Accupuncture ladies-from TTC to BFP

Two more days for my beta! I sent my nurse this pictures and she's so excited!

I'm still in a bit of shock :D the good kind, the pinch me kind :)
I'm still in shock too. I only have 12 weeks to go! I'm starting to feel a little terrified about it all. I'm scared I won't enjoy being a mum, particularly as everyone keeps "warning" me about the newborn phase!
You are going to be a great mom jazz bird. I would imagine its an adjustment to life compared to how it is now, but you will settle into it. I also wouldn't think you are going to enjoy every second, but I bet that's normal. You are going to love her sooooooo much that you won't be able to picture anything different. I'm scared too. Our lives will never be the same again, but I bet it will all be for the better.:)
Don't listen to any of that Jazz, you are going to have your own unique experience and it won't compare to anyone else's, yes it's going to be exhausting and it will also be the most beautiful time with you baby, when you get to see their skin and feel how soft they are, when they open their eyes and you try to figure out what color they are, and their angel fragrance they have, their breaths smell like heaven if heaven has a scent it's of a baby's breath, maybe because they are so fresh out there they actually bring a little of it back with them... It's when you will tested to your limits and discover you'll never be the same again, it's when you will fall in the deepest love a human hart can fall, you will be vulnerable and sensitive to all your hormone changes once again, but you will never ever want to go back to being who you were before, I guarantee
BBbliss - I'm in tears reading your post. What beautiful words you have to say. It's so nice to have some balance from all the negatives people like to drone on about.

Ging - I'm glad you feel the same too :) before I got pregnant I felt as though I was really missing out on smthg amazing but the further this pregnancy goes, the more horror stories I hear and the more scared I get! I'm so glad I have you guys - I've tried other forums but you ladies are the best! And it's so nice to talk to you all on the other side :)

Praying for Blythe, Briss and the others to move across soon.
Jazz: I'm reading a great book called, "happiest baby on the block". It specifically addresses the first few months, as they can be challenging for a baby since they need a fourth trimester. It's quite fascinating. So exciting for you, you're in the home stretch.

AFM: Wow...what a long and horrible night I had. At 5PM, at work, I passed a huge piece of tissue in the toilet and started bleeding again. I fished the tissue out and called my doctor. I told her I was convinced that I miscarried. I had horrible, HORRIBLE cramps last night, to the point where I threw up. My husband and I were convinced it was a goner. To add insult to injury, the huge project that I've been working on for a year was going live last night, so I was working on work up until midnight making sure that didn't fail. Talk about a night of drama! I had my ultrasound this morning, and the little bean is still there much to or surprise; growing and tracking accordingly. My hematoma has gotten larger, however. The hematoma is next to my cervix, which is why I'm bleeding so much now. I must say this suuuuuuuuuuucks. There is nothing you can do about it but wait and pray that it works itself out. My doctor said she has seen some that are much larger and it turns out okay and some that are much smaller and they end up miscarrying. It's just a miserable, long waiting game at this point. Since this is not clearing up, they won't release me until 10 or 12 weeks now. My doctor said there is no need for bed rest, which is great news. She said hematoma is one of those things that will happen regardless of what I do. So, I can walk the dogs and resume normal activity, maybe even light exercise. That will help keep my mind at ease.

I guess I will continue to expect bleeding, cramping off and on until this clears up. :nope:
Melly - I'm so sorry you are going through this - what a horrible anxious ordeal you are going through. One thing is for sure, your bean is a little fighter! Thinking of you and hoping this time passes quickly and your bean is nice and healthy.

Thanks for the book recommendation. I am going to read it :)
Putting an offer on a house today. We are in LOVE! Say a prayer, I will cry if we get outbid.
Jazz, I think the big lesson for us is never to suffer in advance, it may never be so bad, but DO feel the Joy in advance. My grandmother who passed used to say, about us going to visit "never surprise me with a visit always let me know as soon as you decided so I can star feeling happy as soon as possible" we could only go once a year if that as she was in another country.

Melli, your poor thing, what a horrible night, I feel so bad what you had to go the through I can't even imagine the agony, you couldn't even enjoy your big night you worked so hard for, but like Jazz said you have a very resilient baby in there. I'm praying this resulted itself soon and you can start relaxing.

Ging, how exciting !!!! I hope you get what you want. I've been in my new house since last October and I absolutely Love it, but we found it only because another house we were both in love with didn't go through and I was so upset day day I didn't want to look at anything else I was so sure we were going to live on the other house, then I agreed to see just this one and look at us now, I'm so glad the other one didn't work out. Just wanted to say THIS was MY house and if the one you are looking at is YOUR house, then it just is!
Melly- I am so sorry you are going through such a worrying time. I am so relieved for you that the baby is doing well. Have faith he/she is a fighter. Am sending prayers your way.
Good luck Ging!!! Let us know what happens! Exciting times ahead!

