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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Oh she sure did Pne!

I actually read somewhere recently of a couple that also DTD every 2nd day with pre-seed and conceived.
I was thinking that I might give that a go this month myself, every day for 3 days in a row is too much I think!

Might even give the OPKs a rest this month too....

Something to think about anyway!

Ugh, sorry she showed up, Kiwi, even though I know you were expecting it.

Yesterday was difficult for me - my mom came yesterday and we took apart Gabrielle's crib and put together a big girl bed for her and I wanted to cry. For some reason knowing that I don't have another right now makes it harder when another milestone comes along and the baby she was gets farther and farther away from me 😥

I kind of like that 10-20 day advice...maybe I will try that. My doctor's office is being difficult about the Femara so maybe this month I will just go without anything this month and see what happens! I got lucky the last two times I did that!

Perhaps we should all try it - that would test the theory well!
Aww Rose, you're not making things easy on yourself!! The big girl bed is a big step but also means Gabrielle will be that little bit older when baby comes so she will be able to help out more 😊 Every cloud and all that.

Well it's prob a good thing I'm not pregnant as I've just fallen down the stairs in the new house 🙈 I was stripping wall paper, trying to carry it all down, holding a glass and avoiding the cat - disaster! My arm is actually killing me, but hey - takes away from the AF pain!

I've ordered some pre-seed for the fertile period, read some good things so will give it a shot and do every 2nd day during our holiday ☀️🌴

I need some ice for this arm!! Ha 🏥🚑
Oh ...that's really sad ladies....please do not feel bad...I too am in the same same boat.

Rose your dd is getting independent that gives you time to take care of your lo when you have one...don't worry you will be holding one soon in your arms

London kiwi- how's your hand? It must have been one fall...take rest and heal quickly..
My arm has got a massive bruise on it, but on the inside - VERY Sore, ouch!! My back is ok today... I need to take more care I think! :cry:
Aww Rose, you're not making things easy on yourself!! The big girl bed is a big step but also means Gabrielle will be that little bit older when baby comes so she will be able to help out more 😊 Every cloud and all that.

Well it's prob a good thing I'm not pregnant as I've just fallen down the stairs in the new house 🙈 I was stripping wall paper, trying to carry it all down, holding a glass and avoiding the cat - disaster! My arm is actually killing me, but hey - takes away from the AF pain!

I've ordered some pre-seed for the fertile period, read some good things so will give it a shot and do every 2nd day during our holiday ☀️🌴

I need some ice for this arm!! Ha 🏥🚑

Not to scare you or anything, but I used Pre-seed the last two cycles everytime we DTD. Not to say I won't this cycle as well, but it was one of the many reasons why I was disappointed the past two cycles. I felt like I had pulled out all the stops, only to be disappointed. Though I will be using it again, so clearly I wasn't that disappointed lol.

Well, I finally went back to work and my supervisor called me into her office to talk to her (not just a conversation at the house like we usually do) and that made me a nervous wreck. The first part of the conversation was unrelated to anything, so that relaxed me. But then she starts asking me about my feeling sick and being unable to work. She tells me that the six absences don't look good in virtue of the fact that I just started. Then she tells me (not in so many words) that the horrible employee health nurse (who it seems like all the employees hate) was badmouthing me basically. Luckily my supervisor defended me saying I was a great employee and everyone loved me so far. She then basically wanted to check to make sure this wasn't the norm for me, which it's not. I did explain that my daughter had a surgery coming up and she recommended that I switch shifts with someone so it didn't look as bad to outside eyes. So, I decided to do that for at least one of the days. It's not until June 14th, but I am feeling horrible about it now. So, I didn't get fired, but it definitely wasn't an all sunshine and rainbows conversation. Though at least I know to never visit employee health again. That lady has brought all my wrath on!

Oh no, Kiwi!!! I hope you feel better soon!! ❤️❤️

In terms of Gabrielle, yes, it's a good thing she is growing up, but I am still sad - and honestly probably would be regardless. It just makes it worse without another baby to soften it. I'm glad I did this now though because it's definitely going to be a learning curve for us both. She got up twice last night - once because she either fell off the bed (how I don't know because it has guard rails) or got off herself and got hurt in the dark and the next time because she ended up putting her favorite stuffed animal and water on the floor at one point and then cried because she couldn't find them. So on days like this it is easier with only her.
Oh so you’ve used it…. Do you think you’d use it again?
I have read on a lot of forums that its great, but hey – maybe its not for me. I think its worth a try.. will see. Im still deciding if I’ll use OPKs next cycle, im not sure….

I am so relived to hear that your chat went better than you thought. I imagine you were really concerned about how It would go. I agree with you, maybe avoid those visits to employee health! Its fabulous to hear that everyone thinks you’re a great employee – that’s really lovely!

