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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Eeeeep Rose that sounds all hopeful! I mean, not fun, but hopeful! I am still having this lower cramps, always happens to me - I literally feel everything that happens in my womb, I will have these cramps for a few more days til the egg reachs the actual womb! Then I get PMS then AF - we never get a break do we us women!! Can't believe you're 10dpo!! A girl I vaguely know found out she was pregnant last night and is gutted :[ I mean she is getting her head around the idea, but it stings a bit to hear people getting pregnant so easily and not even wanting it... No fair! Xx
Do you feel that way every month Sticky? Thats crazy.

What is also crazy is this girl you mention. It is always the way isnt it. People who dont necessarily want something can always seem to have it, those who want something find it much harder - certainly not fair!

My hangover is gone :)
It's great that you have that support from your old boss!

Ok great, if / when AF shows I shall go and grab a thermometer and see if that helps at all.

Can help but think being 35 must be an issue but my doctor actually said I shouldn't have anything to worry about as we haven't been trying that long and I should send the husband in for some testing, haha he would love that!

Not much to report this morning, had a couple of wines last night with friends and have a niggling hangover which is about the only thing that's a bit odd, I can normally drink a lot And feel fine! 😉

On a good note... It's FRIDAY!

Ha! My doctor is always saying that to me...my old doctor "required" him to get testing (which never happened lol) but my new one just encourages it. One of the reasons why I found a new doctor.

Woke up at 4 am having to go to the bathroom - when I checked my blood sugar, it was slightly low (70) which actually upset me lol). Other than that, no bloody nose to speak of yet, just some random shooting pains in my boobs here and there. And my stomach hurts - not nausea - just hurts. I can't even lie down on my stomach. Which probably just means I'm not feeling particularly well lol.

Other than that, my basal temp jumped to 99.36 this morning. Though as I recall that happened the day I started spotting last month. So, I don't know if that's significant or not. I think I threw out my temp charts when I was TTC my daughter so I don't really have anything to compare this to lol.

Doctor visit today to measure my progesterone levels...even if they tell me to take it, I probably won't.
Eeeeep Rose that sounds all hopeful! I mean, not fun, but hopeful! I am still having this lower cramps, always happens to me - I literally feel everything that happens in my womb, I will have these cramps for a few more days til the egg reachs the actual womb! Then I get PMS then AF - we never get a break do we us women!! Can't believe you're 10dpo!! A girl I vaguely know found out she was pregnant last night and is gutted :[ I mean she is getting her head around the idea, but it stings a bit to hear people getting pregnant so easily and not even wanting it... No fair! Xx

That's pretty much what happened to both of my coworkers at work who got pregnant. Neither planned it...and one freaked out when it happened. So when I had my miscarriage that's all I could think about. I wanted this baby more than anything and I was miscarrying...and yet this woman was freaked about being pregnant. My boss begged me to come back when I came to pick up Gabrielle and I was honest with her - that everytime I saw the pregnant girl at work I felt sucker punched. She says "well they are all over" - I agreed but honestly whenever I see it, I either feel depressed or like I got a punch in the gut. My old boss is very religious so she keeps telling me it was "meant to be" for some reason I don't know yet. I have a real hard time hearing that, even though I do believe the old phrase "where God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window"

Okay enough depressing stuff. I have been talking to my SIL this week and we keep talking about how everyone in the TWW has this ability to find symptoms where there may not be any real ones because we are so attuned to our bodies. Sad but true.
I also believe everything happens for a reason, but when its something sad or unfavourable I think its hard to put that into context... Im not sure im making any sense, ha.

I wish I had a symptom that I could find! :)
Sitting here waiting for the AF Cramps over the weekend I think!

Anyone thinking they might cave and test early??!
I also believe everything happens for a reason, but when its something sad or unfavourable I think its hard to put that into context... Im not sure im making any sense, ha.

I wish I had a symptom that I could find! :)
Sitting here waiting for the AF Cramps over the weekend I think!

