Accountability thread

First, welcome to topsy and angel! :flower:

Got back home Thursday night. Had a great trip. Lots af hill walking in Seattle....but also ate too much, and drank a bit as well. Haven't weighed in, but pretty sure I'm up a few pound.

Baby is doing great tho. It's amazing how happy babies are after they've been sick! Constant smiles. And he did so well when I was away, he actually slept better while I was gone then he has in months. Waking only once at night. In the few days that I've been back, he's been back to waking three or four times. :dohh:

With today being Mother's Day, and Wednesday hubby's birthday, I'll be eating sugar. Did a good three weeks off of it. Next week back on the wagon.

Kmr, seriously thinking about 21df. Maybe starting next Monday? Gotta get this weight loss going before summer. When are you starting next round???
Angel, you asked what everyone does to loose wieght.

When I started, I was mostly cutting calories and trying to eat healthy food in general. Used myfitnesspal to track calories. But I also tried to be active as much as possible. Lost maybe 5 lbs in a few months doing this.

Then I stepped up the exercise. Had wanted to workout more sooner, but I broke a tow when DS was a month or two old. The exercise really helped the weight loss, but after a couple weeks I stopped tracking calories, which was a mistake, cause then I started eating too much. By the way, I've been using the free workouts at (thanks kmr!) love this SO much. They are also all on YouTube too I think.

My weightloss has really slowed since going back to work. Mostly cause I'm so busy and stressed in the evening I eat way too much. The last few weeks I've been doing sugar detox, and though I didn't weigh in, I feel great when I do this.
I'm calling my official 21 df weight loss 4.2 lbs. I got as low as 4.8 down but weighed in today at 123.6. I'm super happy with that number. I can't find the stupid body tape but I'll look later tonight or tomorrow and get before and after pics too.... It's been a busy Mother's Day!

Elma-- I'm going to start again in a week from tomorrow, and try really hard this time to pair some good cardio with it. Honestly I didn't get nearly as much working out in as I should have and I'm suuuuuure that I would have gotten some awesome results if I had paired both the diet with cardio. So. Going to try to do better this go. Elma, I would love to have someone else do it along with me! If you want, I'll pass along some of the recipes that I used and tips and whatnot. It's not HARD, I do miss my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so I'm going to enjoy my week of pbj lunches, butnalso try to practice mindful eating. I'm happy with my four pound loss!!

Will post more tomorrow I'm just sitting to eat. Happy Mother's Day ladies!
Jump -well done on your walking.

Kmr - congrats on the weight loss from your 21 df. I've been meaning to make black bean brownies but not for three weeks now.

Topsy - your days are looking good. We'll done.

I'm on my phone so just scanned quickly. I stood on the scales this morning. I made myself because I'm starting a serious 6 week challenge today. I've joined a boot camp where I can bring Seren. Boot camp is on when my 3 year old is at play school. Luckily Seren slept for me. It felt wonderful doing something for myself. And she slept for a shower afterwards. My dh works all the time so I've always got kids or a kid.
So day one. Boot camp was tough. I'm aching. And no sugar for 21 days. Then I'll have something nice but raw goodness.
Awesome spud!!!!! So awesome that you're doing that! Come back here and share with us on your progress!!! I made the black bean brownies and they were delish. No idea that beans were the main ingredient! I used sugar however and in the future would prefer stevia or honey or maple syrup (eat clean, go big or go home! Lol) so I'll give it another go soon with those.

Elma, my very good friend did the fix with me. Her weight was 216 when she started (I believe) and I think she ended under 200 and said each measurement was smaller by at least an inch. So chest was 40, now 39 etc. and up to two inches in some places. I still need to measure but a kid misplaced my measuring tape. Will find shortly.

I'm taking the week off from the fix. But in going to be snacking like j should (Greek yogurt, fruit, balanced dinner) as like I do on th fix. I realize how important eating regular meals through the day is to keep your metabolism working, whereas I would normally drink coffee and skip food til lunch time and then nothing til dinner. So not going to slip back into that.

Hope everyone else is doing good!!
Good Luck with the boot camp spud. How does it work? Is it like a small Aerobics class? With a trainer to encourage you? Sounds like you've got the motivation, and that's half the battle.

Kmr, I had a look at the 21 df foods in more detail (had to look online cause couldnt get your image you posted to look clear enough to read). Looks a LITTLE tough. For one, I too love by pb&j sammies. It's the easiest quickest thing for me to pack for lunch. I do it everyday. Maybe I could do peanut butt and bannana, and go light on the peanut butter....

How often do you cheat? If I, say, cheated once a day, is that still good? Did you ever count calories while doing it? Seems like the calories would be lower than the brackets suggest.