I know right, wrap me up in cotton wool haha. Im just one of those people that always need to be doing something - Well I’ve learnt my lesson…….slow down! Lets see if I listen to that, haha.

Happy Friday! :)
Oh so you’ve used it…. Do you think you’d use it again?
I have read on a lot of forums that its great, but hey – maybe its not for me. I think its worth a try.. will see. Im still deciding if I’ll use OPKs next cycle, im not sure….

I am so relived to hear that your chat went better than you thought. I imagine you were really concerned about how It would go. I agree with you, maybe avoid those visits to employee health! Its fabulous to hear that everyone thinks you’re a great employee – that’s really lovely!

I know right, wrap me up in cotton wool haha. Im just one of those people that always need to be doing something - Well I’ve learnt my lesson…….slow down! Lets see if I listen to that, haha.

Happy Friday! :)

That's what I had heard too regarding Pre-Seed which is why I had bought it to begin with, though obviously these last two months it didn't do much for me. I liked it as a product and can definitely see how it's useful but it's kind of a pain to use and you feel a little "leaky" after using it, but I think it does its job. Although obviously it's not full proof...if you don't catch the egg, no amount of PreSeed will help you.

I was very concerned about how it was going to go...thank goodness it wasn't too bad. Though the behavior of the employee health nurse did not help me think better of the meeting.

I'm the same so I do understand!!

I would feel better if this wasn't the beginning of my week...unfortunately it is! 😥 Once Sunday comes I will be happy (I am probably the only person in the world who would say that lol)
Rose I think you're very tough on yourself :[ it's totally okay that you have had absences that could not be helped. It's good that they're going to switch up your days but honestly you work in an emotive job and it's going to affect you, given the circumstances. Are there any cases that would be easier to take on? Can you ask? You clearly do your job well, they could make some compassionate allowances to allow you to do it even better and everyone is a winner.

What cycle day is everybody on? AF is due on Monday, today I am 11dpo. Dropped in to the shop for bread... Picked up a two pack of cheap blue line tests and did one in the shop toilets last night around 6. Really cross with myself because I promised I would be good and wait til Monday if AF didn't show signs of approach! It was a BFN, I wish my emotions would stop flicking! At first - which I took as a good sign - I was like ah well only 10dpo not FMU, probably just too early. I felt quite hopeful actually because of the sore nipples and vague nausea. But then this morning I'm feeling like at BFN at 10dpo is pretty conclusive and feel like I'm awaiting the inevitable. Sigh. Xx
I tested again 2MU 11dpo BFN and back starting to ache :[ feel so down - and feel totally unjustified too because I have 4 kids and have not been TTC as long as you ladies have! Hurry up AF. Let's start a new cycle eh. Xx
Rose I think you're very tough on yourself :[ it's totally okay that you have had absences that could not be helped. It's good that they're going to switch up your days but honestly you work in an emotive job and it's going to affect you, given the circumstances. Are there any cases that would be easier to take on? Can you ask? You clearly do your job well, they could make some compassionate allowances to allow you to do it even better and everyone is a winner.

What cycle day is everybody on? AF is due on Monday, today I am 11dpo. Dropped in to the shop for bread... Picked up a two pack of cheap blue line tests and did one in the shop toilets last night around 6. Really cross with myself because I promised I would be good and wait til Monday if AF didn't show signs of approach! It was a BFN, I wish my emotions would stop flicking! At first - which I took as a good sign - I was like ah well only 10dpo not FMU, probably just too early. I felt quite hopeful actually because of the sore nipples and vague nausea. But then this morning I'm feeling like at BFN at 10dpo is pretty conclusive and feel like I'm awaiting the inevitable. Sigh. Xx

It's hard not to be rough on yourself when everyone around you gives you a hard time about absences. I can't really even blame them. I've been here two months and been out six days. That's a lot! Now it couldn't really be helped since I was sick and had a doctor's note for the days I was out, but I don't fault them for asking if this is the norm for me. It's not, but they don't know that. I explained to my supervisor that the majority of my absences at my other job had to do with Gabrielle and not myself. My schedule hasn't changed or anything...I wish it could but until somebody leaves, I'm stuck with the schedule I've got. It's not a bad schedule, but coming home at 11:30 pm one night and getting up for work at 5:45 am the next morning isn't really conducive to good health!

10 DPO isn't the end of it, sticky! Don't feel down yet! My goodness I didn't give up this cycle until like CD3, but then my temps were completely off for three days!

