Accountability thread

I just watched the new Walking Dead!!! No spoilers from me, but....WOW

I ate the leftover v-day brownie, and the other half of DS's cookie this after noon, so I'm not gonna meed my calorie goal. :dohh: but it was worth it :haha:

Baby started daycare today. Well this is transition week. One hour today, the a little more each day, with Friday being a full day. Can't believe my maternity leave is nearly over :cry: I am lucky that baby is at the same daycare DS1 has been going to for the last 3 years so it's a comfortable transition in that regard. And I really like his head teacher. But I'm def jealous of you ladies in Europe ( and elsewhere) who get many months of paid leave.
I'm in Europe (the UK) and i am already down to statutory maternity pay, which is less than 1/4 my normal salary. It sucks, I only get 13 weeks of my normal pay rate, which I know is more than loads of people but by UK standards its pretty poor. Especially since I am a teacher who works for the local government!
I'm in Europe (the UK) and i am already down to statutory maternity pay, which is less than 1/4 my normal salary. It sucks, I only get 13 weeks of my normal pay rate, which I know is more than loads of people but by UK standards its pretty poor. Especially since I am a teacher who works for the local government!

Oh, I'm surprised. I was under the impression ( based on discussions on B&B) that maternity benefits in the UK were much better. Does it depend on where you live? Or your specific job?
It is to do with your job. We have something called statutory maternity pay which lasts a year, but it is not enough to live off. Or maybe it is if you are used to a lower salary or work part time, but I'm in a fairly well paid job so our cost of living is high therefore the shortcoming is way too much for us.

You get the same amount of money if you are employed or unemployed, everyone gets it. It is up to your employer what you get over and above that. I get 13 weeks full pay, my friend gets 18 and she works in a shop in an entry level job. It sucks really!
Mummy to be, i had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago. i wore a dress i thought i looked pretty good in, only to see photos afterward and think, oh my god, why did i wear that!??:wacko::dohh:

fell off the wagon tonight, darn peanut butter m&ms and jolly rancher gummies.:roll: i am sick (allergies gone crazy or actual cold?:shrug:) and hardly slept (sore throat plus clogged duct...omg so painful) and then i am just hungry all the time! i managed a very short walk around the neighborhood, but it was so cold and my phone died and i was over it. ha!

tomorrow is a new day!! don't feel well enough to do anything more than take care of baby and maaayyybe a walk tomorrow. and maybe go to playgroup if i'm feeling particularly ambitious!:bodyb::haha:
Morning ladies! I know little about maternity leave, I feel so lucky to be able to be a SAHM. Although I am sooooo ready to get out there and start working. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to SAHM! Thinking I might look for part time and find a nanny? Months down the road of course, my two month old is not ready for that!

It took me FOREVER to get two month old down last night... In fact I think DH did while I was asleep sitting up in bed. And then when she woke later I just brought her into bed with me. Then a bit later two year old wakes and has a melt down.. She doesn't like mommy sharing in the middle of the night. So I start to nurse her but she doesn't go to sleep, then wants to take her nightie off, then wants milk. So when hubs took her to get milk I locked the door and went back to sleep. Now getting six year old ready for school. I don't know how I'm going to get through this day. Might be an off day today ladies. But we will see. It's always hard the day after an off day so I might try to power through.

Ugh for bad sleep nights and upset toddlers!
Hey ladies! Hope you are all doing well, being productive, and staying on track!

I had a better night last night thank goodness, and will be getting my sweat on later today! I might double up some cardio and some strength training, we will see on time! Stayed pretty on track with calories yesterday. Not much to report lol. Muscles are not sore any more makes me sad which is why im thinking of doubling.

Check in with me ladies, I want to hear how you are doing!
Only have a minute to write. But I did really well yesterday, both eating and exercise. New low today 155.0! Hadn't weighed In in a few days, and was worried after all the v-day treats. But now I'm more motivated than ever. I WILL be able to wear my pre-preg clothes by summertime! I'm gonna work my butt off!
Get it Elma! It's sooooo motivating seeing the work you're doing pay off!

I did a couple youtubed today arms and core. Then started on Cize but was so not feeling it. The video for today was really complicated but not a good work out... Think I'll be skipping it in the future! Think I might try a cardio blaster from YouTube, I'm having a lot of fun with the workouts on there.

