Acupuncture - Herbal Treatment *6 BFPs*

:hugs:Sherstan sorry to hear of your loss, I hope that the acu helps syou recover quickly I think it does do great things. We are all TAL or expecting on here so if you want to chat we are here.
Philly I have acu tomorrow I will ask doc then, I would be interested to know aswell.

Atm cd1 again :( Pretty gutted as my chart looked so promising for ages!) However on the up side I had 28dc ovulated on cd13 and had a luteul phase of 15days(is that too long?) Acu tomoz more herbs yuk! Going to eat well this month but I have a few partys coming up, including my 30th so im going to be more relaxed this month about it all and see if that helps. I ended up testing 4 times! After telling myself I would deff wait until 13dpo! oh dear! I only have 2 tests left that means so I better get a bfp!!

How is everyone doing hope you all had a good weekend :flower:
:hi:sherstan! I'm so sorry about your loss, it's very heartbreaking. Glad acupuncture has been helpful for and I hope you get your bfp soon!

Merri~ That stinks about AF showing up on you. :hugs: Have fun at those parties and Happy 30th!!! :flower: Hope you have a lovely day and bfp wishes to you!

AFM~ Sending all of you tons of baby :dust: After 6 perinatologist consults and insurance not working out, DH and I have talked it over and we've decided to put ttc on hold until next year. I'm disappointed and 2013 feels so far away but I know it's the right decision for us. At least I'll get a lot of acu visits to prepare for next time and would feel more confident going into pregnancy with an abdominal cerclage in place.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you ladies and hope to see lots of bfp announcements! :)
oh pinkorblue im sad you are leaving us here but you must call in sometime. I know how you feel about money, we are lucky with NHS here in uk but i still worry we cant really afford kids and my job contract is ending in August with no prospects ahead of me :( i should have been6months preg by then and i wouldnt have been so worried about no work!
Didnt go to acu today felt rubbish and its been so hot that i just needed to get home and get in shower! picked up a ton of herbs though that he made for me 12 a day for 2 weeks gross! Af is super heavy which is unusual for me, well pre pill it used to be heavy but not for 11years im a bit out of practice! All good signs i believe glad old body is learning the ropes again ;)
Hope Hobs, madaline are getting on ok.
Scorpio where are you hiding? work still super busy?
Nicki, im stalking your journal but hope youre ok too xx
Pinkorblue, I hope you are ok sweetie. It's a tough decision for you to make. Make sure you make the most of the rest of 2012, go on holiday and have fun with your DH and do all those things that won't be so easy when your baby comes along down the line (which it will!). And yes keep up the acu and get yourself In the zone for when the time is right for you again.

Hi Merri, lovely to know you are stalking :) I hope AF isn't too harsh and that next month is the one for you. Keep up the herbs and fx.

Hello everyone else! I have acu on Friday, it has been a few weeks so looking forward to it x
Hey ladies, sorry Ive been away on a BnB break. AF got me this morning. Im ok. I knew this wasnt my month. Decided to take a break from acu this cycle. DH wants to have tests done just to make sure everything is ok. Will look into that shortly. Wish me luck for Cycle 3 :)

New plan is to BD on OV day. DH gets worn out so Im going to try not to BD too early. Maybe every 2nd day until I get OV pains. I OV on CD27 so will start CD22.

Good luck everyone baby dust..

Merristems, work sux. I was asked to do more work as a colleague resigned. I pushed back as Im already doing alot of overtime. How r u feelingthis cycle?

Nicki, how was acu??

Pinkorblue, keep in touch & Im sure u will have ur rainbow soon.
Hi Scorpio. Nice to hear from you again. Sorry you got AF today, but your new plan sounds good, it IS tiring isn't it. Such hard work! Fx for you.

Afm, I got my bfp last Tuesday but it looks like its a chemical. I didn't get a + until 15dpo which I thought was a bit late and it was pretty faint. I tried a frer 2 days later and the line was ok but not as strong as i'd like, then also tested 18 dpo and it got lighter and on 20 dpo (yesterday) the line was practically gone. I will test again in a few days but expect it to be totally gone then. Had a bit of spotting last night so hopefully I'll start AF soon to get it over with and so I can start again. Am feeling ok, part of me is just glad I got pg quite quickly. Maybe that was partly down to acu? Trying to keep positive.

Anyway I didn't have acu as it was due on Friday which is when I realised things weren't going well so I wasn't in the mood. Must make an apt again soon.

