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Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Bbliss- was thinking about you today! Glad everything worked out despite missing a pill. Happy stimming! I loved seeing progress on the ultrasounds too, its not weird at all. Glad you had a nice weekend away too!

Melly- I know it seems overwhelming all the things that need to get done but just one thing at a time and soon you will be amazed how there's not much left to do. Happy 29 weeks!

I'm still working through this week- have 3 shifts left but might work next week too if I can. I'd rather use my hours with him than before him, we will see. I think I'm just about ready. Have a few things left to do, but think I should be all set within the next week. Been listening to the hypnobirthing CD that jazzbird had recommended and its helping to feel excited and empowered about going into labour instead of scared. Hoping for a natural birth. Been eating my 6 dates a day, drinking red raspberry leaf tea, bouncing on my birthing ball, and occasionally doing perineal massage with olive oil. Just trying to get my body as ready as I can. Who knows if any of it will help but I figured none of it can hurt so why not.
Ging! How time flys! You are ready any minute now :) everything we do we an genuine intention does help, your body appreciates the love :)

Anything that happens you have to come and tell us, I'm so excited for you now :)
Bliss- I love your signature "waiting for your baby bliss". Not too much longer now.... I have good feelings about you. Keep up with all the positive energy.
Aww thank you ging :)

When I signed up I think BabyBliss was taken and I had to go with BBbliss haha

I have a good feeling too, I'm much more calmer and just going with the flow. I'm now on my 3rd day of stims and I had 15 follies at base and my next scan is Friday! I'm so excited :)

How are you? Can you show your bump? :)
15 follies is outstanding! Even if only half grow, it will still leave you in good standing. Happy stimming!!
I don't think my bump looks huge in the picture, but I feel big. Everything is a challenge these days. Its okay though. As much as I cant wait to meet him, I'm not ready to not be pregnant. I've really enjoyed it. It will be nice to get my body back though. :)


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Aww that's adorable!!! It's prefect :) don't you love rubbing it? You'll never forget the feeling... I loved being pregnant, just loved caring a baby...

Thank you for sharing :hugs:

Anyone else? ;) I miss all of you girls :)
bbliss: so happy that the stimming is going well. 15 follies is great!! I, too, enjoyed the ultrasounds; it was fun to see the follies get bigger and bigger. Wow, now it seems like that was ages ago. Can't wait to hear how your Friday appointment goes. I think you have a great attitude and going into this much more relaxed will help a great deal!

Ging: Your bump is so cute! I bet you can't wait to meet your little guy soon!

I'm including my recent baby bump photo, with my dog, Bob. ;-)


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You guys are making me cry tears of happiness with these, ouch my eyes really sting now from my mascara LOL

I just love seeing all of your happy ends because I was there before and remember everyone's struggles.

Melly you look so cute!!!! Your boobs!!!!! I remember you telling us about them, just imagine when you start breastfeeding, you are going to make a lot of mothers jealous :)
Bbliss- it will be your turn soon. Just keep thinking that.
I'm a little disappointed this morning :(

Just got back from my U/S and my RE only counted 7 follicles, the ones that were bigger, he didn't bother with the smaller ones, they were all between 7 and 13 today. I know it's always unpredictable but I sure hope some of the small ones catch up :(
BBbliss - 7 is a great number and that's just starting with 7. It only takes one!! I pray that the other follies grow. I remember my friend getting downhearted with her ivf. They only had 1 decent embryo but that is now her 2 year old daughter. It will happen. Trust that all will be well.

Bump photos are adorable. Ging you have a lovely neat bump so far along in your pregnancy! It looks like you haven't put on any weight except for the bump.

Melly - loving the dog I'm so jealous!!! I'd love a dog.

I would post a pic of my baby but I'm ashamed to say I don't know how. She's nearly 11 weeks old. I feel very very tired and having problems still healing from the birth. She had her injections this week so sleep has gone out of the window.

We've also got into bad habits where she will only fall asleep whilst being held and has to be held in the day to nap! Tried so hard to avoid this but in the wee small hours when you're so desperate for sleep you will do anything to get it!!! I guess we will need to look at sleep training soon although people say she's still too young - that they don't have the ability to self soothe until at least 4 months.

Fingers crossed for you BBbliss!!! Try and imagine that egg fertilising and block out all the noise or as much as you can. I'm sure if anyone who conceived naturally had a detailed knowledge of their chances of conceiving the month they conceived they'd be shocked it happened.
Bbliss: 7 follies isn't bad at all. I know a girl from another board who only had one successful embie from one follicle and she's now pregnant! Also, there's still more time for them to grow, so don't get down.

Ging: You look so cute...you are all baby!

