Accountability thread

My OH ate all my rice cakes last night. I have been having two a night because they help my sweet cravings and are only 40cal. He ate about 8 of them last night - follows by a chocolate bar and two bags of crisps. He is getting so much heavier than I ever thought he would but it doesn't bother him, if I comment on his food he just replies that he is "a growing boy" - he can easily eat 2000 calories as a snack.

That is offensive and astonishing! Sounds like if he was gonna eat a chocolate bar, he really didn't need to eat all your rice cakes too!

And yes, sometimes I find it hard to Get enough protein. Not super hard, but takes some extra planning. Especially when pregnant and breast feeding, I really make an extra effort.
But I do end up eating a higher percentage of fats than "recommended" because I eat a lot of nuts and dairy. Well, a try to keep a lot of my dairy intake low fat or fat free, but I do still love some cheese!
To be fair they aren't specifically mines, I bought them on the weekly shop (and I have been known to eat a few of his chocolate bars!) its just the sheer quantity that he can eat, and he is only a 32 inch waist and a 15.5 inch collar. How is that even possible?!? Whereas I'm relatively good and I just need to think about a calorie and it sticks to me.

One of my friends does a high fat diet and I swear she is tiny. But its all good fats like avocado and nuts.

I watched something on tv a few years ago and it was basically saying that fat is fine, sugar is fine, and eating loads of either is fine (so lots of sugary fruit and vegetables and even foods with added sugar, as is eating really fatty diet with lots of nuts and avocado and even fatty meats and dairy) - however if you mix the two and eat fat and sugar together then it makes you gain weight. So if you consume day 2000 calories of sugar its fine, 2000 of fat is fine, but 1000 fat and 1000 sugar I bad, even though it is the same calories. Apparently. They did real studies on it and it actually worked!
Oh, Loe, I'm sorry hubby stole your cakes! Make him pick you some more up, and make sure he knows they are yours!

Brand new low this morning-- 125.0 I know I shouldn't be weighing daily, but hey, new lows are new lows. My squishy baby isn't wanting to be put down lately. (Even in the stroller as I mentioned yesterday) And it makes for an extremely frustrating attempt to work-out. I did a squat challenge this morning. It's all I got. Then by the time 1 rolls around I just don't want to work out. Music class for us tomorrow, and my friend who is in it, and who is doing the 21 day fix with me, is coming over after class and we are going to grill 21DF pizzas and do some workout together. Bide my time til this thing gets just a little easier for her daddy, and I'm OUTTA HERE and going to the gym, just like his butt does every day. Okay, I had to vent it out, I'm over it now.

So what does a sugar detox involve? Just cutting out things with added sugar? I've been experimenting with afternoon coffee with coconut oil (similar to bulletproof coffee) to possibly switch out with my morning coffee on my next 21 day fix round... the flavor is pretty good.... surprisingly.

Oh, there wakes up DD1. My quiet time is ended. Check in soon, ladies!
Great job on the low, kmr! Sound like you're killing it! I may have to try this 21 day fix soon.

Have weighted in this weeks. Baby has bee on sick so I took the battery out of the scale to put in the thermometer (only two things in the house that take a weird circle battery). I haven't exercised since Monday and haven't been eating too great, so probably best that I now weight myself anyways.

I think fat gets a bad rap. Avo, nuts and Heathy oils are good for you! Of course the have tons of calories so you got to watch yourself.

"Official" sugar detoxes cut out all added sugars, fruits, and any processed food with sugar as an ingredient. I'm not that extreme. If sugar is like the 10th ingredient on bread or crackers (which it usually is) I'm fine with that, as long as it's not a sweet food. I also eat fruit. It's good for you! Really I just don't do sugar, honey, or any sort of sweet treat/candy/desert etc. I do it for 3 weeks just to "reset" myself.

First time I did it was February 2015. Before that I put sugar in my coffee every damn day for over a decade. First week, or maybe even two, I really missed my sweet coffee. But then I got used to it, and I've never gone back! I think I may have had one or two iced mochas since then, but other than that I just take my coffee with a bit of cream, and I still love it. Sorry if that's a bit of a brag....but I do feel a bit proud of myself :flower:
That deserves bragging rights IMO. I'm scared of cutting my sugar from my coffee. I've taken my coffee for the same way for years-- two sugars and cream. It and milk at night are the two things I just draaaaag my heels in on quitting. I didn't even do the bulletproof (quote) coffee yesterday as I couldn't bring myself to prepare it differently than I normally do. That's sad. Lol.
HI again. I keep popping on here to say hi and then completely mucking up my food.

