Accountability thread

Did a short workout today, then a shakeology for lunch, but then surrounded by sandwich makers and made myself a sandwich as well, now I feel guilty! Lol.

How are you ladies doing????
I have been trying to cut down on my sugar intake with some minor success. I've convinced myself that baby doesn't do well with chocolate, so I *have* to cut that out of my diet. :) Next I'll have to convince myself that cake also doesn't agree with baby.

I did weigh myself yesterday and I'm T+13.2lb. I think a better diet will help me drop some of the pounds, but I'm looking pretty flabby. Once I get the all clear from my midwife, I think I'm going to start up some power yoga again.
It could of been worse than a sandwich ;)

So I'm not doing too bad, made a couple of bad choices at dinner times (I always struggle on a weekend) but on the plus side I've not ordered anything from the takeaways which is good for me as that's what I always did on a weekend, another healthy breakfast this morning, not too sure what to have for lunch yet.

I love this thread it really is keeping me motivated to keep going!
Mummy, I'm so glad it's doing you good! Knowing I will come back here and report what I've done is really keeping me motivated too.

Amy, maybe I need to take that idea! I don't have much sweets usually, but I sugar my coffee and tea with sugar and I don't know how many times I've heard "abs are made in the kitchen."

My goal when I started exercising was getting rid of this pooch of my tummy. So far still here. But since I started I feel stronger. I haven't had a day go by now where a muscle group (or two) isn't sore, and I love being sore! I'm starting to think I might be able to stick with this this time.

So glad I have you ladies here!! Report in as often as you like... I check back throughout the day, and love hearing from you!
I feel this way too, I've dieted so many times and for some reason this time I feel I'm really gonna keep on going! Usually if I have a bad day, I will continue it and get stuck in that rut but so far I seem to be doing good at choosing healthy options and getting back on track.

I'm hoping I can get out for a walk tomorrow!
Hello ladies. My little girl arrived on Saturday 16th. We had a great birth. It went so well. We're about to head home.
Congrats spud!!! That's amazing news! I swear I posted this already but my post isn't up, I wonder if I navigated away before I submitted.

Yesterday I did my Piyo workout (beach body, Pilates yoga combo) and it was work! Didn't realize how much my muscles worked but today I am soooooo sore. Haven't been able to workout today, family and I have been out of town, (and my muscles probably couldn't have done it!) but will be back at it tomorrow. Ate out today too, food guilt! Lol but it was tasty!

How are we doing today ladies?
Hey ladies, mind if I join?

I'm 27, 13 weeks pp after a c-section. My BMI was 25 when I fell pregnant, my highest ever. I did well during my pregnancy, ate okay and only put on 25lbs which was exactly how much I was advised was healthy. I lost all the baby weight fairly quickly as I had no appetite.

Unfortunately, at about 7 weeks pp I started to gain weight. I then thought "screw it" until January. I have started dieting a few times since then and nothing has stuck!

I'm forever making excuses. Too tired, too skint, too busy etc. And I now have an excuse not to exercise as its snowy now!

My BMI is 26.9 and I'm 10st9. I was 8st3 when I met my partner, so a good bit heavier! Realistic goal weight is around 9st, but I would like to go under 9.

I'm trying to do 10k steps a day, and will be signing up for a healthy eating plan like slimming world. Walking is the easiest and most realistic exercise goal for now as I can do it with the baby or dog and its free. I also have a 7 minute exercise plan which I'm going to try do every day.

So here I am -

Day 1-
Weight -149lb
Total loss - 0lb
Still to lose - 23lb

Breakfast - bagel with butter, skinny cappuccino sachet
Lunch - Thai butternut squash soup, tiny bit of dry bread (ate out)
Dinner - small amount of pasta in a sundried tomato sauce with added veggies and Quorn chicken.
Snacks - way too much chocolate and a huge avocado!

Safe to say I had a varied day!
Loeylo - welcome to the group, congratulations on your baby!

I'm doing ok so far this week, been good meals wise, haven't had any bad snacks. I'm struggling with excersise as the weather is rubbish here in the UK, always raining!

Hope you ladies have a great day :)
Welcome loe!! I have been full of excuses as well... Which is why I needed a thread like this, because without checking in and knowing others are expecting it, it's easy to Peter out. I hope this group helps you stick to it!!!