It's CD6 for me...my first month in the past 3 or 4 months where I have taken nothing. Makes me a little nervous that I won't ovulate but I will try to be optimistic. I figure I can always call my doctor if I don't ovulate by a certain point. I am staying off of all other threads here this cycle and have still not gone onto Babycenter in about a week. Still can't handle it.
Ohhh I'm sorry Rose, I misread the bit about your little girl needing a surgery (is she ok?) and them advising swapping the day - sorry xx I understand what you're saying... 6 days would be better if they were all consecutive even, then it only counts as one absence... In the UK it's actually illegal to have less than 13 hours between the end of one shift and the start of another! Not sure what to suggest except to offer a hug!

CD 7 today then? Have you stopped bleeding? :] Are you still temping etc even though you're off the meds this month? At least it's less to think about, hopefully it's a good thing and your body will know what to do and you'll catch that egg! I don't go on any other forums or indeed any other threads than this one! - You may have noticed I barely have time to post here haha! But I am on a group on Facebook called Pregnancy and Beyond UK which I've been on since I got pregnant with Daisy... There have been loads of BFPs from girls on there lately :[ it seems to be a baby boom and we're not a part of it yet!

CD 30 here, 12 dpo. Sore nipples, fatigue, spells of nausea and stomach clench type aches. All could be promising but more likely just AF gearing up! I did the second test in the pack yesterday so glad there are no tests in the house to tempt me. AF due tomorrow according to Ovia app. BFN yesterday. Will try my hardest to hold out on buying another test til Tuesday.

We are off to Veg Fest today - my kids have multiple allergies and we are vegan. They go to lots of friends' and family birthday parties and I always pack them their own box of yummy party type treats but they ask me "Can we eat that?" and point to the party food on the tables and it's usually a no :[ Not sure how party food digressed into crap like pizzas and sausage rolls and chicken nuggets! But today at this festival there will be TONS of stalls of different kinds of food and for once they can eat everything (apart from tomatoes for Daisy). So looking forward to them asking and me being able to say yes! Sounds ridiculous to get excited about it but it's a big thing for us!

...There will even be an icecream van <3

How are you Pne and Kiwi? Xx
Having a hard time today for some reason. I can't mention it at work but I just feel like crawling in a ball and crying. Even now, I am. Our wedding anniversary is in 6 days and I just keep thinking that we should have two children, or should be well on our way to two children. But instead, I am a big fat failure and lost my baby. I should be 6-7 months pregnant at this point, I should know the sex, feel the baby move. Instead I'm sitting here with nothing but the memories of the two to three weeks I was pregnant and the horror of the miscarriage.

Surprises me some that after four months I could still feel this sort of pain. Obviously there are days where it's not at the forefront of my mind, but it is today and I absolutely hate it
Ohhh I'm sorry Rose, I misread the bit about your little girl needing a surgery (is she ok?) and them advising swapping the day - sorry xx I understand what you're saying... 6 days would be better if they were all consecutive even, then it only counts as one absence... In the UK it's actually illegal to have less than 13 hours between the end of one shift and the start of another! Not sure what to suggest except to offer a hug!

CD 7 today then? Have you stopped bleeding? :] Are you still temping etc even though you're off the meds this month? At least it's less to think about, hopefully it's a good thing and your body will know what to do and you'll catch that egg! I don't go on any other forums or indeed any other threads than this one! - You may have noticed I barely have time to post here haha! But I am on a group on Facebook called Pregnancy and Beyond UK which I've been on since I got pregnant with Daisy... There have been loads of BFPs from girls on there lately :[ it seems to be a baby boom and we're not a part of it yet!

CD 30 here, 12 dpo. Sore nipples, fatigue, spells of nausea and stomach clench type aches. All could be promising but more likely just AF gearing up! I did the second test in the pack yesterday so glad there are no tests in the house to tempt me. AF due tomorrow according to Ovia app. BFN yesterday. Will try my hardest to hold out on buying another test til Tuesday.

We are off to Veg Fest today - my kids have multiple allergies and we are vegan. They go to lots of friends' and family birthday parties and I always pack them their own box of yummy party type treats but they ask me "Can we eat that?" and point to the party food on the tables and it's usually a no :[ Not sure how party food digressed into crap like pizzas and sausage rolls and chicken nuggets! But today at this festival there will be TONS of stalls of different kinds of food and for once they can eat everything (apart from tomatoes for Daisy). So looking forward to them asking and me being able to say yes! Sounds ridiculous to get excited about it but it's a big thing for us!

...There will even be an icecream van <3

How are you Pne and Kiwi? Xx

And yes, Gabrielle is fine, thanks for asking. She is speech delayed and I just found out recently she has a tongue and a lip tie. I am going to have to wait a few years to correct the tongue tie, but we have the surgery to correct her lip tie scheduled for next month.

