Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Jazz: I think the crying should ease up around the magic 12 week mark. That's what I've heard at least. I appreciate your honest words about motherhood and how it's changed you. I know I will be in for a wild ride of emotions, but this is what I signed up for! I appreciate all the new mothers input; I find it quite helpful.

Bbliss: Great news on the upcoming transfer. Your numbers sound great and I'm sooooo hoping this works out for you. Sending very fertile thoughts your way! I'm excited for you!

Ging: I'm so sad to her about your partner's parents not making the attempt to come to the shower. I can only imagine your disappointment in them. Like you said, I don't understand people's thinking when you are in a committed, happy relationship. Shouldn't they just be happy for their daughter? Or would they rather her be in a dysfunctional, unhappy heterosexual relationship? I guess it's hard for me to understand, because the only thing I want for my child is for them to be happy and well adjusted person, no matter what. Sorry you have to go through this, but I'm happy that you have many supportive friends as well as your family. You have many happy times ahead of you! :happydance:

AFM: I'm at 27 weeks now. Wow! Can't believe it. I love my little baby bump, it's so cute, and I love watching him/her squirm in my belly. This has brought a new joy and appreciation for life that I've never had before. I was thinking last night how much I am looking forward to meeting this little one, but then I thought about the fact that this will probably be the only time that I'm pregnant, so I just want to enjoy this moment, and take it all in.
Melly - I so hope I'm not scaring you about motherhood - my sister used to do that and it's part of the reason I delayed it. Of course everyone who tried to reassure me with those awful cliches - "it's different when it's your own", "the smiles make everything worthwhile", "you'll never experience a love like it" - are so right but it's just something I suppose you have to experience yourself.

It has been so amazing - from the moment she came out, to meeting her eyes for the first time, first smiles - it's brought my hubby and I much closer together and added a new depth to our relationship whilst simultaneously straining it.

Although everyone is so different. I was always on the fence about children as there are so many things I am interested in. I always felt motherhood would limit all of that. So far - it completely has stopped all my music and I feel a little bereft about that. But I think it is giving me focus to really think about what I want to do with my life. And it has given me (sorry another cliche erupting) a sense of purpose (shudder) where I just used to rattle around aimlessly trying out different jobs/ hobbies, frittering time away on pointless tv and going to restaurants and coffee shops but not really appreciating things fully.

We went to the beach a couple of weekends ago and took a 20 minute stroll and ate some chips (fries). Best chips I ever tasted in my life.

But my sister loves loves loves being a mum. It's what she feels she was born to do!

Well the doc said nothing really - just to try over the counter wind medicines like infacol and colief etc. he just said its normal baby behaviour and the usual unhelpful tips! It never fails to surprise me how little we know about almost any non life threatening ailment.

God I need sleep so badly! I can barely think straight!!!
Hi everyone,

I am 35 and have been ttc number 2 for almost 20 months with 2 early losses. I want to start acupuncture from next cycle to improve my fertility. Should I have weekly acupuncture sessions or only during the luteal phase?

Congrats to all of you on your pregnancies. Hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

Hi Nikki

Hello, nice to see a new poster. I'm a qualified but non practicing acupuncturist. J would first find a good acupuncturist/herbalist. There must be an Australian regulatory acupuncture body you can find a good practitioner with. It's very important to make sure they have the right training.

As to frequency and type of treatment it wil entirely depend on what your diagnosis is as to how often you are treated. Personally I feel weekly is good for infertility/ conception as there are treatments to a) encourage complete discharge of uterus following your period b) support blood and yin in the follicular phase c) move Qi and promote ovulation and d) support yang in luteal phase.

Herbs might also be suggested to supplement treatment. I did both weekly acu and monthly herbs.

It is expensive but it did winders for my cycle and I hope ultimately resulted in the birth of my baby girl!

Good luck and feel free to post any queries!
Hi Nikki,
I did weekly acupuncture for quite a few months and I definitely noticed a difference in my cycles. In the end, however, I went through fertility treatments and stopped acupuncture completely. I finally got pregnant with IVF and did one acupuncture session following my transfer. Good luck and post anytime!
Thank you very much for replying to my message.

Can acupuncture be done when I having my period or should I wait for it to stop?
I always did acupuncture regardless of where I was in my cycle. Since I was going for fertility reasons, my acupuncturist would always ask where I was in my cycle and would adjust the treatments accordingly.
Hi Nikki - yes you can have acu during your period. If you have pain during your period - there are treatments to resolve this. If your period is very heavy and clotting - there are treatments for this too. If your period is light and scanty there are treatments for this too.

I would do your research, find a good acupuncturist and have a consultation with them first to decide if it's something you want to pursue.
Not sure if you still looking for help, but just wanted to drop you a note to ask if you have tried Acupuncture? Really relaxing, helps with the stress of everything and helps get both you and baby ready for "the big day". My acupuncturist is fab, has got me through a tough pregnancy once already and I am now trying for baby no.2 with her! Her name is Teresa Redding and she has clinic in central London and south east London. Google her name and see her locations.
And Good Luck
Tubby73 xx
Jazzbird- I'm confused on baby clothes and exactly what we will need. I'm trying to organize everything we got from our shower. I have a TON of clothes for 3 months and up but only 2 newborn outfits. We are going to go this weekend to get the rest of what we need. How many newborn outfits did you have? Is 10 too many or not enough? I don't even know how long they stay in them. I'm also confused on the onsie situation. I have a million onsies, some long sleeved some short sleeved, some that look like they are meant to be the outfit with pants, others are plain white that go underneath. Do you put short sleeved white onsies under the long sleeved body suits? I didn't think it would be so complicated or overwhelming, but here i am in a living room full of baby clothes, not knowing what to keep and what to return.
Ging - I totally get your dilemma. Everyone tells you not to buy clothes as people will buy them for you - but in reality people buy you cute little outfits that in reality aren't practical.

