Acupuncture - Herbal Treatment *6 BFPs*

FX for you, Philly!!

That's fantastic, Nicki! Same for me this cycle, cd11 +opk.. Can't wait to see what it means for me, I'm hoping to get 26 day cycles back. Tons of baby dust to you! :)

How are you doing, Madeline? :)

AFM~ No appointment for me today, got rescheduled for next week but will still let you all know how it goes. Hope you all have a great week! :flower:
:hugs: Ladies How are you all, sorry to be mia lately we just moved house and have only just got broadband sorted out.
Madeline hope things are good for you, wouldnt twins be crazy my friend is expecting twins, noone else in her family has had them (not to scare you) :winkwink:
Nicki how was the gig looked pretty epic by all acounts, well done on positive opk woop woop fx for you hun. Glad your lady is so nice, sounds like you're
bonding well over needles!
Hi everyone else
Atm +opk on cd13 so thats really early for me im usually cd17. My cycle looks pretty good this month so im positive needle house is helping me out and the herbs. had ovulation twinges too so all good I think :)
:hugs: Ladies How are you all, sorry to be mia lately we just moved house and have only just got broadband sorted out.
Madeline hope things are good for you, wouldnt twins be crazy my friend is expecting twins, noone else in her family has had them (not to scare you) :winkwink:
Nicki how was the gig looked pretty epic by all acounts, well done on positive opk woop woop fx for you hun. Glad your lady is so nice, sounds like you're
bonding well over needles!
Hi everyone else
Atm +opk on cd13 so thats really early for me im usually cd17. My cycle looks pretty good this month so im positive needle house is helping me out and the herbs. had ovulation twinges too so all good I think :)

Hello again, just wondering if anyone is symptom spotting yet? I know I know its silly but I am optimistic this month-im 4dpo had some cramps been thirsty and peed alot this am and my cm is pretty full on too?? anyone else seeing/feeling any changes in their tww?:shrug:
Hey Pink/blue, Nicki, scorpio How are you all getting on this week? Everyones gone silent I have today off work so bored!!

How are our preggers folk doing? Are you still getting needled? Hope that you're not too sick, tiered, moody etc but I'd give anything to be theese things!

Atm cd 6 and already bored of waiting, must wait til next thursday before i test! Got appointment on tuesday, dr prick wants to give me more herbs for next cycle (not too optimistic then!?) My last session was nice, not too painful I do find it relaxing but maybe it's because once the're in you you can't go anywhere! My doc leaves me in the room alone and always says holler if you need me-I always laugh because i have this mental image of me running around the halls lsearching for him looking like a voodoo doll!:haha: Ah well better do some DIY i suppose or dh will moan at me for doing nothing constructive with my day off! xxx
Hi Ladies! Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. My in-laws are visiting from Europe and my husband's 16 yr old and they have been here for two and a half weeks and we still have 5 days left to go! I am going crazy. I want them to leave. Plus I feel like a bitch! Whaaaa.

I'm starting to have a lot more symptoms now mostly nausea and moodiness and exhaustion all off and on. I am still doing the acupuncture and have an appointment next week.

How are you all doing?

Madeline--twins huh? Some women have a vanishing twin. You know doctors didn't use to do all this monitoring so early on so women may have had twins early on and then one vanishes and they end up with one child and never knew they had two in there. I have a friend that that happened to. They saw two early on and then a week or so later there was only one and an empty sack. Strange.

My doc didn't do a hcg test on me as they don't general do that unless you are bleeding or cramping or something and they need to find out what is going on. I still need to schedule my first ultrasound between week 10 and week 12. I don't even know what, if anything, is going on in there at this point ;-) I hope there is actually a baby developing.

Merristems--Fingers crossed for you. Your chart looks good!
Voo doo doll! Love it! lol :winkwink:

Well I had another appt today and I had needles in the belly and a heat lamp. I thought it would be a bright red lamp that felt like a tanning bed, but it wasn't too bad.

I've had nausea last night and today, but just started to have light brown CM. Probably means AF is on its way. :(
:hi: Hobb, sounds like your pregnancy is going well. :)

Merri~ :rofl: voodoo doll, that's too funny!

Philly~ Sorry you think AF may be coming on, hopefully not.

