Accountability thread

Hi there Jump! It's great to "run into" the December crew on B&B, and hear how everyone is doing. Everything good with you lil gal?

I hit a new low today, 156.8. Even though only two tenth lower than my previous low, I'll pretend like that's progress! Gotta stay motivated right?

Toe is feeling pretty good today. I'm feeling pretty hopeful that in a week I should be able to tolerate some brisk walking outside (weather permitting). Some ladies at work do a lunch walk, and I'd love to join them for some grown up social time, when I go back to work.

ds1 is home form school today, so we've planned a play date for this afternoon. Which means my exercise for the day will be cleaning! And god knows the house needs it :haha:
Yep, I wanna be a milf too :haha:

Since starting with myfitnesspal, I've actually found it relatively easy to eat well, since I tend to love fruits veggies, and whole grains. But I find tracking all those calories to be so tedious. But if I don't, I'll underestimate how much I'm eating and easily consume too many calories to loose any weight.
It can be tedious! I love the barcode feature though. And I find I eat many of the same things so the times I actually have to spend time entering things manually are fewer and fewer. And the recipe import is so handy! So I've gotten used to it.

I got my workout done early this am. If you guys have seen the infomercials on Cize you know it's a dance workout. Today's was so complicated I could barely keep up and I didn't feel like it was a good workout because of that! Very annoying but I know I'll get the hang of it if I stick with it. I would have doubled up but expecting a visit from my mom later and wanted to shower and start cleaning the house. So we will just call it a blugh day. And I'll have to go out tomorrow to pick up my son from his slumber party wth my parents so I'm already planning a light workout that won't take much time or get me too sweaty. Sucko!

Elma-- I record the lows. That's how I watch for a trend. If I get a new low, I call that weight loss. A new high? Weight gain. Lol. Today I was 129.4 or something. But yesterday was 128.4. So I go with the lows :)
Hey ladies, not checked in for a while. My total weight loss is 3.5 lb, in 3 weeks. I'm fairly happy with that considering I have had nights out, takeaways, 1am screaming baby i-need-chocolate moments etc.

Right now I'm 5.5lb up on pre pregnancy. Not too bad considering I was unable to exercise properly for a while due to having a section. I still really struggle with my abs!
Hello Ladies. I've been less than motivated lately because it's freezing up here in Canada! I'm maintaining at T+9.2lb, so it's not all bad.

I've been feeling a bit isolated. I'm getting out daily to run errands, but I need to get to more playgroups and make some mommy friends!
hi Elma! yeah, it's nice to see names i recognize.:flower:
things are good. we got lucky and got a good sleeper!:thumbup:

Yep, I wanna be a milf too :haha:
oh, me too, me too!:haha::friends:

It can be tedious! I love the barcode feature though. And I find I eat many of the same things so the times I actually have to spend time entering things manually are fewer and fewer.
LoseIt! has the barcode feature too and it makes it SO much easier! i'm a fairly "boring" eater and don't get sick of the same breakfast (pretty much ever) and can eat the same thing for lunch most days too. so that makes it even easier to input!:haha:

Hey ladies, not checked in for a while. My total weight loss is 3.5 lb, in 3 weeks. I'm fairly happy with that considering I have had nights out, takeaways, 1am screaming baby i-need-chocolate moments etc.

Right now I'm 5.5lb up on pre pregnancy. Not too bad considering I was unable to exercise properly for a while due to having a section. I still really struggle with my abs!
i struggle with my abs too (as in, they do not all!?:huh:) and i didn't have a c-section so i'm not sure what my excuse is!:haha:

I've been feeling a bit isolated. I'm getting out daily to run errands, but I need to get to more playgroups and make some mommy friends!
i went to a playgroup on friday for the first time. it was...interesting. of course i didn't expect to meet my new bff there, but making friends as an adult is so hard!:wacko::dohh: hopefully you can find a group with some nice mommies...even if we don't become friends outside of the organized playgroup, getting out and having that interaction definitely helps!:thumbup:

doh, baby is crying...will have to come back and update more later!:wave:
I want to use this multi quote feature but no idea how.

Loeylo-- that's FAB! Awesome work! Obviously doing something right huh!

Amy-- get active in the house! It's easy and something you can do at home without having to venture out into the cold. Do you breastfeed? Other hobbies? Check Facebook for local groups. I've made a ton of friends because of the local interest groups in in, like breastfeeding and crochet. Worth a try!

