Hey everyone! Just got caught up! Been so busy lately. Restaurant renovations...flood...teething Lynn Marie...and housework I can never get to. And to top it off we started doing lunch everyday instead of just dinner. So I had to train someone to help me. But things are running well now! I actually have Sunday AM off to go to church and LM goes to the nursery. DH was so nervous about that! We also have off Mon and Tues now. It is great.
Army - Daniel is a cutie!! Love his overalls! Glad he is growing...and fast at that!! Only a few more months til your hubby comes home, yay!
Kelly, Ex....love reading about the crawling/not crawling. It is so true that they all have their unique rate of doing stuff. LM loves sitting and standing (with assistance) but has no desire to crawl. She HATES tummy time. Always has. Haha. Figure she might skip crawling...sounds like Tyler! She rolls a bit but not much yet.
Well I cracked open some organic baby oatmeal! And I bought some babyfood from a whole foods store just for fun! She loves her oatmeal. And today we tried bananas. She fussed if I waited too long between bites.
This girl loves to eat. I spend about 35hr a week nursing and it is wearing me out from juggling work and BF. I think filling her with some real food should help. She is eager so she must be ready. I express a bit of milk into her oats...and ta-da!
Size...she is 4.5 months and is 28in long. Weighs about 16lb. She looks 6mo old. Starting in some 6-9 clothes already. Mind boggling.
I will upload pics from the laptop soon.
I need to get on here more now that things have sort of calmed down.