A msg about modesty

Oh crap my 2year old boy is a slut,he quite often wears leggings and a tshirt or leggings and a hoody. Seriously where the hell do you get this from leggings are not slutty ad to make such a vile vile comment really shocks me your views are honestly disgusting

And as for a 2.5 year old to say that I very much doubt it unless he has been exposed to something he shouldn't have. I breastfeed my 2year old and never have I heard my 2 year old or 4yr old day they want to suck on someone's boobies,it's just not normal behaviour to say stuff like that
Wow... this thread is kind of hilarious.

If my little boy said something like that, there is no way I would assume he had ANY idea what it "meant". I would figure either he heard it somewhere and was repeating it, or was making an innocent, non-sexual observation, in the same way he might want to touch someone's pretty hair.

Maybe I am a bad mother but my first response would be to laugh, and then use it as an opportunity to explain to him that butts are personal areas and you shouldn't touch other people's butts. And if anyone tries to touch his, he should say NO and tell Mama.

Also, leggings are adorable on little girls.

Also also, when I was five, I used to go around singing Joe Cocker's song "You Can Leave Your Hat On." It's a song about a striptease, but of course I didn't realise that. My parents and their friends used to think it was hysterical. :haha:
How ridiculous! My DD always wears leggings as they are so comfy! Id be horrified if I heard that, even my 8yr old son has never said that!
I would seriously worry and consider where my son had picked that's sort of thing up, my son is the same and an no way are those sorts of thoughts in his head, bum is for poo, simple as. If I heard that sort of statement come out of a friends child I woud consider the possibility of abuse, or at least a lot of exposure to adult tv/media.

As for the modesty thing, I agree to an extent, I dress modesty, respect for myself, my husband and god. I only have boys but all my children would always be dressed modestly while they lived under my roof! But I also think modestly is a very personal thing, what one person seems as modest another may not. Also I may consider some items of clothing immodest on me but not on a little girl and vice Vera.

I do think it's important for children to be like children and dress like children, the topic of leggings seems to be hot topic on this thread and I can't see what the harm is, they are perfect for girls, I wore them as a child.

Thongs and baby bras, big no no for me.
Im a little late in this convo but small children are capable of this type of thing, if they are around it. My nephew comes from a bad home and one day when he was about 2.5 he told one of my friends "I like your ass."

Then another time he got into DHs coat pocket and we caught him on the stairs with a cigarette in his mouth! (not lit of course, but still!).

and i saved the best for last- one time he got in trouble by me and i told him to go upstairs, well he started up the stairs and my stepdad was coming down and saw him roll his eyes and say "Bitch!" and he knew exactly what he was saying, and used it in the right context!

all of this BEFORE he turned 3!!

But for this boy to be "strict jewish" and say something like that.. either its made up or we have a pretty disturbed child who needs some serious help!

wow !!just wow!!! im sure this is made up!! and to say that leggings are slutty. and that the girls shouldnt have been dressed that way!! my 2 and a half year old wheres leggings all the time!! they are comfy and ive never thaught twice about them being anything other than that.she is not running round in her knickers shaking her bum (although she does like to do this at home lol) my 8 year old niece wears leggings. my mum wheres leggings, my mil wears leggings and believe me they are not slutty. i believe sometimes kids are dressed before there time but leggings are a casual everyday piece of clothing and are not something that is worn by kids to be attractive or attrCT Attention to there bums. no item of clothing on a child should be called slutty!! the op is just wrong!! and i would say for a two year old to be staring and saying these things is something the parent should be addressing and explaining correctly!. my 2 and a half year old would never point anything out like that! so i dont understand how he could even think it on hes own!!
Every time I say a comment about my son's bum I think of this thread...
The last time he was standing on the couch looking out the window and his bum was right in my face... I told him "you have such a sexy bum, I'm going to eat it, nom nom nom"... Then I pretended to eat his bum... Someone somewhere in a grocery store is going to judge me horribly one day :rofl:
I just can't imagine a 2.5 year old boy saying stuff like that. I really can't.
To ALL of my kids, even my DD who is 7, bums are for pooing with, and sitting on, and farting with, and that's really it!
My 3 year old son thinks it's absolutely hilarious to pull on his penis because I always tell him "stop messing with it or it'll run away". It absolutely cracks him up.
But none of them think any sexual thoughts in the slightest. I'd be really worried if they did.
The whole situation the OP has mentioned just disturbs me.

As for leggings, my daughter wears them with a t-shirt and they look completely casual, and couldn't be further from being inappropriate if they tried to be!
:rofl: what a load of crap.

