Adoption journey

Oh happy happy happy days!!! Mummy Monkey!! :cloud9: I'm over the moon for you xxx
Awesome news Monkey!!!

Lolly my little man had reflux and was having a hard time gaining weight it seem like it took forever to get him sorted with the meds. He was off the chart below for his weight then around 6 months the reflux just disappeared the dr told me it had something to do with him being upright more. Thank God those were some of the worse months of my life. There was nothing I could do to help him feel better completely. He has gradually gained since then and the more solid food he ate the more he started to gain. He is now almost 4 and the last time I took him to the Dr they weighed him and I am proud to say he is finally in the 40% for his age. Such a big acomplishment considering where he started from. Hang in there.

Hope everyone else is well. :)
Ah thank you Puppy! So glad you all got through it in one piece, it's such an awful condition :cry: You're powerless to help them aren't you. Thanks so much for the support. The nurse is coming tomorrow to weigh him and discuss next steps. He's improving pain wise but still not taking enough milk so at 17 weeks is still only 8 and half lb! So glad to hear of your beautiful boys progress!! :happydance:

Just got back from soft play with little pink. In theory she should be shattered after little sleep and running her little legs off. In reality she's totally hyper.... oh dear, wish me luck...!! :haha:
Ah congratulations monkey! Fabulous news honey!!
Ah lolly our little man was the same today! Daddy took him to softplay and he flat out refused an afternoon nap and was sound asleep by 7 tonight!! X
Congratulations Monkey!!! I hope the next few days go by quickly!

Lolly, did she end up going to sleep at all? Sometimes my LO gets all hyper but in reality he's dead tired and crashes as soon as he lays down and gets his taggie blanket lol

12 more days until we see the doctor! I can't wait for this to be done. Then we can mail off the forms and just wait for the next step.
Our parents are over the moon at the idea of another grandchild. My in-laws have 8 grandchildren right now and my mom has 5 and they're all so excited to be able to have another one. <3
Hi everyone!! How are you all? Having a nice weekend? Monkey I hope all is wonderful with you!

Having terrible trouble with little pink and sleeping at the moment. Not at night, but naps. She's not ready to drop them but is fighting for control, ie, I can't make her sleep and therefore she refuses and wins. It's impacting the rest of the day though and eating her dinner etc. I'm hoping it's a short lived phase because she can't be enjoying it, she's miserable from exhaustion. We go away in a week so fingers crossed she snaps out of it pronto!!

Big :hugs: to everyone xxx
Congatulations Monkey! How exciting!

We were chosen by a birth mom for a little baby girl born without eyes. We flew to Arkansas to be with her until she as released from the hospital and we could take her home. The day mom was supposed to meet us and sign over rights she never showed up and decided she was going to keep her so she could get a check from the government. That was really hard. It happened last month. We are doing ok, but trying to decide where to go from here.
Lolly, I remember my daughter doing the same thing. Sometimes they just get too distracted by outside things. Hopefully it passes quickly.

Karen that's horrible, I'm sorry. :hugs:

Not much going on here, just waiting on Monday for our doctor's appointments. Hopefully we can start moving forward soon.
Karen, massive hugs, Dream is right, nothing can make this better but please know you're in my thoughts :hugs:

Thanks Try Rocking! Well Monday she fell asleep in her lunch so I carried her up and she had nearly 3 hours. And last two days we're back to normal, please let it last!! Hurry up Monday, bet it's been a long wait!

Love to all! We go away Friday so been packing and trying to organise two under 2, it's hard work but of course I wouldn't change it for the world xxx
Lolly you are so blessed! I'm glad she's sleeping well again! Hopefully she doesn't slip back into the non sleeping thing.
Did you get a picture of her asleep in her lunch? lol

A couple of more days to go! I've done most of the paperwork, all that's left is to get DH to finish his portion. I figured there was no rush since they're waiting on the doctors stuff anyhow.
Haha, yes I did!! Was all the more funny as she's wearing her black and white cat outfit my mum got her for Halloween!! :haha:

Glad to hear you're on top of your paperwork. So next medical and then what? Do you get home visits and training courses like we do in the UK? xxx
Hi all, massive congrats monkey so pleased to hear you got your little girl.
Karen that's awful hope you can manage to see the light at the end of the tunnel and come through this. Hi to everyone else, sorry I'm not on here much just so busy.
Hi ladies
Well Ive had a busy week as Im sure most of you can relate to. Little pink has settled in brilliantly, a few sleepless nights at the beginning but now she is doing great. Kept her to usual routine for the first few days, and now Ive cut out a couple of bottles and she's eating more solid food. She's such a happy and content little thing... I keep thinking its going to change, so am appreciating every moment !! She is a little darling. She will be 9 months next week.

Lolly hope you have a great holiday, where are you off to?

Karen- Im so sorry to hear that, sending you big hugs sweetie.

Hi to everyone else, hope you are all doing well.

Must dash LO has just rolled over and getting a bit frustrated !

