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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Yes frers are crazy expensive so I will maybe only buy one to confirm if I need to!
And Rose, you are hilarious. I know, it's crazy to even have a positive this early unless it's twins!! Eekke! I will probably go to the dollar tree and pick some of those up. They usually work well for me!!

Don't do it London, be strong!!! Haha
Yes frers are crazy expensive so I will maybe only buy one to confirm if I need to!
And Rose, you are hilarious. I know, it's crazy to even have a positive this early unless it's twins!! Eekke! I will probably go to the dollar tree and pick some of those up. They usually work well for me!!

Don't do it London, be strong!!! Haha

That's true! If we got pregnant if twins my husband would have a heart attack.

Yes the Dollar Tree tests are awesome - very sensitive. Though I'm not a fan of the droppers that come with it. I'd prefer to just pee on it, lol.
Oh I didn't know that an early +ve could be twins... Been googling it tonight. Interesting!

As special as it would be I am not sure I can imagine being a mum to twins!
Oh I didn't know that an early +ve could be twins... Been googling it tonight. Interesting!

As special as it would be I am not sure I can imagine being a mum to twins!

I'm pretty sure no one does until they do!

The stronger the positive when it's still early, the more likely the fact that its twins.
I think my husband would also! Haha.

And I didn't realize you could pee directly on them. How is it done?!!
Oh I didn't know that an early +ve could be twins... Been googling it tonight. Interesting!

As special as it would be I am not sure I can imagine being a mum to twins!

I'm pretty sure no one does until they do!

The stronger the positive when it's still early, the more likely the fact that its twins.

Yes that's what I've read also. But if you test too early and have a definite positive, it might be twins. But by the time you would go for your first appointment, there could only be one baby. It's called a vanishing twin. I had a blighted ovum last fall and there was 2 sacs. So I did some research and it is very common to have 2 but very common for one of them to disappear and your body absorbs what's left. It's crazy!!
Oh I didn't know that an early +ve could be twins... Been googling it tonight. Interesting!

As special as it would be I am not sure I can imagine being a mum to twins!

I'm pretty sure no one does until they do!

The stronger the positive when it's still early, the more likely the fact that its twins.

Yes that's what I've read also. But if you test too early and have a definite positive, it might be twins. But by the time you would go for your first appointment, there could only be one baby. It's called a vanishing twin. I had a blighted ovum last fall and there was 2 sacs. So I did some research and it is very common to have 2 but very common for one of them to disappear and your body absorbs what's left. It's crazy!!

Yes, I've heard the same. I even know someone who was pregnant with twins and lost one as early on as you are referring to, but the other baby survived. He is 6 years old now.

The same can unfortunately happen with triplets...I know someone that happened to 😥
Good Morning Ladies,

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!
No symptoms of potential BFP or AF. I remember last month I had zero sign of anything at this stage too so not sure if thats an indication of the looming BFN?!
The only thing that is different this month to last is that i didn't get the normal stabbing pains that I get around CD18/19 - either that or I didn't notice them!

Anyway, I shall continue to wait patiently! 😊

How are you all?
Rose - let me guess... Another bloody nose 😂It's tormenting you!

Oh ladies I keep coming to the site on my phone but then Daisy will come and climb on me or something! I definitely ovulated on Tuesday as I had some pretty bad sharp pains through the day which have now subsided into vague lower back aches which is characteristic for me! DH and I managed to do DTD on Sunday and Tuesday so fingers crossed we catch the egg! It's crazy reading your posts because even though you're only 6 days ahead of me in the cycle it feels like AGES because we are TTC haha - And you're all peeing on sticks already! I refuse to buy any tests until 23rd if my period has not come and I have no symptoms! I'm gonna be still thinking a lot about it though so hopefully will be logging on a lot more :] So nice to be missed! I have my fingers crossed for you ladies, we had one BFP last month and a crappy chemical - let's get at least one more sticky BFP this month :D

Rose, that would be awful! Did they have at least one child from the triplets?

Good morning London! What cycle day are you on? You are a very good at waiting it out!! If tests are in our home, they get peed on! Haha.
Do you usually get symptoms before AF?

I feel about the same as every other normal cycle. My left breast is so sore on the outside and top which always happens right after O and until AF shows. It seems a little more painful but maybe that means when the witch shows, she's going to be heavy?!
Good morning Sticky! You're good at resisting the urge! I just used up my last IC and probably will buy dollar tree ones today, I should just wait and rush to the store of AF never comes...but I won't!!! Haha
Sticky I can imagine all of your children keep you very busy!
FX you caught the egg!!

Pne im 7-8 dpo and like you just feel a bit normal. I am awaiting a cramp or something to indicate AF, she's due on Tuesday
Haha, I'm really not good, I have tested like crazy the past two cycles! I have decided that chemicals are not something I want to know about :coffee:

Can't wait to see all your tests though! xx
Im going to hold out also Sticky!
If I magically get some symptoms I might test on Monday... otherwise i'll wait to see if AF shows on Tues, if not i'll test.