For those who don't know me I was on here at the start after having my dd2 in January.

I am addicted to sugar. I like the lchf eating (that stands for low carb healthy fat (not high fat)) but I have a sweet tooth.
I'm thinking about doing the 21 day sugar detox or the I quit sugar 8 week detox but I find my motivation seriously lacking. I'm actually a comfort eater and it makes me feel better so u have to beat sugar both physically and emotionally.

Most of what I eat is in home made and non processed but it's the chocolate and sticky buns that do it.

So I've managed to stay off the sugar today. I do have a Facebook page which is me trying to keep some accountability but I'm not great at it as yet. It's called my real food story. Feel free to join me.

Eek - bad hubby eating your rice cakes. I wouldn't be too happy. My husband needs to lose weight too. It would be easier to do this together.
Elma - that's a great achievement. I'd be bragging about it too. We'll done.

I forgot to add I did lchf pre last three pregnancies and I ate so much (including a few home made chocolate treats once my sweet tooth was under control) but lost lots of weight. But then I had two mcs and a full term pregnancy where i had a really bad aversion to greens and the weight piled back on.
Good work on day one without sugar spud! How was it? Easier than you thought? Or pretty tough? Are you cutting out fruit? If you're having a tough time, maybe for the first week you could have some yummy fruit on hand to replace the sugar you had been eating. Kinda to wean yourself off it.

My DH can eat whatever he wants and stays super thin. Must be genetic cause his perents don't eat all that well well an are also thin. And none of them exercise. DH is generally fairly active, but I've NEVER seen him work out, like just for the sake of exercise and being healthy. Well maybe an occasional walk.

Today is my major work deadline, and I've barely slept the last three night due to poor sick baby. :coffee::coffee::coffee: I'm feeling destroyed. My body aches.

Monday I fly to Seattle for work, won't be back till Thursday night. Was excited, but with baby having HAnd Foot and Mouth, we hasn't been willing to take a bottle since Monday morning cause his poor mouth has hurt too much. :nope::nope: thank goodness he's been able to nurse (though fittingly). I'm so worried about how he will do without me on this trip :nope::cry:
Elma - sounds like a stressful time. My dd1 had a nasty version of hand foot and mouth at 15 months. It's not easy on poor babies and mums. All that work and no wonder you're aching.

I have a friend too like your dh. Puts so much crap in her mouth and does no exercise but is slim.

I don't really eat fruit. Fruit has never been my thing. My mum didn't buy much fruit when i was a kid (she was a veggie person) so I don't bother either. It's just chocolate and cake I get stuck on. Perhaps I'll try a few pieces of apple and freeze some bananas to make ice cream though the quit sugar gurus here only recommend 1 piece of fruit a day at most when giving up sugar.
I forgot to say I've been cutting the sugar down for the past week and that first week is so hard. Once I get passed that first week it so much easier.
Spud-- that's awesome! Stick to it!!! We are all here to support you!

Elma-- I'M SORRY about your LO, poor babe! Maybe while you are in seattle you will get a little mental and physical break? But Seattle, so much fun! I'm jealous of work, of travel, I can't wait to start working again when squish gets a bit older.

So, yesterday my weight was 123.6. That's down 4.2 lbs from the start of 21 DF. And it's not the weight difference of an "empty body" because my body is almost never empty. I eat MORE on this diet than I did before but it's all wholesome and nutrient-rich foods. To ease my sweet tooth, I have been finding recipes I can use on the diet with my containers, so I'm still within my diet and not sweet-tooth snacking outside of it. (Like oat-flour snickerdoodle bars, peanut butter and jelly oat cookies, shakeology brownie bites) I haven't stopped drinking my coffee with good old-fashioned cream and sugar, or cut out my nightly glass of milk.

The past three days I've done a one hundred squat challenge on fitness blender, and I'm going it for thirty days. It's been all I've done the past couple days, but I'll normally be coupling it with my regular workout. I'm feeling proud right now of this progress. I even got a dry body brush to work on this cellulite on my butt and thighs (which I've had my ENTIRE ADULT LIFE) and the stretch marks on my tummy and butt and hips (from my heavier days). I'm still aiming for a bikini this summer, or at least, a tankini that I feel really good in.