Anyone thinking they might cave and test early??!

Well I already did lol...that ship has already sailed! Haha!

I just went to the doctor and it was disappointing - I was hoping the blood test would test more than my progesterone (HCG, for instance), but no. I asked when the earliest you could test and she says "when we tell you to" but she lost all credibility with me when she said you experience your first symptoms at 6 weeks. That is such a load of crap and not true of most people I know.
So this weekend at work is out for me. I am still dizzy and they don't want me coming in without a doctor's note so I had to reschedule my doctor's appointment for Monday.

I really hope that this is indicative of something, otherwise this really sucks!
6 weeks?! Really.... Hmmm!
Some people say they know the minute something is a little off or different than usual. Also... Ah a missed AF happens before 6 weeks.

Hope the dizziness wears off soon Rose. Well unless of course it means you're about to get a BFP then I'm sure you can cope with it for a while longer 😊 It does seem strangely coincidental that you're feeling that way with your testing date just around the corner - FX!!

Still nothing for me. Well my skin is bloody terrible, spots galore!! Not really that normal for me. Could be AF and the fact the weather has been muggy in London perhaps!
6 weeks?! Really.... Hmmm!
Some people say they know the minute something is a little off or different than usual. Also... Ah a missed AF happens before 6 weeks.

Hope the dizziness wears off soon Rose. Well unless of course it means you're about to get a BFP then I'm sure you can cope with it for a while longer 😊 It does seem strangely coincidental that you're feeling that way with your testing date just around the corner - FX!!

Still nothing for me. Well my skin is bloody terrible, spots galore!! Not really that normal for me. Could be AF and the fact the weather has been muggy in London perhaps!

I don't buy six weeks at all! I didn't have morning sickness, but the most nauseous I felt in the morning was around 4.5-5 weeks pregnant.

I read something yesterday that said implantation generally occurs at 7DPO, so HCG would start rising in your blood stream after 10DPO. If that's true, it would make sense for me to have a BFN at this point. Really until around 12DPO because by that point, the HCG would have risen to a detectable level.
I just felt a slight pang of potential AF cramps while cooking dinner... But it was literally maybe 2-3mins on and off.... Feel ok again now.

I definitely won't be testing early, would prob be wasting my time, aggh!

Hurry up Tues, I just want to know now!
I just felt a slight pang of potential AF cramps while cooking dinner... But it was literally maybe 2-3mins on and off.... Feel ok again now.

I definitely won't be testing early, would prob be wasting my time, aggh!

Hurry up Tues, I just want to know now!

I hear you! My doctor wants me to check on Wednesday (that would potentially be 2 days after the day when AF would come. Are they nuts?? Who can wait that long?!?

Here is my random symptom moment of the day - which could also be AF type emotions - I am a huge Survivor fan and I have been watching old seasons on my Kindle from Amazon Prime. I'm watching the last episode and when they announce the winner I started crying! I didn't even really like the guy who won either! That's odd!
I used to love that show!!!
And to be honest - if AF doesn't show up I don't think I would know any female that would be able to hold out an extra two days without testing!!!
I used to love that show!!!
And to be honest - if AF doesn't show up I don't think I would know any female that would be able to hold out an extra two days without testing!!!

What was your favorite season or contestant?

Seriously!?! What are they thinking? Yes, if my period doesn't come, I can calmly sit for two more days and wait to test. To heck with that!!!
I think maybe the Aussie Outback one with Colby! It stands out the most in my mind... Prob because it was close to home 😊

I feel like I've woken with a slight 'early morning AF is on the way in the coming days' feeling.
Hard to explain but almost feels like a slight dull feeling in my stomach. But only very light...

Busy day ahead packing up the house. Something I seriously can not be bothered doing! 😊
I think maybe the Aussie Outback one with Colby! It stands out the most in my mind... Prob because it was close to home 😊

I feel like I've woken with a slight 'early morning AF is on the way in the coming days' feeling.
Hard to explain but almost feels like a slight dull feeling in my stomach. But only very light...

