AF due July 23/24? Looking for a buddy?

Oh, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

26 weeks? Mate, that has gone QUICKLY!!! How are you feeling?

I'm good. Wills is 12 weeks now. It has gone by so fast!!
Can't remember if I posted this photo but my Mum won this bear for William. Intense!


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It's a good thing! :haha: Was working up to 5 days a week, working shifts like 4-11 after running around with Alex all day.. and housework. :wacko: I'll just be working 2 to 3 days max a week now.

It's gone rather quickly, rather scary lol. Can't believe he's 12 weeks old! He's too cute! Love the bear! :D xx
AF was a no show on July 26th. No spotting, on/off cramping BFN on 27th of July. Too afraid to take a test again. Sick of seeing BFN. DH and I have been trying for 6 months. TWW is hard!
Hey xcited2b - this is a hugely old thread. It's from July 2011!!

Best of luck, I hope you get your BFP :)
SO SORRY i've been missing AGAIN. god damn laptop messed up so im now only just up and running.

My goodness that bear is huuuuge. Your little fella is growing so is mine it's crazy how fast they grow.

Coleeey darling how's the pregnancy going? I'm so glad to hear your hours have been cut, hopefully you'll physically and mentally feel the difference. :)

I've missed you ladies :D

Welcome back Tia! We've missed you too :hugs: xx
Awwww hehe ive missed you girls too :)

How are you feeling Coleey? Have you got everything you need or are you waiting to get it?

Nawwww I think our thread is dead! We kept it going for over a year - pretty impressive :)
I think so too :( I'm still around, but it's easier for me with a toddler as I have evenings to myself when he's in bed :haha: He's also started daycare part time. That'll change in a few months!

How are you all doing? xx
Hey darl - what's new?!

I'm going back to work in 6 weeks. Scary! Only 3 days a week but still feels like it will be 3 days too many.
That went so quick! :shock: Can't believe he's 4 months old already! How are you all doing hun?

Same old here, but we have started looking for our first house to buy :) xx
Exciting about the house!

I can't believe you only have 8 weeks to go. That has flown by!
It's a bit crazy to be honest, it's gone so fast! :wacko: I was hoping it'd slow down a bit as I'm really enjoying being pregnant and the last few weeks as just me and Alex :) Can't wait to meet her though!

How's your little man doing? xx
Sorry...AGAIN my laptop crapped out on me grrrrrr.

Coleey omg its so sooooon until your little baby is here!!!!! Hows Alex doing at daycare?? Lilly started too 15 hours a week....she loves it but i dont know what to do with myself lol Congrats on looking for a house thats so exciting!!

Wilsey hows your little man????? Owch going back to work how do you feel about it? At least you are easing back into work gently :)

Things here are great, lilly still adores connor and he is the happiest little chappy ive ever known, alll he does is smile :D Which is beautiful. Im still studying hard and dreading to think about getting ready for christmas.. eeek!!

Will you two ladies add my email to yours?? Its [email protected] could i possibly have yours? The thread is dying and it was like you said very impressive for how long we kept it going.....but i'd really hate for us to lose touch. This isnt to say im going to stop coming in here lol now my laptop is fixed i can come back :D

I hope you are both well

Missed you

I agree, Wilsey. I can't believe our little ones are 1 already. And now you're expecting again (congratulations) and we've just started trying for our 2nd too :) How are you finding this pregnancy compared to your first?
Ganton!!!! OMG, how are you?? :D

I know, my little guy is walking all over the place. He looks like a real little boy's a bit scary.

Yes, expecting a little girl this time. Pregnancy is EXACTLY the same. I thought I must be having another boy hahaha.

Exciting about trying :) What's your approach this time? Just see what happens?

When trying to conceive Wililam I was temping and telling my shift working husband to wake me at 2am when he got home because I was ovulating the next day. And that took 5 months. So we thought we just wouldn't worry about timing and see what happened. Didn't even know when I ovulated each month. But first month - bam!! Funny how life works ;)
We're the opposite actually. Although I was on here quite a lot and doing lots of symptom spotting, we weren't too scientific about trying for our first. However, I'm tracking things a bit more closet this time as ir started using OPKs. This is only my 2nd cycle since stopping breastfeeding, so I wanted to see if and when I'm ovulating. Had a strong positive OPK a couple of days a go, so hopefully we'll be lucky and get a positive pregnancy test in a couple of weeks.

It's so exciting that you're having a girl this time. I honestly wouldn't be bothered what we have next time, as I thing it would be nice for Ben to have a little brother close in age, but I also love the idea of one of each.

I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. Hopefully we'll get chance to catch up again before she's born.

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