Gabrielle has food allergies too, so I understand that struggle, sticky!
Oh Rose!! You are NOT a failure, your loss was NOT your fault but obviously that particular embryo was genetically off "incompatible with life" as they say... It's so common, and it's really shit that it couldn't have been a chemical as those seem a bit easier to bear. When I was TTC my first, I was bloated all the time due to PCOS, hungry, not ovulating, gaining weight and I generally felt like a failure because my body could not even produce an egg, how would it ever carry a baby :[ and because I was a small UK size 8, I looked pregnant due to the bloating and people would give me that knowing smile and I'd feel like a fraud. But I always think, if I had conceived (even if it had been over a year before I had my actual daughter) I likely would not have had the egg fertilised which then became my beautiful Ella. I have no doubt you will feel the same way when you meet your baby someday. It seems like a trillion miles away but it's not. You clearly can get pregnant, it only takes one as they say. Just need to get you fertilised and the rest is done! I do understand how you feel. My sister had 2 babies by accident with 2 missed pills... Then it took her nearly a year to conceive her third, with no medical or fertility issues. Your time with come xxx

Glad Gabrielle's surgery is for a minor reason and nothing too serious, still scary I know. Which allergies does she have?

The VegFest was great :] kids had ice cream, falafel wraps, tasters of cakes and cheeses and milks and yoghurts, rice pudding, chocolate, dried fruits, crackers, speciality oils and all sorts. Casper nicked a bowl of pumpkin seeds and my husband didn't notice for ages! They went on the inflatable slide and splashed about in the fountains and are all in bed super early now - 5.40pm it is here!

AF due tomorrow. No cramps, sore nipples, bloated, been wearing a pad all day because I was sure sod's law would have me come on at the festival! Nothing but creamy/yellow CM! I can't get excited til Tuesday I know, because just because AF is due tomorrow it could be any time up til midnight of course. But my 10dpo and 11dpo negatives are niggling anyway so I'm sure she'll make a crash landing any time soon. Sigh. Strange being a week behind you ladies. Where are the others?! Xx
Aggh how annoying!
I wrote a massive reply and it deleted!!! I shall reply again tomorrow
Just checking in to say hi and I've been missing in action due to moving houses.
I wrote a massive message but as I'm on my phone I will write again tomorrow morning when I get to work.
Cd4 for me so ready for another round &#128522;&#128521;&#128522;&#128521;
Msg tomorrow ladies xx
Hey ladies! We had super busy weekend except today... we have been extremely lazy! But it was kind of nice since the last 5 days were rushed.

Rose, you sound pretty bummed... try not to stress as hard as it may seem right now. I think that is a huge factor of infertility. And I was to hear some good news from you ASAP!! ;)

Sticky, it's sounding too promising for you. I will keep my fingers and toes crossed! And that sounds like a good time.

I am only on cd4, maybe 5 since AF showed Wednesday night. I am holding off on opk's and just going to try for the every other day from day10-20. We shall see how that goes. I do have a annual gyno appointment on the 31st so it should be right around ovulation. I'm hoping maybe they can tell me to go home and get to work!! Haha. If only it was that easy! But we have a lot upcoming events so I'm thinking this cycle will fly either way!
Morning all,

Pne - im basically the exact same as you. CD5 today.
Im also not sure if Im going to use OPKs this month, I think we will just DTD every 2nd day also.

We are off to Italy this Saturday and with the house move and renovations already underway, the next fertile cycle is just around the corner.

Sticky - I now fancy a falafel wrap for lunch!! :) FX'd for you!! Would be great if you got a BFP, it has to happen to one of us soon!!!

Rose - Chin up love, you have your holiday soon also which sounds like you desperately need. Sending you a big hug :hugs:

Umm I just checked my CM and CP because I can't hold back and holy EWCM, globs of cm came out on my fingers. I'm confused. We dtd yesterday during the day so I don't think there should be juices still lingering in there. At least they are usually gone by the next day even when we dtd at night. I have opk's but don't want to use them!
Ah no! How confusing!
It seems quite early?? But atleast you DTD yesterday so have that base covered.
Maybe you should use an OPK just incase you're ovulating early??
I woke up in a foul mood, had back aches and was feeling defeated by damned AF. Daisy then poured a cup of milk all over the carpet which JUST last week got professionally cleaned. I got fed up, and decided to take her to the park. Put a panty liner on and checked cervix for start of AF. Nothing, cervix a tad softer than yesterday but more CM, creamy kind of. Took Daisy to the park... Via the chemist. Because I am weak haha. Stopped at the sport centre to POAS and because she was still strapped to me in the baby carrier trying to get out etc I shoved the test in my bag and only looked at it once she was on the swing at the park... The second pic is when it's dry! Not too sure I believe it right now after the chemical. Gonna take a test for a few days in the morning to check line progression. Scared of miscarriage!!


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