A long term weight loss thread

I'm failing miserably over here. Until the weather improves, I'm so stagnant...exercise is an impossibility right now. I can only walk after I pick up ds1 from school when the weather is warmer but that kid hates outdoor activities. I know if we go walking he will complain. I don't think I'm brave enough for all three yet...i went to walmart with them today and that was challenging enough!
Gigs, I have yet to hit the grocery store with 2 boys alone.. how did it go with 3? DH and I took the boys to the grocery store on the weekend and of course dh2 starts to cry in the check out lane.. yeah my reliable "I am always sleeping" child.. ok we had another stop before hand so we were pushing it. At least I could abandon ship and feed baby out of the store.

Also: my breastfeeding hungers have gotten real. Ds2 woke me up at 5 am and my stomach was giving me the starving signs immediately while my brain was barely awake. I can barely go a few hours without my stomach going into starvation signs even if I ate something filling before.
I have not really been focusing on weight loss right now. I want to make sure my milk production is good before I try and probably wait until pp check up. I do need to try to eat a bit healthier but it's hard at the moment. Trying to eat cheap while I'm on my leave.

Also I haven't braved the grocery store with 2 alone. Dh and I went yesterday with the girls and some dumb b!&% made the comment we should have been one and done. I didn't hear it, but DH told me. I'd have given her a piece of my mind if I'd have heard her.

My last pregnancy weight was 202lb and I was 191 lb a few days ago. My first goal will be to weigh less than 190. Going to try to have small goals. My end goal is 150 lbs. It's been awhile since I weighed that.
Wtf is it with people who feel the need to voice their opinions about other people's children?! I've learned that unless you have one of each close in age, people seem to want to give you their stupid opinion. You have too many. You need more. You need to stop before you get another boy/girl. You need to try again for a girl/boy. You had them too close in age. You had them too far apart. Ugh!

Grocery store was ok except Myles fussed every time I was standing still. I had him in the moby wrap, ds2 in the cart seat and ds1 was riding on the front (until he insisted he push). Myles started crying at check out though...
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Gigs I know!!! I suppose you are right. I already recieved some flack for close spacing, but only people that know how old V is. She doesn't look less than 2. People also ask if we will try for a boy. I think I'm content with my nephews. I love my girls and wouldn't trade them but not thrilled with idea of being pregnant again.

Well I still commend you on a grocery trip with 3 alone. You need a medal!
Thank you, however my purchases were pretty shameful! Definitely still brought sugar inside the house.

I think I'm just not in the right mindset yet, and not being able to go walking...and needing sugar and copious amounts of caffeine to stay awake...and the sleep deprivation...

I feel set up for failure right now (yes some is self inflicted). But dayum I'm really wishing I had my pre pregnancy body back!
Gigs, coffee and sugar: whatever gets you through the day right now! You are super mom walking 3 boys through a store! Come nicer weather come different activities.
Have you thought about making frozen fruit smoothies?

Flueky: wtf is wrong with people?? I would have had a hard time containing myself.... Sorry you had to hear it. People feel like they are entitled to share their minds with you instead of just saying "congrats".
E was barely born and people were asking if we'd have a 3rd because #2 was a boy too. Ugh.
But like you, I don't know if I could stand a third pregnancy, I don't enjoy them. We are content with 2 boys, can't miss what we never had.

Our town has 3 grocery stores: the one we shop most at is usually not that busy. Twice we've been in it with both boys and see the same clerk stocking shelves. Everytime he goes: "shhhh, don't wake the baby" and briefly stops what he was doing until we are passed. Lol, even though I reassure that nothing but hunger wakes this baby ;)
People these days. When I was pregnant my, coworker a male asked me how I felt I said pretty tired and rough that day-- so not to sugar coat but be honest, he says 'well you're the one that got pregnant' like wtf? Seriously?! it's bad at work cause you gotta go back and face the same jacka$$ every day. I'd give those perfect strangers an earful.. Put these hormonal mood swings to good use lol!

I think it's the point that we try when we can to do the workout and better food choices, let's face it we just made a human and our schedules won't be regular and consistent till baby gets used to life on the outside.
Some people just need to stop talking... staple their lips together and just be mute the rest of their days. The only comments I got where it bugged me was that I was huge (I really was but no woman wants to hear that) and if it was more than one. I just make big babies.

Working out sucks so bad! Lol! I wish it was as easy to lose as it is to gain. My biggest "issue" is that I will have the saggy skin on my lower stomach. I have such a short torso that babies had no where to go but out and the fact that they were so big and I had so much water and weight gain in my belly that its just stretched to the limit. It seems to have gotten worse with #2 even though I gained less but he was a little bigger...

Im having those diet/workout headaches the last few days so I am cheating and having a Dr Pepper today. I hoping the caffeine will help. Coffee doesn't ever help with these headaches. Next Wednesday will be interesting... DS#1 4th birthday and we are having blue velvet cake with cream cheese frosting (one of my favorites) and more than likely pizza. I will just go with a thin crust light cheese and maybe try and do a little extra time with my workout the day before and the day of.
^also my question???

Ugh I also have the belly hang. I've always had it to a degree, like a little pooch, but it got worse, especially this time around. It has shrunk to "normal" each time so hoping i get back there again...