Is a slice of bread count as one grain serving?

Really just looks like you eat as much veggies as you possible can. Any recommendation for easy veggies I can pack for work? I already eat baby carrots, tomatoes, and snap peas fairly regularly. But not sure I could eat them everyday...
Yeah you're basically just trying to fill up on greens honestly. Lol. I found romaine and big box of baby spinach to be super easy. Most lunches were a huge salad with a meat topping (like sliced deli turkey or leftover chicken breast) maybe with sliced white mushrooms or red onion. I don't get sick of salad. Make ahead of time, and then just pack it in Tupperware with dressing separate and voila. I did lettuce wraps with meat in it too, oretty much a salad but it felt different. Occasionally for lunch j would do a whole wheat wrap (like a sandwich wrap) and I would turn it into a pizza. So alloted amount of cheese, marinara, and veggies (white mushrooms, red onions, spinach, black olives!). I tried to use up stuff I bought for the dinner recipes, and have had next to no waste. For breakfasts for awhile I did scrambled eggs with peppers and onions and salsa on the side (this was delish), which you could make in bulk and then pack in Tupperware to zap in the microwave. Overnight oats some mornings was good. I started having toast (we do wheat bread regularly) with peanut butter and sliced banana on top as breakfast the last week and it really hit the spot for me for peanut butter jelly. For dinners I really stuck to easy roasted or grilled chicken breast and greens. I tried a few 21 day fix recipes, like the pizzas (j loved them!!) but for the family I did regular pizza crust. I found a lasagna roll recipe that is tasty, enchiladas, chicken salad.... I think that's it! One slice of bread is one serving of carbs. So you could have two slices of bread for the day and that would be it. I cheated every day lol. I drink two cups of coffee in the morning with cream and sugar, and I know had a couple of days where I had an afternoon cup as well. And then I had my glass of milk before bed and a skinny cow candy or I made some clean cookies and black bean brownies (just had to get my sweet tooth fix). So yeah I cheated but still had results. But I also don't have a lot of extra weight to lose. I think I already mentioned above that my friend lost 15 lbs? And at least an inch per measurement site. So she probably lost 12"? I didn't ask her didn't want to be nosy. I did my measurements today and I lost 5.2 inches (the math actually came out to 3.2 but my biceps gained an inch per! Cranking out those curls bah!) lol so I subtracted the gain.
Really though if you want to do jt meal prep for yourself. Getting overnight oats or scrambled eggs for the next several days is super simple and takes almost no time. And then cutting up a big salad that you can throw in a Tupperware too, super quick. Deli meat as a meat. Protein shake as a snack, or Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, some frozen fruit.
i really liked it. And I was essentially eating clean 95% of the time. In fact taking the week off and I feel a little Blugh. Bloated. Not skinny (I felt good all the time when I was doing it!). So yeah. My week off lrobaky won't last the week. I'm excited I hope you decide to give it a go!!!
Kmr - awesome information. I think it's the basis for any good clean diet. Ear as many veggies as you can with protein whist cutting out refined and processed food. I lots heaps of weight last time by doing something similar.

Elmar - the bootcamp is essentially a cross fit style workout. Yesterday we did the fitness test. It went like this 400m run, 30 push ups, 6 shuttle runs, 50 sit ups , 50 lunges, 30 burped etc etc. It was hard but you work put every muscle. I think weight loss is really 80% food but exercise keeps you healthy in other ways. I didn't realise how much I've missed it. It's been 4 years since I've worked out properly.

Angel - it seems you've asked what everyone does for weight loss. I think a basic good step is to cut out anything processed so instead of cereal have oats. I find when I just up my veggie intake, stop eating bread/pasta etc and stop buying those cakes (sigh I love those cakes) then weight decreases. I've also started taking raw apple cider vinegar as that's supposed to help too.

Someone also asked about little ones...I have two daughters. One is 3 and 3 months and the other is 3 months and 3 weeks. I still get up on average 2 to 7 times a night. I do look forward to when mum is sleeping through the night lol.
My dh works all the time so I don't get any just mum time but I don't mind. I love my two little girls.
Kmr - 21 day fix actually has similar ideas to slimming world. In SW you need to have 1/3 of your plate fruit or veggies at every meal (certain fruits and veggies are excluded from this, like sweet corn, bananas and peas) and you are allowed a measured portion of dairy per day plus a measured portion of bread, oats are allowed unlimited meats, fish, even pasta and rice and potatoes, but you must have minimum 1/3 vegetables on every plate. You are also allowed daily "treats" but these are limited and you can choose whatever you want. I save mines for wine!

