After mc in feb, im ready to try again!!

Erinsmummy- What wonderful pictures! You're almost to your second tri... whoo hoo!! I'm so excited for you and hope you start to feel better soon!

Angelria- Hope you're doing well with your bump in the road. Hang in there... we will still be here when you're ready to come back.

MrsDuck- So sorry so have to wait so long to ttc. I try to remind myself every day that all of this only makes us stronger. You'll get there soon!

Leinzlove- How are you feeling? When is your due date again? I love the new pictures of Zoela! I can't wait to see pictures of the first baby born from this thread! :)

For me- Again a busy month. DTD right around ovulation so we shall see. I'm not keeping my fingers crossed though. I'm actually kind of worried still about last month. It's very strange for me to have been so early with my period... I wonder if something happened (early mc?) before I even tested. We will wait and see what happens this month, but again we were so busy that we didn't really try as much as we should have. Part of me is to blame. I think I'm just so scared of another mc and having to take time off of work that part of me isn't ready anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm VERY ready... for a healthy pregnancy. I'm just not ready for another mc. Time will tell I guess.
Awwww... Emmy, I'm sorry TTC is so cruel. However, I have many friends on here that are pregnant with rainbows after 2-3 losses and one is even just passed her Vday after 5 losses. It happens and the odds for a healthy pregnancy are always in your favor. :hugs: I can't wait to see everyone pregnant in this thread. It breaks my heart that life is so cruel and unfair. I hope this is your month and that you can find some joy in creating your miracle. When you are holding your LO... it'll all be worth it.

I'm due January 20. I can't believe that I am here.
Thanks emmy!

I agree with lienz, You have to remember that there is more chance of you having a healthy pregnancy than a miscarriage! After 2 losses i thought there must be something wrong but im in the 2nd tri now and all is well so i was wrong! Also i think the "not really trying" aproach is a good thing sometimes, your more relaxed so gotta be a good thing! Hope this is your month emmy!

Cant believe Leinz is due january, seems like just yesterday i made this thread! :)

I hope angelria is ok, thinking of you!!

Mrs duck i hope your doing ok also :)

As for me i dont have alot to report, im happy to be in the 2nd tri, im much less worried now. Hubby is rather excited, he was so funny in the scan room, kept asking questions and saying "oh wow it moves!!" Dunno why he thought it wouldnt move at that stage but there you go!
Aw Emmy I know miscarriage takes the excitement out of getting pg I'm terrified xx

Leinz jan will be here before you know it xx

Erinsmummy welcome to the second trimester are you going to find out the gender or remain team yellow? xx

Afm nothing much has changed I'm still waiting for my radiation treatment, leinz I'll be having it the day after zoela arrives xx
Awww Ladies. I had a hard time with being pg after 1 loss. I cried on that first scan day. I didn't rest until I was well in the second tri... And even now I worry about other things that could go wrong.

Erinsmummy: Thats funny with DH, baby has been moving for a long time. :)

Duck: I know its the day after Zoela. I hate that you have to wait so long, when it should be done by now. I think of you often, and my heart aches for the way life is being so cruel to you. I want you TTC and pregnant NOW! But, I do know that it'll all be worth it soon and you'll be holding your own forever baby.

AFM: I don't know when Zoela will be here. I won't go until my EDD as I have GD and am now high risk. As long as I don't need insulin and its controlled with diet I'll be induced at 39 weeks and if I need insulin it'll be 37-38 week induced. Either way I'd just love her to stay put to as close to 40 as possible. I just have to trust my DR. and ofcourse God to take care of me and Zoela.

On positive note: finally our house is ours. It closed yesterday and we've already got the roof patched waiting for a new one come spring. They are taring up our downstairs floor to put in more insulation and a vaporizer... Just happy its underway and we are expecting to move in Mid/End of December. :)
Thank you to everyone for your positive words! I know that the odds are in my favor. This whole process just has me jaded, as I'm sure you all understand.

Leinzlove- Congrats on your house!!! You can finally get Zoela's nursery ready! I can't wait to see pictures when she's finally here. It will be January before you know it! :)

Erinsmummy- I'm so glad you are doing well. You ladies are such an inspiration to the rest of us... you really are!

MrsDuck- Hang in there with radiation. Just think of how much time has passed already. Your ttc time will be here soon enough!

No news here. My period is due in a few days. I've had cramping but don't feel pregnant so I'm not expecting anything but a period... but I'm okay with that.

