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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Hey!!!!! Yes it has been quiet! Big hugs to RoseMama... Been thinking of you! All well here I think - hate the 8 week guessing game til the 12 week scan! Took like 8 tests to see line progression, will post pic tomorrow :] hope everyone is ok - I will be back on this thread more now :]

Much love to Kiwi, Rose and Pne xxx
Yes post some pics Sticky! Would love to see the line progression.

When you put it like that... 8weeks certainly sounds like a long wait doesn't it! But it's all worth it 😊
Waiting for the pics.....I shall come often now....tested with opk...could see a faint positive so dd yesterday....
Kiwi- hope you are enjoying your trip in Italy...
Good morning all!! I am ready for a couple of quiet days after our busy holiday weekend!!
Sticky, how are you doing?!!

London, I bet you're having a blast!!

Rose, I hope you're getting better. Feel free to talk on here, both me and my husband have suffered with anxiety/panic in the past and the best way to overcome was by talking about it. So I'm all ears!

Good luck Shradha!! What day do you usually ovulate?
Good morning all!! I am ready for a couple of quiet days after our busy holiday weekend!!
Sticky, how are you doing?!!

London, I bet you're having a blast!!

Rose, I hope you're getting better. Feel free to talk on here, both me and my husband have suffered with anxiety/panic in the past and the best way to overcome was by talking about it. So I'm all ears!

Good luck Shradha!! What day do you usually ovulate?

Thanks so much, pne, that means a lot to me.

I'm fairly sure I am out this month without even testing. Every OPK I took was negative but on Saturday I had a temperature dip and the day afterwards, my temp was high and stayed high. We DTD on Sunday but that was really it because I had a crazy work week. We will try it again today but I know it's too late at this point. This is the problem with PCOS. I hate this 😡
Hey all 😊

LOVING Italy. Amazing what a holiday can do for you! Not long now till you're away Rose!

I've checked back on my Ovia app and it appears that I definitely vary in regards to Ovulation days. The past 4 months I've had a peak OPK on CD16, 13, 14 then 16 again!

Maybe that's why nothing ever works for me because everything always changes. Except AF, every 28 days on the spot - god damn her! ;)

So sticking to my guns and DTD every 2nd day... DTD on CD11, today is 13 so will take the husband out for a beer or two tonight ;) ha! Then again on 15,17,19 although we are at a wedding on CD17 so will see how we get on... Might have to be in the morning rather than 2am when we get back to the hotel! Anyway I think that's prob enough details for you ladies, sorry!!

Rose - hope you're feeling better, like Pne said, we are all here if / when you need to vent!

You're welcome Rose! Maybe your body will surprise you!! ;)

London, there is no sure thing as too many details on here! Haha when will you be going back home?

We haven't dtd in a few days because it's been hectic and we are both exhausted. And I'm ok with it because I am trying to be so much more relaxed and not obsess over it. On June 21st would have been my due date from my miscarriage so it would be awesome to get a bfp around that time. And I it would be about the same time I found out I was pregnant with our son... and it happened to be that my husband was building a deck that year also! We went for lunch and building supplies. I told him I was late. We came home, he worked on the deck and I took the test and then went out and told him! Haha. So it seems like it would be bittersweet!!
You're welcome Rose! Maybe your body will surprise you!! ;)

London, there is no sure thing as too many details on here! Haha when will you be going back home?

We haven't dtd in a few days because it's been hectic and we are both exhausted. And I'm ok with it because I am trying to be so much more relaxed and not obsess over it. On June 21st would have been my due date from my miscarriage so it would be awesome to get a bfp around that time. And I it would be about the same time I found out I was pregnant with our son... and it happened to be that my husband was building a deck that year also! We went for lunch and building supplies. I told him I was late. We came home, he worked on the deck and I took the test and then went out and told him! Haha. So it seems like it would be bittersweet!!

Perhaps...we shall see. I ended up going to my doctor because I just wanted answers either way. There was one mature follicle and two lagging behind...but there is no way to tell until I get the blood work back whether the egg has been released or not. If it has, I basically have to hope that that one time did it. Or that I get lucky and yesterday night was not too late.

My app says the six days prior to ovulation are when you are most fertile but my doctor would disagree...as would every doctor I have talked to about it, so it's interesting that they actually give you incorrect information. We will be DTD tonight as well even though I'm fairly sure we are completely outside the window...oh well, it will still be fun.

Pne - I am like you - as long as I can get a BFP before when my due date would have been it would be ideal. Getting to that date and not having any hope would just hurt too much.

