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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Yes Pne I was pretty happy, was wondering what was wrong with me haha.

Maybe you caught your ovulation window anyway! Could DTD tonight just for luck! Fx for you!
I guess there is a positive to all those tests I used up last cycle lol. I have some cheapies actually, but am not willing to use them because the sensitivity is low. So, unless I see a sale on FRER's, I will probably wait until 10DPO and then make a trip to Dollar Tree.

I guess that's the one positive with trigger shots, there is no guess work involved!!
There is definitely something wrong with me...I just drank green tea tonight even though it's caffeinated just because I heard it helped with implantation too. I guess instead of symptom spotting, I keep my mind off of it all by doing stuff like this!

Next on my list - sweet potatoes 😭
I ❤️❤️❤️ Sweet potato! One of my favs!
It won't be that long till you're 10DPO Rose... Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
I ❤️❤️❤️ Sweet potato! One of my favs!
It won't be that long till you're 10DPO Rose... Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

I love sweet potatoes too! Green tea I am less fond of...but with enough honey, I can generally be persuaded lol.

Yup, only 7 days! Hard to believe...I feel like at this time last month I was already stressing out about which symptoms I had. Not that I'm not thinking about it this time, but not nearly as obsessively lol. This 2WW already doesn't seem as excruciating as the last one!

Maybe I'm just excited because I found out that my shift got covered for Mother's Day 😊 All day with my baby sounds amazing ❤️
Oh lovely! What a nice way to spend your Mother's Day 💗

Had my solid smiley about 30 hours ago and have had mild cramps today so thinking if I've not already ovulated it must be really close.

My Ovia app says pregnancy test in 12 days.... So roll On the next two weeks aye!
Ahh, welcome back to the wonderful 2WW, London!!

Are you temping? That's not a bad way to confirm things either. I've been temping since I ovulated and I find its giving me more of a sense of control. It is kind of a pain, but overall not too bad.

I'm excited - my daughter had been accepted into a Modeling company last year but since I had not heard anything in a year, I had given up. But today, we received information for a booking in NY on Monday. So, I'm excited! She might not be as excited lol
Oh wow, that's amazing news!! She does look like a cutie so I'm not surprised that she's going to be NYs next big top model!! 😊

I haven't done the whole temping thing... Maybe that's something to look into for my next cycle if I don't get my BFP this time. We are on holiday in Italy through my next fertile period so I'm sure there will be a lot of relaxing and DTD anyway! 😉

I took a cheapie OPK this morning and it was negative so I'm fully in the TWW now!

Wonder where sticky has disappeared to, I hope she's ok! x
Oh wow, that's amazing news!! She does look like a cutie so I'm not surprised that she's going to be NYs next big top model!! 😊

I haven't done the whole temping thing... Maybe that's something to look into for my next cycle if I don't get my BFP this time. We are on holiday in Italy through my next fertile period so I'm sure there will be a lot of relaxing and DTD anyway! 😉

I took a cheapie OPK this morning and it was negative so I'm fully in the TWW now!

Wonder where sticky has disappeared to, I hope she's ok! x

Yay!!! Congrats on beginning the TWW!!

I know, I am worried and thinking about sticky too! Hope she updates soon!

I woke up today with that sticky, almost satiny like CM...but I remember that from my last cycle. The nurse at the time said it was from the Progesterone, but since I am not taking that right now, maybe it's just the normal discharge at this point. Then I blew my nose and saw blood again and almost felt annoyed lol. That was the symptom that kept getting me last cycle! 😡

The thing that's cool about my daughter's possible booking is that it's a Diabetes company and I'm a T1 Diabetic!! Still don't know if we will do it - it all depends on my husband and whether he feels comfortable with us going to NY. Though he works in NY so maybe we can work something out!
That is exciting about your daughter Rose and seems like it makes it even more because it relates to you!

The tww is just as exciting as it is nerve racking!

Rose, I blew my nose last night and it had pink blood through it but I had the same thing happen last cycle. That's why not looking into it. And my left breast is sore which always happens a couple of days past ovulation. So I'm having all the symptoms of a normal cycle. Boo!!
That is exciting about your daughter Rose and seems like it makes it even more because it relates to you!

The tww is just as exciting as it is nerve racking!

Rose, I blew my nose last night and it had pink blood through it but I had the same thing happen last cycle. That's why not looking into it. And my left breast is sore which always happens a couple of days past ovulation. So I'm having all the symptoms of a normal cycle. Boo!!

So far beyond the blood when I blew my nose this morning and random pain in my breasts (which is probably leftover HCG in my system from my trigger shot) the only "symptoms" I have had thus far is horrendous acid reflux and a voracious appetite. But I know better than to read into anything at 4DPO lol.
Keep us posted on the modelling Rose! I'm sure she'll be a little stunner, how old is she?

The bloody nose strikes again!! It must be pretty frustrating knowing it's been a sign for you in the past but wasn't to be last month. But maybe it is a sign of you're getting it too Pne! Well I'll be sure to know if I get one also ;)

It's roasting hot in London for this time of year, sunny and just nice to chill outside instead of being stuck indoors. Tomorrow we are expecting 26 degrees (around 79 farhrenheit I think?) which is hot for this early in the year.

On the countdown to our Italian holiday, 3 weeks today! So officially on two countdowns haha
Keep us posted on the modelling Rose! I'm sure she'll be a little stunner, how old is she?

The bloody nose strikes again!! It must be pretty frustrating knowing it's been a sign for you in the past but wasn't to be last month. But maybe it is a sign of you're getting it too Pne! Well I'll be sure to know if I get one also ;)

It's roasting hot in London for this time of year, sunny and just nice to chill outside instead of being stuck indoors. Tomorrow we are expecting 26 degrees (around 79 farhrenheit I think?) which is hot for this early in the year.

