AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Pne that's what I'm wondering about at the moment... How often we should DTD.
I expect my solid smiley tomorrow so thinking of DTD tonight, tomorrow and next night...?? Not sure how much is too much ha. But obviously want to catch the big O!

That's always the biggest question I've found- how much is too much. My doctor here told me to DTD the two days after ovulation, but I had another doctor recommend skipping a day in between to get the best possible sperm count. So, which is it actually??
The other issue is - what If you don't know your exact day of ovulation!?

So for eg. I predict I'll get my LH surge tomorrow (as have done with previous months) but that just tells me I 'should' ovulate in next 24 hours. So I should do it tomorrow and next day but then some things you read say you should DTD before hand so sperm is waiting so does that mean tonight?!

But you don't want to do it too much to effect sperm quality but surely some sperm is better than no sperm?

Too many ifs and buts haha
The other issue is - what If you don't know your exact day of ovulation!?

So for eg. I predict I'll get my LH surge tomorrow (as have done with previous months) but that just tells me I 'should' ovulate in next 24 hours. So I should do it tomorrow and next day but then some things you read say you should DTD before hand so sperm is waiting so does that mean tonight?!

But you don't want to do it too much to effect sperm quality but surely some sperm is better than no sperm?

Too many ifs and buts haha

That is true, but if sperm truly lives for five days, then I would imagine the good sperm is more likely to survive than the not-so-good sperm?

And how bad is the not-so-good sperm.

Was also wondering - how many of you ladies use those TTC tricks? Like, keeping your butt on a pillow afterwards for some time or using different products during it (like PreSeed?). My SIL said that the core of a pineapple helps with fertility so I am going to look around for some the meantime, I will eat some pineapple for breakfast tomorrow...
London, I am with you .. I have no idea when my exact ovulation day is because I don't temp. So I just take a rough estimate and hope for the best!

And there might be some truth to not dtd as much because when we got pregnant with our first, three years ago, I swear we dtd maybe once a week if we were lucky (usually a Sunday). And that was the only time he ejaculated in me.
Now we have sex more than ever and maybe that's what we are doing wrong. Who knows?!

And I did hear that about pineapple. But I haven't really tried any of the different things that are suppose to help with fertility.

And I don't really do much after sex. I have been laying in bed a little longer but nothing elevated. I just like getting things done and getting cleaned up so it's hard for me to lay long! Haha
London, I am with you .. I have no idea when my exact ovulation day is because I don't temp. So I just take a rough estimate and hope for the best!

And there might be some truth to not dtd as much because when we got pregnant with our first, three years ago, I swear we dtd maybe once a week if we were lucky (usually a Sunday). And that was the only time he ejaculated in me.
Now we have sex more than ever and maybe that's what we are doing wrong. Who knows?!

And I did hear that about pineapple. But I haven't really tried any of the different things that are suppose to help with fertility.

And I don't really do much after sex. I have been laying in bed a little longer but nothing elevated. I just like getting things done and getting cleaned up so it's hard for me to lay long! Haha

It's hard to say - with my first, I don't recall having sex that much either, but then right before we conceived her I was not having sex at all since I had had a ruptured cyst, so it was definitely luck of the draw.

My second pregnancy was different - I was told by a doctor when I would likely ovulate, so we had sex every other day for three or four much more.

So far, the last five days, we've had sex three times...which is what I averaged last cycle and got a BFN so you never know. This time, however, I actually took an OPK to make sure I was ovulating (they tell you with the shot you will ovulate 24-36 hours after taking it, so it's not that concrete) and sure enough, I got a smiley face, so at least I knew when we DTD, I was definitely ovulating.

I am idiot enough to use pillows or my hands to elevate myself...not that it's done much in the last few cycles, but I am still going to try.

Hey, at least DH is happy around this period, lol...
I don't use any tricks as such but I definitely stay lying down for longer than I usually would. Hmm pineapple I've never heard of this but as I like pineapple maybe I'll give it a go 😊

I am confused when to DTD the past two months we have had sex on the 2nd, 4th, 5th & 6th days of the 6 most fertile days according to Ovia. With the solid smiley appearing on day 5.
Maybe that's too much? Or maybe I actually ovulate later... Such a frustrating guessing game!!
I don't use any tricks as such but I definitely stay lying down for longer than I usually would. Hmm pineapple I've never heard of this but as I like pineapple maybe I'll give it a go 😊

I am confused when to DTD the past two months we have had sex on the 2nd, 4th, 5th & 6th days of the 6 most fertile days according to Ovia. With the solid smiley appearing on day 5.
Maybe that's too much? Or maybe I actually ovulate later... Such a frustrating guessing game!!