Edited to say that my doctor called and there is good news - I am ovulating now so actually DTD was good and doing it tonight even better. They want to me to DTD tomorrow as well, but unfortunately I don't think DH will be up for it. I guess I am not too surprised since my CM was not showing fertile fluids before and I was feeling pretty good lol (sorry for the TMI). And they were right...just took an OPK and it was positive - so yay!!!
Great news Rose! 😊

And Pne, the deck building could totally be a sign! Sure seems like something random like that could be as good as any other sign!

I hope you both get your BFPs before your due date.

I feel a bit lost not using OPKs this month but I didn't want to be obsessing over it on holiday so just having fun! ;)

If I'm not lucky enough this month then I'll prob give next month a miss as I'm away at yet another wedding (this time in Portugal) during my fertile period but I'm going there with my girlfriends, all good though - doesn't mean we can't try either side of my trip! ;)

We are in Italy another 5-days! Been lovely and relaxing and so nice not to be working!

Sticky - hope all is good with you!
Yay Rose!! I have my fingers tightly crossed for you!!!!! Come on sperms, get that egg! :D

Kiwi, I love hearing about holidays! I trust you've eaten a lot of mozzarella and pizza?! Good weather?

Thanks for asking about me Pne - All good here, 5 weeks 4 days today and starting to feel the pregnancy tiredness! As this is my fifth baby in 6 years, I am getting a few pulling twinges in my hips etc and lower back aches if I exert myself too much. Nipples still sore, but still breastfeeding Daisy and hoping to continue til she self weans... I'd love to tandem feed, I've done most things but not that so here's hoping! I am still having worries about miscarriage but the mood swings, nipple soreness and bloating are reassuring somewhat. I actually called the midwives today! They've emailed me a form to fill in and email back, then they'll call me with an appointment for first bloods and full history etc around 8 weeks. It's our wedding anniversary in three weeks and we would love to go for an early scan as we can't afford it - trouble is the only person who could afford it would be my dad, and he doesn't know! He would rather I had got an established career then had kids whereas I plan to start my training as a midwife after our fifth. I am a trained chef but the hours are long and unsociable and the pay is crappy til you reach sous chef level so that's not something I could go back to...

Sorry I've been AWOL, I have been so busy with the kids all home and rubbing each other up the wrong way since it's half term! I've been making big batches of food as well to get ahead of myself, I also keep wanting to update but then my phone won't let me upload photos!! So I have finally sat down with the laptop to catch up properly.

So here in my line progression. I stopped testing after the last one because it finally got really thick and dark :] I truly hope you all join me soon, the odds are stacked in your favour!!

Hey Rose, remember I am a PCOS success story! I have faith in you!! xxxxx


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Great to hear from you sticky and I'm delighted that things are going well for you.
I've heard that early scans can be pricey - how much are they are in the UK?
That's a real shame that your dad isn't 100% supportive of you populating the world instead of focusing on your career, it's your life choice. I've Focused on my career and now at 35 I'm wondering if perhaps I've left it just a little late to stay trying for kids... I'd be happy with one then go from there and see if we are able to have a 2nd.

Italy has been amazing and the food delish 😍

Rose I have a really positive feeling for you this month!

And fingers crossed it happens to all of us 😊

I feel VERY relaxed and not so concerned this month, I'm not using the OPKs so don't feel like I'm as stringent and particular regarding timing. And just all in all feel really good. Maybe that's a good sign!


Great to hear from you sticky and I'm delighted that things are going well for you.
I've heard that early scans can be pricey - how much are they are in the UK?
That's a real shame that your dad isn't 100% supportive of you populating the world instead of focusing on your career, it's your life choice. I've Focused on my career and now at 35 I'm wondering if perhaps I've left it just a little late to stay trying for kids... I'd be happy with one then go from there and see if we are able to have a 2nd.

Italy has been amazing and the food delish 😍

Rose I have a really positive feeling for you this month!

And fingers crossed it happens to all of us 😊

I feel VERY relaxed and not so concerned this month, I'm not using the OPKs so don't feel like I'm as stringent and particular regarding timing. And just all in all feel really good. Maybe that's a good sign!


Speaking as a fellow 35 year old, I don't think it's too late. In fact, in my opinion the only time it's too late is when you have gone through menopause! I know a woman who got pregnant in her 50s with twins...now that was a miracle. They were born around the time my niece was so they are about 12 now!

