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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Ah hello there Sticky!

I am unable to offer any such advice on numbers and technical speak as I have never been through this... but I can offer all my support & love!

Ive been thinking of you alot and awaiting your update - Fingers crossed, and defo no legs as you said ;)

I feel different this cycle, emotionally I think. I havent been googling as much as the past couple of months, Infact nothing really at all. Im so relaxed I actually had to go back to the Ovia app to see when AF is due (Weds 15th), I think by not using the OPKs this month its really chilled me out - maybe too much that I didnt catch the egg!

Pne/Rose - you both feeling ok?

I am okay, this whole conversation is giving me a little PTSD to be honest, so I should probably bow out. I cannot tell you the hell I went through for 3 weeks until I found out what was going on. It was just constant beta blood tests and phone calls telling me that it was a "bad pregnancy". It was horrible. As I've said, not something I would wish on anyone.

I am okay. I have a headache now, apropos of nothing and all of a sudden I want a pizza with olives and pickles, but by now, you all know my wacky morning cravings mean nothing lol.

The only weird thing this morning is that I woke up at 5 am having to use the bathroom really badly and was really thirsty. I assumed that meant my blood sugar was high, as that's usually what happens when it's high, but when I checked it was 76, so not even close to high! Then, I couldn't go back to sleep - that in and of itself is strange, I am always able to go back to sleep.

Darned symptom spotting...I need to stop.

Rose - you're totally right, its certainly hard not to symptom spot. Sounds like there is something strange going on with you (oh I had pickles and olives for lunch today by the way! in a falafel wrap, was lovely) - time will tell what all these symptoms mean.

Sending you a hug, i hope the PTSD stays away :hugs:

Something beyond my own craziness you mean? 😉

Ooh pickles and olives in a falafel wrap. Yum! Now I want something Greek for lunch lol
Get Greek Rose, yummm!! I was walking to the supermarket and spotted a sign for falafel wraps then I got a pickle and olive salad on the side.... DELISH!
Get Greek Rose, yummm!! I was walking to the supermarket and spotted a sign for falafel wraps then I got a pickle and olive salad on the side.... DELISH!

Oh yum! Now I want a Greek salad and a falafel wrap. 😍

I miss living in DE where we had the greatest Greek restaurant less than 10 minutes away 😩
Oh Rose, my god - this is awful news. I am so so so sorry to hear this.

Something made me log in tonight,
I am literally about to go to sleep (so shattered tonight!) and I thought I'll have a quick look.

Those Storms we have on our side of the world (esp Aussie) can be very powerful and dangerous. On a positive note we also have very highly trained and skilled life guards so I hope and pray they find him.

Sending you and your family my deepest and heartfelt thoughts. I hope that all will be well, love to you all xx
Oh Rose, my god - this is awful news. I am so so so sorry to hear this.

Something made me log in tonight,
I am literally about to go to sleep (so shattered tonight!) and I thought I'll have a quick look.

Those Storms we have on our side of the world (esp Aussie) can be very powerful and dangerous. On a positive note we also have very highly trained and skilled life guards so I hope and pray they find him.

Sending you and your family my deepest and heartfelt thoughts. I hope that all will be well, love to you all xx

Thank you, Kiwi. I'm glad you did sign in, it helps to talk about it a bit.

Unfortunately because of the storm they had to suspend the search for a little while, but they are apparently searching again today, albeit not as hard. I don't understand that at all.

In another article they quoted the people on the beach who said they saw him go under. They wanted to go out after him but the waves were too rough.

I just want answers one way or another for my family. My poor brother and SIL, my heart just breaks for them.
Had my first truly odd thing happen today that has not happened in any cycle thus far. I just sneezed like 5 minutes ago and had this really sharp pain in my uterus on the right side.

Of course, it probably means nothing, but this actually makes me feel a little more positive.

After what happened to my nephew, I want this even more. There has been so many bad things happening this year for my family. Starting with my miscarriage in January, my uncle died a few days later, then a month and a half ago DH's aunt died and now this. I just want to give my family something to be happy and hopeful about.

I will be honest though, for the past few months I have thought I don't care if I get pregnant if it's a girl or a boy - as long as it's alive in my arms after nine months. But now, after this, I almost hope for a boy if I get pregnant again. I honored Gabrielle with by giving her my grandmother's first name (Rose) as her middle name. Now, all I can think about (if he is in fact gone) is honoring Endi's name...❤️

Please, God, send us our 🌈 🙏
Morning - any news Rose? I googled it and searched some Aussie newspapers that I know of but nothing seems to be updated.
I saw they said they were scaling back the search.... That makes me furious!! It's only been a couple of days.

I hope they find him and yes, it would be so lovely to have a little boy cooking away in there to
Give the family some hope and peace.

Thinking of you all X

In terms of myself CD22 today. I've had a couple of cramps in past day or so but nothing major.

Pne - any sign of AF? Fingers crossed for you that she doesn't show her face!

