Accountability thread

I had an off day yesterday as well. DH took the day off as we had an admin thing to do in the morning. Then we went for sushi and I ate a gajillion calories. I don't even want to think about how many calories and how many grams of fat. Good thing I hit T+8.6lb.

I did get the all clear to start working out, so I'm going to go check out a baby and me yoga class this week. Cross my heart... :P
Well the scale's batteries were changed and this morning says 129.4. I am just beyond myself excited. I'm feeling more attractive, I'm feeling more slender, and the scale is reflecting progress and Im just so uplifted and motivated! Stay strong ladies, it pays off!

Will check in a bit later after I've done my workout. I'm ready!!!
Got my dance workout done first thing this morning! I love getting them done early. Tomorrow will be an off day, headed to my parents' house to celebrate my sister's birthday. I've made her a homemade hummingbird cake and thank goodness it's staying there is all I can say about that. It looks deeeeelish! One piece for me is it! (And maybe a take home piece, I worked hard!)
On track with calories! Generally in good spirits except I got a bad haircut yesterday and I haaaaate it! Check in gals!
have been doing okay on the eating healthy front (as i sit here eating peanut butter m&ms:shhh:) but slacking on the exercise front. i keep saying i will go out for a walk, but then never do. my husband and i did walk to the bowling alley on friday. it's about a 10 minute walk, so nothing major, but it's not sitting on the couch!:haha: and i carried baymax around the store yesterday for an hour or so. baymax has been sleeping great (roughly 9:30pm until 7am:shock::happydance:) but i am back to my pre-pregnancy crappy sleep with vivid dreams that wake me up trying to catch my breath or in a panic.:dohh: goal for this week is some PiYo, crunches, squats and stretching...3 days.:bodyb:will try for MWF.:thumbup:
Hi ladies,

Few treats this weekend but that's ok I allow myself a treat here and there once the weekend arrives, we ate out today and I couldn't finish my food I was stuffed! Going back six weeks ago I would of ate the lot and probably could of easily had more.
That's great ladies! I took the day off yesterday, ate more than I normally do and didn't count calories. Back to it today! I did exercise arms while I was visiting with my family, and made my sister do it with me. She complained the entire time. Will be doing my dance workout today and getting sweaty hopefully!

Exercise kind of sucks at first. I'm trying to love the burn and sweat, when not long ago I would stop when I got sweaty and when I started to feel the burn. I'm realizing that it's those things that bring change to my body... So if I want to change I need to learn to love them! So I'm embracing the sweat and trying to love the burn (although I do crap out sometimes).

So glad you all are doing good with eating. Jumpingo, just dive into it! I like my in home exercise DVDs. My two year old and newbie still mak it hard for me to get out and walk. But at home I can get it done!
I feel like I'm the only one posting! Got my dance workout done this am, and otherwise had a lazy day. I got a bad haircut last week and I have been agonizing about what to do about it so today was kind of me ultimately deciding to go get it fixed lol. I'm just at my goal on calories today which feels good as I ate more than I have been lately.

My husband is off the next two days so I might take a dance workout break and just do strength training. How is everyone??
tuesday is over here and i have yet to do piyo this week. :dohh: my goal was 3 days, which may be more like 2 at this rate!

i wore baby a lot today. at the store i unloaded the bottom of the cart one thing at a time and got about 10 squats in.:haha: and then the loading dock in the basement of our apartment was blocked by a huge moving truck, so i had to park in our spot out in the parking lot, strap baby on, carry 3gallons of milk inside, then come back down for the rest of the groceries (it was a decent amount of weight!) so i feel like all that with baby on my chest was a mini workout. also tonight she was fussy and i sat on the couch rocking her back and forth, got some crunches in!:haha: ate well today, for me, and even passed on a piece of cake at lunch at my husband's work. (had two sandwiches, though! but i loaded them with veggies...and still better than cake!:haha:)

i know i will feel better if i do some actual sweating and working out, so just need to force myself to do it.:bodyb: i need to frost 24 cupcakes tomorrow and deliver them to the school across the street, so hopefully baymax cooperates and knowing they are for a friend's kid for her birthday means no cupcake for me!:haha:
Hi ladies! Mind if I join y'all in your weight loss adventure? :flower:

I'm 35, with a 3 yo boy and a 10 week old boy. I have 20 lbs to lose to get back to pre pregnancy weight, but wouldn't mind getting off another 5 to boot. I go back to work in 2 weeks and it's kinda depressing not to be able to wear any of my old clothes yet.

