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Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Merry Xmas ladies!

Breaking - don't worry about measurements - I was 2cm behind too and nothing was wrong. The charts don't take into account the size of dad etc. I hope baby comes very soon!

Ging - still haven't had a period yet! Things are still not quite right down below. I'm still getting painful bowel movements :-(

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
Hi Everyone,

I hope you had a great holiday! I'm sure it was extra special with sharing the holidays with your new little ones.

I am 39 weeks today and had my ultrasound yesterday. Everything is normal, and baby is just a bit small, but really not that small. Around 7 pounds. The baby is VERY low. My doctor has not checked dilation yet, and will do that at next weeks appointment. Depending on that, if nothing happens by 41 weeks then they will induce. I'm really hoping the baby decides to come on their own.

Breaking: How are you doing? Still hanging in there? Are they going to induce you soon if you do not progress?
Melly great news baby is well. I can't believe you are so close! Thinking dilating thoughts for you!!

Breaking- can't wait to hear your good news!
Still pregnant...but I'll be 40 weeks on Tuesday. I'm officially ready to be done pregnant! A couple days ago the baby went up into my ribs after I sneezed and either cracked or bruised a couple of my right ribs. Ugh!! It's so painful to move or lean over; and sleeping has now become an exercise of futility. I finally resorted to taking Tyelnol PM and even a small glass of wine so I could sleep...it helped.

Breaking: any baby news yet?

Jazz: How's your baby sleeping these days?

Ging: How's little Jack?
Melly- yikes, that sounds painful! I know how rough the end can be, so not comfortable. Almost there Mama!! Hang in there! I can't wait to hear your updates!

Breaking must have had the baby now?

Jack's good. So darn cute. Just love him to pieces. Sleeping is our biggest issue. He only sleeps good during the day if I wear him in a carrier or wrap- he will sleep for a solid 2-3 hours a few times a day and I can get all kinds of stuff done. If I try to put him down, he's wide awake in 10 minutes then super fussy cuz he's over tired. So I just wear him. I'm hoping once he is a little older he can handle being away from me more, but right now I'm just going with the flow of what works for him. And to be honest- I absolutely love having him close. Night time sleeping is another issue. He always ends up in bed with me by early morning. I never thought i would co-sleep, but at 4am when i cant get him to settle- i end up putting him next to me and he's instantly out. Its amazing the things we do for more sleep. Every night i tell myself ill stay awake and settle him back into his own bed- but most nights i dont. I need to really work on this though- cuz i dont want my wife to sleep with him when i go back to work. I dont think she would be as aware of him in her sleep as i am. I only have another month of maternity leave left... Sob sob sob. So I'll take all the cuddles I can now.
Hello ladies

Melly - I feel for you. Last few weeks are tough waiting ... Waiting ... Waiting. Not to mention worrying. Hugs to you

Breaking - how are you? How is baby breaking?

Ging - how old is Jack now? I think you're doing amazing! My baby is 21 weeks in Monday and still will not go to sleep in the day unless in my arms or the car. Grrrrrr! She sleeps on her own in her own room at night. She generally does 7-4 or 7-5. Lately she has woken up at midnight but not sure if that is down to annoying grandparents at Xmas. To be honest the patterns are always changing - so nothing is set in stone. If Jack is going down 7-8 and sleeping alone til 4, I think that's great. You can always hold him to sleep. So if he falls asleep in your arms - you can hold him for 20 mins and transfer him down carefully. Have you tried this? This is what I have to do in the middle of the night if she wakes. She has started to self settle if put down drowsy but awake but only at the beginning of the night.

That sucks you have to go back to work so quickly - most people get 9-12 months leave in uk but some of that is unpaid.

Other than grandparents over stimulating our baby, shaking rattles in her face and jiggling her around too much (!!) - we are doing well. We have a high chair now and have given her a teaspoon of purée carrot. She liked the taste - so we're slowly introducing tastes now and getting her ready for weaning at 6 months

BBbliss - how are you doing hun?

Jazz bird- jack is 8 weeks today.
Can't believe your little girl is on to purée foods and sitting in a high chair!
Baby breaking arrived on Dec 30th just in time for NYE!!

And.....it's a GIRL!!!!

Labour was tough and recovery for me has been hard because if it.

But looking at her..so worth it.

Love her so much!!!
Breaking- congrats on baby girl breaking! Hope your recovery gets easier. Love love love newborn snuggles. Congrats mama!
Congrats Breaking!!! Lovely lovely lovely news!! And a little girl you can dress up. So happy for you.

Sorry about your labour - I'm sure you'll feel better very soon. Things start to settle down after a couple of weeks. Make sure you rest as much as poss. Everyone says sleep when the baby sleeps but seriously do it if you can! Mine woke up after a few weeks and I wished I had slept more at the beginning.

Congrats again. Xxx
Breaking: Congratulations!! That is great news. I have been anxiously waiting for your news. Sorry to hear that the labor was rough, but like you said, it's so worth it!! What did you name her?

Ging: I can't believe Jack is 8 weeks now! Wow! Time really does fly. Just take in all these moments now.

Jazz: I can't believe your girl is now about to eat solids food. It's great to hear that she's mostly sleeping through the nights now, too.