I have a bunch of Internet cheapies at home but I dont keep them in the bathroom, but the time I go to the toilet and think about testing its too late haha

FX we get some more BFPs this cycle!! I think i shall be here again in June :flower: x
Good Morning Ladies,

Nothing. Nothing. Nothing!
No symptoms of potential BFP or AF. I remember last month I had zero sign of anything at this stage too so not sure if thats an indication of the looming BFN?!
The only thing that is different this month to last is that i didn't get the normal stabbing pains that I get around CD18/19 - either that or I didn't notice them!

Anyway, I shall continue to wait patiently! 😊

How are you all?
Rose - let me guess... Another bloody nose 😂It's tormenting you!

Actually yes lol, a minor one, but still there.

Boobs aren't as tender today - it's pretty on and off, but that doesn't say anything one way or another lol.

My biggest thing right now is my blood sugar. It is really really off still. I did eat a cupcake last night but I gave myself over 100 units of insulin for it but I woke up at 2 am and it was well over 200 (normal is 120 and below). I gave myself insulin for that...but when I woke up it was only 40 units less.

It just drives me crazy because either I need to go to my doctor or I don't for other reasons. It feels like a tease since pregnancy is an insulin resistant state!
If its not one thing its another Rose!
Trigger shot, insulin.... all things that can definitely make you feel a bit off so symptom spotting must be extremely hard.

Its nearly the weekend which is great, means my mind will be elsewhere and Tuesday will be here before I know it.

I still have the feeling that im out. Based on the fact that I have zero anything, no cramps, no obvious symptoms - same as last month.

Atleast I have the house move and Italy to keep me going until the next TWW!

We shall see!! :) x
If its not one thing its another Rose!
Trigger shot, insulin.... all things that can definitely make you feel a bit off so symptom spotting must be extremely hard.

Its nearly the weekend which is great, means my mind will be elsewhere and Tuesday will be here before I know it.

I still have the feeling that im out. Based on the fact that I have zero anything, no cramps, no obvious symptoms - same as last month.

Atleast I have the house move and Italy to keep me going until the next TWW!

We shall see!! :) x

That's for sure!! I ended up having to leave work early today. I had a staff meeting this morning and I started feeling dizzy shortly after I got there. I still am. I am really hoping this is indicative of something otherwise I do not know what is going on! I talked to my endocrinologist and told them that the last time I had this sort of insulin resistance it was in pregnancy so they told me to test. I told them it was still early so they told me to test this weekend.

Other than that, same discharge today...a little less, but still the same type. Though another interesting thing was that my regular body temperature was high today (not temperature high), but high for me - 98.9.

I'm so tired today. Though I woke up twice last night and was up for an hour at 2 am since after I got up to go to the bathroom, Gabrielle woke up crying. I was in there with her and didn't get back in my room until almost 3 am.

I refuse to google possible symptoms since that just asks for trouble so I'm just going to sit here and equally expect either possibility.
Aw Rose I hope you're feeling better now... I'm hoping so badly for you that these signs are indicative of an upcoming BFP. You must be around 10dpo now? Eeek so excited for you to test!! FX x

I'm thinking about charting my temp for next month. Is there a brand I can buy on Amazon anyone can recommend? And is it a pain? I'll be on holiday for a lot of the next month so hoping it will be grand...
Aw Rose I hope you're feeling better now... I'm hoping so badly for you that these signs are indicative of an upcoming BFP. You must be around 10dpo now? Eeek so excited for you to test!! FX x

I'm thinking about charting my temp for next month. Is there a brand I can buy on Amazon anyone can recommend? And is it a pain? I'll be on holiday for a lot of the next month so hoping it will be grand...

Quite honestly, I got my thermometer at the drug store and it cost maybe 5.00...the brand really doesn't matter, I think. I think it's a pain because you have to get up at the same time for accuracy's sake and you can't move, because that will raise your temp. I cheat of course because I started at ovulation, but mostly because I know what my cover line is already.

I hope so too! I was telling my old boss that I was dizzy today and she was like "Maybe you're pregnant!!" - I know she is rooting for me. She went through my loss with me.
It's great that you have that support from your old boss!

Ok great, if / when AF shows I shall go and grab a thermometer and see if that helps at all.

Can help but think being 35 must be an issue but my doctor actually said I shouldn't have anything to worry about as we haven't been trying that long and I should send the husband in for some testing, haha he would love that!

Not much to report this morning, had a couple of wines last night with friends and have a niggling hangover which is about the only thing that's a bit odd, I can normally drink a lot And feel fine! 😉

On a good note... It's FRIDAY!

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