Hello to everyone else, hope acu is going well x
Nicki! Omg Im sorry to hear this. Will u wait for AF or will u go to see your doctor??
Hey Scorpio thought you were on a time out. I know it can all be a bit much sometimes and it is good to take a break from bnb. My cycle seems good had acu tonight, said my pulses are so much better than when i first came much stronger and good pattern, I feel warmer and more energetic too. Had a great weird experience- i had an electic like shock today when the needles went into one point he said cool thats the lightening point I have only caught that twice and your'e the second person! That made me feel more reassured that this is actually working :) Hope that your ok though, Will you both go for fertility tests? Its still early days I suppose its hard to accept sometimes when you feel ok in yourself but nothing seems to be happening. Im now looking to trying to get pregnant and keep hold of it before i hit 31 which is a year away, im trying not to put too much pressure on us. Not sure about bd we have dd on cd7,8, think we will skip today and try 10, then cant decide if we will go 11,12,13 or just 12,13? decisions!!!

Big hugs to you Nicki xx
Thanks Merri.
Scorpio, AF is here today so no need to go to the Dr. I will make an apt with my acu lady ASAP though as I missed the one on Friday as I was feeling too emotional, that was the day I twigged it was all going wrong. Will call her tomorrow. hope you're ok sweetie x
Hey ladies. DH suggested we have the tests to make sure nothing is wrong with our systems thats all. I found a good Dr online shes chinese and not too far from home. I will make an appointment. We're not too keen on IVF but hopefully we wont have to go down that road. I wanted to take a break from acu this cycle to see if theres any difference.
Ivf does seem really daunting but im sure we're all going to get natural pregnancies using acu Good plan to get checked out it will put your minds at rest XX
Hi everyone - I went for acupuncture last Wednesday, and on Thursday morning I finally got a positive OPK! I've also been taking Ba Zhen Tang (a Chinese herbal supplement) since about 3 days after the mc.
So now I am 5 dpo, and yesterday I went for acupuncture again. This time, I had the needles in my back, the top of my head, and near my wrists and ankles; we are going to start alternating each week with this and then the usual where I lay on my back.
The naturopath suggested that for my next pregnancy, we continue acupuncture on a weekly basis.
Hi all well got pos opk this weekend but I dont really feel like we bded enough this week and when it really mattered dh couldnt finish (which has never happened before) he said he was under too much pressure :( pretty gutted actually because i feel great physically and my cm was proliffic! think we are covered but not as much as i would have hoped. got really drunk lastnight which was a mistake because i have had hangover all day and missed out on am bd! poop. I need to try not to get upset about it but feel let down by myself- next time i wont say to dh im ovulating! I just really want to be pregnant now im so ready for it and feel sad today-prob hangover is not helping with that! Off to watch mens 100m final now LOVE IT!! Acu on tuesday hope i have the energy to go!
Merri, the same thing happened to me last cycle. I'm sorry to hear this. I hope you did catch that eggy.

I told DH the date I'm due to ovulate once I got AF. But I won't say anything during the actual time of ovulation :) I'm due to ovulate around 26 August.

xx Baby dust xx
PS I also made an appointment with a new gyno. First availability is 4 Sept. Looking forward to it.

Has anyone else had fertility testing before??
us and our big mouths! you ovulate day before my 30th birtday! hope it#s a lucky one :)
not ha ferti;ity tests but my sister did- checked she didnt have undetected stds, checked shes not making antibodies that kill sperm checked no blockages in fellopian tubes-found it was her dh who had rubbish swimmers!
I hope we dont have any issues internally. Tests will put my mind at ease. Im having a relax month this month. Eating/ drinking whatever. Will be good at ovulation & 2WW though.

Really looking forward to some BFP's this month ladies :D

Anyone trying anything different this cycle??
I'm trying a raging cold!! Drinking less caffine 1 cup instead of 3 a day brought some natural multi vits for pre conception but the're at the post on office and i haven't made it there to collect. no accu this week or next as hes on hols. Im trying not to stress out about our bd failure but keep reading so many contadictory things about how long sperm live up there! I'd like to think its 5 days but now i've read 2hrs!! oh well im incubating a mighty cold so probably not the nicest environment for a little eggy to make its journey :(
Woah nice temp rise. I've heard that the body rejects the fetus as it recognises it as a foreign object, resulting in MC. I thought the cold was a good sign as the body is lowering its immunity to allow the eggy to implant. Hehe just my theory. Many women on the pill get pregnant from taking antibiotics. The swimmers will last 2hrs in non fertile period, up to 5 days in very fertile period.

Baby dust to u xx
Hello lovely ladies.

Hope you're all well. Any BFP's or +OPK's?

I made an appointment to see a different gyno who is popular in my area. He had a cancellation so I get an earlier appointment than the other gyno. The appointment is this Wed. DH and I are keen on doing fertility testing ASAP. Once I get the results I will weigh up my options to see if it's worth doing acu still.

In the meantime I've been distracted from ttc and bnb as I'm going to sell my house at the end of the month. DH and I are running around like headless chooks, finishing off odd jobs.

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