After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

4 days till af is due!

My week is just getting worse and worse, read my thread "what the hell am i going to do" and you will see one thing but the other ill explain here, brace yourselves its long! But maybe reading about my issues at home itl make you all forget your problems for a min or 2!

About a week ago, OH spoke to his mum on the phone, when he hung up he said she sounded a bit off but thought nothing of it! Then my SIL text me randomly asking if i was pregnant because it was going around town that i was! So i said no, but hope to be soon!!

As you all know, we didnt try for the 1st 2 months after our mc as i wasnt ready to, we thought we were going to wait till our wedding but decided that we couldnt wait that long. Well a couple days after SIL sent that text, MIL sent a text to OH saying "cant believe you would do this to me, thought we were close, somthing as nice as a baby and i heard it from everyone else" So OH rang her and said What the hell, were not pregnant so whats the problem? She then said we should have told her we were trying for a baby and it was hurtful that we didnt.What the?!?! Anyway it ended with her hanging up on him.

Then a couple days ago i was in the supermarket, i had just done my shopping and me and LO were sat on a seat while she was having a drink. I was chatting away to LO when MIL come up behind me and started having a go at me! Infront of my mum, infront of the whole of the supermarket and infront of my 2 year old! She was saying we were liars because we sat in her kitchen and said we wernt ready to try again yet (this was 1 month after mc) so it was the truth!! And that she respected me blah blah. Then she said something about me writing things on facebook and laughing about it, which is odd cos i never put anything about any of it on there!! Except in a private message to SIL, and that wasnt horrible! I only said its up to me and OH when we try, and who we tell, its no1s bledy buisness!! Anyway SIL obviously told her i said that. Then she said "if you think that little of me i want the money you owe me back" ( we borrowed £20 ages ago!!!) And she said you havnt only upset me you have upset BIL and FIL aswel! What the hell?? Upset who about what?!?! We havnt done anything wrong!

So after her crazy outburst i told OH, he tried ringing her but she wouldnt pick up, so he left her a voicemail saying that shes messed up, how dare she speak to me like that and he wants nothing more to do with her and she is such a coward she never got back to him!

Then i start getting loads of texts from SIL saying "huns you have to work this out" So i told her no way! Ill never work this out with that crazy woman.

So me and OH had a chat last night, as he is obviously upset at the thought of MIL not being at our wedding, so i said to him ill never be close to her like i was but if she apologises and admits she was wrong, ill forget it and be civil with her. So he rang her and told her she needs to say sorry to me for getting it all wrong and for speaking to me like that or she isnt welcome at our wedding or in our home. MIL just said no!!! So as it stands OH wants nothing more to do with her, and she wont be at our wedding!

MIL also slagged me off to OHs ex, and then slagged her off to me!! OHS ex is a lovely girl and isnt a shit stirer so i know she wouldnt make that up, shes still good friends with OH so she wouldnt lie! How 2 faced is that.

OH is so upset about it, i feel bad but its not even my fault! My family are nothing like this, no drama, we just all get along lol!

Dont really know what to do but its stressing me out.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest ladies!!!
Oh erinsmummy you poor thing :hugs:

I hope now that your mil has got everything off her chest she will start to cool off and realise how much she is hurting you and your oh.

I know you haven't done anything wrong and it is totally your business when you start to ttc but as you say there is something going around your town so someone must be starting the rumours for some reason and your mil feels left out as she thinks you told other people and not her.

With your wedding coming up you don't need any of this and I'm sure your mil doesn't want to miss it she is just being stubborn.

I really hope she comes to her senses and apologies as you really didn't do anything wrong and I'm sure she will realise that when she stops and thinks about it.

Hopefully your sil will speak with her and make her see sense.

And as for your other problem with your bridesmaid and best man they are being really selfish in my opinion. I know they are hurting but it is your big day and surely they should be able to be civil to each other for one day so as not to spoil it for you. They don't even have to talk to each other.

As you said to them if they find it all too much then they can leave no questions asked but you should be able to enjoy your big day without worrying about them.

I hope all this sorts itself out soon, weddings and ttc are both stressful when everything is going well you don't need this extra stress caused by other people.

Lots of hugs :hugs: :hugs:

Ps I hope the witch doesn't show in 4 days and you get your bfp x
Thanks mrs duck :) This week it seems to have all gone wrong! 3 months till the wedding though so i hope it does all sort itself out by then! me not having my best friend and OH not having his mum at our wedding will be really tough and we would both be really upset!
Thanks mrs duck :) This week it seems to have all gone wrong! 3 months till the wedding though so i hope it does all sort itself out by then! me not having my best friend and OH not having his mum at our wedding will be really tough and we would both be really upset!