Having a rubbish week food wise, we were full of good intentions and shopped well, however we had a takeaway at my parents last night for my dads birthday, there is loads leftover so we are having that tonight, and tomorrow we are at OHs parents for dinner.

I have lost 2lb over the last week or so just through cutting processed foods out. Oh, and taking leftover dinners for lunch at work! I cant eat the same thing two nights in a row so I tweak it slightly, like if I have veggies in a wrap at dinner I will cook extra filling then mix it through a handful of pasta.

Our cupboards and fridges are pretty much junk free now. I love it!
loey, 2 pounds is great! it's really not recommended to lose much more than that per week, but goes to show how much "crap" is in processed foods!:shock::dohh:

i am still on the bandwagon for my 30 day walk challenge. my friend/neighbor has been joining me on my walks and it makes it so much more fun. she has about 60+ pounds to lose, so we are both grateful for the company/motivation.:friends: we ended up walking over an hour on both monday (4.5 miles) and tuesday (3 miles) and her daytime schedule is flexible like mine, so i think we'll definitely make it a regular thing.

i am ALWAYS hungry, but i am trying to snack on veggies or frozen fruit a little more and upping the veggies at dinner. my thinking right now is if i try to do a complete overhaul of everything, i won't stick with it. so, i am doing walking and a bit more conscious clean eating but also totally let myself have candy.:haha: kmr, reading your post about more specifics on the 21df made me feel pretty good about the way i eat already. i think some tweaking and some better meal planning would go a long way for me. but for may, just doing the walking.:bodyb: i'll reassess come june.:thumbup:
Your class sounds awesome, spud. Hopefully the exercise sticks with you. I always feel good when I get into an exercise "routine" and it becomes a regular part of my life. Also, sounds like our kids are close in age, though I have two boys.

Loe, I'm having a bad eating week too (well yesterday I was good). Mother's day, then DH's bday tomorrow. And I'll have a donut today at the monthly work meeting that I organize.

First weigh in for a while this morning and my weight was 4 lbs up from previous low (153.8 :growlmad:). SO im doing a practice 21DF week this week (dont feel like i'm ready to start in full just yet). Obviously I'm having some treats, but I'm going to eat as many veggies (and some fruits) as I can, and try to eat more protein, which is always a challenge for me, since as a vegetarian I get board of eggs, dairy, and tofu. I normally eat a lot of nuts too, but that sounds like a no-no for 21DF.

KMR, what about beans? That's protein for me, but I think it was in the carbs category? Also, is skim milk a no-no?

I'm writing this down to in hopes that I'll stick to these things (accountabilit, right? :thumbup:):
1. I'm going to exercise every day this week, with an easier day with stretching every third day
2. Starting next week (for 21DF) I'm going to try 3 week of no cream in my coffee
3. An extra egg every morning (2 total)
4. My before-bed snack will be low fat yogurt, which is key since my will power is usually all gone after the kids are asleep so this is usually when my diet turns to crap.

OK, that was a lot. I'll try to be accountable and check in on these things. Yesterday and this morning I got good exercise in before the kids woke up. tomorrow will be easier exercise day.
Started on another post and my stupid phone deleted it all! When will I learn?

There are substitutions you can make for proteins! Beans are a carb normally, but you can use them as a protein instead. Same for quinoa, lentils. Beachbody guidelines for 21 DF state that any bean or quinoa can be used for your protein servings. Their other protein suggestions are eggs, (two is one protein serving) greek yogurt (or regular), protein powder, tofu, ricotta or cottage cheese, or a veggie burger. If you use a normally yellow carb for your protein, it doesn't detract from your yellow allotment. (colored container talk lol). I'm reading this straight from a vegetarian's 21 DF blog. I'm so excited you're wanting to do it!

I think those walks are awesome! And it's soooooo nice to have a buddy for working out or walking. Makes it so much more motivating! Wish I had someone close by me for doing stuff with!

Spud-- that sounds like an awesome class! I've always been super interested in crossfit, can't wait to give it a go when I'm able.

Slimming world sounds nice. Reminds me kind of of States' weight watchers or curves (is curves still around?)

I'm super proud of us! We're doing great!!! Keep it up ladies!
Jump, I missed your earlier post, but I gotta say, it sounds like you're doing great! Where are you doing your walking? Is it a more urban neighborhood? A historic area? Or, now I'm remembering that your on a military base, yeah? Do you find places to walk there?

I lived in Portland a long time ago, and I had a walking guide book that had 3-6 mile walks through really awesome hidden/historic/just-plain-awesome areas of the city. Totally unrelated to anything, but I do love walking!