BBbliss - that is so me "suffering in advance". I always expect the worse because it can only go up from there. But my OH says I'm too negative and I am trying to change. I think positive people are happier although I read that depressed people have more realistic thoughts. Very interesting :)

Melly hoping things are settling down for you.
"I always expect the worse because it can only go up from there. But my OH says I'm too negative and I am trying to change. I think positive people are happier although I read that depressed people have more realistic thoughts. Very interesting :)"

Interesting, I have always thought of myself as realistic, but my wife would say I am negative and border on depressed. I am trying to change that as well.
"I always expect the worse because it can only go up from there. But my OH says I'm too negative and I am trying to change. I think positive people are happier although I read that depressed people have more realistic thoughts. Very interesting :)"

Interesting, I have always thought of myself as realistic, but my wife would say I am negative and border on depressed. I am trying to change that as well.

Me too! Even today I told the doctor that if I'm not in control of the situation then I always expect the worse outcome. My husband says I'm too pessimistic, and I tell him that I'm realistic. My attitude has been, set the bar low, and then I'll be surprised and happy when it is exceeded.

Ging: Exciting news on the house. Praying that you get it!! So fun to move into a new place!

Bbliss: Countdown to beta!

Bleeding has subsided today, but I'm sure there will be more. I guess I now know what to expect. As my dear friend told me, "that baby is just as stubborn as its mother!". Pretty much sums it up. ;-)
"Depressed people have more realistic thoughts" or is it the other way around? My DF is the same, he never has positive expectations about anything and he calls himself a realist, me on the other hand, I'm a hopeless optimist, I never never lose hope. I'm a true believer in the law of attraction and you attract to yourself happy events when you have happy thoughts. It's true! :)

When I told my DF I was pregnant he didn't even have a reaction, he said "shouldn't you be waiting for the dr. To tell you that? Are you going to believe some over the counter test?" I was like... What? Really?

So the optimist in me just understands he didn't get it ;) he just doesn't get it.

I had a scare last night, I had brown spotting and that's how my AF comes first, but thank got there was nothing this morning. I'm waiting for that call from the nurse to tell me my HCG. I'm anxious but thank god I'm busy helping my DD get ready for her graduation today.
BBbliss - I'm praying everything is going well with your embryo! Spotting is alarming but it's also very normal unless it turns into heavy bleeding and strong cramps. But then again that isn't necessarily a bad sign. First trimester is a nerve wracking time. How nice your daughter is graduating just as you are about to bring a new life into the world :)

Re the depressed people having realistic thoughts - I read it in my mental health module at university for my psych degree. But that was like 15 years ago (eek) now. I did a quick google:

I think it's true that realistic thoughts are perceived as negative but I also believe that positive people are happier and generally have happier experiences. Perception is reality after all. I just watched "the secret" which is all about the law of attraction. I'm not wholly convinced on it but think that if you are grateful for what you have and believe that you can achieve or have anything that you will see opportunities more negative people will miss; people definitely prefer to be around positive people and I think this also attracts opportunities.

I would like to be more positive. I am playing piano and singing at a wedding in 3 weeks and I'm terrified. My bump feels very big now and all my singing muscles feel squashed and I'm finding my range challenging. I can't wait to get the gig out of the way so I can actually enjoy my pregnancy. I'm just so worried about it.

Arghh I should have backed out in my morning sickness phase - my voice feels very tough at the moment.
bbliss: it could be implantation bleeding at this early of stage. I wouldn't worry too much unless it turns to red blood. However, like my case, red blood and cramps don't even indicate a miscarriage...and I was convinced. Hang in there! This is totally nerve racking and I'm there with you. ;-)

Jazz: Good luck with the singing. I'm sure you will do great. I know how we can all be our worse critics, so don't be too hard on yourself. People rarely can tell when we're off our game.

AFM: No major bleeding today or yesterday. Also, may major project went live without a hitch! :happydance: I just take it day-by-day. I'm sure I should expect more bleeding at this point though.
I'm on my way to DD's graduation and I don't have a lot of time to post but my beta came back really low, I think it's scary low, but like I said before, I still have Hope.

It came back at 19
Bbliss- OK so its low, but its the doubling that counts right? When do you go back? Stick baby stick!!!
Ladies...ugh first of all sorry for being MIA...i lost this thread and couldn't find it until now.

Second...i wrote out this huge reply and it disappeared :(

I don't have time to re write it but...Blisss...its more important that the number doubles then what exact number is. ..Fx it doubles!

Hope everyone is doing well..!??

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