After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

It's good that he is being very thorough though and as horrible as it may be not to have teeth for a while if you rushed into having new teeth earlier it might harbour infections so better that you wait. You know how quickly time passes you'll have your teeth in no time.

It's good that there doesn't seem to be any complications with you being pg and you'll have your hubby off for a couple of days to wait on you hand and foot x

I hope all goes well leinz x

Erinsmummy I'm sorry the witch got you, let your hair down and enjoy yourself on your hen do. Have a fun time at your final fitting tomorrow so exciting so are you all ready for your big day now is everything in place?
Didn't go so well. I met the same oral surgeon, I met last week. Well he scheduled my surgery for today. He was 45 minutes late... then he was mean! He said that periodontal disease is elective. I said I have a diagnosis that theres nothing else that can be done. I got a referral also from my dentist. He was an all go last week with my OB's approval which I took with me today.... Well, he wouldn't do it. DH took off time from work to care for DD and everything. Now I don't know where I go... another dentist. I don't think I give up.

I hate the risks to baby. Even the American Pregnancy Association says the disease poses more risks to the fetus and newborn than having the procedure done.

Well then he said my gums wouldn't be so swollen if I cared for them properly. (Which I do.) I said I'm pregnant with severe periodontal disease. I left the office and tears of frustration fell. I had a hard time spilling it all to DH. So, I have all of my teeth. What a waste of time. 8 Months, 4 specialist visits, 4different dentists and nowhere.
Oh leinz I'm so sorry hun that's awful news especially when it was all booked and you had worked yourself up ready for today all that stress for him not to do anything, it's disgusting. Why had he agreed to do it and given you a date for the op if on op day he was going to refuse???? It doesn't make sense!

Oh you poor thing I'm not surprised you cried.

Is there anyone else that can do it? I know you got a few quotes.

I'm just in utter disbelief xxxx
Afm just got back from the hospital where it was semi good news the cancer doesn't appear to have spread to anywhere else but my lymph nodes are all swallen which is a sign of cancer so at the same time as taking out the remainder of my thyroid the nodes are coming out too. It's a big op and it will affect many nerves, blood vessels etc and I will look like I've had a stroke to begin with as the nerve from the corner of my mouth will be affected which may or may not come back. Also I have to have a few more openings over my neck so I'm going to look like a patchwork quilt but never mind. The op will be about 3 and a half hours then I'll be in hospital for a few days and have drains in my neck plus af will be here to stick her oar in. But all in all the news could have been worse.
So very light bleeding on Friday, HEAVY on Saturday and Sunday. Some clotting, but not near what I had the last 2 mc and light bleeding yesterday, now nothing. I am usually spot on 6 days of bleeding and at least 4 of them heavy so this is odd for me. But I am glad it is done and I can move on. Taking this month off as DH will be working out of town when its time to ovulate. I am ok with that as I do need a break, but we will resume next month.
Duck I am glad you news was somewhat positive. So happy it hasn't spread, but I hate the long road you have ahead of you. My problems seem pale in comparison to what you are going through. My hormones have got me a bit depressed the past couple of days so I am trying to shake this funk I am in and realize I could have it a lot worse. When is your next surgery? do you have it scheduled yet?
Hi angelria :wave: I'm so glad you are back xx

So sorry you had to go through this again but I'm glad you are staying positive and trying again. If you are feeling down come on here to vent we'll help make you feel better xx

Why don't you do something nice when your dh comes back go visit somewhere or have a nice day out something cheery xx

Thanks for checking up on me, I'm trying to stay positive myself and hopefully everything will go well and I'll only have to wait 6 months to get back to ttc.

My surgery is scheduled for this Friday but then I have to wait 6-8 weeks for my radiation treatment for the wounds to heal then at least 6 months after that but at least things are moving as quickly as they possibly could xx

We are all having a pooey time of things at the moment on this thread but hopefully that is all going to turn around soon starting with your wedding erinsmummy. How did your last dress fitting go? x

Emmy I hope you are well x
Erinsmummy- So sorry AF came. However, I will say honeymoons are a great time to conceive. My first preg. I did so on our honeymoon (well actually two days before the wedding... but who needs to know that, haha). Have a few drinks and let nature take its course. :)

MrsDuck- So glad that cancer hasn't spread. The timeline stinks as far as having to wait but better to be healthy. I agree, good news all in all... and you're certainly due for some good news!

Leinzlove- I can't believe that they did that to you! I'm not sure where in Ohio you are, but the dentist I see is AWESOME. I hadn't been in 8 years (undergrad then grad school without dental insurance) and they were great. No guilt and very kind. I was lucky and only needed a few fillings but it I was so pleased with them compared to dentists I'd seen in the past. I'd be happy to pass it along. I'm in Lancaster, about 30m southeast of Columbus.