I think OP you expected people to say :shock: imagine what he saw if a 2.5 year old boy said that. Instead you're peeved that everyone thinks your imaginary friend and her little boy was rude. So you in turn decide to come back into part of the forum where lots of women have girls, who no doubt dress them in 'skimpy outfits' i.e. leggings and call them sluts :roll:

And it falls within a learning curve, yeah course it does. In my red book, my DS also has a box to tick when he mentions that he wants to touch a little girls bum :rofl:

And as for the breast feeding comment :rofl: That'll have me chuckling for days...course that *if* any of this crap is true, its purely down to him being breastfed :rofl:
I just reread the original post and had to add this.

You claim "And yes, butt-hugging tights are slutty. On anyone"

Then you need to get some help. Because if you think a 2 year old can look slutty, you seem a little disturbed.
Do you know as well though, you can never ever condone a paedophile. They are wired wrong, THEY find that sexual.

You can never blame a child or a parent for the fact that someone who is wired wrong abuses their child. Whatever clothes they wear, a paedophile will STILL have sexual feelings.

Blaming a child or adult for wrongdoings by how the child is dressed is completely irresponsible and quite frankly wrong.
Do you know as well though, you can never ever condone a paedophile. They are wired wrong, THEY find that sexual.

You can never blame a child or a parent for the fact that someone who is wired wrong abuses their child. Whatever clothes they wear, a paedophile will STILL have sexual feelings.

Blaming a child or adult for wrongdoings by how the child is dressed is completely irresponsible and quite frankly wrong.

I truly feel our society needs to get out of the victim blaming mentality. Like with all the bullying or sexual assaults/rape that happens people always try to blame the person it happened to.

"They shouldn't have worn that outfit" "They were asking for it". Bothers me to no end that people find it acceptable to put the blame on someone innocent. :growlmad:
Hippo, OP, wow, it is possible he got the idea from too much modesty teaching ...like overhearing about how guys sexualized body if girls don't dress properly. He probably think his behavior is expected.

Or it is possible someone have been touching his butt and he is mirroring it.
Do you know as well though, you can never ever condone a paedophile. They are wired wrong, THEY find that sexual.

You can never blame a child or a parent for the fact that someone who is wired wrong abuses their child. Whatever clothes they wear, a paedophile will STILL have sexual feelings.

Blaming a child or adult for wrongdoings by how the child is dressed is completely irresponsible and quite frankly wrong.

I truly feel our society needs to get out of the victim blaming mentality. Like with all the bullying or sexual assaults/rape that happens people always try to blame the person it happened to.

"They shouldn't have worn that outfit" "They were asking for it". Bothers me to no end that people find it acceptable to put the blame on someone innocent. :growlmad:

Completely agree! People need to realise that regardless of what a person wears, people will still get abused by someone who is that way inclined.

Clothing does not promote it.

A sexual predator is just that - a sexual predator. No amount of clothing or not will change that.
Agree, BF.

I've seen far too many pictures of women wearing baggy t shirts and regular jeans (not tight fitting or skinny jeans) with signs reading "this is what I was wearing when I was raped". :nope:

Clothing pays no part, I completely agree 110%!
Do you know as well though, you can never ever condone a paedophile. They are wired wrong, THEY find that sexual.

You can never blame a child or a parent for the fact that someone who is wired wrong abuses their child. Whatever clothes they wear, a paedophile will STILL have sexual feelings.

Blaming a child or adult for wrongdoings by how the child is dressed is completely irresponsible and quite frankly wrong.

Completly agree. I actually find it very disturbing as to how someone can even try and justify what a paedophile has done or is feeling by putting the blame onto others as to how they/their child was dressed.
Hmmmm...tender subject. As someone who was raped repeatedly by a family member i really hate to hear the ignorate comments of "she was asking for it look how she dressed". At fourteen all i wore were jeans and t shirts and converse shoes not increadablysexy if you ask me. Perverts pick who they pick for differant reasons not because of how they dress. But i do agree that fashion is getting increasingly revealing and modesty is important at all ages. The two year old wanting to touch the girls butt and all that raises some red flags that maybe he isnt as sheltered as they thought and maybe a lesson in bounderies might be benifitial.
How can a little child look "slutty" though? Thats a weird comment i missed that one. After going back and reading more post im pretty dissapointed. My husband and i are big on modesty. We dont let our boy go swimming w/o a shirt on and long trunks and stuff like that, but i wouldnt look at another little boy who is swimming in a speedo and call him a slut. I wish you couldve made your statements about modesty w/o attacking other people including small children because now you just look like a nut. My boy is almost 3 and if he made these comments i would be more conserned w that more than blaming the girls for wearing a certain outfit. He got it from somewhere.

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