I guess now I'm the next one up. 40 Weeks tomorrow. My ribs are MUCH better today. I could barely get up out of chair yesterday the pain was so bad. I'm so thankful that I'm mobile today; it had really set me back mentally yesterday, but my spirits are now back up.
Well...looks like this girl is in the early stages of labor. My doctor stripped my membranes yesterday and I have definitely lost my mucous plug. Now I am leaking amnionic fluid, so it's a matter of time before full labor starts...could be tomorrow. Here it goes!
Good luck melly! Will be thinking of you and waiting to hear your good news!!
Thinking of you Melly! Hoping for a quick, safe and pain free delivery
Congratulations breaking and melly! How exciting! Feel free to share pictures and names ;)

Jazz and ging, it's so good to read your updates and hear how the Autumn and Jack are doing :)

Afm, I come back and read to see how you girls are doing but I'm posting less and less, I'm pretty much slowing walking away from TTC, it's been almost two years and it was starting to take a toll on my disposition, I put on weight and got got really out of shape and as a result I'm being really hard on myself for it, I blame TTC and IVF's for it and when not being successful in the end just ads to my frustration, so now I'm getting back to putting myself first, working out, using my retinA again, getting my Botox LOL ... Being with my sister over the holidays was another reminder, my nephew is absolutely gorgeous and her and I started trying together... And here he is... And here I am...

I'm excited to get back to my old self away from TTC, I just need new plans, new goals, and invest in my career, I just couldn't do both, but now who knows I get pregnant naturally just because I gave up, hehehe... It happens ;)
Bliss- hugs! You have put so much time, effort, and emotions into TTC that I can understand needing to get back to your old self. I hope you find yourself pregnant naturally, but if not, know you gave it your best shot. Enjoy this time in your life and live it to the fullest. I have loved getting to know you and sharing this journey with you. All my best always.-g
Awww BBbliss - I understand how you are feeling and can see it's better for you to re-focus your life. I'm sad to see you go on a selfish level as I've loved getting to know you and have always admired your positive outlook on life.

I so hope the baby comes along naturally for you. Sometimes I read the struggles of women who have been trying for 5+ years and see that nothing matters anymore except for TTC. It's not healthy and there is so much in the world to explore and discover.

I will miss you but I know you'll be ok. Sending you lots of love and light on your new journey and hope that you find yourself peeing on a stick and getting the loveliest surprise xxx
Hello Ladies...I was in the early stages of labor during my last post. I gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl late on Wednesday night, January 7th! She's perfect...in every way. Her name is Gretchen Anita and was 7lbs 5oz. Bigger than we anticipated.

The birth was long and very hard and Pitocin was giving to speed it along. Ugh. I started having contractions regularly on Tuesday night around 11PM, my doctor recommended that I come into the hosptial early that next morning since my water had broke. They did a slow Pitocin drip and I was managing through the contractions, but then throughout the day it was increased since my labor was stalling. I managed through the Pitocin labor up until 6PM when the doctor informed me that I was still at 5cm and they would have to increase the Pitocin more in order to get things going. At that point I was delirious, it was already a long day so I gave into the epidural. It was great...I won't lie. My husband and I were able to sleep for a couple hours and then when the doctor came back I was 10cm and ready to push. She came out after about and hour and half of pushing. I gave it my all on the natural birth plan, but I'm happy that I had the last couple hours of no pain so I could actually focus on delivery and be in the moment...I guess it was meant to be.

I'm still in the hospital today, but should be dismissed tomorrow morning. Her bilirubins were slightly elevated, so one night on the lights should do the trick.

I'm completely in awe of this amazing experience and get emotional thinking about this journey. I was ready to give up a year ago, and things worked out in this way. Now, I can't imagine not having her in our lives. As I sit here in the hospital room with just her and I alone, I find myself wanting to freeze this moment in time. I want to etch every little moment in my brain and never forget it.

Bbliss: I understand your desire to give up on TTC. You gave it a great effort, and I think you must do whatever your heart tells you. I will miss you on this board, because we have all had different journies through this TTC process, but have learned something from each one of you. We've all experienced pains, joys, confusion, frustration, and just about every other emotion you can throw at this; it's a roller coaster ride, to say the least. I do hope for your natural pregnancy, that would be great, but if not, then enjoy your life to the fullest and know that you have so many great things to be thankful for.

Melly- congrats on your beautiful baby girl! What a beautiful name! Thank you for sharing your birth story! So lovely, well done you! Never for a second have doubts or feel anything other than proud in all the decisions you made throughout the birthing process. There is no medal for having a natural birth. Its great that you were able to get some rest and enjoy those last few hours and be present in the moment! The reward is the end result, our sweet little babies! I'm so happy for you and your husband. Its incredible isn't?! Enjoy all these little moments and cherish every second.

I hope we all stay in touch on here. Its nice to hear where everyone is. I wish we all lived close and could meet at the local coffee shop with our little ones and talk babies.... Sigh... Congrats again melly!!
Melly, thank you for sharing your birth story, it really took me back to my first baby, mine was very similar to yours, the only difference is I only pushed for about five minutes LOl my little peanut was 5lb :) Your little girl is gorgeous, congratulations!

I think I'm going to unsubscribe to all the other board but maybe stay here just to say hi and see you girls :)

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