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Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

BBbliss - I'm so sorry but I am still praying for a miracle for you.

Happy happy belated birthday my love. Spoil yourself and make sure everyone spoils you.

Thinking of you ��
bbliss: I'm so sorry. I continue and hope and pray for your little miracle bundle of joy. We never know what the future holds in store for us. Happy belated birthday, though I'm sure it was a tough one. I'm glad you enjoyed some wine. This infertility journey is a really tough road. Take some time to treat yourself right and figure out next steps. :hugs:
thank you girls, i feel much better now, its funny how you can go from i'll never do this again to "maybe" I can do this again

i just left my Dr's office and I had a nice conversation with the nurse, I love then! they said they've been praying for me...well< i said if I get a beta over 0 I'm still going to be happy because I'll feel something is still happening and she said," it takes an average of three times and we are so confident its just a matter of you being emotionally and financially able to keep trying, because you do really well"

and it's only because I know my body is responding well and my stats are great that I'm still even trying, so i don't know what I'm going to do next, i need to have a conversation with DF and go from there. I know he doesn't want to give up and deep inside I don't ether

I hope you are all doing well, ging I'm still so very happy you got to meet your baby Jack :)

melly and breaking you are next! how exciting!

Jazz I hope you've been able to get some very well deserved rest :)
Bliss- Good for you! Follow your heart in how to proceed. You will know what the right decision is for you and your DF. In the meantime I hope you are surprised at your beta tomorrow. Will be thinking of you!
BBbliss - thinking of you too. You have such an amazing heart and attitude. You're an inspiration to me. I tend to be negative when I have every reason to be positive.

I know you will come to the right decision for you because you are one of the most authentic people I have known. But whatever you decide I hope you stay on this thread because it's not just about babies; its about life and we are all friends here.

Praying for you tmrw xxx
Jazz bird- happy birthday!! Its today right? Hope you are enjoying the day.
Jazz, thank you so much! You inspire me too... And why do you think I followed you girls here to your pregnancy thread, lol. I love you girls and couldn't walk away. It's a pleasure an an honor to be here every step of the way hearing about all the beauty that life is bringing to you girls :)

Happy Birthday too! :)

Btw, my beta was negative, they called around lunch to tell me :( but I was prepared as you know...
Bliss..sending you hugs! Praying for you. Even knowing the blood work is negative doesn't make that call any easier. Hope you were loved and spoiled on your bday!

Ging...so amazing to read your birth story!

Yes Melly and I are next....im 35weeks. eeek!
Bbliss: I'm so sorry to hear about the negative beta; however, I think you have the right attitude and outlook. Like Ging said, you will know what to do in your heart. Take time to reflect on your blessed life and what you truly want going forward. One year ago we were vacationing in New Zealand and we weren't sure if we were going to even try IVF. However, we decided to proceed for a try and didn't give up hope..it was our last option. One year later, and I'm very pregnant. I'm grateful that I listened to the little voice in my head that said, "we can still do this". You'll know what to do next.

Breaking: yes, we are next. I'm 33 weeks today. Wow.

Ging: How's Jack doing?

Jazz: Is your baby starting to sleep better now? Happy birthday to you!
Thank you for my birthday wishes lovely ladies.

So sorry BBbliss. Thinking of you and your OH. It must be tough for you both.

Melly - no unfortunately my baby is not very easy to get to sleep. I've spent about 10 hours alone today trying to get her to sleep. She woke at 4.30 and wouldn't go back to sleep. She finally went to sleep on me at 2.30pm for 2 hours. I had spent all that time trying to get her to sleep. I then had to wake her as I hadn't eaten. Bathed her at 5pm as she was screaming with overtiredness - started the wind down for bed 2 hours ago and she's still awake.

I'm really at my wits end with it. I spend so many hours trying to get her to sleep. I can't move off the sofa once she is asleep. She cries constantly with tiredness all day long. I'm just so fed up! I have no life at all and my OH is away so I feel very lonely at the moment and don't know em what to do. I think I just have a very alert baby.

Leaving her to cry is probably going to be my only option but people say she is too young for that at 14 weeks

Sorry to be so negative but I am feeling very low tonight
Jazzbird- I am so sorry you are struggling. I've only been doing this for a week and I can really sympathize with the lack of sleep. So far I've been managing ok, but I can see how if this doesn;t get slowly better with each week, I will be pulling my hair out in a few weeks. Breast feeding is getting better, he finally is getting the hang of it, but oh my, my poor nipples!

Bliss- Thinking of you and sending big hugs!

Melly and Breaking- hope you both are well. How is the third trimester treating you?
Jazzbird- how's it going? Any better on the sleeping front? I really feel for you. My friend is going through the same thing with her baby right now and has been reading 'the baby whisperer' by Tracy Hogg. I guess its a no cry sleep training philosophy and she is finding it helpful. My baby wants to be held all the time, which of coarse I love, but I do wonder if I'm starting to create a little monster. :) He sleeps OK in his bassinet until 4 am but then after that there is no hope of getting him back to sleep unless he is in bed with me. My wife and mom are giving me so much grief for that, but unless they want to get up and feed him at 12, 2, and 4 I don't like hearing it. I did break down and give him a pacifier the other night and it helped and I actually was able to put him down awake and he fell asleep on his own. That was huge!
Do you wear your baby? I just started and he really loves it. I can finally get things done! I love being a Mommy, I just love him so much!! He's already getting so big so fast! I will be sad when he outgrows his newborn clothes.