KMR, thanks for all the 21DF info. I think I'll be ready next week to start on monday. I ate a lot of veggies/fruit yesterday. But I ate two donuts and a coconut cupcake :dohh: :growlmad: :cry: :blush: How did that happen? It's crazy, I really meant not to do that!

Ok, accountability.
1. Exercise: great workout yesterday morning. Legs in evening :thumbup: Gonna go easy today. stretching is gonna feel REALLY good
2. Coffee. Still using cream this morning. :dohh:
3. Ate two hard boiled eggs yesterday. Yay protein! :thumbup:
4. After the kids were asleep, my snack was unsweetened soy milk, and a cup of no-fat greek yogurt with half a table-spoon jam mixed in. Yay protein! :thumbup:

Weight 152.
^^ I am TRYING to eat more protein and less carbs :) so reading your posts are great girls xxxx
Oooooh, a donut would be good before I start the fix back up. LOL But I probably won't get an opportunity. Although I will get real pizza, it has definitely become somewhat of an addiction.
The longer I'm "off" from the fix, the worse I feel about myself. Day one was okay, I was ready for some guilt-free snacking. Day two was a little like, why am I even snacking, I'm not hungry. And yesterday I was just meh. Not too much, just trail mix, and the we had pancakes and eggs for dinner. It just doesn't feel right. I'm ready to get back on track. I'm going to enjoy pb and j and try to not snack on crap the rest of my off time, stock up on groceries this weekend, and get back in the saddle monday.

Husband borrowed a barbell, two dumbbells, and some weights from his parents' house for me. So I'm able to start really lifting heavier. I really enjoy weight lifting, (husband says because it's easier than cardio lol) and I know if you lift heavier you tone more, (or get bigger gains) so I'm excited to see some results. I did some fitness blender cardio yesterday (burpees and jump squats, nooooooo!) and I know I need to really get that back in and make it mandatory that I do some two or three days a week. Would be so much better if the little grouchy squish would ride in the stroller. I would just take my butt outside to walk/run.

OT-- I'm seriously contemplating real estate licensing. Course when i think of it, I think of Annette Benning and American Beauty, and then it sounds completely unappealing. LOL. But yeah, I'm getting bored and a little high strung staying home all the time with these two crazy girls, and I just realized that I've been a stay at home mom for SIX YEARS. Holy crap. I think it's time. Elma, I know you're a working mama. I wouldn't work away from the kids more than two or three days a week, but how do you do it? Eeeeek!

Okay, hope you ladies are doing well. There's DD2 cooing at my to tell me she's woken.
Only have a quick minute, but checking in.

Weight this morning. 150.4

2 eggs for breakfast yesterday. Today too.

Easy exercise and a lot of screeching yesterday. Got a harder workout in this morning.

Drank a BIT of coffee without cream.

Last night, instead of eating a second cupcake before bed (DH's birthday) I did only eat yogurt. Though I but some blueberries in it. That s healthy right?

Have a great day ladies!
Good luck topsy!!!

My weigh in-- 1.2 lb over my 21 day fix end weight, 124.8 lbs. I'm starting back up on Monday! I'm going to work on my menu for the week, and go grocery shopping this weekend and get back in the saddle again ;) I've picked out my bikini top that I am GOING to wear for swim lessons and splash park with the kids. So now I just need to feel good in it.
I know I need to up the cardio to see better results this fix cycle. I keep saying that lol. So I'm going to work really hard to get... Maybe 20 minutes of cardio work three to five days a week. In addition to my strength training. (Ladies, I love weight lifting, I love seeing muscles where I've not really had any before!) and I might try to forgo ONE coffee with cream and sugar and just drink it black if I need a second cup. But man I love my coffee.
I already feel pretty good about my body. My husband makes me feel pretty good about myself. So man just a little more fat loss and a little more tone and j feel like I'll be in the zone! I'm shooting for another four lbs this round! Let's get under 120! Woohoo!
Hope everyone is doing well, hope you ladies are KILLING your workouts!
Hi ladies, please can I join? Starting on Monday and need to loose 5 stone. Sigh.....
Hello ladies :) May I join in?

I'm Helen, I'm 30(31 in Sept), engaged to 27(28 in July) year old Liam, and I have a 6 year old boy called Josh.

I'm desperate not to be a fat bride like I was the first time round, and would absolutely love to lose 5-7 stone (70-98lbs), but my ultimate goal is to weigh 10st(140lbs) again. My original weight when I first started to lose weight for the wedding was 18st 11(253.54lbs), I am now 17st 5lbs(245lbs) but now seem to have ground to a halt. I'm meant to be doing Slimming World from home but now seem to be just trying to watch what I eat. I'm feeling quite down about how I've not managed to lose any more weight.

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