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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Sorry to hear Pne 😕
The evil witch will be visiting me soon I think! Boobs a little tender now and still feel a bit blah and achy belly
Sticky I haven't tested - I only have Internet cheapies at home which I think gives me less temptation! I thought that I might test today (AF due tomorrow) if I had any symptoms. But I've woken up feeling a bit blah down there so I think I'll prob start spotting today - if by some miracle I don't then I'll test tomorrow.

Ah Rose, sorry to hear 😕 I hope you wake up today feeling more positive, either no AF which would be amazing! Or AF so you know either way.

And how's this for a coincidence, I was reading the New Zealand news as I do every morning and they are doing an NZ survivor this year, how weird is that considering we were only talking about it!

FX'd for you all over the coming days!

I'm thinking I am out. Even though my temp did not drop significantly below my cover line, it's just too much blood to think it's anything but AF. And of course, like a moron, I haven't bought anything for that eventuality. Not that I didn't think it was coming, I just thought I had already bought some.

So depressed. Thinking it's just not meant to be that I will get my rainbow. Maybe I will feel different later, but I don't feel like going through my usual rigamarole this month. What is the point to spend all that money and just get slapped in the face by this point? I think the worst part was feeling that January was my month with the date thing and with the anniversary of my miscarriage 😥
Aw Rose :hugs: I know that date meant so much to you.

I threw some emergency tampons in my bag this morning... Just know that im going to need them :growlmad:
Aw Rose :hugs: I know that date meant so much to you.

I threw some emergency tampons in my bag this morning... Just know that im going to need them :growlmad:

I really should have gotten some emergency something!! Definitely not the smartest!

Just feeling so down today. I'm glad I didn't do to myself what I did last cycle. But with the weird spotting and the date thing, I'm crushed just as much as before.

I guess I should be happy I didn't waste as much money on pregnancy tests. I only took three this time around (not counting when I was testing my trigger out).
Sucks doesn't it.
I think Sticky might be our only chance this month, I have nothing going on yet but had some more cramps over lunchtime so she'll be here soon :witch:

I have plenty to keep my mind occupied though with moving on Wednesday, then renovating etc... and obvs Italy next week! I will certainly make the most of my next fertile period while on holiday! ;)

AND.... i'll take up that pineapple eating tip Rose!
Sucks doesn't it.
I think Sticky might be our only chance this month, I have nothing going on yet but had some more cramps over lunchtime so she'll be here soon :witch:

I have plenty to keep my mind occupied though with moving on Wednesday, then renovating etc... and obvs Italy next week! I will certainly make the most of my next fertile period while on holiday! ;)

AND.... i'll take up that pineapple eating tip Rose!

The benefit to the pineapple (in my perspective)is that not only is it delicious, but it helps too!!!

A part of me thinks maybe I should just wait until our trip to the Bahamas. We shall see.

And yes, it definitely sucks. Why can't my period start the normal way instead of playing these tricks on me 😡
Aww ladies :[ Just checked in and everyone seems so down! I am sorry that AF seems to be on her way. I find that when feeling exasperated and like it may never happen, reading some LTTTC success stories really pick me up :] well, they did when I was agonisingly TTC no1 :| As I mentioned before I think, my old boss from a previous job is 20 weeks pregnant with her miracle baby, 3.5yrs ttc and she is 41 :]

I am sure we will all feel better when the witch has gone and there is fresh hope. The cycle of hope and disappointment is tiring and emotionally draining and the longer it goes on for, the more you want it!!

I am going to hope on hope that all the bleeding just miraculously stops and was implantation. Ever the optimist!!

My AF is due a week today and I am not feeling hopeful myself due to the bloating and the fact my CM has kinda dried up :[ I don't temp because I think I'd become obsessed. Sigh. Will of course keep checking back.

We need a cheer up party! Why do we all live so far apart?! Xx
Hi everyone! I am expecting AF around the 21. Normally for the whole week leading up to AF I have extremely achy boobs, like sore to the touch. The worst acne. But here I am due for it Saturday and I have no acne at all. My face is clearer than it ever really is this close to when AF is supposed to come. My boobs aren't achy at all. They were for 2 days and it went away. We DTD the day before and of expected ovulation. Maybe we got it!

