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Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Hi Ladies...

Sorry for being MIA. I spent the past couple days catching up on all your posts and now feel I can finally respond. I have been so busy at work and it's been awful some days....anyhow things are slowly improving and I only have to make it until the end of November and then I'm off!!

Ging...you are sooooo close...wow can't believe it and your bump looks amazing! I'm like you as much as I want to meet this little bean I love being pregnant and most of all love love feeling the baby move....

Melly...how are you doing....yes we are very close in dates. Can't believe it's coming up so fast. You are looking great in your bump pic. :)

Bliss...Goodluck with your cycle. Try not to worry about the numbers....I KNOW how hard that is.....but like others have said it only takes one!!!!!! Fx!!!!!!

AFM...other than the craappy work situation. I'm doing well....can't believe it some days that I'm pregnant and that we are having a baby! I am so so thankful!!!
Praying for you BBbliss. How did it go? Sending lots of love your way.

Breaking - lovely to hear from you and glad it's going well.

Breaking- good to hear from you! Glad to hear all is well!

Bliss- how are you doing? How did it go?
Wow breaking, 32 wks!!! So close :)

Ging, my head is just spinning right now, my morning scan now a big blur, I was under the impression I was still stimming a couple of days and triggering maybe tomorrow or Saturday but now he decided I'm ready to trigger tonight! I can't even remember how many or my follicle sizes to be honest but I think there could be around 10 possible good ones. I'm waiting for my call with my e2 and then go from there.

Fingers crossed :)
Bliss- your RE has always sounded like he is a good doctor. Trust that if he is having you trigger, you are ready to trigger. Leave the numbers, calculations, levels, and such for him to figure out. You just need to keep believing that your baby is coming and do the things that keep you calm, grounded, positive, and happy. We are all here for you!
Tonight is my last night at work. Thank goodness! This last week was a real struggle. 12 more hours and then I am home for 14 weeks!! I did it!
Yay!!! Congrats ging!!! I remember how happy my sis was on her last day...

You deserve it!!!

My RE IS a good dr. :) today he came in the room wearing a green shirt with a green print tie, I complemented how colorful he always was and he said green was the color of fertility, then he said as he was doing my scan "that's follicle stimulating music, do you like it? We want happy follicles" it was so nice :) they now play meditation/spa music in the room and throughout the office. I said I want a copy haha

Yes I trust him :)

Thank you ging you are right :)
I had my retrieval today and we got eight just like last time, I hope they all fertilize again, but this time we have a viable embie.
Bliss-I was logging in to check on you, and here you are. :) That's outstanding!!! Saying a prayer for your embies. Stay positive. Just relax now and wait for the good news.
Bliss- thinking of you. Just remember, nothing is going to happen that you cannot handle. No matter what, its going to be OK. Sending everything positive and lots of love your way.
Hi Ladies, sorry I've been offline for the past few days. We had our baby/Halloween party on Saturday. It was fun; but we made it into a party. The theme was "Rosemary's baby - baby shower" Yes, we incorporated Halloween into the party, because we love Halloween so much, and we have a quirky sense of humor, too!

Bbliss: OMG, I'm so excited for you!!! 8 is not a bad number at all. Your RE sounds great, and now you just have to trust the process and know that things will work out as they may. Meditation and yoga helped me a lot during this time of waiting for results. I pray that you have a good, healthy embie!!

Ging: Congratulations on making it to the last day of work. What a relief. You've been a trooper through this, and I can only imagine how hard it is being on your feet all day. I have a desk job, so it's much easier, however, I was running around all weekend, and I was so achy just after a couple days. You did this ever day, so a big kudos to you!!

Breaking: Glad to hear you are doing well! Hope work levels off a bit in the coming weeks. You only have a few short weeks to go! Hang in there!
I love you girls :)

I was really upset yesterday so I didn't post... Out of my eight only one fertilized in the first 24hr, but they called me this morning and I had a late bloomer so now I have 2 embryos and I think I'm doing a 3dt tomorrow. I feel my odds are so slim now... So this is it. It's all in God's hands now
Bliss- don't give up. I know its not the results you were hoping for, but it only takes one. You have done everything right and now its time to let this unfold. You can do this.
It only takes one BBbliss! Pour all your nervous and worried energy into sending life, light and energy into those embryos.

We are all praying and hoping for you. Xxx
Bliss- you can't look at the numbers alone. Those two embryos could very well be of great quality. I had 11 eggs retrieved but only ended up with 3 viable embryos- one being this baby and one that is frozen (the other one didn't take). You just never know. One, or both, of those embryos could turn out to be your baby. Unless you hear otherwise, put your energy into that.
It only takes one Bliss!!!!!

Aww, little nemo moment. Praying for you! Gotta stay positive.
Bbliss: Reiterating what the others are saying, it only takes one! I've read plenty of posts from women who thought their retrieval was hopeless with only one, only to have it turn into a viable pregnancy. You can do this!

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