Angelria- take some time to pamper yourself!

For me- My annual pap is tomorrow and will go over results. We shall see how it goes. I will get the results from my breast cancer gene test, so hoping I don't have the gene.
Hi Emmy

I hope all goes well with your pap and I hope your results come back saying that you don't have the breast cancer gene.

When do you get your results?
Duck: I'm so happy the cancer hasn't spread. It's good that it was caught in time. :hugs: I'm sorry though that you have to have such awful procedures. :hugs: I hope the next months go fast and you stay well. All my thoughts and prayers. :hugs:

Angelria: I'm sorry for your loss. Your forever rainbow is coming. :hugs:

Emmy: I don't know... PM the dentist's phone number... I'm 45 mins from Cleveland so further North. I'm calling my insurance company today for advice. I also plan on reporting this dentist as a grievance. I also hope you don't have the breast cancer gene. All my hugs!
Thanks leinz and I hope you have better luck with the next dentist and I don't blame you for reporting that dentist.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing xx
Lenzlove- sent you the info

MrsDuck- I got the results today (did the test at my mc follow up last month). I DO NOT have any of the mutations! Great news. My ob was out on a delivery so I saw the CNP for the pap, everything went fine. Only bad thing is that because my doctor was out we couldn't talk about more testing or the progesterone. The CNP said to call for the progesterone Rx and I should be able to get it called in to my pharmacy.

Overall good news. Although I certainly am sick of pelvic exams... as I'm sure we all are. I decided to count while waiting forever and I think I've had 6 pelvic exams (including today) and three internal ultrasounds since January. Sick of taking my clothes of for strangers, haha.
Emmy that's really great news :happydance:

It sounds like you have a really helpful dr but I know what you mean about examinations x

When are you going to start trying again? X
Emmy: That is to many exams. :hugs: I'm glad you have no mutations! :happydance: Have you decided when you will be TTC?

Thanks for the dentist information, Emmy. However, I ended up calling the insurance company and they gave me three dentists... All about 40 miles away. Well one of them wasn't even a dentist. I have scheduled a consult for Sept. 6. We will see what they say.

How are you feeling Duck?
I think we will wait two more periods before TTC... making it 3 after the mc. My second period is due in a week or so, third will be end of september making early October TTC time. Getting a little anxious!
Leinz you poor thing I hope you can get it all sorted, what a nightmare for you xx

Emmy October will be here before you know it xx

Erinsmummy I hope you are well and everything is now ready for your big day xx

AFM I'm finally back home now.

I went in at 8am Friday went into surgery about 10.30am and woke up at 3.30pm. I have been cut across my thoat and continued up each until behind my ears then I've been stapled back together again as apparently it is the best way of getting the neatest scar (my consultant so I just found out also does cosmetic surgery, which explains why his scars are so neat) but at the moment I just look like Frankenstein minus the bolts!

The consultant thought he had put my body through enough on this visit so there are 2 suspect nodes which I need to have tested for possible cancer which he hasn't removed as they were very difficult to get to and he didn't think they looked cancerous, so its more of a waiting game just now.

I had to have 2 drains in my neck running along the wounds which hurt like hell removing, one yesterday and one today (they just pull them out!).

If anyone isn't squeamish and want to see a photo of my neck hubby took some photos yesterday which I can show you?

I hope I am now on the road to recovery.
Emmy: Yay for October! I hope you fall pregnant right away! Sounds awesome a July baby. :happydance: I hope it gets here fast! :)

Duck: I'm sorry to hear all that you are going through. It sounds awful. Why do you have to have Chemo? Why isn't removing the nodes enough? I don't think I can handle seeing a picture. Sound horrific. I hope the nodes he didn't remove are not cancerous and its all gone. :hugs:

AFM: Brothers wedding was perfect. I had a wonderful time. :)
I love the new avatar leinz x

I'm glad you had a lovely time at your brothers wedding x

I need to have the radioactive iodine treatment because there will still be microscopic cancer cells inside me which will be killed off as they absorb the radiation hopefully leaving me cancer free
Duck, I see. That sucks! How long will you have to have treatment? I just can't wait for it to be over leaving you cancer free. :hugs:
I just have to wait til I have healed from this surgery then the treatment is just swallowing capsules filled with radioactive iodine that's it. But then I'm radioactive so I'm in quarantine until my radiation levels fall to a level safe for others to be around me. Then I'll be scanned to check the radiation is working hopefully I will only need one dose then I should be allowed home after about a week, so the worst should hopefully be over.

So I assume there is nothing more you can do about your teeth now til your appnt on 6th? You poor thing, waiting is awful xx

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