Jazz: I do love my dogs (I haven another one, too). They're spoiled rotten. I'm sure you're daughter will start sleeping more after about 13 weeks or so. Like you said, she can't self-soothe yet, so it's too early for sleep training. I've heard the early months can by quite trying and exhausting.
Bbliss- its still early days. I bet more will grow. And even if its just those 7, you are still in great shape. I bet you will be surprised a few more will catch up!

Jazzbird- I'm so sorry you are so exhausted. I'm scared for that part. You are doing a great job! Trust that this will pass. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon.

I wouldn't say I'm all baby. I've gained close to 30 pounds. But its OK. I will get back into yoga at some point.

Getting my post partum care stuff together. Read somewhere about putting witch hazel on maxi pads and putting them in the freezer for afterwards. Also got some post partum herbs to add to a sitz bath.
Hoping it helps.

Oh and its been over a year now that I haven't had a cigarette! :)
Thank you girls :) you are all right, even my DF said it " the numbers don't matter the only thing that matter is if we have a baby in nine months"

I'm on higher doses now and go back on Monday to check

Jazz it sounds exhausting and I still remember and yet I'm here trying to get back into the madness LOL, she is still to young for training in my opinion, you will know when the time is right for you :)

Ging is that great? No more cigarettes? Your post also made me realize we've all known each other for over a year now:shock:

Melly, is your other dog a big dog too? Do you think they know there's a baby coming? Dogs are usually good with babies always careful and protective :) you are going to have a full house soon!
Thank you all lovely ladies for your support.

I'm sorry to scare any expectant mothers - honestly your love and concern for your baby overrides the tiredness and Ging, they start sleeping longer at 6 weeks, so you might get a couple of 4 hours of blocks of sleep in which is more manageable. The first 6 weeks it is around every 2/3 they need feeding which often means you only get 1.5 hours of sleep at a time.

Now she's older she feeds longer and takes longer to get back to sleep! You also have to watch for overtiredness from 8 weeks on. My LO is so alert she will stay awake for hours on end. It's so hard to get her to sleep. I spent most of yesterday doing whatever I could to get her to sleep. It took 4 hours last night!!! She is so exhausted and I feel like I'm failing as a mum to give her the rest she needs. She cries all day long from overtiredness.

That's why I thought perhaps sleep training would be kinder to her. If she's crying all day with me surely a few minutes on her own would eventually give her the rest she so desperately needs.

Most babies are not like mine! I meet my antenatal group and all theirs fall asleep in strollers and bouncers and cars! Mine will only sleep after either being fed or sucking on a pacifier whilst swaddled in my arms.

I had a big argument too with OH who is stressed out with work. He does most of the cooking and cleaning but I handle all the night shifts alone. Last week I have her to him at 5 am and he had some big presentation and a flight to catch etc. he was angry i did that. But I feel like il so exhausted with being up every night and I was up midnight onwards that night and just wanted 1 hour.

Sorry rambling away incoherently here ...
Ps Ging 30 pounds is average gain! I gained 25 and lost it all within first 6 weeks. Then after breast feeding 3 months I'm 2 pounds lighter. You will lose it so fast. I just need to tone up and I still have a belly line. Not sure that will fade.

BBbliss keep us posted! Sending lots of follicle growth thoughts your way!

Melly - what's your other dogs breed?

5am here and waiting for my baby to drop into a deep sleep before I attempt to transfer her to her cot. If she wakes ... She cries!!!
Jazz: I'm sure you are exhausted, it does sound tiring. I know she will soon grow out of this and start sleeping more. I've heard from endless numbers of mothers who say the first few months is very exhausting, I'm very much expecting this.

My dogs are both mutts. The one in the photo is on the "hefty" side. The other one is a very old (14 years) border collie mix, so he is smaller. I feel like they sense the baby is coming, because I find that they just go into the nursery and lay down. It's cute, because they never went into that room before when it was just a spare bedroom.

Bbliss: how are you doing? When is the collection?

Ging: 30 pounds is not bad at all. I think I'll gain between 25-30 when it's all said and done. My sister, who gained over 40, lost all her weight within a month because she was breastfeeding. You'll burn it off really fast. Congratulations on being smoke free for over a year! That is a huge accomplishment!
I have a scan tomorrow morning day 10 but it looks like I could be stimming for another couple of day or worse "cancel"... I'm not responding as well this time and have one dominant follicle that was 18 yesterday and everything else was 8-11mm, the RE said they could possible cancel the IVF, I just about past out right there...but later we got my labs back and estrogen is still good so we'll ignore and loose that bigger follicle and try for the others.

I'm nervous about tomorrow morning, we have so much hope on this, this really is our last try :( I've been praying so much for a good result tomorrow...
Oh Bbliss. I think I stemmed for well over day 10. Maybe that one that is 18 is just a fast grower and the others are on their way? Slow and steady wins the race, right?! I'm praying for you too!! Come on follies, grow grow grow! Don't loose hope. There is still time for this cycle to work out. Big hugs and lots and lots good thoughts to you.

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