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Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Bbliss- im sorry you are having a tough time with your DD. I think having your brother talk to her is a good idea. Like Melly I would always listen to my "cool" aunt. Such a tough time, I hope she comes out the other side of all of this sooner rather than later. You both will look back on this in the years to come and laugh about the torture and worry she caused you. I hope the end is in site.
Hello ladies!

So lovely to hear from you all.

Breaking & Melly - blimey you are so close now. I'm so excited for you both!! On the post partum healing I just sat in several baths a day with warm water. I found the bleeding heavy for a week or two then it slowly tapered off. Healing really depends on whether you tear and your own body. Defo get some stool softeners. It's not just for first vowel movement but a lot of women suffer with constipation post partum. I'm still on them as I still have painful bowel movements. I'm the exception though!

I'd also recommend doing lots of cooking and putting the meals in the freezer.

BBbliss - poor you. Someone said to me to treasure my baby as this is the easy phase of being a parent. I can only say that you can only do so much. You're a lovely caring mother - she is lucky to have you. Sending you all the strength in the world.

Ging - you sound like you're doing great!!! I'm still exclusively breast feeding. I got lucky she seemed to know what to do. In my humble experience I drove myself crazy over the "holding the baby too much" concern. People are so opinionated about it. Your boy is soooo little - I think you should just hold him if that's what he needs. I think they evolved to be close to us for survival and our culture tries to make them independent from birth. Don't get me wrong I'm not an attachment parent advocate, but I do think that you have to do what you have to do to get through first 12 weeks. They change so quickly ... Even if he is clingy now, he will grow out of it. If you can put him down awake and encourage him to drift off by patting his tummy and shushing then great. Or perhaps you can even put him down awake and he will drift off by himself - that's amazing. But if you can't, do what you need to do to get him to sleep. Just keep trying every so often.

I think it's great he does most of the night in his bassinet. Mums I know who have co-slept all night have had a hard time moving the baby out of their bed. My baby wakes at 4 for good and won't even sleep next to me!

We are doing better. She has been sleeping 7-4 with no breaks for a few weeks. We do get the odd night of disruption but I manage around 6 hours a night.

I have been expressing and letting DH do her last feed at 7. He is brilliant at putting her to bed. If it's me she fusses on and off the boob for an hour or more, falls asleep on me, then I carefully transfer her to her cot after 20 mins. DH hasn't got the patience, feeds her til drowsy and puts her down sleepy but awake and gets her to settle by herself! I'm such an emotional mess I can't do it and she cries if I try.

They change very quickly so just as you get settled into one pattern it all changes. On the flip side it means that something that doesn't work today might work tmrw! She now falls asleep in her buggy!!! She still doesn't like being worn. I was worried about using a dummy too Ging but as she's got older she doesn't want it so much. Now I practically have to force it in and that's when she is overtired and desperate for sleep.

Just do whatever you need to Ging! Bad habits can't really be formed so young and as they change constantly new habits are fairly easy to form!
Thank you so much for your lovely words girl, ging I know you're right and I can't wait for that day to come. We are finally having a good day after my brother talked to her, he was really great and it makes me so proud of him, I'm 11 years older and I helped to raise him from the time he was a baby and after our father passed when he was 9, he's so loving, smart, "cool" and sooooo handsome, lol I'm glad he was able to communicate with her.

I agree, people are so opinionated and truly every baby is different, every mom is different and you have to find what woks for you.

You all sound like you are doing great, yay for 6 hours of sleep!!! :)

Kelly and break I'm so excited for you big moment, I can't wait to hear your labor stories :)
Bliss- glad the talk from your brother seemed to help a bit. I hope you are still having good days.

Jazzbird- awesome she is doing so well and sleeping better. I'm sure you are loving the rest.
Breaking: Any baby news yet?!?!?

Ging: How's little Jack doing? I hope everything is going great.

I'm 37 weeks now and holding on, but feeling decent. Hoping that I don't have a Christmas baby, but you can never predict these things.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi ladies

Baby is snug as a bug in there!

Really wish he/she will have joined us by now.....

I am 40w on Sunday....and really hoping not to have a xmas baby...but i know it will.come when it's ready.

At my OB appt last 38w4d....cervix was closed. my next appt is tmrw 39w4d.

Come on baby...I'm ready to meet you as are so many others!!!
Breaking: Don't get too disappointed on the cervix not being open yet. Many women will have that, and then suddenly go into labor. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that he/she comes soon! I do know that walking and moving around helps get things going. In fact, I was walking my dogs this morning and had to come back home because I was getting some serious contractions which were preventing me from even walking. They subsided once I got home and off my feet, and now I'm at work.
Come on baby breaking!!! I was closed at my last visit at 39 too and my water broke 3 days later. I also did reflexology to bring on labor. My water broke the following day but it could have been just a fluke cuz I had started to loose bits of my plug right before the reflexology session. In any case, whether its tomorrow or a week from tomorrow, this is the very tail end- your baby is almost here. Wishing you all the best for a speedy and safe delivery. Cant wait to hear your good news!
Thinking of you Breaking - the last few days do drag and you do get sick of people saying "enjoy the rest now because when the baby comes ...". It's annoying especially if you can't sleep anyway!

I second walking around. I went shopping the day before and I swear that kick started my labour.

Wishing you a speedy safe labour xxx
Bliss- love your profile picture. you make such a beautiful couple!
Thanks for the words of encouragement ladies....im doing walking...and stairs...as well as yoga ball..oh and sex!

Went in for appt today...and no change in cervix. she said it is shut. .she couldn't have got a finger in if she tried.

you give me hope....3 days from now is my due date. going to keep with the walking and stairs....sex is not easy this big...lol.
Thanks Ging. I will be 40+2 tomorrow (dec23)...

Come on baby we are so excited to meet you!!!
Had my 38 week appointment today. I'm actually tracking about 2cm behind and the doctor ordered and ultrasound for my appointment next week. I'm trying not to be worried, as there could be many reasons for this. If the amnionic fluid is low or my placenta is starting to fail, then they will have to induce me next week. Wow...suddenly it just got very real for me. The baby is active and has a healthy heartbeat so I'm hoping that it's just a slightly smaller baby held in by my strong ab muscles (Hah!).

Thinking of you Breaking! Hope your baby decides to make an appearance soon!
Melly- I hope it turns out to be nothing. That happened to me a few times too and for me it just was that he was smallish. I hope the same for you.
Melly....hope it's nothing. . measurements change through out pregnancy at one point mine were off as well

I've got my OB appt tmrw. Pls pls be dialated. Fx!!
Jazzbird- when did you get your cycle back? Or have you not? I started bleeding again after no blood for 3 weeks. Doesn't really seem like a period, but maybe its just lighter now?
Update: baby is still too high to be engaged. And my cervix is now song but still not open.

I had an ultrasound to make sure everything is OK and it is.

If still no progress ...i will be induced next wk.
Merry Christmas everyone!!

Come on baby breaking!!
Breaking: Sounds like you will be induced right before the New Year? At least we didn't end up having Christmas babies. Hah! My doctor will induce me at 41 weeks if nothing has happened, and of course, if my scan doesn't prove that I need to be induced any earlier.

Trying not to worry about the baby's size. I've read that the measurements can be off if the head is engaged, which it feel like the baby is really low. The baby has been quite active today, so I'm not too worried. I've been having regular contractions today, but of course, that can go on for weeks.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to everyone!

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