On track with calories I think. I didn't count dinner which was a super tasty salad with chicken, eggs, mushrooms, carrots, croutons and light ranch. It was delish and I have leftover!

Hope everyone is getting busy busy!
haven't been feeling well enough to even think about exercise or worry about what i'm eating.:dohh: i am finally feeling okay today, but my voice is so hoarse you'd think i smoke a couple packs a day!:rofl:

stopped logging in LoseIt after about 4 days. normally i'd feel bad, but i think logging for a couple days gave me a decent idea of roughly how many calories i'm eating (and usually around target, give or take 100 calories) so i'm not going to stress...yet.:roll:

my husband took today off and we are going to an old favorite restaurant that's an hour train ride away. i'm excited to go and introduce baymax to the owner. i used to go about once a week when it was on my way home from work. that was before i met my husband. the owner sort of saw us meet, come there on dates, then get married and i moved away, then we went when i was pregnant at 17 weeks. so it'll be fun i hope! otherwise a low key weekend. mostly just hoping to get my voice back!:dohh::haha:
Oh that sounds like fun! I need to revisit my old college town, only an hour away but haven't been in ages. It's like a mini New Orleans, it's where my husband proposed, ah I love it there, and omg the food. I need a meat pie and dirty rice! I'm sorry you've been feeling ill!!!

I did a YouTube cardio yesterday, can't remember if I already said that. But phewwwww I got a good work out! Today I did legs and core, and a good stretch. Been thinking about jogging my backyard perimeter for some at-home jogging without having to worry about the kids. At least until I can go a decent distance! Might be a good option! Two cups of coffee, two hardboiled eggs, and a protein shake for lunch. Doing good so far :) the urge to go out to eat is strong though lol!
I hope you and your voice are better today, Jump. Did you have a nice trip to your fave restaurant?

Kmr, where are you from in Louisiana? My dad was born in lake Charles,but moved away as a child. I've never visited, but would love to make the trip someday.

I haven't met my calorie goal for several days, and skipped a day of logging, but I still had a new low today: 154.4! Baby nursed a lot last night so boobs were totally empty, so I'm sure that helped! :thumbup:

Baby had first full day of daycare on Friday (went very well) and since I'm not back to work til Monday, I had a free day. It was amazing! DH and I went to see Star Wars, finally! Loved it!
I also got a new low (or at least a new post baby low) of 10st 7lb. I'm 5lb heavier than when I fell pregnant still, but everything is moving the right way!

Did tonnes of walking yesterday, I always walk a lot but I walked tonnes, all pushing the buggy. I also had hardly eaten because I had the wee one at a parenting group, we had three outfit changes before we even got there so it was pretty hectic! At the club they give snacks for mums, so I had buttered wholemeal toast, two cups of tea and three bits of pancake with butter. Not good!

I had soup for lunch, skipped the roll so it was really healthy. My aunt manages a cafe so I know the soup was really healthy as shd gave me the recipe in the past, lol.

At dinner we really wanted a Chinese takeaway so I had schezuan (probably spelled wrong!) tofu. Healthier choice, yay! And half a bottle of champagne, not so healthy!

Today was going well, I made carb free breakfast muffins (onion, mushroom and Quorn bacon, which is supposed to be real bacon, grilled, spooned into paper cases on a muffin tray, then eggs beaten with milk poured over and done in the oven) - they were phenomenal! Unfortunately I had a burger king for lunch, but whatever!
I wrote a huge response back yesterday and then when I submitted I got a timed out error. I was so irritated! So here goes:

Elma-- we live in a small town called Deridder which is only about 45 minutes from Lake Charles! We got to LC quite often as it has a much bigger selection as far as shopping and dining!
That's awesome you hit a new low! I have hit a standstill, probably because I haven't been taking my diet as seriously the past several days! I am back on it so far today.

Loe-- it sounds like you've been super productive! And soup and your muffins sound downright tasty!!

So far for me today-- granola bar for breakfast, protein shake for lunch. I did a legs workout from YouTube and then half did an abs but the legs kicked my buuuuuttttt so I wasn't as with it. Might do arms in a few too, I got some new heavier Dumbbells and I'm excited to use them! Dinner tonight will be green salad and corn and potato chowder. I totally had an off weekend. Not like I was gorging myself but I definitely enjoyed some foods that I have been denying myself! Climbing back on and envisioning myself in bikini this summer. Hahaha.
HI ladies

I've been back on the healthy eating for a few days. I've even said no to my mum when she suggested cake and chocolate a few times so very pleased with myself.