Regarding smoothies i used to consume them a LOT but it's hard to find the time right now. The baby has been super clingy recently. But i think i need to find time because that sounds like a good idea.

Also i like how this has become a weight loss SLASH food porn thread :haha:
Gigs I think it's just about impossible to diet during NB phase. Lack of sleep can lead to "bad" choices. We are tired and want something quick, convenient to eat. Oh and let's not forget holding NB with one hand and trying to eat with the other. At least that's how I am. Once it gets pretty I do want to go walking.

Oh and yes it is ironic it's also a food porn thread:haha:

Pacific that's sweet that he stops what he's doing. Also, really?! Don't people realize having another baby isn't what yoi are thinking about right after you give birth?

Molly agreed. Coworkers saying crap is worse than a stranger. One of mine would ask how I felt. If I said "tired" she'd say you won't get any rest for a long time. Why do people think they should give a rude response? True or not a simple "I'm sorry you are feeling that way," would suffice.

Cews :rofl: I'll let them borrow my stapler. I never got the "you're huge" comments. I have a longish torso and have small babies. I usually got you're so small, especially with my first. People should just say you look great and leave it be or just say nothing. Bumps are all different shapes and sizes and pointing out what size doesn't make a woman feel better.

That cake sounds yummy!! Do you just use blue food coloring instead of red??

Regarding lower abdomen: always had a pooch since I hit 4th grade. Even at my fittest I had it, albeit smaller. I've accepted I'll always have it but want it smaller.
Well I did a number to my foot yesterday.. simply by standing back up from a squat (grabbing a container out of bottom cupboard). I am going to blame the relaxing hormone left from pregnancy...

Yeah! Food porn! I am probably not helping... But what is blue velvet?

I got a lot of the "you are tiny" alas this baby was up in my lungs and sunny side up until the last moments of eviction. But why do people feel like they can tell us what we look loke.
The worst comment I got was from mil when I was 40+1.. she just needed to remind me that she carried DH to 42 weeks. Not what I wanted to hear.
I wish I had been smaller but I am a total of 5'3" and my torso is almost nonexistent! I also make BIG babies. DS#1 was 8 days early and 9lbs6oz and DS#2 was 3 weeks early and 8lbs6oz so yea I was ALLLLL belly. The bump pic was with DS#2 one week before I delivered.

Ironically I wanted blue velvet cupcakes at DS#1 baby shower and they had literally just come out with a box mix and it was so good. I think this is the one the lady bought! I do love to make it from scratch but with a one year old its harder to find the spare time so I probably will buy a box mix this time. Food porn is the best! When I diet I think about all the unhealthy food I love (Pasta, pizza, CARBS!) and try and find a healthy version I can eat... Like pizza... yummm!

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I wish I had been smaller but I am a total of 5'3" and my torso is almost nonexistent! I also make BIG babies. DS#1 was 8 days early and 9lbs6oz and DS#2 was 3 weeks early and 8lbs6oz so yea I was ALLLLL belly. The bump pic was with DS#2 one week before I delivered.

Ironically I wanted blue velvet cupcakes at DS#1 baby shower and they had literally just come out with a box mix and it was so good. I think this is the one the lady bought! I do love to make it from scratch but with a one year old its harder to find the spare time so I probably will buy a box mix this time. Food porn is the best! When I diet I think about all the unhealthy food I love (Pasta, pizza, CARBS!) and try and find a healthy version I can eat... Like pizza... yummm!

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What does the flavour of blue Velvet taste like?
I too am curious about the taste...

Omg cews you made me want to make a "4th trimester" bump photo with me holding my postpartum belly. Baby in a rocker with some writing like "baby is the size of a thanksgiving turkey" hahahahha

Anyway you really were all belly!

Pl how is your foot?
Pacific hope your foot is feeling better today. Also, that's a horrible thing to say to a pregnant woman that could deliver at any time. The end is so miserable.

Cews you do make good size babies, nothing wrong with that. I don't believe I've ever saw that cake mix at the store. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. Also that's awesome it came out right before the baby shower.

Gigs I've considered doing a postpartum pic. I suppose I should before I get "serious" with weight loss.
I too am curious about the taste...

Omg cews you made me want to make a "4th trimester" bump photo with me holding my postpartum belly. Baby in a rocker with some writing like "baby is the size of a thanksgiving turkey" hahahahha

Anyway you really were all belly!

Pl how is your foot?
LMAO me too! babysizer should have a good one for me lol
I always laughed at the sizes baby was supposed to be! I was always bigger and had a ton of fluid. No GD and my doctors monitored me closely because DS#1 got stuck and it was 3 hours of just pushing (yes, you read that right) to get him out. I was heading towards an emergency CS with him because he just wasn't coming out when his shoulder finally went through the canal.

I looked at 2 different stores yesterday for the cake mix and also checked Amazon, Walmart.com and Target.com and couldn't find the cake mix. I guess they stopped making it. :( It honestly tasted no different then the red velvet cake but DS wants blue cake and blue hair for his birthday so I will probably just do a white cake with blue dye. For the blue hair I will use Arctic Fox since its just a dye deposit and has no chemicals and washes out. Should be a fun experience for him.

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