I'm thinking of not temping anymore...after this month, it's clear it just is not reliable. I'm also considering not ever going back on those fertility meds (or at least not Clomid) - one thing that they don't tell you is that it really does a number on your libido. When I was on it, it was almost nonexistent. Now that I'm off it, it's so much better. As a result this cycle has been much more fun for me. Even though I didn't need to, I used a tiny bit of Pre-Seed yesterday. I'm wondering if I was using too much before and it was drowning out the sperm?

I am not feeling any way about this cycle one way or another and I want it to stay that way. Though I say that I know I will be devastated by another BFN.
Next month is our trip to the Bahamas so at least I know that will be relaxing! Hopefully!

Keep having fun Kiwi! That's all that matters! ❤️
Wow twins in her 50s! That is a good effort!!

I know what you mean about the pre-seed, the first time I used it I used the recommended amount on the packet and it was far too much so I've only been using a little bit and then of course wondering if I've not used enough haha.

Bahamas sounds absolutely amazing Rose, not long now!

We are off to the heart of Tuscany today, we have a friends wedding there - can't wait!
Good morning ladies!

Rose, sounds like you seem more relaxed this cycle! And that it awesome that ovulation occurred on its own!! I'm excited for you just from that!

London, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! Have fun at the wedding!! Drink one for us!

Sticky, glad to hear things are going well. I hope they continue to!!

We have been busy still and I think it will continue which is making this cycle go extremely fast. Unfortunately, it makes the summer go way too fast also! I help my mother in law cater so we will be catering a wedding today and the venue is going to be beautiful so I'm excited about that!!
Good morning ladies!

Rose, sounds like you seem more relaxed this cycle! And that it awesome that ovulation occurred on its own!! I'm excited for you just from that!

London, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! Have fun at the wedding!! Drink one for us!

Sticky, glad to hear things are going well. I hope they continue to!!

We have been busy still and I think it will continue which is making this cycle go extremely fast. Unfortunately, it makes the summer go way too fast also! I help my mother in law cater so we will be catering a wedding today and the venue is going to be beautiful so I'm excited about that!!

Hi pne - Definitely feeling relatively relaxed this cycle. A part of it I think is honestly thinking I had missed it and then finding out I had not. It was like getting new life. Then you have my app which is now completely confused - it had thought I had ovulated after the temp dip and then rise so it had be as 3 or 4 DPO on the day I actually ovulated. So now, it's just given up on telling me how many DPO and is just telling me the cycle day. Which is fine with me! I toyed with getting a pineapple but then I thought, if I'm really going to go intervention free, I will go pineapple free too. I did have some right after I ovulated but I'm not going to kill myself to go get it.

My daughter has her surgery coming up in about a week and a half so I will definitely have something to take my mind off of everything.

There is this new girl starting here at work (new co-worker) and I really don't think I like her. Everytime I think she is starting to grow on me, she starts up again. Today I was showing her a picture of my nephew (my first baby - I helped raise him until he was 3) and she looks at it and says "He's cute, he's going to need braces but he's cute" - I almost punched her. You just don't say stuff like that. That's my baby. If she had said something about my daughter, it would have been on. I don't think she would still be living. Nobody says anything about my babies! It's the mama bear in me.

On the plus side, I've been getting great feedback at work. Last weekend it was my 5th wedding anniversary on Saturday but I had to work a double and one of the counselor's here was really impressed by something I did and apparently just sang my praises to my supervisor. It all evens out though because the week before that was horrible. I was horrible- it was horrible.

So many weddings you ladies are going to! Guess it's the season!!

Hugs to you all! ❤️❤️
Hey ladies!

Wow Rose, such a transformation - you sound very happy and relaxed. It's great to hear!

So the wedding was fabulous! Italy is such a magical place to get married. I have 4-weddings this summer, the next one is actually in Portugal in 3 weeks, can't wait for more sunshine!

It was quite a hectic few days and as a result we didn't DTD as much as I would've liked.... So on that basis I decided to rule myself out this month, ha. Guess I need to keep reminding myself that it only takes that one time! It's just timing that blimmin one time right! 😊

Rose I love that you are so protective over your babies, and too right also. It's a bit rude of someone to say that let alone someone you just met!

Sticky - how are things with you?

Leaving Italy today 😓 But a night In France tonight before heading back to England tomorrow.

Well ladies, let's see where this TWW takes us! According to my app I'm on CD18 today, so early days yet... Keep me posted of any potential signs!

Baby dust xx
Hey ladies!

Wow Rose, such a transformation - you sound very happy and relaxed. It's great to hear!

