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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

I'm the same Rose, not cramps cramps just a bit of discomfort but I've also got the odd sharp pain.

FRERs are expensive... Given how cheap you can buy some other tests I wonder just how necessary it is to price them like that?! 😡

Are you going to wait until day AF is due to use it or will you test again tomorrow?

Off to a family BBQ tonight, then tomorrow we have a friends sons first communion as well as packing so it will be AF time before I know it so I'll know either way.

It's disappointing to assume I wasn't lucky enough to get the egg this month but with Italy and the new house I don't feel as disappointed as I normally would. If you know what I mean!

But hey no one is out just yet!! There could be a BFP amongst us yet!

FX'd ladies! 😘
I'm the same Rose, not cramps cramps just a bit of discomfort but I've also got the odd sharp pain.

FRERs are expensive... Given how cheap you can buy some other tests I wonder just how necessary it is to price them like that?! 😡

Are you going to wait until day AF is due to use it or will you test again tomorrow?

Off to a family BBQ tonight, then tomorrow we have a friends sons first communion as well as packing so it will be AF time before I know it so I'll know either way.

It's disappointing to assume I wasn't lucky enough to get the egg this month but with Italy and the new house I don't feel as disappointed as I normally would. If you know what I mean!

But hey no one is out just yet!! There could be a BFP amongst us yet!

FX'd ladies! 😘

Definitely spotting a bit...only pink so far, but it was disappointing. Despite my history of implantation bleeding, I just don't have a good feeling. I guess I will see what happens tomorrow with my temp and the bleeding. Until it changes, I always expect more bleeding.

I might test tomorrow, I might not. After spotting like this, I think I will just temp until Monday. If it drops then, then I have my answer, unfortunately. Looking back last month, I started spotting at 11DPO too but it was heavier. We will see what comes of this.
Ohhh ladies I am holding out all hope for you still!! Some promising sounding symptoms in the last few posts :D I oddly had a ton of EWCM on Friday, which was 2dpo I believe, and according to Ovia's app - so just in case, I bundled hubby upstairs for a very quick quickie while the kids were watching Peppa Pig haha, now the wait truly begins! I feel soooo far behind! How is that spotting now RoseMama? I actually did wait til I was 2 days late with my 3rd! I had slightly irregular cycles, 35 days usually but did have on 37 day one so even though DH was on at me to test I had what felt like AF cramps so I was like nahh, my period will be here soon. I did one to shut him up! I peed on it and said look see! Then as the strip absorbed it, "oh wait..." squinting haha! He just stood there and said. YEAH. See?! Was so funny, I took another 2 days later and that was it! I could never do that now! I'd be POAS twice a day!! And you're all testing already too hehe, fingers crossed! Yup, I always have the pains all throughout my cycle... It's kinda cool to know what is going on but at the same time I get pain and a lot of bloating and that really does suck :[ xx
Ohhh ladies I am holding out all hope for you still!! Some promising sounding symptoms in the last few posts :D I oddly had a ton of EWCM on Friday, which was 2dpo I believe, and according to Ovia's app - so just in case, I bundled hubby upstairs for a very quick quickie while the kids were watching Peppa Pig haha, now the wait truly begins! I feel soooo far behind! How is that spotting now RoseMama? I actually did wait til I was 2 days late with my 3rd! I had slightly irregular cycles, 35 days usually but did have on 37 day one so even though DH was on at me to test I had what felt like AF cramps so I was like nahh, my period will be here soon. I did one to shut him up! I peed on it and said look see! Then as the strip absorbed it, "oh wait..." squinting haha! He just stood there and said. YEAH. See?! Was so funny, I took another 2 days later and that was it! I could never do that now! I'd be POAS twice a day!! And you're all testing already too hehe, fingers crossed! Yup, I always have the pains all throughout my cycle... It's kinda cool to know what is going on but at the same time I get pain and a lot of bloating and that really does suck :[ xx

Ha! I just read about the reasons why you can get EWCM after ovulation, but apparently it's fairly common. I get it too, but I've had it enough now that I don't even bother to DTD anymore lol.

Wow! That is funny! I can't even imagine having that mindset now either, but I didn't test until CD32 with the pregnancy I lost...but mostly because I had convinced myself that I had had an anovulatory cycle.

The spotting hasn't really been anything. I wiped in the AM and there saw light pink a few times, since then, a bit here and there and once a pinkish tinged CM, but that's it. I keep expecting it to rev up every time I'm in there. We'll see how it goes in the next two days.

As I've said with the pregnancy I lost, the spotting was very scant and lasted for two days. With my daughter, it was enough that I wore a pad, so that was why I was really shocked when I found out that I was pregnant.

