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AF due between 3/28-3/31 Any buddies out there?

Oh gah.. nothing worse than a PMS'ing husband when you just finished PMS'ing yourself. :bike:

I sure hope my husband is in good spirits in about a week, or less. So far so good though. FX

Smashing him with a bike sounds good right about now. I swear men are worse than women. Give us some food...and chocolate...ore icecream and we are good. Lol!

Jami I wouldn't worry. No symptoms I think is better than a bunch....your body tricks you with symptoms. At least it did me.
I guess the no symptom thing could be good...but whats really making me feel negative about the whole situation is that my cervix gets high, closed, and tilted backwards when im preggo. I felt it today and its medium, hard, and slightly open :cry::shrug:

it aint over til its over....but I feel like its over lol
Hang in there girl, I know it is hard. And honestly.. every month I tell people I KNOW when I am pregnant and when I am not and no one believes me. They say, "every pregnancy is different." Yes, but I know my body. I know when I was pregnant both times and I knew when I had an ectopic long before ANY doctor ever would even consider the issue. I know my body so well it is scary. So, when I say I know I am not pregnant.. I know.. and it is not me trying to be negative. LOL..
Breaking dawn it's more about having some hope that you could be wrong. You know?

I've heard the cervix isn't all that accurate for everyone. Idk. I don't check it every day. Just something I've heard.

Really wish the bloating and gas would go away now that af is gone...ugh
I know, and I do try to have hope I was wrong. I did this past month even though I was SO sure... a part of me still held on hope. Otherwise I would have never bothered with testing. I hope June is better for everyone. AF is slowly making her way out the door. I suspect she will be completely gone some time this weekend.
I feel ya breaking dawn. I ain't got much faith for like ever ugh
Broke down and tested 7dpo. Anyone see anything super faint


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I cannot tell for sure Kayla.. maybe? I got my BFP at 8/9DPO with this brand though so if it is the start of something I would think the day after tomorrow it would be a bit more noticeable. FX
FX for you kaylab!

If I didn't have hope I'd have given up alreasy. I've never been pregnant so I can't just say I know...since I've never felt it before. My mom had absolutely no trouble getting pregnant with me or my sister...first time for both. I'm sure my sister is going to be the same way since suddenly she wants kids. Dh and I will be together 6 years in july. I was always the one who wanted to be married before having kids...now I'm kicking myself for waiting so long. If I had known it was this hard I would have broken that rule and started trying way sooner.
How long have you been officially trying for night? 7 months? If counting from December 2015?
Ugh ladies really starting to feel like I am pregnant but don't wanna get my hopes up. Feel preggo but feel like I'll never get 2 lines. Is that weird lol
Hang in there kaylab! Hold off as long as you can to test girl! FX.

Breaking dawn yea if I count December this will be month 7 of trying...and failing. I didn't take a test this morning. Maybe when I get home from the races tonight. I had to pee too bad to grab a cup lmao!
i tested today might see somthing but calling it bfn. i have had weird cramping for 36 hours could it be implantoin? and needs more time to build/ i never had pains like this. its like pinching / pulling achy in uterus
FX to you Kayla... Night -- 7 months.. your time is coming soon, I can feel it. Maybe we will both get June BFPs. Keeping the faith.
This is month 4 for us. But the first month was a sham. We only BD'd twice, I didn't track O. The second month I couldn't catch O at all, the third month I got my positive but only a few tries because the stomach bug wiped me out and I think I ovulated from my bad side anyway. It's been alternating every month like clockwork so praying it's my good side for June!!

CD6 and AF has left the building! Whoop whoop! I'm going to start checking for O around CD9. I decided I'm testing on Father's Day. Originally I was going to test the Friday or Saturday before Father's Day but... DD#2 has her 4th birthday party that Saturday and I don't want to be disappointed by a BFN during her party if we didn't catch the egg. So, maybe Father's Day will bring us some luck.
I'm on Month 5 of TTC. Chemical pregnancy in January.
Experienced horrible stomach pains last night, was unable to walk.
Had a few bright red spots a few days ago and then pink blood a few hours after. Nothing after that.
Hot flushes on and off, but extreme in mornings when I wake up.
The :witch: can stay away from me, this is my month! Hah. :)

:dust: to all <3
Hang in there Kayla... you would be surprised at how many threads I have read the past week where someone got a BFN at 9DPO and literally a BFP at 10DPO, the next day. It is not unheard of... not trying to get your hopes up. Just trying to get you to keep the faith! Personally I would not test again for another couple of days. That would be more accurate. When I test in June I should be a good 13DPO at least.

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