After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

I hope so, Tuesday seems ages away but I know it will soon be here x

How are you are you still poas?
Erinsmummy- Glad you survived your move! I bet you're getting excited for the wedding, how exciting!

Angelria- I see the line! :) Woo hoo!!!! Hoping it sticks for you too... any more tests?

Leinzlove- Glad you found someone to do it for cheaper! 2500 is a big difference. As hard as it will be to go two months I think you're making the right choice, better to have them fit right than be SOL.

MrsDuck- I'm sorry you had to go back but so glad it sounds like it's only because they made a mistake. Keeping my fingers crossed for you for next week!

Nothing new for me, which I guess is good news for now!
I did take another test 2 days ago. A digi test and it gave me the beautiful word "PREGNANT". I am feeling really good right now. Some cramps and really tired but other than that I am good. I got on the scale this morning and I am down 1 lb LOL so that is a plus. The less I weigh when I go for my initial visit on the 23rd the better. I am just hoping and praying that my little bean is progressing nicely in there.
That's great news angelria I'm really pleased for you, you must be over the moon xx
um I am not really excited yet. Kinda strange. I don't think it will feel real until I see the baby and a heartbeat. When you have losses like we have I think you always have that fear in the back of your mind. I am just trying to stay positive and just put it in God's hands.
I know what you mean it robs you of your enjoyment about being pregnant. I'm sure everything will work out fine this time and you'll get your rainbow baby xx
So the hubby talked me into making a transfer at work early since I have lost two pregnancies already and he is afraid of taking the risk with this one. So today should be my last day on the road as a deputy sheriff for the next ummmm YEAR. Goodness, I don't know what I am going to do with myself on light duty.
Mrs duck I'm still thinking of you x
Angelria I'm very happy for you, I get why your not excited, it's hard to be, but chances r things will b fine this time round and taking it a bit easier at work can only be a good thing. As for me, ad is due today, no sign as of yet but not gettin my hopes up. Final wedding dress fitting on tues x
Deputy sheriff wow I bet that was exciting you are going to be bored stiff on light duties but it's in the best interest of bubs x

Erinsmummy so exciting are you getting you hair and makeup and everything done as a run through? That's what I did for my final fitting x
Angelria- I'm so glad things are still going well!!! Hoping they continue to go that way! My husband is a cop too. :) I'm sure light duty will be a little (okay maybe a lot) less exciting but if it helps baby it will be so worth it!

Erinsmummy- Crossing my fingers for you! Hope AF stays away!

I've got a whole bunch of ovulation pains today, yuck. Still can't try though so no real news here!
It's no fun wtt is it? When are you going to start trying again Emmy?
Angelria: I think your hubby has the best advice! So happy bean is sticking! :happydance:

Emmy: I hope your limbo ends soon. :hugs:

Duck: I wish you weren't WTT! :hugs:

AFM: I may be missing in action... Oral surgery on Monday, don't know what that'll take out of me.
Well unfortunately we lost this pregnancy also. I think we are going to take a break for a couple of months. After 3 mc in 6 months I need a break.Thanks for all the support ladies and I will be staying on here to keep in touch with you.
I'm so sorry Angelria! :( I logged on specifically to see how you were doing and was hoping for better news for you.

I understand wanting a break. MrsDuck- I can start trying after my next period so in about a month, but I'm not sure if we will. I may wait until October to plan for a June baby (I'm starting teaching this fall) as I don't feel right about going on maternity leave my first year. However, I'm also just so afraid of miscarrying again and having to take time off so soon after starting. I know I don't feel any different that any of us- just really don't want to go through the whole process again. So who knows, we've decided that we will cross that bridge when we get there!
No angelria I'm so very very sorry :hugs: I totally understand you taking a break ttc is so stressfully and then you fall pg and it's even more stressful. I will miss you, if you decide to come back I'll still be here wtt. Take care hun xxx

Emmy I totally understand your dilemma too, what a touch decision xx

Leinzlove your op is Monday isn't it I really hope all goes well for you xx

No change here for me still waiting for scan results....come on Tuesday
Angelria: So very sorry, hun! :hugs:

Emmy: I'd try in September for a June baby. I'm a June 27 baby and concieved late September... So maybe thats telling you to try after next AF. :hugs: This is going to be your rainbow.

AFM: I'll be back... Surgery tomorrow. Not excited about it, but ready to get it over with.
Leinz I hope all goes well for you tomorrow, is it at the hospital or at a dentist surgery?

When you are feeling up to it pls let us know how it all went x
Thanks Duck! I will... I have no idea what I'm in for. It's surgery performed by an Oral surgeon. The dentist I found to do my dentures for $700 after insurance sent me to him. My first fitting isn't until October 23, and from what I understand takes 4-6 weeks... going once a week. I think it'll be early December before I have teeth.

I will have novacain and IV drip. My blood pressure will be monitored. I think its the normal procedure for anyone having it done. I will be put on Penacillin in case of infection and I'm thinking regular tylenol for pain.

My instructions are the same pretty much for someone not pregnant. I'm unable to drive for 24hrs or care for small children. But, DH took off 2 days to help me.

Also my insurance won't cover the extra consults I had... So, I'm looking at around $200 for consults. I know right... I got my bill today saying "Maxium procedures allowed".
Angelria :( I'm so sorry, I can't believe it, I do understand u wanting to have a break though. Af arrived on Saturday, but I'm ok with it as this means I can get incredibly drunk on my hen night and wedding day! And hopefully I'll be so relaxed after wedding that URL just happen. Lienz good luck for your surgery! Hope all goes well. Emmy hope your well, and u mrs duck. Again, Angelria I'm so gutted for you, really wanted this to b it for you. Please stay on here through your ttc break, would miss you if you left!
Mrs duck, I'm doing my make up myself, having hair practice next week, my cousin is doing it! Final fitting tomorrow!! X

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