Sticky - thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck luv

Rose- so sorry to know about ur nephew.....praying that soon you hear his voice and he is fine....really wish this is your month...

Kiwi, sticky,pne - fingers crossed for you all...

loads of baby dust for you all

I wrote and posted replies 4 times but it never got loaded....no opks..I think I have ovulated yesterday...had cramps n pricking in my lower side.... Tempting...it shows a dip yesterday too... So I am 1dpo today....dd today early morning as hubby came home late....
Rose, I'm terribly sorry to hear about your nephew. God bless him, wherever he may be!

That's good thought Rose, I feel optimistic about this cycle for you. I think mostly because of how relaxed you have been during it.

Shradha, get to it! Signs of ovulation are good. It's like a natural opk! Haha.

London, she freaking showed her face this morning. On day 23!! Which would be right since I ovulated early. I had a couple of days of cramping before she came and that threw me off. But oh well here's to CD1 and a brand new start!!

How are you Sticky?
Morning - any news Rose? I googled it and searched some Aussie newspapers that I know of but nothing seems to be updated.
I saw they said they were scaling back the search.... That makes me furious!! It's only been a couple of days.

I hope they find him and yes, it would be so lovely to have a little boy cooking away in there to
Give the family some hope and peace.

Thinking of you all X

In terms of myself CD22 today. I've had a couple of cramps in past day or so but nothing major.

Pne - any sign of AF? Fingers crossed for you that she doesn't show her face!

Sticky - thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck luv


That's what I had heard too. I don't understand why they scaled back the search. Do they really think it's that unlikely that he will be found alive?

I just want to call my dad today. I talked to him back in February but not since then (beyond emails) - I had been pretty angry at him for things that he had said before my miscarriage so I had really not been wanting to call him.

Well, gender is pre-determined by the time of conception, so I have been praying for some news of happiness and peace for us. We will see.

I am 8DPO...I have tested at 9 DPO the last few cycles so I have told myself that I will not test then this cycle unless something really weird happens (throwing up in the morning or even blood when I blow my nose). Other than that, I am going to try not to test. I bought FRER's yesterday but have told myself not to touch them.

I am so sorry AF came - though at least that means you get one more time this month to try, Pne!

Thank you so much for everyone's kind words and thoughts. I just hope my brother and SIL are okay, though I don't know how they could be. The not knowing has to be the worst kind of hell inflicted on a parent.
Morning - any news Rose? I googled it and searched some Aussie newspapers that I know of but nothing seems to be updated.
I saw they said they were scaling back the search.... That makes me furious!! It's only been a couple of days.

I hope they find him and yes, it would be so lovely to have a little boy cooking away in there to
Give the family some hope and peace.

Thinking of you all X

In terms of myself CD22 today. I've had a couple of cramps in past day or so but nothing major.

Pne - any sign of AF? Fingers crossed for you that she doesn't show her face!

Sticky - thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck luv


That's what I had heard too. I don't understand why they scaled back the search. Do they really think it's that unlikely that he will be found alive?

I just want to call my dad today. I talked to him back in February but not since then (beyond emails) - I had been pretty angry at him for things that he had said before my miscarriage so I had really not been wanting to call him.

Well, gender is pre-determined by the time of conception, so I have been praying for some news of happiness and peace for us. We will see.

I am 8DPO...I have tested at 9 DPO the last few cycles so I have told myself that I will not test then this cycle unless something really weird happens (throwing up in the morning or even blood when I blow my nose). Other than that, I am going to try not to test. I bought FRER's yesterday but have told myself not to touch them.

I am so sorry AF came - though at least that means you get one more time this month to try, Pne!

Thank you so much for everyone's kind words and thoughts. I just hope my brother and SIL are okay, though I don't know how they could be. The not knowing has to be the worst kind of hell inflicted on a parent.

I think if I was in this situation, I probably would call. I think sometimes when unfortunate events happen like this, it brings people's relationships back together. But that's just me. I don't like to hold grudges to people that are close to me because life is too short and tomorrow may never come. But thats up to you. I'm not sure the circumstances.

I am horrible at waiting to test! Haha.
And ad isn't here completely, just spotted this morning so by tomorrow, she will be here fully!

I can't imagine how hard it is for your brother and SIL. I will say some prayers of comfort for them!!
Rose I agree with Pne, I think you should call him. You know that it could go really well, sounds like you need each other right now - and if it doesn't go well then go back to how it is now.
I am still hoping they find your nephew, very tragic... Thinking of you all X

Pne I can't believe she came god damn her!! You sound in good spirits which is great.
Think I said the other day I feel so relaxed this month, so when she shows I don't think I'll be devastated but if she stays away then amazing! And of course It's another month of chatting to you fabulous people!

No change with me today... Haven't felt anything. No tests in my house so no chance of testing early... I think I'll hold out until the day of AF. I'm pretty good with not giving in to temptation!