Despite breast feeding, the scale has not budged At all for a month. Doesn't help that I broke my toe a few weeks ago, so no jogging or aerobics for me. But I'm still exercising on other ways. Lots of leg lifts...boring boring leg lifts. and squats, crunches, and arm exercises.

For the last week I've been tracking calories on My Fitness Pal, and even though I've met my goal 5 out of 7 days, still no weight loss :dohh: But I do still feel very motivated and am glad to be eating healthy. is anyone here tracking calories too? How many calories are you aiming for?
Wearing baby and walking about is good exercise! I need to start walking with the two littles. But my right week old doesn't like the stroller, so I'd be wearing and pushing the other in a double �� And I feel like I get more from the exercise I do so will stick with it over walking til I have time for both.

Took the day off dance and just did strength training yesterday. Will try to dance workout today but had a rough night and taxes to be filed later so will have to do it very soon to have time.

I hope all is well with spud, any, ladies, where are you?
Hi ladies! Mind if I join y'all in your weight loss adventure? :flower:

I'm 35, with a 3 yo boy and a 10 week old boy. I have 20 lbs to lose to get back to pre pregnancy weight, but wouldn't mind getting off another 5 to boot. I go back to work in 2 weeks and it's kinda depressing not to be able to wear any of my old clothes yet.

Despite breast feeding, the scale has not budged At all for a month. Doesn't help that I broke my toe a few weeks ago, so no jogging or aerobics for me. But I'm still exercising on other ways. Lots of leg lifts...boring boring leg lifts. and squats, crunches, and arm exercises.

For the last week I've been tracking calories on My Fitness Pal, and even though I've met my goal 5 out of 7 days, still no weight loss :dohh: But I do still feel very motivated and am glad to be eating healthy. is anyone here tracking calories too? How many calories are you aiming for?

Welcome, congrats on new baby! Definitely give yourself time, only ten weeks post partum, don't be discouraged. When you're able to do some cardio and work up a sweat that will really help. But doing what you're doing plus watching calories will help too! Try finding some YouTube videos to follow along with, it's a bit more entertaining than just popping some squats lol!
I have breastfed all three kids and never has it been true for me that it helps lose the weight. I stayed over pre-pregnancy weight with number one for over a year. Number two well over a year. This time it's dropped off quickly, no idea the change.
Since I started with myfitnesspal maybe three and a half weeks ago I've lost over five lbs (some was from the stomach bug but it stayed off so). My goal is 1600 calories a day, and I generally stay under that I've I don't have bad influences nearby. I have read that dieting WONT affect your supply, unless you're extremely malnourished, and even then your milk will steal from your body to nourish your babe. So I'm not cutting calories as extremely as I COULD, but I'm not tacking on five hundred to compensate either. Just make sure you are staying hydrated, make sure your diet is vitamin rich, and you're not sacrifice quality of your food.
Please come check in, as often as you like! I feel like members aren't posting often and it makes me sad! I love checking in, it helps me keep my focus! And sometimes I come to check in, and no one has written since me, so I skip :haha:
Well maybe I'm just eating way too many calories. My goal is 2100. Mind if I ask how tall you are? I'm 5'8" and am currently at 158. I'm not sure I could do less that 1900, since 2100 takes a lot of will power already.

Speaking of stomach bugs. DS1 is home from preschool today with a stomach bug. Maybe I should try to catch it :haha: sounds a bit easier than tracking all these meals!
Stick with where you are at now. Get used to it. And once you get used to it, try small reductions again. My day looks something like-- two cups of coffee in the morning with cream and sugar, 150 calories. I usually do a shakeology shake for lunch which can be about 250 calories or so, or upwards of 400 if I add peanut butter (love peanut butter!). Maybe a snack in the afternoon, pretzels, or a granola bar, right around 150 calories. Then dinner which are usually around 300-400 depending on what I cook. And then a glass of milk and something sweet before bed usually costs me around 300 calories. I have hard boiled eggs on hand a lot for an easy breakfast before working out and only about 70 calories per egg. It's hard. Sometimes all I want to do is have a giant bowl of cereal before bed. Or pig out on take out. But I think about what I want and that's to feel good about myself again and it makes it easier to stay on track. Lately I've been feeling that way... Comfortable walking around naked in front of hubs, wearing pretty undies... And getting to this point makes me want to work hard to keep going.
Oh I'm 5'6"... Now 129 lbs. and OMG that stomach bug made me want to die. I'm pretty sure NOTHING was left in my gut. I wouldn't recommend!!
Was feeling super discouraged yesterday. Neither baby would let me get my workout done. They woke me up at three and didn't let me go back to sleep til five. We had a time constraint too as our tax appointment was at two.