Oh and for the last 3 days, I've been so exhausted I can't make it until dark without getting ready to lay down and I normally stay up until midnight or 1 am.
Aww ladies :[ Just checked in and everyone seems so down! I am sorry that AF seems to be on her way. I find that when feeling exasperated and like it may never happen, reading some LTTTC success stories really pick me up :] well, they did when I was agonisingly TTC no1 :| As I mentioned before I think, my old boss from a previous job is 20 weeks pregnant with her miracle baby, 3.5yrs ttc and she is 41 :]

I am sure we will all feel better when the witch has gone and there is fresh hope. The cycle of hope and disappointment is tiring and emotionally draining and the longer it goes on for, the more you want it!!

I am going to hope on hope that all the bleeding just miraculously stops and was implantation. Ever the optimist!!

My AF is due a week today and I am not feeling hopeful myself due to the bloating and the fact my CM has kinda dried up :[ I don't temp because I think I'd become obsessed. Sigh. Will of course keep checking back.

We need a cheer up party! Why do we all live so far apart?! Xx

We really do! I am feeling so down- I hate the idea that I have to call my doctor and either report day one of AF or tell them I just don't want to deal with it this month. I think I am just putting way too much pressure on myself.

It sucks because right now I am feeling physically and emotionally wrecked by this. Maybe I want it too badly. I hate reading success stories because I feel such a sense of jealousy it's almost physically painful.
I go onto Babycenter a lot and I don't even think I can visit that site. All those positive pregnancy tests - I know I should be happy for them but all I can feel is jealousy. I am a horrible person.
Aww ladies :[ Just checked in and everyone seems so down! I am sorry that AF seems to be on her way. I find that when feeling exasperated and like it may never happen, reading some LTTTC success stories really pick me up :] well, they did when I was agonisingly TTC no1 :| As I mentioned before I think, my old boss from a previous job is 20 weeks pregnant with her miracle baby, 3.5yrs ttc and she is 41 :]

I am sure we will all feel better when the witch has gone and there is fresh hope. The cycle of hope and disappointment is tiring and emotionally draining and the longer it goes on for, the more you want it!!

I am going to hope on hope that all the bleeding just miraculously stops and was implantation. Ever the optimist!!

My AF is due a week today and I am not feeling hopeful myself due to the bloating and the fact my CM has kinda dried up :[ I don't temp because I think I'd become obsessed. Sigh. Will of course keep checking back.

We need a cheer up party! Why do we all live so far apart?! Xx

We really do! I am feeling so down- I hate the idea that I have to call my doctor and either report day one of AF or tell them I just don't want to deal with it this month. I think I am just putting way too much pressure on myself.

It sucks because right now I am feeling physically and emotionally wrecked by this. Maybe I want it too badly. I hate reading success stories because I feel such a sense of jealousy it's almost physically painful.

ABSOLUTELY would love a little
Party with you all!! 😊
Sticky I'll be living my life through you for the next week, it would be great if you got your BFP!!
Nothing for me as yet but feeling a little crampy.
I go onto Babycenter a lot and I don't even think I can visit that site. All those positive pregnancy tests - I know I should be happy for them but all I can feel is jealousy. I am a horrible person.

Rose you're not a horrible person! You're an amazing person and a fabulous mother. This just wasn't your month unfortunately... When do you go on holiday? Sounds like you could use the relaxation ❤️
I go onto Babycenter a lot and I don't even think I can visit that site. All those positive pregnancy tests - I know I should be happy for them but all I can feel is jealousy. I am a horrible person.

Rose you're not a horrible person! You're an amazing person and a fabulous mother. This just wasn't your month unfortunately... When do you go on holiday? Sounds like you could use the relaxation ❤️

Thank you so much for saying that Kiwi, that means a lot to me. Honestly, last night when I knew it was coming, I went into Gabrielle's room. Sometimes just reminding myself I have her helps. She might drive me up the wall, but she is the best thing about me. Now, I'm thinking of your fellow Aussies, Savage Garden, Kiwi 😉

My holiday isn't until July, so two more months. I told my doctor's office I might hold off, but then that's two months holding off, though maybe that's what I need. I just don't know. I just don't think I can take the scans and the shots and then the eventual disappointment. For some reason, I just don't feel like any of this is helping.

On top of all that, I had to call out again today due to dizziness and after a message from my boss today, I am terrified they are going to fire me. That would truly decimate me. I know they are happy with me, but being out a week due to illness just doesn't help.
This was the text I got today, I might just be crazy, but I am just scared. I can't tell if it's bad or not...

