Cews great on staying in 150s! I hate freaking plateaus. Best of luck getting through it.
Gigs I'm much more hungry with my desk job than when I was on the road. I was too busy to eat and/or I didn't want to stop at fast food every day.
AFM I've been craving chocolate so bad. It's like a freaking pregnancy craving, tested last week out of curiousity (bfn). I fixed a low cal chocolate cake yesterday. 200 cal per slice (12 slices total). It was okay but not hitting the spot. I really want a warm gooey browny with ice cream and chocolate syrup on it.... *drools*
Cews I've actually been battling anxiety recently, too! Hence my absence. Hope yours is better and if not that it gets better for us boththat's all i'm going to say because talking about it makes it worse for me :X