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AF on 20th - Anyone else?

Oh Sticky... I'm sending so many positive vibes your way. I really hope that it all turned out well.
We are here for you if you need us.
I really hope you're ok xxx
Sticky, please give us an update when you are able. Hugs to you!

How are the rest of you feeling? I'm starting to feel crampy so I'm wondering if AF is going to show soon although 21 days is a bit too early but maybe not if I did actually ovulate early!! My CP (which I know isn't a good indicator) is how it normally is when AF comes so I already am counting myself out! Will everyone wait until you're late to test or will anyone test early?
Hey Ladies,

Sticky - hope all is well. Please update us when you feel ready :hugs:

Well Pne, im totally confused! I think because I didnt use OPKs I really have no idea when I O'd...

Today is CD20 for me. Yesterday I started feeling a few twinges like I was Ovulating so I begun thinking maybe I ovulated late, so DTD but CD19 seems quite late? I really dont know, ha - its a guessing game this month.

I have a couple of Internet cheapies, but I'll probably hold out on using them for atleast a week just incase I did only Ovulate yesterday.

I too have a feeling that im out this month! We will get there one day :flower:
I'm trying my best not to symptom spot this month, but I started getting cramps 3-4DPO and had them yesterday as well. Beyond that, I have a ton of CM. I'm on CD 23, btw, now 6DPO. Other than that, I'm noticing I am more in the mood than I have been the last couple of months, but that could also be the lack of Clomid.

Who knows what it means lol.
London, that is odd. Could have been implantation twinges maybe!

Rose, a ton of cm is good in any case! I've heard it means a sign of pregnancy but then again, what isn't a sign of pregnancy when your symptom spotting. But I know when I have a ton of cm, I feel a tad more frisky so it doesn't make it as hard to dtd!!

How many days do your cycles run, ladies?

I wiped and it seemed to be a slight (I barely could see it) color to my cm, so I kind of pushed the toilet paper up in to check and there was a dot of pink. Not sure what that's about. I can only be so hopeful that it's implantation but I am very doubtful. My cramping seemed to go away for the most part.
London, that is odd. Could have been implantation twinges maybe!

Rose, a ton of cm is good in any case! I've heard it means a sign of pregnancy but then again, what isn't a sign of pregnancy when your symptom spotting. But I know when I have a ton of cm, I feel a tad more frisky so it doesn't make it as hard to dtd!!

How many days do your cycles run, ladies?

I wiped and it seemed to be a slight (I barely could see it) color to my cm, so I kind of pushed the toilet paper up in to check and there was a dot of pink. Not sure what that's about. I can only be so hopeful that it's implantation but I am very doubtful. My cramping seemed to go away for the most part.

I'd think so, but I've had a ton of CM the last few cycles, though admittedly the last two cycles I took that trigger shot and took progesterone which causes all of that. So, who knows. The cramping is the weirdest thing to me because I never cramp this early. Ever. I'm not even sure what it means but the cramping also corresponded to a dip in temperature in my chart. Though I took my temp earlier than usual those two days.

I'm not doing the greatest job at not symptom spotting clearly lol.

My cycles used to be anywhere from 28-32 days, but lately it's been 28-29 days like clockwork.
My cycles are normally 28-days I often have the odd 29-day but quite rarely.

If only the twinges were implantation!! 😊

I'll keep an eye out for anything I notice and do the same ladies.

Sticky - hope you're ok xx
Hi ladies. Your support and kindness means a lot to me, the first thing I did was come on here to tell you all!

I did some research looking back on my Ovia app and at my tests. Bare with me...

I don't temp or use OPKs but I had ovulation type cramps and EWCM on 10th and 13th May. We had sex on 8th, 10th and 13th. I got a negative blue dye test on 21st. I got a faint BFP on a pink dye on 23rd which as you know slowly darkened. However I took a blue dye on 26th (you can see these in one of my previous posts) and it was veeeeery faint BFP so I think the pink ones must be much more sensitive. So what I did was assume the blue dye tests were 25miu so I doubled every other day up til the 5th which would take me to 600 by my calculations. The scan was in the morning of the 6th and they said my levels were 1200 when I went back for the results today. So pretty consistent. She said they can't see anything on a scan until levels reach 1000-1500. This info is what kept me going over the past two days. That and I kept telling myself that had I not had a scan I would be totally none the wiser, I have had no bleeding aside from some brown mucus after the very rough internal scan!