Working abs-- try planking. I couldn't do sit ups after I had baby. I started planking first. Now I can follow along with most ab workouts.
Re: multi-quoting-- go to the first post you want to quote and click on the "multi-quote" button. The botton will highlight (turns gray for me)to show you've selected that message. Then go to the next message and click on its "multi quote button", and so forth till you've selected all the posts you want to quote. Then finally you just click the "post reply" button at the top or bottom of the page. All the quotes should be there. You can delete text if you don't want to quote an entire message.
Ladies - I haven't stepped on the scales because I'm sooooooo far off the wagon I can't even see it's dust as it trundles off into the distance without me.

I need to pick myself up and get back on. I need to tell myself to be healthy for my daughters.
Yes with my first i went to every mummy group going. Luckily I made some friends from my antenatal group. I'm still friends with some now and their kids are dd1s great friends. Now they have kid not too so hopefully great friends for dd2.
I do feel isolated because dh works every day. We don't even get family outings. Hopefully this will change this year.
successful day at the gym!:happydance:

there's no one in the baby room (kid friendly room with a few treadmills, ellipticals, a bike, free weights, exercise ball and a couple yoga mats) so i played my music out loud and baby girl just stared at my from her car seat next to the elliptical then fell asleep!:haha:

ellipitcal 20 minutes
10 slow crunches
20 hip raises
some cat cow and downward dog (with 10...knee to chest and these have an actual name? on each leg)
AND a 30 second plank on my elbows (probably could have gone longer but i let myself just do 30. i am trying to learn to let myself not do 120% and let that be okay.:dohh::haha:)

i have worked out thursday, saturday and sunday now...yay! i was feeling so disheartened on thursday, but feeling so much better now. thank you endorphins:winkwink:

the gym is empty on saturday and sunday mornings, and it's hard for my husband to go after a long day at work, so we talked about coming both days and then we'll both try to find a couple days during the week.:thumbup:

well, he's done, later ladies!! keep it up, or just start, you'll feel so much better for it!!:bodyb::friends:
Spud-- don't give up!! You can have off days just get back on too! We know you can get it!

Jump that's FANTASTIC! Awesome day sounds like! Jealous myself, no baby room in our gym, so I'll be going it alone as soon as husband is capable of baby watching. But that's sounds totally awesome! I used to loathe the elliptical lol! I guess because it worked me too hard. I wonder how I would like it now!

Afm-- good day. I knew I didn't want to get sweaty this morning so I skipped Cize and went with a YouTube video which turned into two videos then three then a stretch. So by the end I was super sweaty and had to spray the crap out of my hair with dry shampoo to leave the house lolololol but it was a great work out, and the stretch at the end felt soooo great. I love noticing better flexibility. It's definitely getting better.

Calories on track too! Feeling good ladies :)

Hope everyone is doing lovely!
My gym (which I'm not actually currently a member at) used to have a lovely baby/kid room, but they closed it, which Is so lame :growlmad:. I'd been thinking about renewing when I go back to work, but I'm having second thoughts. Likely I'll be too busy and never go, and the money will go to waste. Spring is coming, I may just stick to outdoor workouts. I do love being outside.

New low for me okay 156.4 :happydance: so pumpt. Friday I went over my calorie goal a bit (like I really needed that last piece of pizza :dohh:), but yesterday did great, 200 cal under goal. My exercise yesterday was walking around the grocery store for an hour pushing cart with baby and food in it. And my foot/toe feels pretty darn good. Next week when weather is a bit warmer I'm going to do real outside walk with baby! :happydance:
Awesome news Elma!!! Those lows really show you that you're making headway! I haven't seen lower than 128.4 yet :P this morning was 128.8.

Doing some more YouTube this morning. Hubby is home and I don't like doing the dance thing with him staring at me lol. I'm nice and sore from yesterday's workout and I love it!! I love the sore feeling!

Okay ladies, I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day! I'll check in before bed! Stay motivated!!!
I also dislike working out in front of DH, I feel too silly. Does anyone know of any good YouTube ( or other free) workout videos? Preferably low impact.

I didn't get much exercise today, but did walk around the mall a bit. Did a lot of cleaning too, so fairly active overall today.

Did well eating so far, but DH is getting take out and we bought brownies for desert (I haven't been eating sugar, so this really is a treat for me!). And I'm drinking a beer as we speak! So I'm certainly not meeting my calories goal today. Back on the wagon tomorrow!
Elma-- look up fitness blender on YouTube. I do their tank top arms a lot, and I like their Pilates based lean legs. Their ten minute abs are good too! I subscribe to them. They are low impact, at least all the ones I have done. Now, there are tons on YouTube for at home. You don't need to spend a dime anymore to get a decent home workout. I've done a few Zumba videos on there. Jillian Michaels has her shred on there. I'll link the six sister favorite YouTube videos link, they have a decent list compiled. But really for starting off, fitness blender is the bomb!