Hope you ladies have an awesome weekend!
Wow kmr, I'm am so impressed by your progress! You're definitely making me want to give the 21df a try. Maybe mid May when get settled after my trip. Are you going to repeat it when your done.

No morning workout for me today. I really needed the extra sleep. Even though baby woke many times (we are in pacifier hell :dohh:), I still feel more refreshed since I went to bed an hour earlier last night and woke two hours later. But I think I may do some short arms and legs workout later, time willing.

Haven't weighed in a while. Gonna wait till i return from my trip.
Hi spud, it's good to hear from you again!

So, SUGAR. I love sugar, but I hate sugar. I've spent a lot of time over the last few years thinking about sugar. I've concluded I have a very real sugar addiction.

Like you ladies said, I CAN NOT control myself with it. I want to only eat 2 cookies, but I can't help but eat 12. Or I want to only eat one of my sons gummy bears, but then I eat the whole bag.

My husband is an enabler, and doesn't believe my problem Is real. He thinks just because he can have a small scoop of ice cream an then stop (or say no to it entirely) I should be able to have the will power to do the same. But I just HAVE to have some, and then go back for more.

I wasn't Always like this. I don't think this was ever an issue in my teens or twenties, but it's been a major problem in my 30s. I actually think it may have started after DS1 was born.

I tell you all this so you'll know how I've struggled with this when I tell you: Sugar Detox has been SO SO SO effective in helping me with my sugar problem.

Sometimes I think I should give it up completely, but I can't quite muster that motivation. But Actually, knowing I'm not giving up my sugar crack completely makes it easier to do it in short bursts.

I gotta go, but will continue this novel later...

I was just reading back a fee pages to find out wad the df stood for in 21ddf and I came across this. Omg I could have written this myself.
I made home made aoili (can't spell it) last night and so I made some coconut macaroons with the left over egg whites using maple syrup. These will be a nice e treat I bedtime they had all gone.

There is a 21 day sugar free detox stating Monday on line. I'm going to do that to start with.
I've also just got an exercise bike so I'm going to get on that. It's in the garage though and by the I'm the kids are in bed all I want to do is sit down on the sofa. If I bring it in the living room j can watch TV and cycle.
back on the exercise bandwagon!:friends:

sounds like everyone else is making great progress too!!

i joined a facebook group for exercise/healthy eating moms and they have a 30 day walking challenge (30-60 minute goal) and it started today.:bodyb: did two loops around my neighborhood and it was 45-50 minutes.:thumbup:

will take a before shot today and see if there's any change, though i'm not expecting much visual difference, but really hoping for feeling better/endorphin effects. i have been grumpy and low on patience and just short tempered lately and i hate it.:nope::dohh:
Jump, im sure walking outside every day will, at the very least, have you feeling good. And you probably loose some weight too!

Although, being short tempered is also classic symptom of sleep deprivation. Is baby jump (max?) having a sleep regression? My patience has been worn so very thin the last couple weeks with baby sleeping bad. I'm embarrassed with how I've behaved on a few occasions. :blush:

We all so rarely talk about our babies on this thread, but I think most of our LOs are roughly the same age. Any one else going through a rough sleeping patch? Kmr, you've mentioned some bad nights I recall. Anyone got an angel sleeper?
Well done on the new low KMR! I used a body brush before and it did help my cellulite (I think anything that stimulates blood flow and drainage does mind you!)

Spid - exercise bike in front of telly is such an achievable way to exercise. I really should invest too! I bought a real bike last year and found out I was pregnant a few days later and have never used it! I should trade it for a static bike.

Jumping - walking is so good too, I walk loads and I really feel the burn if I up my intensity. There are some good phone apps that calculate routes for you based on a specific goal. I used them lots when pregnant (ironically I worked out more during my pregnancy than I do now!)

Elma - Gracie is a brilliant sleeper, she sttn really young but she hates napping. She sleeps 9pm-8/9/10am and then NEEDS 3x1 hour naps. She is fine if she's in the buggy or on me, or if shes really tired, but she definitely had a regression for a week or two around your wee ones age. She cut TWO teeth on Wednesday so has been a monster this week.
Jump, im sure walking outside every day will, at the very least, have you feeling good. And you probably loose some weight too!