Busy day ahead packing up the house. Something I seriously can not be bothered doing! 😊

Ahh yes, good old Colby. Though I feel like he was ruined for me by the Heroes vs Villains season years later...

Actually I know what you mean...kind of feel like that now, but I don't know if my hope is just evaporating so my mind is creating it or it's true.

I don't know, the closer I get to AF day the more stressed I get that it's coming. 🙁
Need to vent real quick - I am so sick of these negative tests. It feels all of a sudden like the only positives I can get now are thanks to the trigger. I just don't get how some people can get these BFP's on 8, 9DPO, and I am not getting anything but negatives on 11 DPO. Maybe it's my fault for taking a test at 4:39 am because now I'm so upset I can't go back to sleep. My negative at 10 days didn't upset me nearly as much as this did.

I feel like I can go from thinking there is still something special about this month to complete disappointment and pessimism 7 hours later.
Ladies, I woke up feeling the same way. Slight AF cramps and almost like I had to keep my legs crossed until I had to get up to go to the bathroom. So I will expect her in a couple of days. Usually this happens beforehand. ��

Rose, don't be discouraged. It can be too early yet. Just wait a few days to test now. I tested yesterday and negative of course. So I am waiting now if she doesn't show. I spend too damn long looking at those tests in different light and angles trying to find a line. So that's going to be my reason not too test. Haha. And we have a busy weekend so the days will fly.
Ladies, I woke up feeling the same way. Slight AF cramps and almost like I had to keep my legs crossed until I had to get up to go to the bathroom. So I will expect her in a couple of days. Usually this happens beforehand. ��

Rose, don't be discouraged. It can be too early yet. Just wait a few days to test now. I tested yesterday and negative of course. So I am waiting now if she doesn't show. I spend too damn long looking at those tests in different light and angles trying to find a line. So that's going to be my reason not too test. Haha. And we have a busy weekend so the days will fly.

I hear you! I was doing the same thing this morning with that stupid test. I had someone tweak it and they said it had an indent...

This morning I was changing Gabrielle's diaper and I literally started dry heaving. I thought I was going to throw up. Then again, my blood sugar is really high this morning.

I am having these weird pains in my lower back and leg and butt...like spasms...who knows what that's all about.

I think I saw light light pink when I wiped - I am just praying it's not the beginning of AF showing her ugly head.
Hey ladies,

You both caved! Ha... You're right about your lack of willpower! 😊
Sorry to hear that you both had negatives, but I think it's probably still too early.
I have felt a bit crampy over lunchtime with one quick stabbing pain on the right side... I think AF is getting ready to show her ugly face!!

I think it's rubbish that we are all feeling so negatively (wonder how sticky is getting on...?) but on a
Positive note, if we all get shitty BFNs I look forward to another TWW with you all ❤️
I've still not spoken to any friends about TTC so I really enjoy the chats and information sharing!
Hey ladies,

You both caved! Ha... You're right about your lack of willpower! 😊
Sorry to hear that you both had negatives, but I think it's probably still too early.
I have felt a bit crampy over lunchtime with one quick stabbing pain on the right side... I think AF is getting ready to show her ugly face!!

I think it's rubbish that we are all feeling so negatively (wonder how sticky is getting on...?) but on a
Positive note, if we all get shitty BFNs I look forward to another TWW with you all ❤️
I've still not spoken to any friends about TTC so I really enjoy the chats and information sharing!

Well, I not only caved - I bought another FRER - now that's not only caving it's wasting money while caving lol. I hope it is too early. My temps are still pretty high, lower than the last few days (98.62), but still way above my cover line. Last cycle at this point, my temp was over 99 but I was starting to spot a lot, so I'm not too worried yet. We shall see.

It's hard not to feel negative too - especially near the end of the TWW - that's the hardest part I think. In the beginning, you can still be optimistic that you caught a good egg and all of that, but near the end what can you do.

My stomach hurts, but it's not cramps so much as just hurts, you know?

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