Melly and breaking- how are you? Must be getting so close now! I made lots of maxi pads soaked in witch hazel and put them in a big freezer storage bag in the freezer and I found it really soothing afterwards. I also got post partum herbs and used those in the sitz bath and that was also soothing. I think I healed pretty fast all things considered. I bled a ton afterwards, so I took home all those sexy hospital mesh underpants and wore those for a while so I didn't ruin my own underwear. They went through the washer just fine. I know not everyone would want to do that, but I didn't want to have to buy all new underwear. Also, get some colace, you won't want to be straining. My feet swelled up pretty bad afterwards, I don't know if everyone's does, but I was glad I brought my crocs to the hospital because I don't think anything else would have fit. I still had to wear my maternity clothes until just recently, my belly is finally going down. If you think of anything please ask. And I promise not to be one of those people who tell pregnant women scary stories about giving birth. I loved my birthing experience and I have nothing but positive things to say, I guess I just got lucky.

Bliss- hi! How are you? I hope you are emotionally recovering after this last cycle. I want this for you so much!
Ging: Thanks so much for sharing your suggestions. At this point, I've been so focused on getting everything ready, that I have sorta neglected the post partum healing. I'm glad you had suggestions, because I assumed the bleeding would be comparable to a period, but it sounds much worse than that. It sounds like motherhood is everything you expected and then some! That is great news!

I'm getting very excited, but finding myself to be tired, too. We drove all the way to Kansas (11 hours one way) for Thanksgiving. It was great to see our family, but so happy to be back. Crazy to think that I have one more month left. My job has been very overwhelming lately, and I am really looking forward to quitting, which will be the day I go into labor. :)

How is your breastfeeding coming along? I have bought many Lanolin pads and gels, per suggestions from my friends. I was curious about how that going for you.
Ging...thx so much for your post partum advice. I have bought inexpensive underwear that I plan to throw out but will likely also use the hospital mesh ones. I've got pads...but still want to pick up witch hazel and a sitz bath.

As Melly mentioned how us breastfeeding? I've heard from 3 recent mom's how hard it is. I've read tips on best way to ensure proper latch and watched videos. I've got nursing pads and nipple cream!!

I stopped working on Friday and it feels great to be home. Work has been so busy...I was exhausted by the time I got home.

I'm officially full term...and will be 38 wks on sunday...eeek!

Today..im feeling heavy weight on pelvis. Like baby's weight is pushing down!!

Melly...how r u? You are so strong to keep working. Sounds like we are th getting prepared.

Bags packed??
Eeekkk! Breaking soooo close! That's great that you have some time to finish getting things done. Enjoy this time as a duo! I took the sitz bath home from the hospital, yours might give you one too?

Melly- 11 hours in a car in the third trimester sounds not so fun. Glad you had a nice holiday with family though!

Breastfeeding is going good. It took him a few days to figure it out but once he did its been good. At first he only would latch on if we were lying down and he was naked and I didn't have a shirt on. If he couldn't feel my skin its like he had no idea what to do. Slowly he got the hang of it and now eating its his favorite pastime. At first it hurt every time he would latch on, I'd be almost in tears. Those gel pads felt so good! And the cream.. A must have!! But the pain from latching on has gotten better too. He's 3.5 weeks and its been the last week that has been fine. I understand why some people give up doing it, but if you stick it out it really does get better. I promise!!
So good to hear your updates girls :)

Sorry I've been MIA...just going through another bad faze with my 17yo DD I feel feel sad and tired from it right now, I won't go into details... Just that some days like the the last couple of days, I question my own mental sanity in TTC

try not to think about it or imagine it please, just enjoy your bumps and new babies, life is so precious and these are some of the most beautiful days of your life right now.
Bliss- hugs. I'm sorry you are having another rough patch your daughter. Is she graduating this year?
Ging, I wish she was graduating but we have another year and, as sad as it is to admit, sometimes I feel don't have the wisdom to deal with her... We had a terrible week and I even considered sending her to a military school. We had a little progress yesterday, I called my younger brother to help me talk to her and he was able to get her to listen to him, he's the "cool" uncle, he skateboards and surfs and he still looks like he's in his 20's so when he says something to her it feels more like a peer other then authority. I'm hopeful things can get better and I don't have to send her away...

How's breastfeeding? It's hard in the beginning but it's such a beautiful moment for mother and baby, I'm glad you are giving it a chance.

Jazz, how are you? I hope you've been able to get a little more rest lately

Breaking and melly, you must be so close now
Bbliss: I'm sorry to hear that you're going through another rough time with your daughter. I think having her talk to another adult, whom she respects, is a wise idea. I know when I was growing up, I would often talk to my Aunt whom I related to more than my mom. She had a way of putting things into perspective for me. I do hope it gets better with her; I'm sure she will come around in due time.

I'm 36 weeks this week! I'm starting to get quite fatigued and more uncomfortable, but that is par for the course.

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