Dd1 is in playschool today so I'm going to suggest a walk with little one in the pram.

I've got 8.6kg to go until I'm pre mmc weight then another 5kg to go to personal goal.

Plus my big toe is aching. My dad said it's gout but I'm a 37 year old female. Dd1 steps heavily on my toes a lot so I'm hoping it's that but it's been aching for 5 days now. I hope it's not gout.
i am still fighting off the last of whatever i had and am already exhausted by the end of the day (running errands, carrying the carseat, etc.) and i just don't have the motivation to work out.:dohh: i know i feel better when i do, so i really should, but...blaaaaahhh.:roll:

food wise i've been doing okay, and the running errands either all morning or all afternoon keeps me from snacking between meals, so that's good.:thumbup: haven't been to the gym, so haven't weighed myself, but i *feel* like i'm losing weight.:shrug: my husband made some comment the other day about how he was "just enjoying the view" as i was putting the carseat in the car...:shock::happydance::haha: i feel like that's the first time he's mentioned me looking "good" in...a long time! maybe he needs rewarded somehow.:rofl:
Spud-- great job! It's so hard to say no sometimes. I'm luckily not exposed to much in the way of sweets and such in my day to day life so I'm not really tempted. I AM tempted by extra cups of coffee, and the sugar and cream I use are just empty calories lol.

Jump-- just shoot for a five or ten minute YouTube video. And then once you're done you can decide to do more or be done and at least you've done something. I don't like taking "off" days because its so much harder getting back to it the next day. But then I usually do that-- YouTube video. Just one. Eight minute abs or ten minute arms... And by the time I'm done I'm like yeah I can do another. And then another. And by the time I'm done I have gotten a good workout. Just make yourself do that ONE.

I did legs the other day and I am still in pain. My muscles got some serious tearage. First time I added weights to a leg routine. Phew! So yesterday I did arms and core instead of cardio because no way could my legs do cardio. Now my arms are slightly sore. And we are doing cardio today. And I've got to get it done shortly, because I need a trip to the grocery store today.

I will probably get on the scale this morning but I'm sure I have no new lows. I probably need to amp up my cardio to really burn some calories but cardio is my least fave lol.

How are you Elma? We haven't seen Amy in a while! Hope you ladies are doing well!
Well I went back to work Monday, so been super busy and mentally exhausted. Monday evening I was more exhausted than I think I have been since that first week after baby was born. Tuesday morning felt "off", kinda queezy tummy, but got through work ok, felt sick in the evening.

I actually thought I was getting mastitis (I've had it before) cause I had a painful area on one breast (god I hate pumping at work. That's a whole other story). But turns out Ds1 and I have a stomach bug or the flu. So I'm home today after only two days of work :dohh: at least the baby seems to be ok, and he's at daycare, so I've got it fairly easy today. DS is just watching movies.

As for food, I've been starting the days tracking what I eat and doing well, but not being able to keep up with it as the day wears on. I doubt I've been making my goal, but I've been eating fairly heathy. But no exercise to speak of since Sunday. :growlmad: I think things are going to be tough for a while.

I did weigh my self today and had a new low of 154.2, but there is also nothing in my tummy, and prob a bit dehydrated.
Diet obviously not going well. I was asked today by an old neighbour (who admittedly does have some learning difficulties) if I was pregnant again. I said "no" and she told me I looked like I was. I was wearing UK size 10 clothes (think that is a US 6?) - like c'mon! My wee one is only 4 months, even if I was pregnant it would barely be noticeable by now!
Diet obviously not going well. I was asked today by an old neighbour (who admittedly does have some learning difficulties) if I was pregnant again. I said "no" and she told me I looked like I was. I was wearing UK size 10 clothes (think that is a US 6?) - like c'mon! My wee one is only 4 months, even if I was pregnant it would barely be noticeable by now!

Ouch! That's rough. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I think I look a little pregnant. And I make a mental note to remember to suck it in when out in public :haha: But I do know my tummy will gradually get smaller.

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