^^ there is fitness blender. It's their stretch which I always add at the end of their workouts. But just click on their name and it will take you to their videos. I'm signed in all the time and when I find one I really like I add it to a playlist. Very handy!

I had kind of an off day too yesterday :) two hard boiled eggs in the am, a protein shake for lunch, then I made homemade onion straws to top our burgers with, and fries for dinner... A beer with dinner, and two snack sized mound bars (OMG they are good, never had one before yesterday lol!) I didn't count calories after lunch. I won't feel bad for taking the night off!

I did a few YouTube exercises (fitness blender lol!) but I was pretty sore from the day before so I don't feel like I worked as hard. I'll be doing Cize today I hope. Hubby is off but going to the gym so I will try to get it in while he's gone. We are doing some kind of ground turkey lettuce wraps tonight just not sure what, Asian inspired or Mexican? We will see.

Jumpingo-- totally nosy-- your locale says Tokyo but thought I'd noticed a military reference a time or two from you. Are you guys military? Hubby is retired marine corps, and now we live in our hometown which is next to an army base (so our gym is the military gym and our doctors military etc etc) just a nosy question lol.

Have a good day ladies-- feels good already to me!

Ps-- it turned my entire bottom text into a link lol! I have NO IDEA how to fix it!
kmr, we are. i was living in japan (i moved here after college) and i met my husband the week after he moved here with the air force. we got married the following summer and had a stateside wedding the summer after that. i'll hit 10 years in japan this coming fall (though living on base isn't the same as living in japan, so the last 3 of those 10 is semi-living in japan:haha:) and my husband will also be able to get out of the military this fall too. we are still weighing options...:wacko:

nosey question back atcha:winkwink: you mentioned somewhere that your husband got injured? and about not being able to watch the kids yet...was it military related or otherwise? there are a lot of good benefits to the military and if my husband could switch jobs, within the AF, we would really consider staying for the long haul. but my husband doesn't like his job and wouldn't make it another 13 years.:nope: so we'll see what happens!

took the day off exercise wise and still did well calorie wise. started using LoseIt again yesterday.:thumbup: instead of working out, i got a massage today! (valentine present from my husband<3) and i'm already wondering when i can get another one!:haha: i have had a sore throat the last 2 days and been sneezing and have a runny nose...allergies i think? started claritin yesterday, just waiting for it to actually help.:dohh: going to hopefully go to playgroup tomorrow morning and then to the gym. we'll see if baby let's both of those happen or not. my husband has the day off though, so i might be able to swing a baby-free gym trip if my husband goes while we are at playgroup.:thumbup: it's 9:30 and baby is falling asleep, so hopefully bedtime for me is close too! goodnight!:sleep:
I was so naughty this weekend so I am pulling it back now. Cutting out carbs for a day or two (might still eat potato but cut out all processed stuff, not sure yet)

Not weighing myself for a while. I'm sure I would be disgusted!
Don't feel bad! You have to get an off day in now and then. Haha wish I had it more in me to cut carbs- I have turkey tacos planned for tonight with lettuce shells instead of tortilla but then we got chips and salsa to go with it and sure I'll do some yellow rice as well lol!

Jumpingo-- how much fun! I've never left stateside and am so jealous! Hubby was injured in the marine corps and medically retired due to his injuries. Watching the kids has zip to do with it though, lol I just don't trust him with our newest squish yet. She likes the boob so much it tends to be the only thing that comforts her when she's upset. My hubs started out in a crap job at first and after his term he signed on with force reconnaissance. Which is what he wanted his entire adult life, so woohoo! Lol. He loved it, he was gone most of the time though. If he hadn't been injured he would have stayed in. Fortunately with a medical retirement you have the same benefits as a 20 year retiree.

I got my Cize on earlier and phew did I sweat! Great workout today but now my muscles are even more sore than they were beforehand!

Do you guys watch walking dead? We were so beat past night we skipped it but we will be watching tonight and I am sooooooo excited!
Hi everyone!!

Hello to any newbies :hi:

I've not logged on for a week or so, been super busy.

So it's been two months now and I've still not weighed in, although I've had comments off people saying I look slimmer. However, I watched a video today that my grandad took of the family at my nieces party, it was only last week and I looked so big! :( I dunno, it just made me feel crap and I feel a little set back, but then again I went on a date night last night and wore a shirt that was a little tight at Xmas time and it fit good yesterday so I guess that's good.

Need to keep focused and positive!

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