So today she asked if I would like to have another scan and they may be able to see the yolk sac if my levels were up at 2400 now.

Well I had the scan. They still could only see a little tiny black patch only 4mm big so she said it would be really hard to see anything inside yet. She said my womb lining is really thick now though. She showed me the screen to see the little patch but I have nothing to compare it to because on Monday they didn't show me anything. She took my bloods and will call me this afternoon with the numbers. They want a 50-63% increase in 48hours but I have read the hormones can double every 48-72hrs. I will just keep my fingers crossed. Trying to stay positive because I have started feeling sick at night last 3 nights and my nipples are more sore to feed Daisy. And no bleeding etc. So nothing conclusive. The 1200HCG level goes with my own calculations. She will keep scanning and taking blood til they get a definite answer. They also can't detect ectopic when it's this small. But I don't think it is that now, I am just wanting to know if it's ok or not. She said it can still be normal not to see anything yet if my dates were off, so I guess now we wait til this afternoon. Cross fingers and toes (but not legs!) for me ladies!

Positive signs from you ladies - come on and cheer me up with some BFPs! Xxx
Hi ladies. Your support and kindness means a lot to me, the first thing I did was come on here to tell you all!

I did some research looking back on my Ovia app and at my tests. Bare with me...

I don't temp or use OPKs but I had ovulation type cramps and EWCM on 10th and 13th May. We had sex on 8th, 10th and 13th. I got a negative blue dye test on 21st. I got a faint BFP on a pink dye on 23rd which as you know slowly darkened. However I took a blue dye on 26th (you can see these in one of my previous posts) and it was veeeeery faint BFP so I think the pink ones must be much more sensitive. So what I did was assume the blue dye tests were 25miu so I doubled every other day up til the 5th which would take me to 600 by my calculations. The scan was in the morning of the 6th and they said my levels were 1200 when I went back for the results today. So pretty consistent. She said they can't see anything on a scan until levels reach 1000-1500. This info is what kept me going over the past two days. That and I kept telling myself that had I not had a scan I would be totally none the wiser, I have had no bleeding aside from some brown mucus after the very rough internal scan!

So today she asked if I would like to have another scan and they may be able to see the yolk sac if my levels were up at 2400 now.

Well I had the scan. They still could only see a little tiny black patch only 4mm big so she said it would be really hard to see anything inside yet. She said my womb lining is really thick now though. She showed me the screen to see the little patch but I have nothing to compare it to because on Monday they didn't show me anything. She took my bloods and will call me this afternoon with the numbers. They want a 50-63% increase in 48hours but I have read the hormones can double every 48-72hrs. I will just keep my fingers crossed. Trying to stay positive because I have started feeling sick at night last 3 nights and my nipples are more sore to feed Daisy. And no bleeding etc. So nothing conclusive. The 1200HCG level goes with my own calculations. She will keep scanning and taking blood til they get a definite answer. They also can't detect ectopic when it's this small. But I don't think it is that now, I am just wanting to know if it's ok or not. She said it can still be normal not to see anything yet if my dates were off, so I guess now we wait til this afternoon. Cross fingers and toes (but not legs!) for me ladies!

Positive signs from you ladies - come on and cheer me up with some BFPs! Xxx

I'm sorry you're going through this, sticky. That limbo period, IMO, is worse than the TWW. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I've had more scans and HCG tests than I'd like to admit and it's not easy. Here is some perspective for you if it helps: with my daughter, by the end of 4 weeks, my HCG was well over 1200...so at 6 weeks, we could see the heartbeat. However, with the baby I lost, I never cracked an HCG level of 1000. The highest I got was a little over 120. 😥
But either way, what I was always told is the first number you get really doesn't matter, the important thing is that the numbers double the way they should. I had one reproductive endocrinologist tell me they really wanted them to triple, but I'm not sure if that's true. With my daughter, they were content with doubling. Though with her, they went up really fast so there was no problem. Depending on whether your numbers are wrong - if you are off and you are only 4 weeks, yes, not seeing something is normal. At 5 weeks, I saw the yolk sak and the beginning of the fetal pole. By 6 weeks, I heard the heartbeat. But obviously, all of that is dependent upon the HCG numbers. It sucks because a part of you doesn't want to know - because then you overanalyze everything! But then, a part of you does so you can know that everything is okay. Either way, it sucks and I hope whichever way it goes, it all resolves itself soon because not knowing is worse than knowing. At least in my experience.

