After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Oh angelria :( So sorry, nothing i can say will help i know, i hope your husband is giving you plenty of hugs xxx
Angelria I'm so sorry... Let us know if you need anything. :(
Thanks ladies. My hubby and son are giving me tons of hug. My son heard me crying on the phone to my mom and he walks up and asked me "ok mommy?" He is only 22 months old. He is my world and has made me smile so much today which is exactly what I need. I talked to my FS and we have a game plan for next month. My body is not producing enough progesterone so we are going to try something new along with the clomid. When the miscarriage started I wanted to give up, but for some reason I just can't. Am I crazy for jumping right back in to trying again? The doctor said I didn't need to wait.
Not crazy at all! Im glad you have a plan, keep focussed on that xx
I'm sorry, Angelria. Ofcourse you aren't crazy... Don't ever give up! I hope and pray you are holding your forever baby soon. :hugs:
No you are not crazy, I hope it all works out for you xx
Angelria- Not crazy at all. I know ppl that have had a lot of success with progesterone suppositories. Glad your fs is figuring out what's going on.

I had my nurse intake appointment at eight weeks today and will have an ultrasound Friday afternoon... Getting very nervous as we approach the big bad nine week mark that we lost baby at last time. If everything goes according to plan I will see the doctor at ten weeks for an exam. Really hoping Friday is a good day.
How are you feeling today angelria? Emmy im sure everything will be good at your scan, make sure you let us know how it goes!

As for me, well we have had sex every day since i finished af and af is due again next week, probably thursday, which is annoying because ill still be on over the weekend and my birthday is on sunday, never mind!
Emmy wow that time has gone quickly, I'm sure everything will be fine on Friday, so exciting.

Erinsmummy sounds like you have had a bit of a marathon session this month, fingers crossed for you.

Angelria I hope you are ok.
Erinsmummy, with that kind of diligence I bet you caught your egg!
I am ok ladies thanks for asking. I went to get my prescription filled for the progesterone cream and my insurance doesn't cover it so it would be $500.00. I can not afford that once a month. I am going to see if they can change the code to where it is medically necessary or give me something different. If not then I am just going to have to take a break. I am taking Vitex and Maca along with my prenatal and folid acid so hopefully something helps. emmy good luck with your scan today. I am sure everything will be ok.
Angelria- thats so expensive! Try and call the company, I think some companies will occasionally give out their medication for free or reduced cost when asked. Might be worth a try!

As for my ultrasound it didn't go so well. Baby and sack are measuring five and a half to six weeks... Should be eight. Sonogropher said they are measuring the same and sack is in the right place so it may be too early and there is still hope. However, I know my dates are right.... I've got the calendar to prove it.

Trying to stay positive but yet realistic as its not looking good. Oh yeah, he also found a cyst on my
Angelria wow that's expensive I hope you can do something to get it cheaper

Emmy I'm so sorry to hear your news I hope you have made a mistake on your dates or for some reason he/she is a late developer and all is ok when you get re-scanned. Maybe it is the cyst slowing down the growth? Are they doing anything about the cyst and when is your next scan? I really hope all is well when they next scan :hugs:

Afm it's bad news today also, my swollen gland needs to be operated on as there is a chance that it is cancer. I had it tested but it came back today as on a scale of 1-5 it's a 3 chance so it needs to be removed along with a big chunk of my thyroid and I may need to have radioactive iodine treatment which means I can't ttc for at least 6 months after I finish treatment and will be on medication for thyroid which has a knock on for calcium and other things so just waiting to be operated on now :cry:
Oh no mrs duck! When is your surgery? Thinking of you and hope everything turns out okay.

My doctor wasn't in today so nothing else is scheduled, someone should call Monday. The cyst would not impact growth I don't think. I'm guessing my doctor will send me for blood work first.
I hope your bloodwork comes back with some good news, try not to worry too much over the weekend, I know easier said than done, I've got everything crossed for you xx

Not sure as the consultant is having surgery done on him so he is out of action for a couple of weeks but as soon as he's well enough to operate I should be called in. He is a specialist in his field with a 99% success rate so have a good chance of all going well, it's just the putting off ttc that depresses me most
Sounds like we have all had a very shit day!! Angelria wow thats alot of money, i hope you sort something.

Emmy im sorry your scan didnt go how you wanted :( I really really hope when your re scanned all is fine, fingers crossed for you!

Mrs duck, that really sucks, thinking of u!

As for me, well i had the biggest fall out with the mother in law, well, not even a fall out, she was HORRIBLE to me, unforgivable, OH has decided hes had enough of her psyco ways and were done with her, thank heavens!!
Oh no not you too. So sorry you have a mother in law from hell, so glad your dh is standing by you though rather than his mum. I hope it all works out ok for you.

Big hugs all round :hugs: :hugs:
I hate to see that we are all having a horrible time of it. Emmy I will be praying that everything is ok and just progressing a little slowly.
Mrs. Duck I am sorry. I know that has to be a bit scary the thought of having cancer and depressing knowing that you can no longer TTC for a while. You do however need to focus on yourself and getting healthy so that you can have a happy and healthy pregnancy afterwards.
Erinsmummy I am sorry things are not going well with the mother-in-law. I had problems with not only my in laws but my own parents when I was planning my wedding. Hopefully everything works out as this should be a happy and joyful time in your life right now.
AFM- my doctor never called me back so I guess I will wait until my appt on Tuesday. I have to go for a procedure where they inject saline into the uterus and check for any problems. I will ask them about the progesterone cream then. I have 10 days before I have to start it anyways.

I'm sorry ladies you are going through rough times. I really don't know what to say. But, here's my attempts. Thoughts and best wishes for you all.

Angelria: I hope they cover the progesterone cream. $500 that is ridiculous, there has to be some way they will. :hugs:

Emmy: I hate hearing this about your scan. I hope baby is just delayed some how, and catches back up. I think it is awful that they didn't do bloodwork today. So, that you didn't have to endure this awful limbo of not knowing. I'm sorry you are going through this. I hope its just one big scare. :hugs:

Cysts go hand and hand with pregnancy. Most of the time they aren't serious and go away on thier own. The Dr. will most likely be watching to see if it grows. And if it does, he'll probably do tests to see what its filled with. I had one in September that was 1/2 in and my rescan in December, showed it gone.

Duck: I'm sorry your TTC journey is being delayed! :hugs: I hate that they have to remove your thyroid. But, also very glad that they found it before it did more damage to your health. Also may it mean a fast conception after recovery and a beautiful forever baby in your arms! :hugs:

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