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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Ha yes! I much prefer Kiwi given i'm from New Zealand... just live in London, although I did get my British passport last year so im a bit of Brit too.... but 99% Kiwi :)

So this morning I was putting my make up on in the mirror and noticed a bit of blood beside my nose. I got proper excited thinking i was having the same sign as you... but nope, i'm just mental and had scratched myself lol.

That stabbing pain in the ovary hasn't happened to me this month yet... last month I got that on 4/5 DPO but havent felt it thus far.

The insulin thing i can imagine must wreck havoc with symptoms... you dont know if its that, the trigger shot or perhaps some BFP signs! It is such a guessing and waiting game isnt it!

You are a true Kiwi, just an imported Londoner. Just as I am a true Delawarean, merely relocated to Jersey. I will never be a true "Jersey Girl"

I got that around the same time, but yesterday was 6DPO, so maybe a little later. Maybe it's a good thing you haven't gotten it lol.

Yes, it really does. The trigger shot probably doesn't have too much impact (although definitely some since it is a hormone) but it really is impossible to know which is which at times.

Last cycle, I had switched to Tylenol and stopped drinking Diet Coke and diet Snapple, but this cycle I am not taking those away from myself unless I get a BFP lol.
OMG the thought of no diet coke actually kills me... I am typing this while drinking a can. I cant not have it! ha.

Im actually going out for a couple of much needed wines tonight, work has been a bit hellish this week and its only tuesday, I need a little something!! :)
OMG the thought of no diet coke actually kills me... I am typing this while drinking a can. I cant not have it! ha.

Im actually going out for a couple of much needed wines tonight, work has been a bit hellish this week and its only tuesday, I need a little something!! :)

Lol for me it's Diet Snapple (although I have an addiction to Diet Cherry Coke as well, lol). When I was pregnant with my daughter because of the artificial sweeteners, I limited myself to one Diet Snapple a week until I made it into the third trimester...then I cheated a little bit!

Gabrielle had speech therapy today and while we were there we ran into this mom who is very friendly and talkative. She almost always engages me in conversation- very sweet, if not a little long winded at times. Anyway, out of the blue she asks me if I am planning on having another one. I thought it was a very interesting question given what's going on. Of course, I said I hoped so, but left it at that.

Came home from shopping to find more creamy discharge. Either that's merely the increase of natural progesterone in my system or something is just conspiring to make me hopeful lol.

I have nothing to report haha.
No symptoms just a slight hangover :(

This day last month I had recorded on my app that I had potential AF cramps in the evening so will see if that's the same this month!

I have nothing to report haha.
No symptoms just a slight hangover :(

This day last month I had recorded on my app that I had potential AF cramps in the evening so will see if that's the same this month!

Good symptom, Kiwi!!! 😉

Still having the same discharge here. My boobs felt really weird last night - almost ticklish, it was odd. I went in the shower last night and every time the water touched them, I felt it. It was strange.

I was deleting my pictures from my phone this morning and ran across my picture of my negative pregnancy test at 9DPO...that was the best reminder I could possibly get not to over analyze anything!!!

My meeting with the school district my daughter might attend is this morning. She is very speech delayed and I am trying to see whether she can possibly receive services at a public preschool in the fall. I am really excited to finally get my questions answered!!!
If only Rose! I think this is a proper wine-fuelled hangover!

Oh wow, i hope the meeting goes well today & you get all the answers you need. It would be fab if she can get this help. GOOD LUCK!

So Ladies - what's your view on early testing?
Im pretty adament that im out this month due to this massive spot. Seems silly but Its in the same place that it always is before AF... never know though! But anyway its basically put me off testing so I think i'll wait and see if AF shows.
Do you think you'll be able to hold out or end up testing early?
If only Rose! I think this is a proper wine-fuelled hangover!

Oh wow, i hope the meeting goes well today & you get all the answers you need. It would be fab if she can get this help. GOOD LUCK!

So Ladies - what's your view on early testing?
Im pretty adament that im out this month due to this massive spot. Seems silly but Its in the same place that it always is before AF... never know though! But anyway its basically put me off testing so I think i'll wait and see if AF shows.
Do you think you'll be able to hold out or end up testing early?

Well it depends on how early we are talking, in my experience any earlier than 10 DPO is probably a waste of money (though I know some people have gotten positive HPT's as early 8DPO. Honestly, 10 days is probably too early depending on the person. I think the vast majority of positive tests happen on the day of the missed period, I just can't wait that long, generally speaking.

Like I said, I will probably test on Friday (10DPO for me)...hoping for the best, but not necessarily expecting it.

The meeting went much better than expected...I was really scared that they might insist on evaluating her closer to her birthday, but they seem to be pretty lenient on that. Thank goodness! I'm definitely going to get right on that!