So many hugs, sticky ❤️❤️❤️
Someone recommended this site to me when I was in my limbo period and it helped because it gives you the lowest and highest beta numbers reported. It's by DPO...not weeks...but it helped me when I was going through this. Knowledge and facts tend to help me either way though..,hope it helps you!

It sounds like you are still too early for them to see much other than a small sac. I know we don't go for our first scan until like 9 weeks. That's why last time I was pregnant and they saw 2 sacs but nothing in it, something wasn't right. They waited another week or 2 just in case my dates were wrong, to do another one.
But in your case, you're super early so I think generally you can't see a fetal pole or yolk sac.
I have a good feeling about this, Sticky! Keep that head up!!
Ah hello there Sticky!

I am unable to offer any such advice on numbers and technical speak as I have never been through this... but I can offer all my support & love!

Ive been thinking of you alot and awaiting your update - Fingers crossed, and defo no legs as you said ;)

I feel different this cycle, emotionally I think. I havent been googling as much as the past couple of months, Infact nothing really at all. Im so relaxed I actually had to go back to the Ovia app to see when AF is due (Weds 15th), I think by not using the OPKs this month its really chilled me out - maybe too much that I didnt catch the egg!

Pne/Rose - you both feeling ok?
It sounds like you are still too early for them to see much other than a small sac. I know we don't go for our first scan until like 9 weeks. That's why last time I was pregnant and they saw 2 sacs but nothing in it, something wasn't right. They waited another week or 2 just in case my dates were wrong, to do another one.
But in your case, you're super early so I think generally you can't see a fetal pole or yolk sac.
I have a good feeling about this, Sticky! Keep that head up!!

I don't mean to be argumentative especially in a situation like this, but that is not true. Unfortunately, as I've said, I have a lot of experience with early scans because of my PCOS so they start monitoring early.

The reason why they wait until 9-10 weeks at most places isn't because they won't see things earlier (as I've said, I heard a heartbeat at 6 weeks with my daughter, which is fairly common). Honestly, I suspect the waiting is just pro-forma. That's the way they've always done things, so that's what they do.

If you look at the chart I posted, the numbers are fairly variable, but in general, numbers should be high enough by 6 weeks to see something, whether it's a yolk sac, a fetal pole, or a heartbeat. I actually have pictures of all my ultrasounds with my daughter from 5 weeks until 10 weeks.
London, that's great though. I think being relaxed and less worry is the key!

I am still crampy today. Tmi but I was sick through the night and already pooped (pretty loose) twice this morning. I should be expecting AF in the next day or 2 if I am correct with my ovulation and luteal phase. I usually never cramp early though. But who knows! I maybe cave and test tomorrow if she hasn't showed by then!
Ah hello there Sticky!

I am unable to offer any such advice on numbers and technical speak as I have never been through this... but I can offer all my support & love!

Ive been thinking of you alot and awaiting your update - Fingers crossed, and defo no legs as you said ;)

I feel different this cycle, emotionally I think. I havent been googling as much as the past couple of months, Infact nothing really at all. Im so relaxed I actually had to go back to the Ovia app to see when AF is due (Weds 15th), I think by not using the OPKs this month its really chilled me out - maybe too much that I didnt catch the egg!

Pne/Rose - you both feeling ok?

I am okay, this whole conversation is giving me a little PTSD to be honest, so I should probably bow out. I cannot tell you the hell I went through for 3 weeks until I found out what was going on. It was just constant beta blood tests and phone calls telling me that it was a "bad pregnancy". It was horrible. As I've said, not something I would wish on anyone.