On the countdown to our Italian holiday, 3 weeks today! So officially on two countdowns haha

She is two and a half, London. Her name is Gabrielle Rose (her Nana calls her Miss Rose), hence the handle. I was afraid people might judge me, so thank you all for the interest and the non-judgment!

I am so jealous of your weather! It is only 54 degrees Fahrenheit here in the States...and cloudy and rainy. More weather I associate with London for the brief time I lived there as a child 😉

Yes, the nose strikes again lol. I will let you know if it makes another appearance!
Isn't it funny where people get their names / handles from?
I'm originally from New Zealand where we get nick named Kiwis, married a Londoner so that's where I got it from.
So many kiwis in London these days... I'm one of the many!
You lived in London when you were younger?

I ❤️The name Gabrielle / Gabriella and if I ever had a girl that would be on my list actually!

So I am wondering if we should bother to DTD tonight? Got my solid smiley on thurs afternoon. DTD thurs and fri evening...
Once more for good luck perhaps?!
Isn't it funny where people get their names / handles from?
I'm originally from New Zealand where we get nick named Kiwis, married a Londoner so that's where I got it from.
So many kiwis in London these days... I'm one of the many!
You lived in London when you were younger?

I ❤️The name Gabrielle / Gabriella and if I ever had a girl that would be on my list actually!

So I am wondering if we should bother to DTD tonight? Got my solid smiley on thurs afternoon. DTD thurs and fri evening...
Once more for good luck perhaps?!

Honestly, from what I've heard, the time period for the egg to stay intact is 12-24 hours, so you could and there is a slight possibility of fertilization but not high at all, so that is your choice. I'm sure your husband would appreciate it though lol.

I love the name too (obviously). Briefly thought about Gabriella as a name, but there are already two Gabriella's in our family, so I wanted to do something different.

I'd love to go to New Zealand - it's one of my dreams.

Yes, I lived in London for a year when I was 4 years old. My mother was working on her dissertation so that's why we came. My sister went to school there and I had a babysitter. My mother said I came back with a British accent 😂

We went back twice after that, once when I was 8 and once when I was 14, but never as long as that initial trip. My first memories are actually from living in England!
Yeah I didn't think there would be much chance of fertilisation, thinking if it was going to happen it would've done so by now! But hey DTD anyway 😉

Oh lovely! I love all the little British kids accents, so sweet!

You should definitely get yourself out to New Zealand one day, it's such a fabulous Country! I've been here over 10years now but I don't think a day goes by when I think of home. I try to get back there as much as possible but it's pretty pricey from London.

Any further signs ladies? No more bleeding noses?

This TWW needs to hurry up and fly by!
Yeah I didn't think there would be much chance of fertilisation, thinking if it was going to happen it would've done so by now! But hey DTD anyway 😉

Oh lovely! I love all the little British kids accents, so sweet!

You should definitely get yourself out to New Zealand one day, it's such a fabulous Country! I've been here over 10years now but I don't think a day goes by when I think of home. I try to get back there as much as possible but it's pretty pricey from London.

Any further signs ladies? No more bleeding noses?

This TWW needs to hurry up and fly by!

Aww! I am so sorry you haven't been back home in a long while! I grew up in Delaware and moved to New Jersey for my husband so I find myself missing my home (and my parents and my sister and nephew) quite frequently. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't go home from time to time. Many hugs!! I hope you get to go back home at some point!

Last night, I had a boatload of symptoms...but I am trying to blame them on my trigger shot for my own sanity. Honestly though since its been a week since the trigger shot I'm not sure. Though it seems WAY too early for these symptoms though. I woke up at 3 am last night with intense thirst, slight nausea, and had to go to the bathroom badly. I assumed it was high blood sugar since that's how I feel when I have high blood sugar, but my blood sugar was perfect. And yes, more blood when I blew my nose this morning. Still very thirsty now.
I kind of hate this because I don't want another fake out!
You're certainly lucky having your family close enough to visit. I'd love to go to NZ for Christmas this year but as its expensive and over 24 hours on the plane I'm not sure if it will happen this year. Plus fx I might be too pregnant to fly anyway! 😊

Well here's hoping that all of your symptoms are a good sign! If only there was a way of identifying fertilisation signs from trigger shot signs.... I get the feeling this is going to be a long TWW !

What DPO are you now? I think I ovulated thurs evening/Friday morning so around 3DPO.

Hurry up TWW! 😊
You're certainly lucky having your family close enough to visit. I'd love to go to NZ for Christmas this year but as its expensive and over 24 hours on the plane I'm not sure if it will happen this year. Plus fx I might be too pregnant to fly anyway! 😊

Well here's hoping that all of your symptoms are a good sign! If only there was a way of identifying fertilisation signs from trigger shot signs.... I get the feeling this is going to be a long TWW !

What DPO are you now? I think I ovulated thurs evening/Friday morning so around 3DPO.

Hurry up TWW! 😊

Yes it's definitely nice to have them close by, though with my work schedule it's going to be harder to see them now.

I am 5DPO, but 6 days past the trigger shot. Last month, the nurse told me it takes about a week for all the HCG from the shot to exit your system. So, I would presume it was gone by now, but maybe it's exiting my system more slowly this month.

I ate all my pineapple with the core...now I'm onto green tea with a crap ton of honey. I can't make up my mind whether I want to get another pineapple or not. If I did, it wouldn't be until Tuesday or Wednesday so whatever benefit it had might be gone by that point.

Because I ovulated so early this month, my luteal phase is much shorter for once so my period is actually due to come on the 16th. Eight days from now I should know one way or another what is going on.

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