So the wedding was fabulous! Italy is such a magical place to get married. I have 4-weddings this summer, the next one is actually in Portugal in 3 weeks, can't wait for more sunshine!

It was quite a hectic few days and as a result we didn't DTD as much as I would've liked.... So on that basis I decided to rule myself out this month, ha. Guess I need to keep reminding myself that it only takes that one time! It's just timing that blimmin one time right! 😊

Rose I love that you are so protective over your babies, and too right also. It's a bit rude of someone to say that let alone someone you just met!

Sticky - how are things with you?

Leaving Italy today 😓 But a night In France tonight before heading back to England tomorrow.

Well ladies, let's see where this TWW takes us! According to my app I'm on CD18 today, so early days yet... Keep me posted of any potential signs!

Baby dust xx

Sorry to hear you are leaving Italy - I always dread that part of the vacation 😥

I'm definitely feeling more relaxed as I said - though the more I think about it, I wonder if a part of it is the lack of medical interventions. Despite the fact that they took the guess work out of it all, it also led me to have this mindset of "Of course it will work, I am taking such and such medication, I am DTD on the right days, using all these little helpers like PreSeed so when those negatives came, it hurt. Not that it's not going to hurt this month potentially as well, I know it could. But with going through a regular cycle without any added crap comes the realization that your body is doing the regular stuff it should do and you feel more yourself. Also, my BBT chart is so screwed up this month that it's completely unreliable - which helps. I look at it and know it means nothing. Also trying not to focus on potential symptoms which is admittedly very hard! I've been having these weird pains and cramps and spasms that are not normal for me, so that is confusing me. But supposedly, implantation doesn't occur until 6DPO so it's probably nothing at all. They aren't occurring all the time and when they do its just like a nagging pain and nothing huge so I'm not thinking much about it at all.

I was actually frustrated because when I told my husband what that girl said, he seemed confused why I was so angry about it. Though he doesn't have the same emotional connection to him that I do. I expect if she said something about Gabrielle he would be pretty pissed. I'm just trying to tell myself that I will only have to work with her twice and that hopefully she won't last long. Admittedly, I will do my best to make that happen by being honest about what she is doing if my supervisor asks.

Yes, you have really hit on the conception issue - timing. But clearly, even if you time it exactly right it won't always result in conception. Look at me 🙄

I'm trying to visit the TTC after a loss board here and that's helping me some too. Talking about it and being honest with women who are struggling as much as I am really helps.

Though they are not as awesome as you ladies- I hit the jackpot when I decided to reply on this thread almost three months ago!
I had some lower back pain and twinges in my right hip, so I saw the Out of Hours on Saturday night who gave me a referral form for the Early Pregnancy unit. I should be 6 weeks and 2 days today. I had the scan and she did an internal scan too and she couldn't see anything :[ Nothing, no sac or anything only a follicle to show ovulation last happened on the right hand side (which I knew already). She asked if my dates could be wrong... I don't think they can really. I am now sitting in the corridor waiting for bloods to test the HCG level and then I guess they'll check again in a few days to see if they are rising. I am so sad. And so confused. I could just cry. I want it to be over so I can join you all again with TTC and TWW. :[ xxx
Sticky, I'm sooo sorry! Not that saying sorry does anything but I wanted to let you know, we are here for you. I'm sure you are heartbroken.
Maybe they do have your date wrong?
Have you bled or anything?
I had some lower back pain and twinges in my right hip, so I saw the Out of Hours on Saturday night who gave me a referral form for the Early Pregnancy unit. I should be 6 weeks and 2 days today. I had the scan and she did an internal scan too and she couldn't see anything :[ Nothing, no sac or anything only a follicle to show ovulation last happened on the right hand side (which I knew already). She asked if my dates could be wrong... I don't think they can really. I am now sitting in the corridor waiting for bloods to test the HCG level and then I guess they'll check again in a few days to see if they are rising. I am so sad. And so confused. I could just cry. I want it to be over so I can join you all again with TTC and TWW. :[ xxx

I'm so sorry to hear that, sticky! 😥

When I was going through this, one thing a nurse said gave me some hope and I never forgot it because even though I was thinking the worst, I was happy there was one person rooting for my baby. She said that of course, the one part is possible, the other possibility is that it's a baby that started out slow and just needs to catch up.

Hoping against hope it's the latter for you and that the dates are off. Especially given your CP the last cycle, I would imagine that can change your cycle a bit and lead things to happen at a different time than it usually does.

Seeing the follicle is odd, I've never had someone see that on a scan and I've had at least a million of early scans. Is it possible she screwed up the scan and missed something?

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