After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

MrsDuck- I hope you're feeling better soon and that the worst of it is over. Crossing my fingers the radiation isn't too tough on you! How are you doing?

Leinzlove- Glad you had a great time at your brother's wedding!

For me- Got my second period, otherwise no real news, here! Signed up for a disability coverage at work ($30 a pay) that will pay me during maternity leave (when it happens), so that's a start! First day of school is Monday for us, so I'm getting pretty excited to finally start teaching, and a little nervous!

How is everyone else?
Hi Emmy I'm not too bad thanks, I get my staples and stitches out Tuesday so I should start to feel better after that, it's sleeping that's the problem as I can't lie down so it's like trying to sleep on an aeroplane.

How exciting, teaching is going to be so rewarding if not a little scary to start. That's great news about the insurance for maternity pay, so are you just waiting for your 3rd cycle and then going to start ttc again? Xx

Leinz, erinsmummy and angelria I hope you are well xxx
Emmy: How exciting! The beginning of the school year. That is awesome about maternity leave. May places the leave is unpaid. :) I hope you fall preggo as soon as you are ready to TTC.

Duck: Thats great that you'll get the stitches out on Tuesday. :) It won't be long before you are TTC. Every day is one day closer. :) I hope you are sleeping better in no time.

AFM: I think I'm coming down with something. Sore throat all day today and feeling icky. I get to see Zoela again on Tuesday. I'm excited about that.
Aw leinz I hope it doesn't hit you too bad and you are feeling better in no time xx

Leinz who is zoela?
Thanks Duck! Zoela (Zo Ella) is what we named the lil girl I'm expecting. :)
Sorry for being thick, of course doh, it was early on a Sunday morning obviously my brain was still asleep. Exciting, we want to see pics xx
Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I have been stalking every so often. Been busy this month with DH out of town and working and taking care of the LO by myself. So glad I am not a single parent. It is exhausting and I have no idea how they do it. We are in the middle of trying to deal with this hurricane out in the Gulf of Mexico so I have to get back to work. I will try and get on later to type more. Hope everyone is doing well. Miss you girls!
Hi angelria nice to see you :wave: I hope you are well xx

I hope the hurricane passes you by without too much damage x
Angelria: Stay safe, hun! I couldn't imagine being a single parent, either.:hugs:
Some good news for a change the consultant is confident he got all the large cancer cells so no more surgery for me yay, so just waiting on my wounds to heal then I can have the radioactive iodine treatment and I'm finally on the road to recovery.

By the way removal of staples doesn't hurt at all, I didn't even flinch once it was fine

Hi ladies! I havnt been on for a while, been stalking a bit but not had time to type!

Mrs duck im glad you should be on the road to recouvery soon :)

Angelria, i have been a single parent, not for long (6months) but that was enough! Hardest thing ive ever had to do, its so lonely. I hope your feeling ok!

Lienz lovely name!! I really like it.

Hope everyone else is ok, as for me ive been poorly :( sore throat and bad cold ect, OH has been working lots as has a new job so ive had to look after LO while being ill which wasnt much fun, im getting better now though! Me and OH had a big row the other day, about nothing really, we never argue really, not like that so was horrible so close to the wedding! Its all just stress though, new job, wedding, money,being ill ect. He found a lump in his mouth also so is having to have that checked out which he is stressing about! Never thought id say this but i kind of wish me and OH just quickly got married in a registry office, job done! lol
Hi erinsmummy I hope you are feeling better soon and I hope your ohs lump turns out to be nothing. Getting married is a stressful time so its understandable that you are stressed. So exciting only 2 weeks to go til your big day xxx
Duck: I'm so happy to hear the large cells are gone and no more surgeries are required. Let the healing begin, its time for your forever baby. :wohoo: How long do you think it'll be? Before you can TTC? I know not soon enough. But, I'm ready to follow your 9 months. :)

Erinsmummy: I have missed you. I know all about the rowing of stress. I'm sure thats what it is. I woke up on my wedding day with the biggest cold sore. It was fright. It wasn't long after I got the bridesmaids together, that I was wishing I also didn't hassel. But, it'll be so wonderful. You'll treasure the day your whole life. Are you having a honeymoon? I can't believe your BIG day is almost here! :hugs:
Thanks leinz x I have to wait til my wounds have healed so that there is good blood flow so 4-6 weeks for the radiation treatment then I have to wait til the radiation is out of me otherwise the baby has a high risk of developing cancer so 6 months. The best way to get rid of radiation is to shower and hair washing so I'll be having 10 a day haha xx

How are you? X
I hope it goes fast. That seems like forever. I didn't realize radiation takes so long to leave your system. I'm glad you are on your way and cancer free. :)

I'm doing ok.
Ok get your reading glasses on!!

DISASTER!! We have had trouble with our marriage license! We were due to get our marriage license the start of this week, but a few days before i noticed OHs passport was out of date so couldnt be used as ID.So i told him he would need to get hold of his mum to get his birth certificate instead. (you all know about his mum... We still dont talk to her and shes refusing to come to our wedding stll) So he asked her and she seemed ok, said she would get it and he could pick it up 2 days later, but when he went to get it she wouldnt let him have it!! So i ordered him another one on priority, whch was suppose to come on weds, but it didnt! Yesterday was our last chance to get to the office and get the license! So we are stuffed. Cant legally get married on the 15th. So we are having to postpone by 2 weeks. New date is 29th. Im so upset :( OH is working alot at the moment so im spending evenings alone so just feeling down. My hen night is tomorrow and i havnt see OH properly for days and not seeing him tonight or tomorrow either!! Just feeling so crapy :(
Oh erinsmummy :hugs: you poor thing, why can't his out of date passport be used? It is only to confirm he is who he says he is and it still shows his name, age and a photo of him. I can't believe you are having to delay. Can you get your same venue 2 weeks later? As if weddings aren't stressful enough :hugs: it must be hard not seeing much of oh at the moment too. I hope you have a lovely time on your hen night and hopefully it takes your mind off all the wedding stresses for a short while xxx
Mrs.Duck- SOOOO glad they got all of the cancer!!!!!! 6 months will go by so quickly. Again, I'm so happy you're officially on the road to recovery. Yay for no more surgery!

Angelria- Stay safe with all of the storms your way! Any news or plans on trying?

Leinzlove- Can't wait to see some pictures! Love the name too. How are you feeling?

Erinsmummy- I'm so sorry about the marriage license. What a huge disappointment. :( I understand you being upset and hope that everything works out with your new date, vendors etc. Just think, in a few years you'll have quite the story to tell when you think back on your wedding. At the end of everything you'll be husband and wife, and that's what's really important. I also thought it would have been much easier to go to the courthouse! Why didn't we listen to others that said the same thing, haha.

First week of school went well. It's been a little crazy but good overall. I'm excited for the long weekend!
Erinsmummy: What hogwash! I hate how life always seems to throw curve balls. I hope the date change didn't interfere with your other wedding plans. :hugs: I hope you can spend more time with your SO really soon. :hugs:

Emmy: Thanks hun. Feeling good. I'm glad to hear you survived the first week of school. Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy!
Leinz let us know how you get on at the dentist on Thursday xx

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