Hope everyone continues to go well. :)
Aw leinz thank you for your kind words. Zoela will be here before you know it, it seems funny to both have the same countdown duration. I'm sure your dr will be able to keep your gd under control and all will be fine xx

Thanks Emmy. I've got everything crossed that the witch doesn't show xx

Erinsmummy I hope all is going well with you and bubba xx

Afm nothing much going on just watching the time pass til my radiation but we've now booked a cruise for the new year to hopefully see the northern lights so I've got Christmas and that to look forward to before my treatment which should help the time pass faster xx
Emmy: I'm hoping AF surprises you and she doesn't show... With the very best of reasons. :)

Duck: Well we can count down together... 10 weeks to go! That cruise will make the time go faster. Sounds like so much fun. My wedding anniversary is on Nov. 19, I'm super excited about that. Thanksgiving at home just my little family because as much as I don't want to cook the dinner. DH doesn't want to go anywhere. Grrrr... Christmas should be a breeze this year because I'm not traveling anywhere. I'm using the not allowed to travel in my last month speil. Haha! But, in the meantime getting moved... Its gonna fly. And DH's birthday is the day after Christmas. I don't know why but right before baby comes is the busiest time of my life. I'm very excited, but have been getting a bit scared. Because the first time around things didn't go as planned etc.

I really can't wait for you to get treatment so you can concieve your miracle. I'll be around for the journey. You better believe it. :)
It's going to fly by leinz, Zoela will be here before you know it, yup we'll count down together xx

Don't overdo it with house moving, although if you are having a new roof are you living somewhere else at the moment?

I'm not sure if I am cooking this year, it's my turn but I thought I would be radiactive as I was expecting my treatment sooner but now I know I won't be I'm probably going to have to host :(

I hope you don't mind me asking, if you do or would rather not talk about it on here just ignore me but what birth defects was your daughter born with Leinz? She looks like a happy cheeky little monkey in your photos xxx
Duck: Don't mind at all, ask away! :) DD was born with Pierre Robin Sequence, you can look up. It consists of three malformations, a tongue to far in the back of the throat, A jaw to far back, and a cleft palate.

She's undergone two major surgeries and 1 minor. She had a jaw distraction surgery at 2 months old, because her tongue was blocking off her airway. She was intubated in the PICU for 6 days. She had her removal at 5 months and her palate was repaired at 10 months. I know from looking at her you can't tell. We have follow ups and she's a little behind in speech. But sees a therapist twice a month.

I hope they work on the house tomorrow. :) I'm anxious. On a fun note we are busy picking our color schemes. We are living in another house ATM.

I'm sorry to hear that you'll be cooking. Maybe you can go somewhere. I hate the clean up...
Aw the poor little mite has been through the mill but drs are so clever and scars heal so well on little ones that you can't tell anything has been done. Could they tell from scans that she had it or was it only discovered when she was born and is it something zoela may have too?

Will you still be in your temporary house for Christmas or will your new house have its new roof by then? I bet you can't wait to set up the nursery xx

As for Christmas yay for dishwashers xxx
Just checking in. I got my period... hopefully we can actually TRY this month. :)

Mrs.Duck- A cruise will be so exciting. How are you feeling since your surgery?

Leinzlove- Try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know). Are you guys getting settled into the new house? Make sure to post pictures of the nursery when it's done!
Emmy sorry the witch showed but yay for getting back to ttc xx

My neck feels fine now no pain at all, just this red scar to hopefully encourage lighter with some bio oil. I'm looking forward to our cruise I just hope we see the northern lights x
They can tell from ultrasound. But, only if baby has mouth open, which is unlikely. We didn't know until the pediatrian checked her out after birth. They transported her to Children's hospital and we were seperated. That was hard.

As for Zoela... She could have it. But the odds for DD were 1 in 800,000. So, it doesn't warrant testing. I don't think she does as her jaw looks perfect in scan pictures and she can stick out her tongue.

I hope I'm in before Christmas. I hate not being able to get all decorated. We are still working on rennovations. We are almost packed up here though.

Emmy: Sorry the :witch: showed her ugly face. Happy you are TTC and I can't wait to be updated with your BFP! :hugs:

Duck: Getting closer... 9 weeks! I can't wait until you can get back at TTC. I hope you see Northern lights. That would be so amazing!
Hi ladies Ill pop back on later when I can get on laptop as my I phone is a bugger when writing long ish posts lol, hope all ok c
Aw leinz that must have been a hard time for you and hubby xx

Yup only 9 weeks to go for both of us yay it can't come quick enough x

I hope you are all well xxx
Happy Thanksgiving ladies. Even though I haven't had the best year I am so thankful for my little family and everything God has blessed me with. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.
Thanks hun! Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it gets better. :hugs:
We dont have thanksgiving over here and I don't really know what it is lol! But happy thanksgiving to u!

Emmy sorry u got af, really hope this month is ur month :) mrs duck a cruise sounds very nice!! I havnt Been on one since I was a kid! And really not long till u get back to ttc, that's exciting! Hope ur doing ok Angelria x
As for me, I'm still suffering with sickness but kind of learning how to get on with it! Will be seein midwife again next week for 16 week appointment, can't remember what happens at those lol, hoping she will listen to heartbeat but I just can't remember!

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