Taking it slowly today. Haven't had a chance to workout yet but I will get it done before this day is over!

Scale is at 128.2 today!!!
Sounds like a rough day for you! But that scale reading must make up for it somewhat.

My day has gone fairly well, got a brief workout in (walking around the house while holding the baby lol), and my foot felt pretty good. I actually really love to exercise, so I can't wait till I can get out for some long walks, and eventually start jogging again.

Weighed 157.4 this morning, which is lower that the last few days, which is good. But I did get 157.0 last week. Just fluctuates so much, it's hard to tell if there's a trend. Hubby brought home for lunch, which I ate very little of, but I'm sure it had lots of sodium and I'll be retaining water when I weight myself tomorrow.
hi Elma!:wave:
i have never used My Fitness Pal, but my husband and i used a similar app, LoseIt!, in the few months before i got pregnant and it was eye opening (regarding calorie counts and portion sizes, specifically) and really helped us lose weight. i felt horrible for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy and exercise was a no-go.:dohh: i haven't started back up with the app, but might here soon if the weight doesn't budge!

Please come check in, as often as you like! I feel like members aren't posting often and it makes me sad! I love checking in, it helps me keep my focus! And sometimes I come to check in, and no one has written since me, so I skip :haha:
don't skip!! i love reading your posts! they are motivating and remind me to get my butt in gear. i read from my phone a lot, but hate replying from my phone. once i get to my computer though...i can/often type novels!:blush::haha:

Well maybe I'm just eating way too many calories. My goal is 2100. Mind if I ask how tall you are? I'm 5'8" and am currently at 158. I'm not sure I could do less that 1900, since 2100 takes a lot of will power already.
i'm not currently counting calories, but i'm the same height and weighed 155 at my OB follow up appointment on january 7th.:friends: we don't own a scale, so i only weigh myself at the gym or at the doctor's. i haven't weighed myself since then so i'm not sure, but my jeans seem to fit better, so i'm thinking i'm a little less now...?:shrug: i'm hoping to get back down to my pre-pregnancy 140 but also want to be more in shape/toned, so will take the extra muscle if that means keeping a few of those pounds.:winkwink:

Was feeling super discouraged yesterday. Neither baby would let me get my workout done. They woke me up at three and didn't let me go back to sleep til five. We had a time constraint too as our tax appointment was at two.

Taking it slowly today. Haven't had a chance to workout yet but I will get it done before this day is over!

Scale is at 128.2 today!!!
they have a schedule of their own don't they!!:dohh:

i finally did PiYo yesterday. i made it 16 minutes into the Core workout. i ended up in tears because i was so frustrated with my body. it's not about how it looks, i can deal with's the fact that it used to be able to do so much of this stuff and now my muscles are just not able to. or it hurts to do a move, so i have to stop.:nope: i am wondering if i just need to do more cardio type exercise first and get my core and legs used to moving?:shrug: it feels like my adductor muscles (inside groin area) are just totally shot. and my very lower ab muscles are pretty useless too.:dohh:

ended up doing pretty crappy food wise yesterday, too, with a food court lunch with my husband and pizza for dinner.:dohh: gah, i'm just such a bundle of rainbows and sunshine today huh?:roll: sorry...

am going to go to a playgroup/gathering this morning that some moms on base have organized. i just found out about it on wednesday and they meet in one of the apartment buildings that has a little play room on the first floor every day from 9:30-11:00. i am hoping to meet some new people (and catch up with ones that i actually already know, since i pretty much fell off the face of the earth when baby arrived:haha:) and even though baymax is way too little to play on any of the stuff, i'll just take a blanket and hopefully find some toys to show her. she still doesn't know she has hands:rofl: so doesn't grab anything yet, but she'll look at stuff and squawk:haha: at the dangling animals on her playmat for a good 20-30 minutes.:thumbup: or quite possibly she'll just fall asleep in the ergo and i will get social time!:haha:
Jumpingo-- when I started exercising I was doing prenatal workouts! If I had jumped into Piyo I'm pretty sure I would have been doomed for failure. As it was I had already been strengthening awhile and it was still super tough! But got easier Everytime so you just have to keep pushing. Don't be frustrated. Note how far you got today and try to go a minute further the next time. And so on. I don't even think I did core. Lol my favorite one was sweat.