I am okay. I have a headache now, apropos of nothing and all of a sudden I want a pizza with olives and pickles, but by now, you all know my wacky morning cravings mean nothing lol.

The only weird thing this morning is that I woke up at 5 am having to use the bathroom really badly and was really thirsty. I assumed that meant my blood sugar was high, as that's usually what happens when it's high, but when I checked it was 76, so not even close to high! Then, I couldn't go back to sleep - that in and of itself is strange, I am always able to go back to sleep.

Darned symptom spotting...I need to stop.
London, that's great though. I think being relaxed and less worry is the key!

I am still crampy today. Tmi but I was sick through the night and already pooped (pretty loose) twice this morning. I should be expecting AF in the next day or 2 if I am correct with my ovulation and luteal phase. I usually never cramp early though. But who knows! I maybe cave and test tomorrow if she hasn't showed by then!

Ooohhh these could be good signs Pne!
I forgot you O'd early, I really hope that you have no AF signs and this is your month!! :) x
Ah hello there Sticky!

I am unable to offer any such advice on numbers and technical speak as I have never been through this... but I can offer all my support & love!

Ive been thinking of you alot and awaiting your update - Fingers crossed, and defo no legs as you said ;)

I feel different this cycle, emotionally I think. I havent been googling as much as the past couple of months, Infact nothing really at all. Im so relaxed I actually had to go back to the Ovia app to see when AF is due (Weds 15th), I think by not using the OPKs this month its really chilled me out - maybe too much that I didnt catch the egg!

Pne/Rose - you both feeling ok?

I am okay, this whole conversation is giving me a little PTSD to be honest, so I should probably bow out. I cannot tell you the hell I went through for 3 weeks until I found out what was going on. It was just constant beta blood tests and phone calls telling me that it was a "bad pregnancy". It was horrible. As I've said, not something I would wish on anyone.

I am okay. I have a headache now, apropos of nothing and all of a sudden I want a pizza with olives and pickles, but by now, you all know my wacky morning cravings mean nothing lol.

The only weird thing this morning is that I woke up at 5 am having to use the bathroom really badly and was really thirsty. I assumed that meant my blood sugar was high, as that's usually what happens when it's high, but when I checked it was 76, so not even close to high! Then, I couldn't go back to sleep - that in and of itself is strange, I am always able to go back to sleep.

Darned symptom spotting...I need to stop.

Rose - you're totally right, its certainly hard not to symptom spot. Sounds like there is something strange going on with you (oh I had pickles and olives for lunch today by the way! in a falafel wrap, was lovely) - time will tell what all these symptoms mean.

Sending you a hug, i hope the PTSD stays away :hugs:
I'm sorry for bringing back bad memories :[ they just called me and my levels have gone up but only by 30% to 1636 or something. I am so sad and wish I just knew, you are right the waiting is horrible. Now I have to wait another 2 days for another blood test on Friday :'[ I want to go hide in bed, nothing else seems to matter right now. Sounds stupid I know. Thank you for your support and again sorry for being a downer. I will update on Friday. Xx
Will keep sending you positive thoughts Sticky.
Good luck and we'll hear from you on Friday xx
I'm sorry for bringing back bad memories :[ they just called me and my levels have gone up but only by 30% to 1636 or something. I am so sad and wish I just knew, you are right the waiting is horrible. Now I have to wait another 2 days for another blood test on Friday :'[ I want to go hide in bed, nothing else seems to matter right now. Sounds stupid I know. Thank you for your support and again sorry for being a downer. I will update on Friday. Xx

You are most definitely not a downer and you didn't do anything! It's my own issues - not yours and I certainly did not mean to imply that at all ❤️

Just know that I've been there...waiting for blood tests, waiting for results. It is the worst kind of hell imaginable. I constantly asked myself, would it have been better if I had waited for the scan at 9 weeks and seen nothing but having false hope for weeks or undergoing basically psychological torture by doctors who didn't have the compassion of a fruit fly.

My advice is to let it out - cry, vent here, anything you want. I held it in and it was worse in the long run. Many hugs, sticky and I wish so much that you didn't have to go through this!! 💕💕

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