Yes I do not blame you!!! My husband is TDY for 5 days in September, I am hoping I either get prego this cycle or He is not gone during my fertile period next month!
yeah, my DH has been TDY (TDY enroute) since march, be we got to see each other for 3 days in July and I happened to be ovulating around that time, but no luck. Now that he's moving to the next post I'm just biting my time for the paperwork to process for me to be able to move too. He has to go on a 6 week tdy after the holidays so I'm hoping that I can move and get pg before the holidays.
Dh will probably deploy next June and if we are not pregnant by then, bring on the IUI's! I told him while he is gone, our extra money he gets will go to IUI's every month. I am hoping to have a BFP before then, but I will not waste six months when technology allows me to continue.
My husband is actually on tdy as we speak.. But he'll be back this month.. just in time for my clomid cycle
And my grandmother mentioned this to me!! Haha.. You have to use a sperm bank tho.. and it costs a little bit of money.. I already looked it up.. haha
My grandma also said it would be funny to see peoples reactions if I got pregnant while my dh was away.. But she said it wouldn't matter because we would know I still used his sperm from a sperm bank.. haha
And it's prob. good you didn't.. I mean theres worse places.. But we just had the flooding here and theres no places to live downtown right now and the list to get a house on base is pretty huge. And you don't go on base for obgyn stuff and have to go off base.. and they suck pretty bad here. I wish we could get orders.. so I know I'm by a better hospital! I'm thinking about going home whenever I get pregnant and deliever.
Yeah that sounds like our base minus the flooding I am at FE Warren which is not to far away! Ha ha and he is a Nuclear Weapons tech. But I am thinking about delivering back home too! So we will see what happens!
My hubby is in Communications at Peterson in Colorado.
When I get pregnant, I will be delivering at the Ft Carson Hospital unless he is deployed and then I will go home as well. Colorado Springs is pretty big and we are only an hour away from Denver.
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