Jump, im sure walking outside every day will, at the very least, have you feeling good. And you probably loose some weight too!
Although, being short tempered is also classic symptom of sleep deprivation. Is baby jump (max?) having a sleep regression? My patience has been worn so very thin the last couple weeks with baby sleeping bad. I'm embarrassed with how I've behaved on a few occasions.
We all so rarely talk about our babies on this thread, but I think most of our LOs are roughly the same age. Any one else going through a rough sleeping patch? Kmr, you've mentioned some bad nights I recall. Anyone got an angel sleeper?
you're right, it's probably sleep deprivation, but it's of my own doing.

i need the out without baby/hanging out with friends time but a lot of time actually getting that "me" time means sacrificing sleep: i went out with friends for a late dinner on saturday night. i put baby to sleep at 7:30 and and left. then they invited me to their house afterward, so i came home around 10:30 and pumped (a whole 5oz.

) and then went over and i stayed until about 1:45am.

but, that is to also say that baby baymax is a good sleeper. she was actually way BETTER before i took her to the states in march and completely messed with her internal clock.

but even still, i can't complain at all. she used to go to bed later and not wake up until 7/8am.

now she sleeps from about 7:30pm until 7/8am and wakes twice in between. lately those have been around 3/4am and 5/6am and she'll eat for 10-15 minutes and i can put her right back in her crib, pretty much asleep. we have started to do some daytime crib-nap-"training" (i hate that word in relation to babies and sleep

) and she has done pretty well. she very consistently takes an hour-ish long morning nap after she's been up for 60-90 minutes. so, my mornings are fairly predictable. afternoons are a total crap shoot. i have no idea what i'm going to get!

on good days she'll take 2-3 more naps, but the times are not very predictable. we kinda just go with the flow.
and yeah, i think our babies are a day apart??

baymax was born november 27th.
in exercise news, i am going to walk to the store this afternoon once baymax wakes up. already dressed and ready to go! day 2!
Jumping - walking is so good too, I walk loads and I really feel the burn if I up my intensity. There are some good phone apps that calculate routes for you based on a specific goal. I used them lots when pregnant (ironically I worked out more during my pregnancy than I do now!)
i am trying to revive my fitbit (i hadn't used it in...a long time

) but it's not working.

i am actually trying to be more carefree about exercise for the next 30 days. my tendency would be to calculate distances and times and weight and be hard on myself about it all. i am going to try to just walk and not worry about all the other stuff and maybe walking will become more therapeutic for me...

i'll let you know at the end of 30 days!