AF arrived a day earlier than expected which gives me a 24 day cycle this time. I'm not sure how to feel about that..
Just wondering if anyone had needles in their stomach when there was the possibility of being pregnant. Since I started spotting after my appointment yesterday, I started researching it. Some sites say you shouldn't get needles in your stomach--something to do with contractions. Maybe I was just getting my AF anyway, but I thought that I'd see if this was an area that your doctors avoided during this time.
Hi to everyone.
Madeline in regards to twins I haven't had any tests taken except for the ultra sound so I'm not sure whether the numbers doubled quickly or not. Will be interesting to see tho whether you are havin twins too. I noticed I was bigger in the belly quicker but then again my stomach has been stretched from previous times. Also the m/s symptoms have been worse this time. I think I released two eggs as I got a pos opk & then another pos opk.
Sounds scary about the vanishing twin. I hope I still have my two growing healthy. I have another scan nxt fri. Fingers & toes crossed!
I really enjoy accupunture. I also have foot reflexology at the end which I find very relaxing. My accupunturist said my tongue doesn't have a bluish tinge anymore & I don't appear stagnate anymore which is a relief.
When I first started going I had a needle in my stomach but since I have found out I'm pregnant she hasn't put anymore needles in my stomach. Just in my legs, wrists & top of my head.
:hugs:Hi guys
wow Miss wish I don't think I'd realised you were having twins that's so amazing I'm so excited :) interesting to know about where you're getting needles and deff fx for your scan on friday :)
Philly, I hope AF doesn't raise her ugly head, fx that you are just spotting (have you done a test?) mmm not sure about locations of needling im not an expert yet i only get them in my legs hands and forehead so far.
Pinkorblue bummer on the arrival of af it can take you by suprise sometimes cant it?!
Hobs hi hobs glad youre getting on ok, hope you get to have a good relax once in inlaws are gone. I'm sure everything's growing fine, such a painful wait to the first scan I felt like it would never come around. BIGfx that its all healthy and well.:hugs:
Well had a busy weekend at my inlaws and got a bit tipsy last night making the most of it while i can! Been getting nausea On friday all day but way too early for symptoms as I was only 6dpo then! Think im Imagining symptoms actually. I have been having twinges lower left abdo today so cautiously hopeful however I'm also not feel preggers or too optimistic as i just can't imagine getting bfp on only 2nd cycle since mc. Glad you're all doing ok aside from old witch showing up,
Hugs xx
Hey ladies,
On one hand Im happy, had acu last week, got +OPK & watery CM the past two days so BDd.
On the other hand Im feeling down, my SIL went to hospital last night after MC. She lost her would of been rainbow. Weve become close & Im so sorry for her loss :'(
Oh Scorpio, I'm so sad to hear that. Indescribable pain! She is lucky to have you to help her through it. I don't think anyone understands what it's like until they have had it happen to them. :cry:

Fingers are crossed for you though and lots of baby dust!! :flower:

My spotting became AF last night. I'm trying to look at the bright side and saying that now I'll have a full month of acu under my belt before we try again. Get my body ready so that I can carry full term. Tomorrow is another appt!
Hi everyone, sorry have been MIA, such a busy week but am making the most of finishing early today.

Nothing much to report here, I'm 8dpo but I don't think I'm in with a shot - lack of :sex: due to DH having a bad back around the crucial time!! So am not expecting anything this month.

My acu lady def does needles away from my stomach in the luteal phase but lots of needles in the stomach pre-ov.

Hope all the pg ladies are feeling well and fx to those in the 2ww x
Merri~ Yeah, kind of a bummer but just means I'll have to try and have more days covered if it continues to vary like that, I hope it settles into a 26-30 day range though. I barely had fertile fluid with 26 day cycles, any less I'd be seriously worried. My fingers are crossed for you and hope two lines await you! :)

Scorpio~ Oh no, I'm so sorry your SIL lost her rainbow, how sad. :( gentle :hugs: for both of you.

Philly~ Boo to the :witch: showing up on you. Enjoy your full month of acu and heaps of baby dust when you try again!

Nicki~ Ouch, hope your DH's back is feeling better now and fx that a little one got through anyway.

AFM~ My dad was put in the hospital over the weekend. I wanted to be there for him, he's okay now and back home resting. I guess I'm not meant to have any acu visits this month.
Scorpio sorry to hear about your SIL loss that is so so sad im sure that she will apprieciate all your support and your shoulder to cry on.
Pink/blue i hope that your dad is also getting better their such a worry parents!
Hi Nicki, sorry about dh back at the optimum time, seems to happen some months that one or the other is out of sorts but still you never know :)
philly bummer old witch got you but yes maybe the month of acu will help warm up that uterus for a happy healthy pregnancy :)

Im feeling a bit glum today, gave in and tested-bfn today but deff a retest on sat if af is a no show! Only 10dpo so maybe too early still??
Thank you, Merri. He's doing better and has a follow up appointment coming up next week. It is worrying and hard to watch them go through..

Hope all of you ladies enjoy your weekend! :)
Hey ladies. I really need your advice. I've done some more research, and I noticed that many sites say that the abdomen should be avoided if you are possibly pregnant. Should I question my doctor about the needles below my belly button? Should I go back? If anyone sees their doctor this week, can you ask? My next appointment is Friday and I ovulate again next week and I don't want to mess this up. I'm more stressed about this than ttc!
Hi Philly, I'm not going to acu til Friday but I'm happy to ask for you. X
Hi everyone - I was having acupuncture from my naturopathic doctor on a weekly basis for about 3 months and then conceived in May. She also had me taking Vitex from ovulation until the first day of my period, and another herbal mix that has maca in it.
When I became pregnant, I went for 2 acupuncture treatments but then stopped going; unfortunately, I miscarried 2 weeks ago at 7 weeks.
I started going for acupuncture again last week, about 3 days after the mc, and that night I passed 2 big clots which seemed to be the remainder.
I will resume my weekly acupuncture treatments this week as I ttc again.

I find it very relaxing, and definitely has a positive effect on my cycle. Good luck to everyone!

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