I have a cold now. Came on full blown yesterday. Will be doing some Piyo later, something easier than the last my thighs are still so sore! But I love being sore!

Ladies, there are so awesome exercise routines on YouTube. Many are super short segments, 10 and 12 minutes-- these are great resources for moms like me, stay at home, who find it hard to get out/go to the gym. You should check them out!

Good day ladies! I will repost when done for the day!!
I should check them out but I need something steady to begin with, after my operation I don't want to jump into anything heavy.

Hope your cold goes soon kmr :hugs:
Glad you ladies are having good weeks! Today was a bad day!

Breakfast- crumpet and butter x2 (asked ny OH to throw something healthy together while I sorted baby ... This was his idea of healthy!)
Lunch - cappuccino and 1/2 a bit of tiffin (I was out with my mum)
Dinner - a whole 10 inch stonebaked vegetable pizza with garlic dip(!)
Snacks - 2x gin and slimline tonics, half a bottle of fruit cider. A packet of healthy crisp things which had like 80 cals.

Exercise wise I did 8k steps and I did my 7 minutes abs class but my bad food choices made it pointless.

Is anyone else's problem their partner? Ok so the tiffin is my fault but the crumpets and the pizza was him, pizza is my main downfall as I love it and he always brings those freshly made Asda ones home!

Was hoping to get to slimming world tomorrow but the in laws are coming over so I will need to miss it this week. Have made vegetable soup which I'm gonna fill myself up on until dinner (which is Quorn steaks, roasted vegetables and potato)
Hi loeylo. I'm looking forward to your updates. My hubs is a bad influence too. Although he could stand to lose a few pounds. He put on around 10 during my pregnancy. But knowing him, he'll just have an active few days and be back to his usual. Right now he's feeling that I need to be taken care of because I'm so stressed out caring for baby, and his way of doing that is buying me treats. So sweet, but so bad for me. Yesterday, I had to talk him out of buying me these gourmet donuts that I *love*. Thank goodness.

Yesterday, baby was super cranky and not sleeping, so I didn't really have an opportunity to eat badly. If anything, I think I needed to watch how much water I'm having - need to up that number significantly.
Oh I love asda pizzas, yum yum!! Pizzas are my down fall too Hun, don't worry your not alone ;)

Yes my OH is a pain, he does need to lose a little weight (not a huge amount) but I've tried to get him on board with me but he isn't interested, so I decided he can carry on eating badly while I get super fit :rofl: his choice haha!
Oh I'm jealous ladies. My hubby is very fit and makes me feel like a lazy slug. And the kick of it is that he is very tall, so in order to build muscle he has to pack on a ton of calories... So he basically can consume anything and as much of it as he wants to, and he looks hot.
I see we have some British ladies in here! I hear asda and I think of the pregnancy tests that everyone used to love on the hpt board lol.
I slacked off again yesterday. I started a workout but was so sore I wasn't feeling it. Then did some ab work. But had to go out of town again yesterday so my heart wasn't in it. Food wise I did fine I think (except at night I have a sweet tooth! Last night was a big bowl of cereal). I'm not generally a snacker and my meals are pretty decent. My problem area is nighttime snack before bed I love winding down with a glass of milk and a sweet. Must get back on track today with working out, this is my focus area. Will check back after to say what I've done. Hope you ladies have, are having a great day.
I'm glad I don't have a tall fit hubby, that'd be way too much pressure to look good :rofl: :rofl:
Glad I'm not the only one with a sabotaging OH!

Mines is short but naturally really slim, he can eat whatever and until maybe the past year or so he has never put on weight. He has a little pot belly but is still a perfect BMI. In terms of fat distribution he is probably pretty bad though!

Asda is just wal-mart really but yes, their pregnancy tests are very good. As are their pizzas, sadly.

Another bad day, but I knew today would be because we are having people over. Also I haven't exercised at all because the baby wanted me all day.

Breakfast - bagel and low fat soft cheese, cappuccino.
Lunch - cappuccino, 2x quality street chocolates
Dinner - roast potatoes, vegetables in a creamy sauce, 2x Quorn steak fillets with Diane sauce.

Visitors are on way so no doubt a few wines.

.... I swear I'm not an alcoholic drinking two nights in a row!!

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