hi Elma!:wave:
i have never used My Fitness Pal, but my husband and i used a similar app, LoseIt!, in the few months before i got pregnant and it was eye opening (regarding calorie counts and portion sizes, specifically) and really helped us lose weight. i felt horrible for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy and exercise was a no-go.

i haven't started back up with the app, but might here soon if the weight doesn't budge!
Please come check in, as often as you like! I feel like members aren't posting often and it makes me sad! I love checking in, it helps me keep my focus! And sometimes I come to check in, and no one has written since me, so I skip
don't skip!! i love reading your posts! they are motivating and remind me to get my butt in gear. i read from my phone a lot, but hate replying from my phone. once i get to my computer though...i can/often type novels!

Well maybe I'm just eating way too many calories. My goal is 2100. Mind if I ask how tall you are? I'm 5'8" and am currently at 158. I'm not sure I could do less that 1900, since 2100 takes a lot of will power already.
i'm not currently counting calories, but i'm the same height and weighed 155 at my OB follow up appointment on january 7th.

we don't own a scale, so i only weigh myself at the gym or at the doctor's. i haven't weighed myself since then so i'm not sure, but my jeans seem to fit better, so i'm thinking i'm a little less now...?

i'm hoping to get back down to my pre-pregnancy 140 but also want to be more in shape/toned, so will take the extra muscle if that means keeping a few of those pounds.
Was feeling super discouraged yesterday. Neither baby would let me get my workout done. They woke me up at three and didn't let me go back to sleep til five. We had a time constraint too as our tax appointment was at two.
Taking it slowly today. Haven't had a chance to workout yet but I will get it done before this day is over!
Scale is at 128.2 today!!!
they have a schedule of their own don't they!!
i finally did PiYo yesterday. i made it 16 minutes into the Core workout. i ended up in tears because i was so frustrated with my body. it's not about how it looks, i can deal with that...it's the fact that it used to be able to do so much of this stuff and now my muscles are just not able to. or it hurts to do a move, so i have to stop.

i am wondering if i just need to do more cardio type exercise first and get my core and legs used to moving?

it feels like my adductor muscles (inside groin area) are just totally shot. and my very lower ab muscles are pretty useless too.
ended up doing pretty crappy food wise yesterday, too, with a food court lunch with my husband and pizza for dinner.

gah, i'm just such a bundle of rainbows and sunshine today huh?

am going to go to a playgroup/gathering this morning that some moms on base have organized. i just found out about it on wednesday and they meet in one of the apartment buildings that has a little play room on the first floor every day from 9:30-11:00. i am hoping to meet some new people (and catch up with ones that i actually already know, since i pretty much fell off the face of the earth when baby arrived

) and even though baymax is way too little to play on any of the stuff, i'll just take a blanket and hopefully find some toys to show her. she still doesn't know she has hands

so doesn't grab anything yet, but she'll look at stuff and squawk

at the dangling animals on her playmat for a good 20-30 minutes.

or quite possibly she'll just fall asleep in the ergo and i will get social time!