetarian because they contain fish oils as well. Its hard to eliminate soy/soya but it can be done, if you eliminate successfully it increases the chances of LO outgrowing the problem as early as 4-6 months. Soy/Soya is in a lot of stuff also, bread is one of the big ones.
Sorry had to go as Millie was having a reflux episode :cry:
How do they ascertain whether casein or whey, is it via a blood test?
Can I just check, if it takes about 3-6 weeks to get rid of milk proteins in our systems, is this why she is still being sick? When I first cut out dairy we did see a massive improvement but now she is sick again all the time, directly after feeds and also hours afters, still very mucusy as well.
It could be 'leftover' but usually once it starts getting better it will gradually continue to do so, even if there is some residual milk proteins hovering around; if she is still very sicky after 3 weeks it may well be soya or something else xx
Thanks hun, I think it could be the domperidon as it has lactose in it apparently.
Hey hon, I found with Nm she got better and then got worse again too. For us it was soy and gluten making it worse too.

If I can help at all just shout :hugs:
:Hugs: thanks farie, how are you and Nim getting on, on the neocate?
Hi hun, been following your thread a big Well done to you :happydance: , Just a quick suggestion you mentioned about milk in your diet etc, there is a milk you can get from the supermarket thats lactose free, its not soya its normal milk but with the lactose removed, also i have a lo whom has silent reflux more at night, i went the drs and he mentioned gaviscon, but after id expalined that i felt that giving gaviscon powder would interfere with BF eg have to express milk , put in bottle etc, I asked him about baby ranitidine which is a syrup which is calculated on babies weight and its a minute amount before each feed and is so much easier to give, maybe is worth a try after discusing with the dr?? x :flower:
Thanks Lolly, I really need to go food shopping but find it all a bit daunting and waiting to see what the dr says.
My eldest is on ranitadine for childhood reflux, and to be honest its been a life saver for us, I just wanted to avoid meds at the min, also find it hard to get down her without her chocking and gagging. Dis's med taste disgusting, is the baby one the same?
It depends if its only lactose thats the problem, with milk the problem is usually the casein and/or whey as well,you could try lactose free products though to see if they still cause a reaction or not. Interestingly we have no problem with lactose as I have taken lactulose solution which also contains lactose and galactose (another milk sugar) and Hisham didn't react so it must be the casein or whey.
Its so confusing. Thats why I'm waiting to see Dr, whilst cutting out as much dairy as I know about.
Thanks Lolly, I really need to go food shopping but find it all a bit daunting and waiting to see what the dr says.
My eldest is on ranitadine for childhood reflux, and to be honest its been a life saver for us, I just wanted to avoid meds at the min, also find it hard to get down her without her chocking and gagging. Dis's med taste disgusting, is the baby one the same?

Hi hun the ranitadine smells like peppermint, but tastes foul, but she only has to have 0.3mls so the amount is so tiny she doesnt spit it out :flower:
We are good thank you, Nim had her last booby suck on Friday night :cry: I had tried to re-introduce it middle of the week but her skin flared up, poo went mucus and she got so unhappy again, even after only 2 days of 2 BF a day :cry:

So we are now FF and shes a different baby, still refluxes but doesn't scream (although that might be the losec 20mg a day!) skin is good, poo is no longer like coloured snot, bum isnt sore and shes actually happy :cloud9: She even smiles!
She doesn't take much (2oz per feed on average) but is gaining weight, her sleeping's settling down, she even naps during the day!

My m/w thinks I just produce a protein in my milk she simply couldn't cope with, apparently its rare but does happen :sad1: she is just allergic to my milk.

Hopefully you'll be able to cut out enough dairy to make Millie comfy, for most babies the elimination works really well :hugs:
We are good thank you, Nim had her last booby suck on Friday night :cry: I had tried to re-introduce it middle of the week but her skin flared up, poo went mucus and she got so unhappy again, even after only 2 days of 2 BF a day :cry:

So we are now FF and shes a different baby, still refluxes but doesn't scream (although that might be the losec 20mg a day!) skin is good, poo is no longer like coloured snot, bum isnt sore and shes actually happy :cloud9: She even smiles!
She doesn't take much (2oz per feed on average) but is gaining weight, her sleeping's settling down, she even naps during the day!

My m/w thinks I just produce a protein in my milk she simply couldn't cope with, apparently its rare but does happen :sad1: she is just allergic to my milk.

Hopefully you'll be able to cut out enough dairy to make Millie comfy, for most babies the elimination works really well :hugs:

Aw farie, thats brilliant news, sorry about the bf, I know it meant a lot to you, your a remarkable mummy:hugs:

thanks Lolly

Just a little update.
Been to the Drs, he said he can feel she is in discomfort with her tummy, doesn't think lactose intolerant yet, but not ruling it out, but more likely the reflux is the main problem. Prescribed ranitadine and referred to a paed. Got to go back on Monday, but at the moment wants me to carry on with bf and formula, and put dairy back in my diet, to see if ranitadine helps.

bring on the butter:thumbup::haha:
lolly how soon did you notice a difference? With elder son it was virtually straight away but could be stronger.
within 24 hours tbh, shes more settled now and sleeps from 12-7.30 most nights x
Thanks lolly, so far no improvement sick wise. She's also had her jabs today, so not good timing.
Just another little update, that may also help others relactating.

I am now bf full time, not giving any bottles or formula :happydance: which has helped with the sickness and with supply.

Have to say something controversial here and not for everyone, but I stopped expressing as it was stressing me out, lo has plenty of wet nappies and is gaining weight and is now going 3 hours between feeds. I am even waking up engorged and can feel boobs filling up, something that I never thought would happen again.
I have stopped all of the supplements and herbs/oats etc and now feel I have enough milk to offer her. I started relactating 17th Jan after a 5 week break from bf.

She has had her ranitadine upped to max dose, and we have to give gaviscon and colief again, she has also been referred to a paed. Finally feel we are on the right track.
Thats brilliant - and so fast too!! I had no idea of how long this would take you, but have followed your story and think you have done brill!!! Congrats you!
Aw thanks Ceri :hugs: really appreciate your support.
I read somewhere, gawd knows where :haha: that it takes as long as you have given up for, so if you gave up for 5 weeks it should take you 5 weeks to get back, no idea if true, mine has been 4 weeks there abouts.

But I had to get over my fear of bf in public, so first time went to a busy Mcdonalds on a Saturday morning,figured if I could do that, could do any where :haha:

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