Meanwhile the dizziness is back...seemed like when my blood sugar came back to normal, that's when the dizziness got worse. It is strange. Not much of the discharge I've had for the last couple of days, except the pink tinged CM I mentioned earlier. Boobs are still fairly tender, but that means close to nothing as always. Haven't seen any blood when I blew my nose that much lately, but saw a little bit today. I've also been peeing constantly, but I've also been drinking water constantly.

Let me be honest, one thing I love about you ladies and this thread is all of you are rational. I haven't seen a whole lot of that on here and at my age, I need rationality.

And then I just saw red. 😥
Just read this, so we will see
"The color of implantation bleeding varies from bright red and light pink to brown. Bright red or pink bloody discharge is a likely indicator that implantation has just occurred or rather the blood is flowing from active area within the womb to the vagina very quickly."
Rose, I have my fingers crossed for you. What cycle day are you on and do you normally spot before AF shows?

Sticky, that's hilarious. I have a best friend that is like that with her husband. She tells me that she gates the kids in the living room and they go back to their bedroom for a quickie! And they're not even trying by any means to have a baby, I just tell them they are nymphos! Haha.

I still feel the same way, I've had a headache all evening, just dull and annoying. But I remember having one last cycle, not sure how close to af but I normally don't get them for just any reason so I'm labeling them hormonal. My left boob is still sore. So no symptoms that stick out. Bummer!! I won't test again until Tuesday (actually I'm lying to myself, it will probably be Monday!). Haha.
Morning ladies,

So... I have another hangover. I realise that I've been drinking a lot this cycle which prob isn't good, Oppsy!!

Rose I sooooo hope you get your BFP, well I hope we all do, but think you might be first in terms of cycle times.

I've also had the odd bit of EWCM since Ovulation and wondered if that was normal!

I'm on CD26 today and often I spot the day before AF so suspect I might see something tomorrow.

FX'd ladies, not long now till we know either way 😊
Rose, I have my fingers crossed for you. What cycle day are you on and do you normally spot before AF shows?

Sticky, that's hilarious. I have a best friend that is like that with her husband. She tells me that she gates the kids in the living room and they go back to their bedroom for a quickie! And they're not even trying by any means to have a baby, I just tell them they are nymphos! Haha.

I still feel the same way, I've had a headache all evening, just dull and annoying. But I remember having one last cycle, not sure how close to af but I normally don't get them for just any reason so I'm labeling them hormonal. My left boob is still sore. So no symptoms that stick out. Bummer!! I won't test again until Tuesday (actually I'm lying to myself, it will probably be Monday!). Haha.

I'm on CD27 and I generally do spot before AF shows, so that's why I am feeling pessimistic. My temp was up a little from yesterday (98.69) which means little, I know.

Spotting is back and forth, sometimes pink, sometimes dark red (not bright), sometimes brown, sometimes light brown. It resembles my spotting from last cycle except much much lighter. So, tomorrow will really give me an answer either way.

Right now I am just second guessing myself so much. I woke up three times last night to pee and I wasn't drinking much - so I felt good about that. I had cramps last night and my boobs weren't as sore as they were last night - felt down about that. It really goes back and forth. I refuse to test though because I cannot tell you the amount of times i've literally gotten my period as I've POAS 😩
So looking again at my chart from last cycle it was a little different - it says I didn't spot on CD26 last month...and thinking back I think that's correct because I remember taking a pregnancy test 4 times that day because of issues with the tests being faulty and getting all BFN. So, I'd have to look on my old cycles on my old app, but it's possible that spotting on CD26 is actually an anomaly for me...
Well that's sounding potentially positive Rose 😊

Most days I have been checking back at last month to see what I had noted day to day.

As predicted i am ridiculously busy so not sure if I've had any symptoms or cramps today. I've been packing boxes for our move, this is the first time I've sat down all day!

Packing is a bloody nightmare!! Never realised how much crap we had accumulated 🙉🙉🙉
Well that's sounding potentially positive Rose 😊

Most days I have been checking back at last month to see what I had noted day to day.

As predicted i am ridiculously busy so not sure if I've had any symptoms or cramps today. I've been packing boxes for our move, this is the first time I've sat down all day!

Packing is a bloody nightmare!! Never realised how much crap we had accumulated 🙉🙉🙉

I guess. I'm still feeling pretty down. I am really scared to take my temperature tomorrow because if it's low it's going to feel so horrible!!! 😥 You would think I was used to it by now...taking temps is so much easier in the early part of the TWW! There is no fear - you know it's going to be high!

I was going to say cramps were better and they are but it just feels weird down there now. Like pains but not cramps really.

