After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Erinsmummy I hope the witch stays away and you get your BFP today.

Emmy I'm so sorry, I really wish it was better news, so sorry you have to go through it all again :hugs:

Bad news for me too this morning, I had cramping during the night and woke to a lot of blood and then when I used the toilet there was a big clot so I guess it's all over. I will get my op out of the way and then back to ttc as soon as I can (I'm not getting any younger).

Come on thread fairies give us all some good news for a change xx

:hugs: :hugs:
Oh no i cant believe it, im so sorry mrs duck :( Have you had yourself checked out just incase?
No I haven't, with the amount of blood I don't think there is much point. I will do another test in a few days time just to double check but I have little hope
Emmy and Mrs. Duck I am so sorry. We are all having the worst of luck. I lost this last one at 5 wks 2 days so it is likely that you could pass it naturally Emmy. My fertility specialist did a bunch of blood work and a saline ultrasound last week to try and figure out why I keep miscarrying. They think it is due to the low progesterone levels, but they want to make sure they rule out everything else also so that we don't have this happen again. So Mrs. Duck it is worth having your doctor look into. Again I am soooo sorry!
Thanks everyone xxx

I will mention it to my doctor next time I'm there but I'm so busy at the moment and I'm trying to get as much done before I go in for my op that I don't want to take time off when there isn't anything that can be done. I have had many different blood tests and what they call pre bump blood tests and they can't find any reason for my mc so I guess I'm just unlucky (just my luck).

I have my appointment for my pre op scans, tests, paperwork etc next Friday and the letter said if I don't receive my op date before I go then they will tell me then so it should be soon
MrsDuck- I'm so sorry. :(. Crappy week all around.

They will offer genetic testing if I get a d&c or can find the sac. They offered it last time when the sac was about the size of a plum. I doubt I will notice the sac though this time... Thankfully. My doctor warned though that most insurances don't cover it and that it generally either comes back inconclusive or chromosomal defect. So we prob. won't do it unless she recommends it. I don't know.... What do you guys think?

I do believe that they will start testing me for stuff now though. I had a bit of bloody mucus when wiping this morning and again tonight so I'm hoping that's a good sign. Erinsmummy... You're right about the timing. Last time I finally miscarried the day before my d&c was supposed to happen.

Leinzlove.... Hoping things are going well for you. We need your happy story around here! :)

Crossing my fingers for better luck for those of us that need it.
What a week weve had in here!

Emmy i could have had the genetic testing for free over here, i didnt as i passed it on my own at home so not really practical, but if a mc happens again and i have to have a d&c i probably would. a mc is so devistating, even if really early on, especially if you have been ttc for a long time, as it puts a hold on the ttc aswel when what alot of people really want is to just get on and try again :(

Angelria how are you feeling?

Well af was due yesterday, and no sign as of yet, had sex last night again in the hope it will bring it on if its there!! (you know what i mean!) Ive woken up feeling a bit sick though but that could be just wishfull thinking... If i still havnt come on this afternoon im testing!!!
Erinsmummy I hope she stays away. I am feeling good. I found a compound for the progesterone cream that my insurance does cover so it is only $25, rather than the $500 for the last prescription. So I am excited to start that in 3 days and see if it helps. When they did my ultrasound 3 days ago they saw 3 good follies at 9-12mm so those are looking good for the time frame and I should ovulate in another week and half. Unless this last mc causes me to ovulate later again. The Clomid is suppose to regulate my cycles, but with multiple mc's it has been screwing it up even more. We are just going to make sure we DTD every other day for the next 2 1/2 weeks and we should be covered. I am going to try and not get my hopes up though this cycle as I know it is my first month on the progesterone so it may take a while to work. I wasn't going to use OPKs this cycle and I have to try and figure out 5 days before AF shows so I can get more blood work to test my levels and see where they are. It will also be a pregnancy test so I should know early. We have Father's Day, my hubby's birthday and my sons 2nd birthday all in the next few weeks so I should be able to keep myself pretty busy.
Emmy coz I had a erpc after my mmc they automatically tested the remains but they didn't find out anything, I'm not sure that helps you decide what to do, I just thought I would confirm what others have told you, I wouldn't of had it if I had to pay for it.

Erinsmummy we need some good news on here I hope you get your bfp when you test it's a good sign that you are late

Angelria good news about your follies and it sounds like you have a lot on so the time will fly by and you'll be testing before you know it

Hopefully our luck is starting to change xx
Thanks for the advice. Still not sure what to do, but we will cross that bridge when we get there I guess. I know they did a "general" test automatically last time that just confirmed it was the "products of conception" including the entire sac, fetus and part of the placental tissue. We didn't opt for the genetic testing though. Hmm... what to do. Still just pink or brown blood tinged mucus today but pretty intense cramping at times so hopefully it's coming soon.

Angelria- That's fantastic news! $25 is sooo much better than $500!
Erinsmummy- Is it afternoon by you yet???? Any news?
Well still no af, but i tested with a frer this morning and its neg, so dunno what thats about??
Emmy I hope you don't have to wait too long hun :hugs:

Erinsmummy sorry about the bfn, when is the witch due?
Angelria: I'm glad you found an affordable progesterone cream. Hoping this is your month! :hugs:

Erinsmummy: Hoping its early yet for a digi. Did you use a 50miu one? That may not BFP until you miss AF. :hugs: I hope the :witch: has the best of reasons for not showing her ugly face. :hugs:
Bummer erinsmummy... Hopefully it's just a little early. Crossing my fingers for you!
Starting progesterone tomorrow so fingers crossed that it raises it. I am trying not to get my hopes up as I know it may take a couple of months for my hormones to level out.
Good luck Angelria... Let us know how it's working!

I have my doctors appointment at 1pm tomorrow. I'm guessing she won't want me to wait much longer, still just blood tinged mucus since Thursday morning. I'm thinking about asking for the medication this time... Anyone get that before? It's been about 4 weeks since the pregnancy stopped progressing. Last time it only took me two and a half weeks to miscarry naturally without meds. I hate this.... Always waiting for something pregnancy related it seems.
Erinsmummy, what day are you? It might be to early! Stay positive
Angelria I hope the progesterone works for you and you get your bfp soon

Emmy when I had my mmc I was at my 12 week scan and it was only measuring 6 I waited another week and still no sign of anything happening so I opted for an erpc I would do the same again if I was in that situation I wouldn't want to see the miscarriage and your levels go back to normal very quickly afterwards as you haven't taken any meds.

Erinsmummy have you tested again?
Emmy I am thinking of you today.
Erinsmummy any news?

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