Fantastic to hear things are going so well monkey! I doubt the amazing time will end! It didn't with our boy, he just accepted us from day one :) I bet your lives have changed behind recognition haven't they?!!
We have a poorly bubba here, think it will be a trip to the doctor tomorrow! High temp, chesty and gravelly throat. He's really lethargic which just isn't him at all! Poor baby :(
Yes our lives have certainly changed that's for sure! I cant quite seem to get used to it, and believe that she is actually ours, its surreal. Its my first day on my own with her today, hubby gone back to work and mother in law gone to visit relatives for a few days, so its just me and my little lady :baby:

I hope your poor little boy is ok Dream, its awful when they are unwell

Hi ladies
Have been stalking on here for a while and think you all have such amazing stories.
I would love some advice on adoption, hope you don't mind.
I first started looking into it in jan. We'd had 4 unsuccessful cycles last yr and in dec were told there was no point carrying on with my own eggs. My instinctive thought was adoption and I did all my research but dh was very anti.
Since then we've done a donor egg cycle which looks like has been unsuccessful too. Although we could be matched virtually straight away for another cycle I really do feel adoption is the way forward.
Have any of you had resistance from oh? Also (I've tried to read as much of your stories) but did anyone else have a child already before adopting? Also did you go with authority or private agency?
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Kath xx
Hello all!!

I am so sorry I've been so AWOL! Been silently stalking when I can! Driving to see LO sibling so have a few hours to catch up!

Karen I'm so sorry you went through that, sending lots of hugs!

How's everyone else!!

Monkey amazing news on little girly joining you!

Mrs G my hubby was all for adoption maybe more so than me but after attending the information evening we both knew it was the right time! Maybe attend a few agency an authority info evenings? I know a lot like a min 2/3 year age gap between children.

I've also heard (check with agency though as I'm sure differs) that from next year a lot of local authority's won't use agencies until child been famly finding over a year as they want to use their in house families and cost cutting on the fees agencies place on them. So if you was looking for a younger child then the local auth might be better. But please check this!

So for us....met sibling twice, 3 times after today. LO has been great visiting the FC and has no regression or issues after. I honestly don't think he even knows who they are.

We have matching panel next month and intros in jan, such a shame we can't have them before Xmas! Birth family fighting all the way so that's been a delay, never bothered fighting for LO even though his court was completed under a year ago! Just hoping there isn't a third one within the next year as I'd struggle to say no!!

Sending lots of love to everyone! X
Lolly, we did the medical just to make sure we're physically capable (I already have 2, I should hope I'm capable lol) and now we wait. There will be home visits and there's an online course for both of us that the social worker told us about.

Monkey, I'm glad everything is going so well! And if she's that happy, that just might be her personality. She sounds like a little sweetheart!

Bean I hope he's feeling better now!

Mrs G I'm sorry about the unsuccessful cycles. It is hard when it doesn't happen no matter what you've tried.
We are going through Family and Children services ourselves, although we have just recently started the process.
My DH is on board as well although we do have our eye on a certain little girl. If we cannot adopt her we will probably put it off for a little bit before we continue going ahead to look at another child.
We have two children already as well. :)

Aimze I'm sorry they're giving you such grief. I hope something happens to speed up the process so you can have them before Christmas :hugs:

Not much new here, we got all the forms mailed off and now we're just waiting to see what happens next.
I have talked to the adoptions worker and she has mentioned that it might be next to impossible to adopt the child we want :cry:
We're still going to try though, I would hate to know that we just gave up without trying if there's even a small chance we could adopt her.
Oh no try rocking, I really hope you can, I know it doesn't always work that way though :cry: Keep going and have faith, that's all you can do. And then you've tried all you can and that's all anyone can ever do :hugs:

Mrs G I was definitely the driving force behind adoption. I wanted to adopt sooner but other half wanted to continue fertility treatments. In the end we compromised and now he's so happy all worked out exactly as it all was meant to. Take your time and drip feed. I'm sure he will come round with more knowledge of the process and how amazing the end result can be

Wow Aimze, you're nearly a family of 4! I'm will introductions work with your little boy? Will he be with you every day or will family have him some of the time. Whole new dynamics having a little one this time, but I'm very excited for you

Monkey hope you are loving your new mummy role and that little lady is settling well

Love you everyone else, Dream, Loski, Karen, Zero and everyone reading xxx

Little pink has started nursery. We've had wobbles but are slowly getting there now. She's had a birthday and it was a joy to see her at her party, surrounded by family and having the time of her life. She's just so loved by everyone :cloud9: We're hoping to catch up with foster carers before Christmas, she's just changed so much again. Her language is amazing, I love this stage! Baby blue is still suffering and they're now thinking lactose intolerance (which I've been questioning for 3 months!!) Anyway, we have hypoallergenic milk to try now so fingers crossed. Best go, it's pyjama party at sensory group for children in need this morning. Big hugs to you all xxx

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