Only downside is that it's only a 2.5 hour program...so that leaves the other part of the day to find coverage for.
Hi ladies! I've been a little busy and trying to not think about this whole tww! Haha
Rose, your symptoms sound awesome. I remember with my pregnancy in September, the water hitting my nipples and it almost stung. And it was like when you get that tingling feeling from having the chills!!
London, your symptoms not so much but at least youre enjoying yourself!! Sometimes you just need that night out to regain sanity and not feel so hot the next day!!

I had cramps yesterday and a little pulling around my right ovary last night and just feel slight cramping now. And I already tested! I'm so weak especially since they are handy. I have one left and once it's gone, I am not going to buy any until AF is late.
I will post a picture of the test. I believe it is negative but it's stramge because where the line would be, is raised up. The picture is taken after the time limit but it did it right away so it kind of caught me off guard! I will have to do another one I suppose!
Hi ladies! I've been a little busy and trying to not think about this whole tww! Haha
Rose, your symptoms sound awesome. I remember with my pregnancy in September, the water hitting my nipples and it almost stung. And it was like when you get that tingling feeling from having the chills!!
London, your symptoms not so much but at least youre enjoying yourself!! Sometimes you just need that night out to regain sanity and not feel so hot the next day!!

I had cramps yesterday and a little pulling around my right ovary last night and just feel slight cramping now. And I already tested! I'm so weak especially since they are handy. I have one left and once it's gone, I am not going to buy any until AF is late.
I will post a picture of the test. I believe it is negative but it's stramge because where the line would be, is raised up. The picture is taken after the time limit but it did it right away so it kind of caught me off guard! I will have to do another one I suppose!


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How many DPO are you Pne?

Im not sure im the best judge of the line... I think it looks kinked at the top. Just how many wines did I have last night haha.

You will just have to do another! :)
Not exactly sure but I think 7 or 8.

And just so you know, it isn't your foggy mind, it is kinked the whole way. That's why it's confusing. I'm saying negative and just a faulty test.

And I did take another one and it did the same thing. Now I'm out so I will have to wait if the witch decides not to come! Haha
Glad to see the hangover is not affecting my eyesight!! :)

I think it must be faulty Pne. And you've used the last one... you'll have to wait it out with me!

I think i'm about 6/7DPO today.... still determined not to test early.
If I feel like im getting some symptoms I might test a day or two early but think i'd rather get AF than a disappointing BFN. Obviously neither would be more preferable!!

I do think that atleast one of us will get that BFP this month! FX'd
Glad to see the hangover is not affecting my eyesight!! :)

I think it must be faulty Pne. And you've used the last one... you'll have to wait it out with me!

I think i'm about 6/7DPO today.... still determined not to test early.
If I feel like im getting some symptoms I might test a day or two early but think i'd rather get AF than a disappointing BFN. Obviously neither would be more preferable!!

I do think that atleast one of us will get that BFP this month! FX'd

Haha nope you're good! I didnt even have one drink last night so I definitely know what I'm seeing unless my eyes have gone crossed overnight! Haha

And I will. It's so weird that none of the 25 tests that I had, did that, except for the last two that I used today!! I am now tempted to buy a frer but I hate to waste the money. Like you said maybe if I feel more symptoms next week, I'll splurge!

This is the second test. And the link goes away when I bent it but it looked like there was a colored line there. Obviously that can't be a for sure positive but it gets me a little hopeful!


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Im going to have another look at these pics tomorrow when my brain is functioning properly. I feel like i could see something when I squinted but then I can hardly even focus on my computer screen today... no drinking tonight for me haha. I shall look again tomorrow!

FRER are pricey arent they! But you know what, if you have a feeling... you have that feeling! Put your mind at ease!
I actually got some cheapies off amazon and they arrived the next day if you think you could wait for 2 days maybe buy some cheapies.... you can get about 50 for the price of one FRER ;)
You ladies are killing me putting pictures of tests 7 or 8 DPO. I just bought 6 tests from the Dollar Tree (all 1 buck each!) and I told myself it's not until Friday, but you ladies are weakening my willpower lol.

I hate WondFo's with a passion - I have them, but their sensitivity is way too low for me to ever like using them.

Don't give me hope, pne, that's not allowed lol
I caved and took one and definitely BFN. But then, I'm only 8DPO and the amount of positive tests on 8DPO are few and far between.
Hahaha Rose! You crack me up. Zero willpower!
I feel like I need to do one to be on the same wavelength but no chance I'll see anything at 6/7 DPO.

We all have to wait patiently.... Easier said than done! 😊
Hahaha Rose! You crack me up. Zero willpower!
I feel like I need to do one to be on the same wavelength but no chance I'll see anything at 6/7 DPO.

We all have to wait patiently.... Easier said than done! 😊

Definitely easier said than done!! I am glad I took the test for one reason at least - I know the trigger shot is no longer in my body.

Blew my nose today - and guess what was back! 😂

Maybe buying 6 tests was a mistake. But at least I only put one in my bathroom lol
Well that is a good thing you know the shot is fully gone.

Haha the nose again! I hope it's a sign for you this month Rose!!

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