The way I see it, if you can do it that many times of the fertile days, I wouldn't worry about how many times is too much. I just wish we could do it that often during my fertile time! That being said, the weird thing about my app (Fertility Friend) is that once you get your positive OPK, all of those fertile days they list before that disappear and they only put one day (the day after the positive test). I don't know if that means that that's the most fertile day at that point or not? Doesn't really matter since my doctor tells me to DTD the day after that date anyway. That being said, when I asked my doctor about it, I was told that the most important day was the day after...but to do it the day after that just to make sure. Who the heck's definitely a guessing game.

This is my guess from what I have seen from my app - if they only list one day after you put in your positive test, then maybe all those fertile days they put are really only all the possible days you could ovulate? With the darkest green being the most probable given your LMD...but if you are ovulating on a different date given your result on the OPK, then they automatically change it to that? I have no clue, lol.
With the Ovia app it numbers each day of the month with a 1-10 rating on how fertile you are (based on what you have input previously).

It has 6 days highlighted in green which is predicts to be your most fertile or most recommended to DTD according to when it thinks you'll ovulate. Today I am 9.5 (yesterday I was 10).

It does change when you enter data eg. If I had a peak reading on my OPK 2 days ago it would shift those 6 green days to earlier etc...

I still have a flashing smiley today - past two months i've tested twice on "Green day 5" and got my solid around 4pm so "Should" get that today.

Then from there I just need to work out when exactly I ovulate ... EASY haha
With the Ovia app it numbers each day of the month with a 1-10 rating on how fertile you are (based on what you have input previously).

It has 6 days highlighted in green which is predicts to be your most fertile or most recommended to DTD according to when it thinks you'll ovulate. Today I am 9.5 (yesterday I was 10).

It does change when you enter data eg. If I had a peak reading on my OPK 2 days ago it would shift those 6 green days to earlier etc...

I still have a flashing smiley today - past two months i've tested twice on "Green day 5" and got my solid around 4pm so "Should" get that today.

Then from there I just need to work out when exactly I ovulate ... EASY haha

I asked my nurse what the harm was in DTD right before ovulation with the idea in mind of "good eggs" and our super sperm theory. She said she had always thought the same way, but I guess the way I have understood it is that it takes so long for the sperm to travel to the egg that it's more likely that that older sperm will due before reaching the egg. Which makes some perhaps the two best days to DTD are the day right after getting a positive OPK and the day right after that. Which doesn't mean the other days are bad, just that it's longer from the time of ovulation which might mean the sperm is more likely to die.

Just ate my breakfast of I just need to buy more lol...
With the Ovia app it numbers each day of the month with a 1-10 rating on how fertile you are (based on what you have input previously).

It has 6 days highlighted in green which is predicts to be your most fertile or most recommended to DTD according to when it thinks you'll ovulate. Today I am 9.5 (yesterday I was 10).

It does change when you enter data eg. If I had a peak reading on my OPK 2 days ago it would shift those 6 green days to earlier etc...

I still have a flashing smiley today - past two months i've tested twice on "Green day 5" and got my solid around 4pm so "Should" get that today.

Then from there I just need to work out when exactly I ovulate ... EASY haha

I asked my nurse what the harm was in DTD right before ovulation with the idea in mind of "good eggs" and our super sperm theory. She said she had always thought the same way, but I guess the way I have understood it is that it takes so long for the sperm to travel to the egg that it's more likely that that older sperm will due before reaching the egg. Which makes some perhaps the two best days to DTD are the day right after getting a positive OPK and the day right after that. Which doesn't mean the other days are bad, just that it's longer from the time of ovulation which might mean the sperm is more likely to die.

Just ate my breakfast of I just need to buy more lol...

And this would make sense in regards to the Ovia app. If i get my solid smiley today indicating ovulation is near then that would make sense that yesterday was 10 and today 9.5 so you DTD and have the sperm waiting.

Why does it all have to be so scientific :)

I need to go pineapple shopping haha.
I wish that was actually the case, that sperm waited for the egg, lol. As I have heard it, it's actually a very long trip before the sperm gets to the egg...a few days, I think. Then there is also having good eggs. We all have eggs, but as I have learned if they are under a certain size, doesn't matter how super the sperm is, implantation can't occur. Most people have a lot of follicles but very few of them will turn into eggs that will be big enough for implantation.