Although, being short tempered is also classic symptom of sleep deprivation. Is baby jump (max?) having a sleep regression? My patience has been worn so very thin the last couple weeks with baby sleeping bad. I'm embarrassed with how I've behaved on a few occasions. :blush:

We all so rarely talk about our babies on this thread, but I think most of our LOs are roughly the same age. Any one else going through a rough sleeping patch? Kmr, you've mentioned some bad nights I recall. Anyone got an angel sleeper?

you're right, it's probably sleep deprivation, but it's of my own doing.:dohh: i need the out without baby/hanging out with friends time but a lot of time actually getting that "me" time means sacrificing sleep: i went out with friends for a late dinner on saturday night. i put baby to sleep at 7:30 and and left. then they invited me to their house afterward, so i came home around 10:30 and pumped (a whole 5oz.:bodyb::happydance:) and then went over and i stayed until about 1:45am.:shock: but, that is to also say that baby baymax is a good sleeper. she was actually way BETTER before i took her to the states in march and completely messed with her internal clock.:wacko::dohh: but even still, i can't complain at all. she used to go to bed later and not wake up until 7/8am.:shock: now she sleeps from about 7:30pm until 7/8am and wakes twice in between. lately those have been around 3/4am and 5/6am and she'll eat for 10-15 minutes and i can put her right back in her crib, pretty much asleep. we have started to do some daytime crib-nap-"training" (i hate that word in relation to babies and sleep:roll:) and she has done pretty well. she very consistently takes an hour-ish long morning nap after she's been up for 60-90 minutes. so, my mornings are fairly predictable. afternoons are a total crap shoot. i have no idea what i'm going to get!:haha: on good days she'll take 2-3 more naps, but the times are not very predictable. we kinda just go with the flow.:shrug:

and yeah, i think our babies are a day apart??:winkwink: baymax was born november 27th.

in exercise news, i am going to walk to the store this afternoon once baymax wakes up. already dressed and ready to go! day 2!:thumbup:

Jumping - walking is so good too, I walk loads and I really feel the burn if I up my intensity. There are some good phone apps that calculate routes for you based on a specific goal. I used them lots when pregnant (ironically I worked out more during my pregnancy than I do now!)
i am trying to revive my fitbit (i hadn't used it in...a long time:shy:) but it's not working.:growlmad: i am actually trying to be more carefree about exercise for the next 30 days. my tendency would be to calculate distances and times and weight and be hard on myself about it all. i am going to try to just walk and not worry about all the other stuff and maybe walking will become more therapeutic for me...:shrug: i'll let you know at the end of 30 days!:haha:
I love the idea of a bike or treadmill, I used to have one ages ago but didn't use it so got rid of it. Different place in my life now it would get more use but of course I don't have it and I don't think hubby would be happy about getting another one lol.

My newest LO is nearly five months. She's a pretty good sleeper. I did have that one restless night but none since. She's usually asleep by 8-8:30, wakes once or twice during the night, one of the wakes I wind up bringing her into my bed. My two year old stil wakes during the night so our nighttimes are more active than I would like but still for a momma of three I can't complain, I get decent sleep!

My hubby says you just need THREE weeks. Three weeks of doing something daily, everyday, forcing yourself to do it, to get into the habit of doing it regular. So to really stick to it, force yourself, every day, to exercise. Even if it's a ten minute exercise video on YouTube, even if you only pop out some jumping jacks and sit ups, whatever. I didn't really believe him til I forced myself after babe three for three weeks. It's really hard to believe that I only started working out around Christmas time and I feel like the mindset has changed HUGELY since then.

Starting the finals week of 21 day fix and will cut off a day early just So I can make pancakes for Mother's Day without feeling guilty. But my "week off" will not really be off just letting myself eat bread and pasta here and there. But I'm going to be restarting 21 day fix the week after Mother's Day, for you ladies who are interested in doing it with me, if you want, I'll post as much info as I can to get you started, if you want. Let me know. I'm pretty happy with results, and at the end of this week I'll be posting my before/after pics and measurements.
I had an okay weekend. We went shopping yesterday and didn't buy anything processed except bread, wholemeal wraps and some chocolate (plus junk for my OHs lunches which he is taking in and leaving at work!)

Yesterdays dinner was chicken (mines was Quorn, which obviously is processed but there isn't a good alternative!) with homemade salsa and cubed garlic potatoes. I had corn bread with mine. It was good!

Tonight I'm making KMRs wrap pizzas!
walked over an hour today:thumbup: and baymax was content most of the day and took nice naps so everyone was in a much better mood!:haha:

kmr, i would love to try, but possibly with some modifications...for whole wheat bread and pasta.:winkwink: is it possible to do without the little containers? or does that make it that much easier and therefore make you more likely to do it?

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