Well 14dpo bfn with ic. Have cramping so pretty sure I'm out
Af due Sunday /monday . Feeling crampy have thick cm keep thinking I'm starting af but no. And the vivid dreams continue and also noticed my hair keeps getting greesy aftet washing it even. Which only happends when I was pregnant but my tests are negative so guessing af about to show. But I don't normaly get cramps untel she is immidiate
Kaylab do you temp? Since I started temping it's made I a lot easier to know if it's af or not..
Af due Sunday /monday . Feeling crampy have thick cm keep thinking I'm starting af but no. And the vivid dreams continue and also noticed my hair keeps getting greesy aftet washing it even. Which only happends when I was pregnant but my tests are negative so guessing af about to show. But I don't normaly get cramps untel she is immidiate
I could have SO written this post!! AF WAS due mon-wed (so 2-4 days late now), buckets of creamy CM, the odd little cranky feeling but nothing major but still keep getting bfn's. Have been a cranky moody b1tch from hell today so maybe AF will appear soon, lol. But one thing struck me about your post, usually my hair is quite dry and tends to get "dirty" rather than greasy. But this week, it's greasy!!! The plot thickens........ I just wish I'd either get a second line or Aunt Flo. Getting fed up now.
Kaylab do you temp? Since I started temping it's made I a lot easier to know if it's af or not..
No I bought a thermometer but never could get up at the same time
Brown blood is old blood, likely leftovers from implantation. Hope you're ok xxx
Af due today normaly my cervix drops really low the day before and hasn't yet. Hmmm.. ic still BFN. Ugh