It's all a crap shoot matter what you eat or how long you lay there after DTD
Totally confused ladies!!

STILL no solid smiley :( I might be being a bit over the top haha. Because the last few months I've seen one around 4pm, today I went for a few wines, just tested and still flashing! ??!?

I said to husband I'll test in morning and I'll go to work late If need be haha.

Confused but not too down in the dumps! I did have a very strange AF last cycle so maybe my system
Is adjusting to that?!

Keep you posted! X
Well last night, we were both beat so no skin to skin contact happened. And that would have been the day after my positive! So I guess I will try to give it a go tonight. What I don't understand about the whole thing is if you're suppose to have intercourse the day after and the next after that but it is said that you are most fertile when you have EWCM and mine is already gone.
This whole baby making game is definitely not in our hands! We can only do what we know and pray that it is our time!
Well last night, we were both beat so no skin to skin contact happened. And that would have been the day after my positive! So I guess I will try to give it a go tonight. What I don't understand about the whole thing is if you're suppose to have intercourse the day after and the next after that but it is said that you are most fertile when you have EWCM and mine is already gone.
This whole baby making game is definitely not in our hands! We can only do what we know and pray that it is our time!

You got me! I've always thought the same thing! But there has to be some reason they tell you to do that.

We ended up DTD last night and tonight and ate a crap ton of pineapple. I had to actually buy a pineapple so I could get the core (which is the most important part). Though even that means nothing if things don't break in my favor.
ANOTHER flashing smiley!! :?:
CD16 so if i dont get one this afternoon then I believe that with a 28 day cycle that would leave me with a very short luteal phase?
Hurry up Solid Smiley!!

How is everyone today?

Sticky.... you ok? I might be a late ovulator with you this month!
ANOTHER flashing smiley!! :?:
CD16 so if i dont get one this afternoon then I believe that with a 28 day cycle that would leave me with a very short luteal phase?
Hurry up Solid Smiley!!

How is everyone today?

Sticky.... you ok? I might be a late ovulator with you this month!

Have you had any negatives London?

I am wondering about Sticky too! Please come back and tell us how you are doing. We miss you! 🙁

Going back to work today...I called out of work on Monday after my nonstop weekend (no breaks but still working straight through past my scheduled time) - it worked out well though since my doctor wanted me to take my shot in the evening and had I worked, I would have taken my shot close to 12 am 😩
Finally got the solid smiley!! 😊

So guessing I'll ovulate in next day or so. We didn't DTD last night (did the night before) so will need to get on it (literally!) tonight ;)

I'm still confused about how otfen... Think we'll DTD tonight, tomorrow then maybe have a day off then again Sunday for luck?!

How is everyone else feeling?
I'm 2DPO and so far so good-trying not to focus on symptoms of any kind. That's what killed me last month and all those symptoms I had convinced myself were pregnancy symptoms that weren't just made everything worse when AF actually showed. So I am trying not to obsess this month!

Admittedly it helps that the coming weeks are jam packed with things to keep my mind off of all of this. I have a meeting with our local school district to find out if my daughter can go to preschool there this coming school year. Then, I have to schedule a minor surgery for my daughter, my mother is coming to see us, so yeah, lots of crap. If I can just manage to avoid buying pregnancy tests I will be good lol.
That's the key... Avoid buying the tests so zero temptation!!
I've bought some Internet cheapies for this month, they came with the OPKs so I didn't get a choice.
I was pretty good last month re: testing... Managed to hold out!
But symptom spotting can't be helped can it, every little twinge you just hope it's a positive sign.

I've got a couple of twinges tonight so ovulation pains, good sign given I got the solid smiley earlier.

Now... Hurry up the next two weeks! Like you Rose, I've lots on as well so will keep the mind busy!
Yay London, finally! I bet you were thrilled to see that!

And I am the worst at trying to hold off testing and I can't help but symptom spot. But maybe because you are so busy, you won't have time to think about it.

We didn't dtd last night either so I feel like I totally screwed (no pun intended) up. Haha. So maybe tonight but I'm sure I probably already ovulated since I'm on cd15. Oh well... I'm not kicking myself in the butt because I don't want to be that stressed over trying to get pregnant.
I still also have some cheapies left so it will be hard not testing early.

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