After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Good luck erinsmummy.... I hope AF stays away!

leinzlove, I'm sure you'll find it soon and am glad you're doing well!

I got the results from my hcg test last week and it's down to 6! I'm excited I don't have to go for more bloodworm this week and am feeling crampy tonight. Hoping AF comes soon!
Emmy: That's good news that your HCG is nearly normal. I hope AF gets here for you soon. When do you think you might be ready to try again. :hugs:

Duck: Hope you are being good to yourself. :hugs:
leinzlove- we're going to try again asap... after two periods so probably late august or early september. I'm really bloated today but still no af, however I think it's near. I'm just feeling very anxious lately.

After first mc I was very upset (as we all were) but became excited by the prospect of ttc... gave me something to look forward too. This time I'm just super nervous about the next pregnancy as I don't want it to happen a third time. Trying to be positive though and hoping for the best. I just have this fear that it will happen again and it's something that could've been easily treatable. We've got my one moth followup next week so hoping for as much testing as possible!
Ah, Emmy: I'm so sorry, hun! I couldn't imagine twice. It's awful enough going through it once. I hope AF hurries up and takes a hike, then gets here again so you can TTC. A summer baby would be awesome. :)

Hopefully the testing brings you an easy fix and some relief. Lots and Lots of :hugs:!
Any news erinsmummy? The witch is due tomorrow isn't she have you tested? How are the wedding plans coming along?

Leinz I'm being very naughty eating lots of chocolate but I'm just preparing for not being able to eat much for a few days/weeks after my op.

Emmy Im glad your levels are returning to normal, fingers crossed we should start ttc again around the same time I hope we get our rainbow babies soon

Leinz how are you and bubs and developments?
mrs duck, wedding plans are going well! Bridesmaids dresses arive tommorow so looking forward to the girls trying them on! Ive not tested yet, af is due tomorrow so if no af by friday i will test :)
Oh great, I bet you are excited, not long to go now. I hope you get an early wedding present of a bfp, fingers crossed for you xx
I keep forgetting to say!! Angelria, i read all 3 books of 50 shades! And i didnt think they were all that good, it didnt make me want to drag OH off to the bedroom LOL, i just thought it was a bit daft! My mum thought the same, didnt see what the hype is about lol, but saying that, i did want to read on to find out what happened, so was hard to put down, but i almost skimmed past the naughty bits cos it made me cringe rather than turn me on hahaha
I kind of agree I've finished the 3 books too, I thought the second was the best but overall I don't know what all the fuss is about but like you they kept me gripped I had to read on to know what happened at the end, but then I was disappointed coz it was a crappy ending.
I bet we all watch the film when it comes out though, someone said what's his name from the vampire diaries who plays Damon has been approached to play Christian, if that's true I'll be watching.
Oh yes will watch the film! Although how are they going to do all the porn scenes without it just looking like... well porn!! Lol
I haven't read them. But, I must admit I've been tempted with the hype. :)

Well, things are a little shaken up here. I have to have all my teeth extracted. I can't believe it. I went to the specialist today and its the best option. I have severe periodontal disease. It increases my odds for preterm labor and stillbirth. So, I'm trying to get it done ASAP. It's probably genetic or heriditary based on I'm not to old. But, atleast its caught and I can get rid of it... its to far advanced to save my teeth. But, the disease will be gone immediatley with extraction.

I'm 12w4d. I have my second Dr. appt. on Tuesday. And in two weeks we have scheduled a private gender scan.
Oh Leinz that's awful you poor thing I can't believe you are being so calm about it. I'm glad that it will be gone completely after the extraction though. Any idea how long you have to wait to have it done?

Great news about the early gender scan though I had no idea they could tell you that so early I thought it was around 20 weeks.
Oh no that's not good :( like mrs duck said though its good your being calm about it. And yeah that's great about the scan, my friend had 1 at 14 weeks and they could tell the sex, crazy what they can do these days! How's everyone else? No ad yet, will test tomoro if not showed, wish me luck x
Sending you lots of :dust: I hope you get your bfp xxx
MrsDuck- yes, we will have to be ttc buddies! :) I finally jumped on the bandwagon and am reading the first of the 50 shades books. It's going a little slow so far and I haven't quite gotten hooked yet. It's on my kindle, so I don't know what page, maybe 1/3 of the way through though without checking.

Erinsmummy- glad the wedding plans are going well... it will be here soon! Hoping af doesn't show!!!!

Leinzlove- happy things are going wells with the little one and am excited for your gender scan! Now for your teeth, on my! That's super scary! I'm glad as others have said that you have a positive outlook and hope that things go smoothly for you.
Erinsmummy: Yay for no AF. Here's to hoping that she has the best of reasons for staying away.:hugs:

Emmy: Hope you love 50 shades. :)

Duck: 10 days until OP!!!!! :happydance:

AFM: Yes, its the only place around here I could find that would do a gender scan before 18 weeks. They also guarantee it to be correct. I've also did some reading and from 13 weeks ultrasound is 94% accurate and from 14 weeks 98%. Most of it was from just wanting to see the baby.

As for my teeth... I'm not taking it that well. But, I'm in a hurry, trying to lower all of the risks to baby. I find myself just wanting it over with ASAP! My best friend has suggested a second opinion. And she also said that its best they caught it now... It can cause heart disease and all kinds of bad things to your health. But, I don't want to delay for a second opinion, just to hear the same thing. ( I did see a specialist for this news, with lots of Xrays before PG, and 3 visits.)

I have my general dentist consult on July 19. And as long as I don't need to see a oral surgeon. I'm planning on the extractions for Aug. 1. And I'm getting the whole mouth done at once. Ofcourse, I'll have to see what baby Dr. says... But, I'm thinking he'll agree that we want this done ASAP!
Emmy yes fingers crossed timing will be right to be ttc buddies I can't wait :flower: I think the second 50 shades book is better than the first, more of a story.

Leinz you poor thing, but like you say if it is going to affect your overall health then better it is done asap :hugs:

Erinsmummy any news, have you tested?
Just did a test, it's positive!! But I'm not quite believing it yet, will do a frer later to double check but is def a positive xx will try n post a pic

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