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Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Girls thank you! I'm feeling optimistic again :)

I had my transfer today and I two day 3 embryos in now. The embryologist said they are beautiful but didn't give me a grade, tbh I don't even want to know :)

So I'm PuPO!!!! Yay!
Bliss- Yay!! Congrats! Its better that he didn't tell you the grading because it doesn't matter anyway. I'm praying one or both of those ends up being your baby/babies. Try to take it easy now. Stay positive, watch funny movies, laugh as much as you can, eat Brazil nuts, and pineapple. Talk to them. Get blood flowing there, go for easy walks. Believe. Stay positive. I have everything crossed for you. No matter what, everything will be OK.
Will do Ging, will do! Thank you!

You are right, it's better I don't know :)

How about yourself????? You made it full term!!! 39 weeks! How do you feel now? I'm so excited for you! Please update us when you start the process I want to be praying for you when you go in :)
I'm good. I feel 100% better now that i haven't had to go to work.:) Now im just cleaning, finishing up my to do list, and waiting....
Bliss!!! Can't say more then what the ladies have said.

I spent the time after transfer thinking positive and picturing the embie snuggling in....and even talking to it. Lol


Melly....love the Halloween baby party you had!!!!

Ging....eek 39wks congrats!!!!

AFM ....3.5 wks of work left. Woohoo!!
Congrats BBbliss - thinking of you every day and sending your embryo lots of life and love :)

Ging - omg! Soooooo close. Thinking of you too every day.

Breaking - you're not far behind. Hoping you are ok and surviving the last trimester ok.

Jazz bird- how long were you in labor for? Any signs leading up to it? Had my appointment yesterday, cervix is high and closed- was hoping I was starting to dilate. Guess I'm not all that close?
Bbliss: I'm so happy for you!!! I will say extra prayers for your little one(s) to stick! Stay positive and try to stay relaxed during this anxious two-week wait.

Ging: Wow..you are so close. I guess they say the first borns tend to be late. Have you had any braxton hicks contractions?

Jazz: We do not know the sex. It's a total surprise! Can't wait to find out; I really have no idea, and usually I know these things.
Melly- yes I have been BH for weeks now, as many as a few an hour. Although, now that I'm out of work, it's only a few a day. I'm so excited and ready for the real thing!!
I'm so excited for you ging!

Hi ladies :) thank you thank you thank you for your thoughts and prayers :)
Ging - I had blood tinged mucus on the Saturday before the Monday I gave birth (my due date). I also had mild to moderate period pains all day Sat and sun afternoon. By 7pm they were getting much stronger and I think I was in labour for real at 9pm

I have to say though based on all my antenatal group that everyone is different. Some ladies had their waters break, some went into sudden labour, others had stretch and sweep to encourage labour. You just never know ... I don't think cervix status or baby position is really very indicative. It's just a waiting game.

I will say eat good meals every day and sleep as much as you can. I remember being up in the night with period pains on the sat, then in proper labour all night Sunday - and then it was full blown newborn sleep from then on. So really important you rest and eat well. I found labour very very tiring and wish id eaten a 3 course meal before because I didn't want to eat in labour.

Very excited for you! Post with regular updates. We're all cheering you on!
Is it stupid of me to say that I really don't know what Braxton Hicks feel like? I hear period cramps, however, I was never one of those girls who got period cramps. I've heard the cramping is in your belly, but if it's period cramps, it would be down lower, right? Just curious, because I just don't know what to expect when the day comes. I think I've had them from time-to-time, but I never pay much attention to them since I assume it's just all part of the adjustment in my body.
Melly- its not stupid at all. I was having them for awhile before I realized what they were. My BH don't hurt, just my whole belly gets real tight and everything feels like its squeezing for about a minute. Its painless, just feels tight. I've been having period type cramps on and off down low, but that's slowed down too since I've stopped working. I too worry that I won't know when its for real, but I keep hearing that "I'll just know". Had some bleeding today, got super excited because I thought maybe something was going to start happening, but I think its just from the exam yesterday. Oh well.
Ging - to be honest I couldn't tell the start of labour but it increases in intensity to the point where you can't think about or do anything else. That's when you are in full blown labour. My OH said he knew I was in labour when I just walked out of the living room when my favourite tv program was on.

Plus you can start timing contractions too. I kept calling the labour line and they wouldn't advise you to go into hospital until contractions were 3 minutes apart lasting 1 minute and have been like that for an hour. Although I have to stress that mine were all over the place and didn't meet the criteria. So I waited and waited - by the time they sent out a midwife I was already 7cm dilated.

You will know because you just go into a different zone and you will probably yell at your partner. I was pissed because he decided finally to put shelves up in the nursery! And he also wasn't really aware I was in labour and announced at midnight he needed to get some rest ... Grrrrrrr!

This has been a continuing issue really. He still hasn't recovered fully from his post op infection and he has an unbelievably stressful job. So I do all the night shifts and I'm starting to feel really resentful. Last night she woke every time I transferred her to her cot. So she ended up sleeping with me and I got like 1 hour sleep. I could hear him snoring away all night long. It's very hard!

I'm so worried now that she has wised up to my cot transfer trick as she just will not settle anywhere other than my arms. I could be in for some very long nights!

One thing I wish I had done from day 1 is to put your baby in their crib awake as much as possible. If they cry, try to settle them in their cot. It will make your life so much easier if they can do this. Mine is now used to bring held/ fed to sleep and she screams the house down if we try anything else.
Jazzbird- I'm sorry you have been having a tough time with DH/sleep ect. What would happen if you asked him to get up at night? I know a lot of nurses I work with swear by sleep training. They have said its a very emotionally draining 3 days but then they got their life and sleep back. Is she 3 months yet? I know I don't know anything about anything yet, but maybe it's worth looking into?

Bliss- how are you doing?

So, I have officially lost my plug. I never have been so excited for something so disgusting! Ha! Hoping to meet this little guy sooner rather than later....
Ooooooh Ging! That's a good sign. Not long now!

We have tried various sleep training strategies but they don't seem to work. Everything I read seems to say that 4-6 months is the best time. They apparently can't "learn" before this. I'm happy to let her grizzle a bit but I don't think I could leave her to cry for hours. I'm too soft! We have left her on occasion and she just gets hysterical. She's coming up 13 weeks.
Ging any minute now!!! You are ready! I'm praying eve thing goes well and you have a beautiful labor

Jazz, you poor thing, I had the same experience with my first baby... And because she was a premie I could even imagine not feeding her when she wanted and it was on the hour every hour, but when she got to about four months one night I just collapsed on my way to her crib in the middle of the night so that was my clue I had to do something about it and I had to let her cry after that night. It was so painful that sometimes I just sat outside her door and cried too, this went on for almost a week, I know it wasn't three days but I felt that after I started training her if I broke the training then all those nights I left her crying would have been pointless torture at that point so I had to stick with it. Wait a few more weeks and see how you feel... You need to take care of your too so you have more to give :)

Afm I'm doing fine :) bloated and full of aches and pain still but I decided to give myself all the rest my body is asking for :) and just hope for good news next week
I'm in early labor. My water broke. Will update properly tomorrow or the next day once he comes and we are all settled. Wish me luck!
Ging!!!!! I'm so happy!! I'll be sending good thoughts your way all day today

Good luck my friend :D

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