Hey! I understand you are not going to be in again today. Im sorry, things must be pretty tough! Are you ok? Hopefully you will be well and back in Thursday. :) I have set up a time for us to meet on Thursday as id like to review everything going on. Thanks!
Ha funny you mention savage garden Rose, I left a lot of our wedding organising to the husband and he chose them for the first dance! Certainly wasn't my pick but was nice all the same. So weird you mention it!

If you're thinking of waiting until
You go on holiday, you could maybe just have some time off the scans / shots and just have some fun with hubby ;) see where that goes and then if still no luck go back to the shot for your holiday? What does he think?

So the text! I think your boss generally seems concerned,
I wouldn't think you have much to worry about... Sounds like a review to maybe see if they can make it less stressful perhaps? Text seemed quite genuine, I think if your boss was mad perhaps the text wouldn't have come and just a chat when you got there on Thurs. I believe it's not a bad one Rose! 😊

No spotting for me yet but annoying cramps! 😕
Ha funny you mention savage garden Rose, I left a lot of our wedding organising to the husband and he chose them for the first dance! Certainly wasn't my pick but was nice all the same. So weird you mention it!

If you're thinking of waiting until
You go on holiday, you could maybe just have some time off the scans / shots and just have some fun with hubby ;) see where that goes and then if still no luck go back to the shot for your holiday? What does he think?

So the text! I think your boss generally seems concerned,
I wouldn't think you have much to worry about... Sounds like a review to maybe see if they can make it less stressful perhaps? Text seemed quite genuine, I think if your boss was mad perhaps the text wouldn't have come and just a chat when you got there on Thurs. I believe it's not a bad one Rose! 😊

No spotting for me yet but annoying cramps! 😕

I was a huge Savage Garden fan back in the day, so when we got married we had a kicked-up version of one of their songs as the song that my maid of honor and bridesmaids walked in on...and two different Savage Garden songs played during the reception.

I think my husband would be in favor of whatever doesn't make me anxious or upset. I did think about it today and I think I am going to call the doctor back and ask to go on a different fertility drug since this one isn't working well. Done with Clomid!!

I asked my husband and he agreed with your read on the text...still hoping for the best. I know worst case scenario I have my other job to fall back on but I really don't want to go back. As it isn't, I'm supposed to come in tomorrow and substitute and I am already deciding I'm going to call in sick. Both because of my dizziness and my period coming...right now seeing all those pregnant people would just make me feel like even more of a failure.
So, here's the weird thing - I have what can only be my period, though it isn't crazy heavy yet, just a little bit (though it could get heavier), but my temp is still high. It was high this morning (way over my normal period temp) and when I took my temp just now it was 98.83. So, color me confused. I am curious to see what happens tomorrow. If temps are still high, I will be very confused.

I mean, I have heard its normal for temps to take awhile to drop due to progesterone hanging around your system, but it wasn't as if it was that high on Friday for that to be possible by today. Plus, if that was true, it would have happened last month when I was taking the progesterone supplements.

I kind of hate this...
Sounds so confusing Rose!
I was thinking of maybe trying the temping next cycle but all of this makes me wonder if I should - I'll potentially end up even more confused ha.

So no spotting or AF this morning but I feel pretty horrendous, she's certainly on the way (due today) feel quite crampy and can't sleep. Just want her to come and go so we can get on with the next cycle ;)
Sounds so confusing Rose!
I was thinking of maybe trying the temping next cycle but all of this makes me wonder if I should - I'll potentially end up even more confused ha.

So no spotting or AF this morning but I feel pretty horrendous, she's certainly on the way (due today) feel quite crampy and can't sleep. Just want her to come and go so we can get on with the next cycle ;)

Aww! I hold you feel better!

Yes, I truly would not recommend temping in this circumstance because it is really confusing. I am completely mystified at this point. I'm sure things will reveal themselves tomorrow. I had resigned myself to Day 1 of my period had even called my doctor and told them...and I am still 90% sure it is, but I am still confused.
I can imagine Rose, must be really confusing. It would be much easier if it was one way or the other!

So AF is due today, no spotting, no bleeding as yet.
Im never late - Ive been feeling pretty crampy so pretty sure she's on her way. I think I ovulated a day late this month so that might be why I have nothing as yet?

Not sure I should disappoint myself by testing... I think if nothing shows up today i'll maybe test tomorrow.

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