Sticky - all the best tomorrow X
Rose I agree with Pne, I think you should call him. You know that it could go really well, sounds like you need each other right now - and if it doesn't go well then go back to how it is now.
I am still hoping they find your nephew, very tragic... Thinking of you all X

Pne I can't believe she came god damn her!! You sound in good spirits which is great.
Think I said the other day I feel so relaxed this month, so when she shows I don't think I'll be devastated but if she stays away then amazing! And of course It's another month of chatting to you fabulous people!

No change with me today... Haven't felt anything. No tests in my house so no chance of testing early... I think I'll hold out until the day of AF. I'm pretty good with not giving in to temptation!

Sticky - all the best tomorrow X

I just called my dad. He didn't answer but I left a message and told him I loved him and missed him and that I would call back tomorrow. He isn't great on the phone because his hearing isn't great anymore but sometimes you just need to use the phone, you know?

More than anything I just want to go to Delaware to see my mom, my dad, my sister and my nephew (my sister's son). I'm not sure if it's possible. I don't want to take another day off, but I just want to see them and hug them, you know. I told my supervisor yesterday about what happened so I think (hope!) she would be understanding.

This day has been crazy - Gabrielle had speech therapy this morning and at 1 she had an evaluation at the elementary school nearby to see if she would be eligible to receive special education services there. All a good thing - it's made it wonderfully difficult to symptom spot!!

Kiwi, you are much stronger than me! I would like to believe I would not be devastated if I got my period, but that would be a lie.
Glad you called him Rose ❤️

I totally understand what you mean re: work. However this is exceptional circumstances, your supervisor would have to understand. It's only natural that you want to be near your family right now. Wishing them all the best, I just hope they get some news soon.

Please keep us posted xx
Glad you called him Rose ❤️

I totally understand what you mean re: work. However this is exceptional circumstances, your supervisor would have to understand. It's only natural that you want to be near your family right now. Wishing them all the best, I just hope they get some news soon.

Please keep us posted xx

I definitely will. My husband doesn't think I should. He wants me to reschedule Gabrielle's surgery and go then but I have already rearranged everything so that I could do this. I just don't know what to do. He just pointed out that I could go home after the surgery since it's a quick recovery time...and since my sister is a nurse and my step father is a doctor that might not be a bad idea. It will also distract me. If AF comes I will be distracted from being too upset and if it doesn't I will still have people around to distract me from testing.

My mother just wrote me and told me I should write my brother. I know I should of course but I just don't know what to say. It's really difficult.
Sounds like you have your own little medical team there for Gabrielle! 😊

It's hard to know what to say to him Rose, to be honest nothing you say will change how he feels but just knowing you're there for him and hearing from you will definitely help.

Such an awful situation - I just hope they get some news soon, I think it's the not knowing that hurts the most.
Rose, I hope you get to be with your family. And like London said, there is nothing that you can say but just being there for support and comfort for each is the best thing you could do. And most important.

Everyone still hanging in there?!

Sticky, how is everything?

Well after never be just a spot of blood and then a brown spotting later so she is playing tricks and should be here in a couple of days. The only thing I'm curious about is my luteal phase. Does that change?
Rose, I hope you get to be with your family. And like London said, there is nothing that you can say but just being there for support and comfort for each is the best thing you could do. And most important.

Everyone still hanging in there?!

Sticky, how is everything?

Well after never be just a spot of blood and then a brown spotting later so she is playing tricks and should be here in a couple of days. The only thing I'm curious about is my luteal phase. Does that change?

Is this the first time your luteal phase has been this short? If it is, it's probably a one time thing and I wouldn't worry too much about it. If it happens continually I would ask your doctor about it because it can be a factor in failing to conceive.


My mom is feeling a little bit hesitant about my coming with Gabrielle having surgery on Tuesday, but I am going to talk to the doctor and hopefully she will clear travel (I don't see why she wouldn't, I think my mom is just being a tad overprotective).

The hardest thing is sending a note when you know if it was you, you would just want to be left alone. I'm afraid my note might make his pain worse.

Last night I had way more than my usual amount of CM - like tons. I had to change it was so much. I googled and since the results are pretty much a wash (for some it was a good sign, for others, they usually have it and AF still comes) so I am choosing to ignore it.

I read about using OPK's as a pregnancy test but like most things the sensitivity is a factor. I figured since I only had one left and since I will probably have to buy more next cycle anyway, I would try it out. I didn't expect it to be positive since a) it's so early and b) it doesn't work well with people with PCOS. It was negative as expected but it was interesting that when I took out the stick the other line was fairly dark. Like comparable to a line if ovulation was like two days away. I'm not reading too much into it because of the above but will probably test tomorrow if I am not dead asleep at 5 in the morning when I wake up. One strange thing that I did have last night was stretching and pulling near my c-section scar. I had a lot of pain there when I was pregnant with the baby I lost. That's my semi-hopeful sign of the day, lol.
Well actually it would be since I ovulated early and AF hasn't fully came. So I'm not sure what's going on. My luteal phase is usually pretty average.

Sounding almost too promising Rose!!

I will message more when I get home and have time. Have a nice day ladies!!

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