After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Erinsmummy I'm really pleased your oh is over the moon about your bfp x

Angelria your little monkey looks like he had a great time x

Leinzlove I love your new avatar so cute x

Emmy I hope you are well x

Pre op tests for me tomorrow then op next Monday
Erinsmummy- how are you feeling?
Angelria- love the party pictures, decorations look great!
Mrsduck- how did your pre op appointment go?

I had my follow up today. Everything is back to normal and I should get my period soon. My ob sent me for blood work to check for several clotting disorders, they took four vials total, one of which was on ice... weird. She said that they won't test me for progesterone deficiencies but she will give me the progesterone suppositories if I want as it can't hurt. She said the treatment is so up in the air that they will just treat for it anyways if I'd like.

I have anther appointment in a month to go over blood results and do a pap. If all is normal we can do karyotyping of my husband and I if we'd like. So I guess the appointment went well, at lest I'm getting the testing I wanted!
Update, ive started cramping and have bleeding, looks like an early MC :(
Emmy glad everything seems to be back to normal and you are getting some testing done, it's nice to get some answers isn't it. My pre ops are tomorrow hun x

Erinsmummy I'm so sorry :hugs: xx
I'm so sorry erinsmummy! Let us know if you need anything!
Forgot to mention earlier, the cytogenic study showed nothing as they were unable to grow more tissue... Prob because I collected the tissue myself.
Erinsmummy: NOOOOO! Please let be a breakthrough bleed or such. I'm not giving up hope yet. Lots & Lots of :hugs:!!
Erinsmummy I am so sorry. As I have had two in the past 4 months I know what you are going through. My heart is breaking. Make sure you call your doctor so that they can try and run the same tests that Emmy just had done.
Emmy I started taking baby aspirin every morning (for the blood clotting disorder) with my prenatal and will use the progesterone after I ovulate so that should help the next pregnancy stick according to the doctors. They had me taking progesterone my entire cycle last month and I didn't even ovulate so I took myself off of it and the next day my period showed up. So I am interested to see if I ovulate this month and when. I am CD 14 today and usually ovulate around CD 19-20.
Angelria- good call with the progesterone. My doctor said if I take it it would be after I ovulate and until either I get my period or hit 12 weeks. I'm hoping if I do have a clotting issue I can also solve it with aspirin... the idea of heparin scares me a bit.
Thank you laides, angelria can i ask what your early miscarriages were like? I just dont know what to expect..

On a positive note, i had my dress fitting, and this is me in it!


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Your dress is beautiful and you look gorgeous in it. OH will be in tears when you walk down the isle :)
The first one I lost at 4 weeks 5 days and the second was 5 weeks 3 days. The first one I had really bad cramping and was very tired so I took a nap and woke up 2 hours later to spotting. Later that afternoon it got really heavy with a lot of blood clots. That continued for 6 days of a very heavy AF with lots of tissue and clotting (TMI I know). The second one was the same way, but no real cramping only some lower back pain. So pretty much everything you get with AF but a little worse. Are you positive it is a chemical? How is the cramping and bleeding now? If you are only having a light flow you could still be pregnant and need to get with your doctor to have them check and make sure you haven't lost it.
Thank you :)

Ah i see, so the second one wasnt really all that early :/ Yes im sure as tests are now negitive, and im still bleeding quite a bit.Not had any clots or tissue though. The crampng isnt to bad now. The earliest appointment i could get with my doctor is on monday.
Oh yea I did forget to mention as soon as bleeding started my HPT did turn negative. I am sorry. Make sure they try and run some tests for clotting issues. You also might want to try using progesterone after ovulation. Talk with your doctor about both.
Erinsmummy: Your dress is absolutley beautiful. Makes me want to get married again. I'm sorry for your loss, hun. :hugs::hugs:
Thanks lienz, think I'll b ok once the bleeding stops. Just got to concentrate on the wedding, not long now, 15th of sept!
Erinsmummy you look absolutely gorgeous in your dress, not long to go now, how exciting xx
Erinsmummy your dress is beautiful!

Mrsduck- can I ask now how your appointment went, hehe (now that you've had it)?

Leinzlove- what a great picture of you!
Thanks Emmy! When I took it I was thinking about the baby. Btw, I should update in here with good news. I went to the Dr. on Tuesday and the Dr. found babies hb via doppler right away. I had been missing it because its what I thought was to low to be baby, 135 bpm. The Dr. reassured me that was normal. I also told the Dr. about my periodontal disease and how I was scheduling a full mouth extraction. He didn't blink an eye and said its good that I get it taken care of and baby should be fine. It felt good hearing this from him. I have been having a hard time dealing with the fact I'm losing my teeth. I'm also feeling that dreading it is probably worse than having it done.
Thanks ladies :)

Lienz all will be fine, i had 5 teeth out when i was 6 months pregnant with my daughter, i had really bad toothache and they just took out the others that were bad at the same time, i wasnt put to sleep as i was preg, which i would have rathered if i wasnt preg!! But i didnt feel a thing, dont know what i got so worked up about!! And as for having the false ones, loads of my friends have them! And you cant tell at all. You have nothing to worry about. I obviously understand why your nervous, but your right, the dread is worse than the actual procedure! Your gonna be just fine! x

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