My baby has lived in baby gros since birth - long sleeved body suits with nothing underneath. You will probably need to get 2 sizes. Up to a month old and 0-3 months. I also highly recommend buying some with integrated scratch mitts as they tend to scratch their faces and mine was taking huge limps of skin out of her face and head!

I prefer baby gros with the poppers down the middle and not to the side. I think 12 in each size would be plenty. You will be forever washing them! I also bought a nappy bucket with a lid and used nappisan (a diaper cleaning powder for cloth diapers - although we use disposables). When she leaks a bright yellow poo over her baby gro - I quickly rinse it off and stick it in the nappy bin to soak overnight. This way her clothes don't stain!!!

As for the short sleeved body suits I think it's good to out one underneath if it is very cold where you live. Mine was a summer baby and so I didn't bother but my sister says I might do it in the winter.

Sooooo exciting Ging! Getting close now. So much to look forwards to.

In other news my baby slept through the whole night 8.30pm to 6am without waking. I'm sure it's just a one off and tbh I kept waking up worrying! But it was still lovely to have some sleep finally!!! Nive just fed her and she's drifted back off. I am a little worried as she. Always has to fall asleep on me but I think she's too young for sleep training and I can't do it when she is suffering from wind.
Thanks jazz bird! That's helpful. Ive managed to go through everything and decide what to keep and what to return. With what we returned I think we will be able to get the rest of what we need. Ordered some prints to decorate his room today and picking up the dresser/changing table tomorrow. Hoping we will be in good shape within a week or so. I keep hearing that I've dropped, so have no concept of where that leaves us. That can happen a couple of weeks to a month before hand right? Doesn't necessarily mean I'm close? I'm only scheduled for 6 more shifts at work!! Can't wait to be done.

Great news on the sleeping situation! Good job Autumn!
Ging, quick post (I'm supposed to be working haha) so much fun prepping :)
Because the baby has dropped it doesn't mean anything really, my second drooped at around 7 months and was born at 37 wks :)

I just walked around feeling a lot of pressure down there for weeks!
Yes I don't think dropping shows any real indication of labour. Everyone kept telling me I had a way to go because the baby hadn't dropped but I just carried her high. I had her before I dropped. Also the baby can change position right up to labour.

Also I always thought my waters would break signifying labour but only 10% of labours start this way.

It's all so individual - my labour started off with period pains that gradually intensified.

So excited for you Ging only 30 odd days to go. Hope he stays in til he is fully cooked!

Keep us posted - we're all on labour watch for you!
Oh and the sleeping through the night was a one off - today has been our worst day so far. She is suddenly all aware of the world and now she can't seem to nap at all. She's been awake pretty much since 5am crying! We have tried every trick in the book to get her to sleep. Nothing is working. My top tip for newborns aged 6+ weeks is AVOID overstimulation and try not to keep them awake longer than 2 hours. Also read the 5S's theory too. That's very useful for calming a baby!

I'm hoping she is drifting off finally on my shoulder. It's been a very long day.
Thanks for all the help ladies.

I found a really good acupuncturist and will be seeing her for an initial consultation on Thursday. I really hope it works.

I will join you ladies once I get my BFP :)
Hi Nikki - that's great news! No need to wait til your bfp to join in the chats. You are always welcome. Keep us posted on your journey. Really hoping acupuncture works well for you - it did for me.

Great news, Nikki. We'll be waiting for your updates. ;-)

Jazz: I've read the "Happiest baby on the block" and I've had friends swear by the 5s. I plan to use that in my arsenal.

Ging: OMG! I can't believe the baby is almost here. My colleague just had a grand daughter born on Thursday and she was due on October 28th. Baby was a healthy 5+ pounds, but a little early. You never know when they will decide to show up. So excited for you on these final days of work. :happydance:
Just checking to see how everyone is doing.

Ging: How are you feeling? You worked your last days at work, correct?

Jazz: How's your sweet baby?

Breaking: How are you doing? Haven't heard from you for a little while, I think you're a couple weeks ahead of me.

Bbliss: When do you start your next IVF round?

Hope everyone is doing great! I'm now at 29 weeks. Yikes! Can't believe it's the final trimester and only a couple months to go. I'm starting to feel overwhelmed with everything I need to get done before the baby arrives.
Melly how exciting! You must look so cute with that 29wk bump, you didn't show for a long time right?

I started stimming TODAY!!!!

I was supposed to start Saturday but I missed a BCP and AF come early so we had to start, I was bummed thinking I had ruined the cycle but it all worked out, I went this morning for blood and u/s and everything looked great so I started with injections! I'm happy I have 15 follies to start, I was worried about that too.

We were away for the weekend in Miami Beach when I got AF so when I couldn't come to the clinic to check how things were on Friday they just told me to stop the BCP so now here it is. I was able to relax after that first day and we ended up having a great relaxing weekend and that was a great way to start this IVF cycle, I confess I was nervous before and a little traumatized from my first :(

I go back for blood test on Thursday and Friday we have a scan to look at the follies again :)

Is it just me? I love ultrasounds hahahah

Hope everyone is doing well and are all excited with the new stages :)

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