:hugs: :hugs:
Wow DRAMA!!!! It really shouldn't be anyone's business except you and OH as to when and if or even why you are ttc. My mom and MIL both know we are trying but never ask any questions or try to get involved. They just know when it happens, it happens and they are thrilled for another grandchild. I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. Maybe you and OH can have a nice quiet sit down with his whole family and explain whats going on, but also explain that you are adults and your OH no longer lives under her roof, so he doesn't have to report 24/7 every move you make in your lives. Some things will be just between the two of you. And to have an outburst like that in public, I would have turned and walked away from her. Act like a child and I will treat you like one. Tantrum is what it is. And when my son has a tantrum, I walk away from him until he calms down and then we readdress the problem. Guess you may have to treat her like a two year old. Sorry! I am just a very up front, tell it like it is type of person. My job may contribute to that. I just refuse to deal with stupid people. I am not saying your MIL is stupid, but sometimes people act that way. It is called being selfish and thinking only of yourself. Well it is not about her. It is not her body or emotions dealing with this. Tell her when there is something she needs to know you will tell her, but not to believe gossip. Reassure her she will be one of the first to know, but if she continues to act this way she may be the last. Good grief GROW UP. Sorry, I think I am a bit upset for you.
lol angelria thanks for your reply! And MIL is stupid so dont worry about calling her that haha. When she went off on one like that in public i did just ignore her. I dont think i can sit down in a room with her right now, im far too angry still and def want an apology first, and even then id only be ok with her for the sake of OH, she has really peed me off.
Im not used to this kind of drama in my family! OH did warn me they were like this, i should have listened!
Erinsmummy... Sounds like your MIL is a bitch too. (sorry, hope thats not too harsh of an adj.) I am pretty sure mine is pissed too because she suspects things and we haven't said anything... About the first miscarriage, trying, me being pregnant again, etc.

You got it exactly right when you said it is no one's business but yours and your husbands. I will never understand why they feel entitled to information regarding my uterus and vagina, haha. If Minot comfortable telling my father yet, I'm certainly not telling them.

I'm glad you are standing your ground and that you have your husband by your side!
thanks emmy, no bitch isnt too harsh lol. Although OH is so upset she hasnt bothered to call or anything :(

Yes emmy when is your next scan?
Sorry Erinsmummy: Your MIL does sound like a bitch. I totally don't get it either. Why would she be acting like that? It's none of her business. And who was going around saying you were pg? I'm glad OH is standing by you, that is just awful.

I hope things start looking up! :hugs: And yay for the wedding... 3 months! eeeek!
Apparently it was the gossip of the town! She is known by everyone for her gossiping ways so god knows why anyone would believe her! Cant believe MIL hasnt called, OH tried calling her yest to ask her if shes either going to say sorry properly or have nothing to do with us but she wont even answer her phone to him!

Af is due on thurs, i feel like its on its way though, i can usually tell!
Well ladies I just got home from work and my hpts were on the doormat, I was going to wait but you know what its like so I just had to pee on one and look what popped up in about 1 min

I am now a bit scared as it means I'm going to have to put off my op to have the potentially canerous lump removed from my neck. The consultant said if I am pg then it is best to wait til I'm in the 2nd trimester, so I suppose it's not too long to wait but I'm not sure of the risks to baby?

It just goes to prove that dtd just once on the day you get positive opk can be enough!

I thought I had a nearly positive opk cd 12 but then cd 23 I had another and we hadn't dtd since cd14 so I called a medical emergency and called my dh home from work to baby dance then we both returned to work, anyway then we found out about my lump the next day so didn't do any more just in case I needed an op and now here I am with a very positive looking hpt on what would make me 11dpo.

Sorry for the long ramble I'm just really excited and scared


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YAY for the positive. Congrats. I am a believer that everything happens for a reason and you and baby will be ok. The baby has it's nice little home in your belly and I have faith that it will be safe and secure right there. This is a blessing, try not to worry to much.
aww mrs duck thats great news :) I agree with angelria, baby will be safe where its supposed to be x
Im due af tomorrow, i dont want it to come!!! Stay the hell away! We had really rough sex last night so if i am due to come on tommorow it might happen today... Sorry tmi for you there lol
LOL yes Erinsmummy, what better way to get your frustrations out. Have you been reading 50 Shades of Grey?:winkwink:
Emmy any update? I am still praying that everything is good with your bean.
Not such good news here. So my first ultrasound was Friday. On Monday they had me to a hcg quant which came back in the normal range (for 5.5 weeks, I didn't ask the specific number). They said my Dr. thought I was just earlier than I thought so I went back for another ultrasound tonight. There was no growth since last scan six days ago. :(

Of course I'm bummed but also kinda pissed that I keep having these mmc. Just once I would like to know BEFORE I show up for an ultrasound.

Last time there was fetal death at 9 weeks and I passed things naturally at 11.5. This time the embryo stopped developing at 5.5 weeks and I'm currently 9 weeks (assuming what I've thought all along... that my dates ARE correct). I'm guessing this means I will need a d&c. I really don't want to have surgery. Hoping I miscarry naturally before Monday, at least this time I'm early enough that I shouldn't have to pass a noticable sack or placental tissue like the last miscarriage.

Mrs.Duck: Congratulations! :happydance:

Emmy: I'm so sorry! No woman should lost thier child, not alone two.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: If you have a D&C will they test?
Im so sorry emmy :( Dont know what else to say, its not fair :( You may still mc natrally, i should have been about 9/10 weeks when i miscarried, bit it had stopped growing at about 6 weeks, i started to miscarry the day after the scan!! Its like now my mind knew, my body did what it had to! I am glad it happened that way as i didnt fancy surgery either. And as for what i passed, just alot of tissue, big bits, but it just looked like big blood clots, nothing like any parts of a baby or placenta or sac. Sorry this has happened to you again :(

I am due af today, no sign as of yet but trying not to get my hopes up, will test tomorrow if it doesnt arrive then. Its my birthday on sunday, so are going out sat night drinking so i will have to test if im not on by then, as i wont be drinking!!

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