I hate packing! I have moved so much I am almost an expert by now but I still frigging hate it! Though I would take the distraction right now! The only thing that really distracts me at this point is watching my old episodes of Survivor. That and thinking about going to the doctor tomorrow. I have a choice to go to my endocrinologist tomorrow which is 45 minutes to an hour away from me or my PCP, who is only 15 minutes away but I cannot be sure if they can get me in. If I'm dizzy tomorrow I don't know what I'm going to do!!
Packing is horrendous Isn't it! I swear this is the last time for years!! Or atleast until I've convinced him that New Zealand is a great place to live ha 😊

Rose I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow, sending you lots of ❤️

Eekkk I hope you get this god damn BFP!!! 🙏🏻

I suspect I'll prob be spotting a little by the end of tomorrow with AF arriving Tues... Keep you posted!
Packing is horrendous Isn't it! I swear this is the last time for years!! Or atleast until I've convinced him that New Zealand is a great place to live ha 😊

Rose I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow, sending you lots of ❤️

Eekkk I hope you get this god damn BFP!!! 🙏🏻

I suspect I'll prob be spotting a little by the end of tomorrow with AF arriving Tues... Keep you posted!

Thank you so much!! I do appreciate it. ❤️

I was saying to myself if my temp dropped after the day I had today in terms of spotting I am going to be really upset. If it happened today, I could have prepared myself after the spotting I had yesterday. But I know that nature doesn't care about that. It basically does what it wants. So, with that in mind, I am enjoying my Diet Snapple today!

I know it's going to be us packing in about 6-9 months because we want to move to a bigger house, so maybe I should start practicing 😉

FX to you as well!!!!
Start now! Honestly I feel like I needed 6months to prepare myself haha. I don't know where all this stuff came from!! 🙉

It's also very exhausting so time for

Enjoy that diet snapple Rose! And keep us posted, likewise I will too.
So excited for you ladies!! Talking of moving - I've been working flat out on the house today which was a bombsite but now it looks like we did just move in! No toy or piece of furniture was left unturned, feel exhausted but good :] I'm very hungry but no other symptoms to speak of except Daisy has been fussing at the boob... She usually does that just before I ovulate ad just before my period but it's over a week til AF is due. So tricky not to take EVERYTHING as a symptom! Have you both been good and strong and not tested then? Xx
So excited for you ladies!! Talking of moving - I've been working flat out on the house today which was a bombsite but now it looks like we did just move in! No toy or piece of furniture was left unturned, feel exhausted but good :] I'm very hungry but no other symptoms to speak of except Daisy has been fussing at the boob... She usually does that just before I ovulate ad just before my period but it's over a week til AF is due. So tricky not to take EVERYTHING as a symptom! Have you both been good and strong and not tested then? Xx

Hi sticky! I remember when I was pregnant with the baby I lost the only difference I noted with Gabrielle when nursing was that I was having cramps when I was nursing. Honestly, my loss was one of the reasons I (reluctantly) weaned her. I was a little afraid it may have inadvertently led to my loss. But yes, that may not have been a symptom at all, it may just have been something that I made up in my head lol.

I am still dizzy today...boobs more sore than they have been (on and off)...but that's pretty much it right now. Oh and I almost dry heaved when changing Gabrielle's diaper again (this time with a normal blood sugar).

I have not tested...I honestly am not sure if I will tomorrow or not. If my temp drops, I obviously won't because what is the point. But if it doesn't, I don't know if I can because I have been drinking so much water at night it's bound to be diluted. My SIL thinks I should wait until Wednesday too...we shall see!
Everytime I think things are getting better, I get a slap in my face when I go to the bathroom. I just want an answer either way. I was so hoping January would be my month since it was also the same month of my loss. It's hell going to the bathroom and seeing pink and getting depressed when all day you wiped and just saw brown or CM. sorry for the TMI
Sticky I haven't tested - I only have Internet cheapies at home which I think gives me less temptation! I thought that I might test today (AF due tomorrow) if I had any symptoms. But I've woken up feeling a bit blah down there so I think I'll prob start spotting today - if by some miracle I don't then I'll test tomorrow.

Ah Rose, sorry to hear 😕 I hope you wake up today feeling more positive, either no AF which would be amazing! Or AF so you know either way.

And how's this for a coincidence, I was reading the New Zealand news as I do every morning and they are doing an NZ survivor this year, how weird is that considering we were only talking about it!

FX'd for you all over the coming days!
Rose, it is so disappointing to wipe and see any shade of red. I have my fingers crossed so tightly for you.

I'm out for this cycle. I wiped this morning when I got up and it is the lightest shade of pink so she's making her way down!! :coffee:

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