Years and years ago I used to like lifting weights and running but it was long before kids. I'm starting to see again how much it is for me, and I'm enjoying it again. I feel so proud when I have sweat dripping off!

Like I did today! Did Cize and was so worked out! I'm into week two and this week will definitely be intense. I got used to week one and was feeling oh this will be easy. Lol no. Okay headed to give everyone a bath. Bedtime here in an hour and I am so ready for it.
Jumpingo-- when I started exercising I was doing prenatal workouts! If I had jumped into Piyo I'm pretty sure I would have been doomed for failure. As it was I had already been strengthening awhile and it was still super tough! But got easier Everytime so you just have to keep pushing. Don't be frustrated. Note how far you got today and try to go a minute further the next time. And so on. I don't even think I did core. Lol my favorite one was sweat.

Years and years ago I used to like lifting weights and running but it was long before kids. I'm starting to see again how much it is for me, and I'm enjoying it again. I feel so proud when I have sweat dripping off!

Like I did today! Did Cize and was so worked out! I'm into week two and this week will definitely be intense. I got used to week one and was feeling oh this will be easy. Lol no. Okay headed to give everyone a bath. Bedtime here in an hour and I am so ready for it.

maybe i'll try sweat next time!:thumbup: and probably need to youtube some prenatal stuff in the meantime. i am not a huge fan of weight lifting, but last january/february my husband and i kicked it into high gear and calorie counted and went to the gym. we ran and lifted and i went to turbokick/PiYo classes 3-4 days a week. it really helped me with grieving my miscarriage and getting back to a better place. soon enough i started thriving on the sweat and the burn. now i want to get back to all that but my body just isn't having it, which is frustrating because i am a 120% kind of person and having to modify or cut back is just not my style.:roll: it sounds like you are the same.:winkwink: and awesome job, week two!:bodyb::happydance:
Lol yeah even when I started working out after baby I didn't want to count calories. I was like well if in adding in exercise that should be enough right? So sick of hearing "abs are made in the kitchen" lol. But then I decided to try one day. And yeah it's eye opening. I mean I don't eat a ton of food, but the little things you don't even think about (a handful of m and ms, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (personal fave) garlic bread, rice so on and so on ugh. Now I'm trying to think of healthier options for my family so that I can cut calories all across the board. I'm inlouisiana, I grew up on southern comfort cooking. It's hard to imagine changing my dinner menus (chicken fried steak, chicken pot pie, spaghetti and meatballs, Cajun fettuccini?), but I'm going to take it a recipe at a time. Last week I made zucchini tacos, basically just hallowed out half zucchini and filled it with taco meat and sauce and some cheese. They were delish! Now I've been pinning lettuce wrapped meals, I've got a spiralizer in my cart on Amazon for zucchini noodles... I'm going to try. But just what I'm doing now is a huge improvement.
And I still have to push myself. Finding thirty minutes of free time to workout is a challenge every day. And then do I really WANT to use my free time to WORK? Yeah. I totally do. Because I can see and feel the difference in my body since I started and it's totally addictive. I want to wear a bikini this summer when I take the kids outside in the pool or to the lake. I feel like I could now and not be too embarrassed but I want to be a milf lol. There's my goal. To feel like I look like a hot mom of three.

Now I still indulge. I made breakfast for dinner last night. For me that consisted of two pancakes and a sausage patty which still added up to like 800 calories. I'll still go out to eat with the family on the weekends. If it's not going on every day and I work hard through the week, I can't tell myself no to treats every now and again. It would be absolutely too limiting and I would be setting up for failure. But staying on track MOST of the time is better than some of the time or none of the time. So if you fall off the horse, don't stay off. Get back on the next day.

Okay I think I'm done with my rant haha. Now more coffee.

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